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Akki Koroshiya

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Everything posted by Akki Koroshiya

  1. woah! we have rules here,and is this an rpg within an rpg,are you promoting your site?i dont get it?
  2. akki walks up to his room and sits down on his bed with shogun following him "Transport medaparts." all the medaparts that he had won appears on his bed and he starts to examine them as his sisters nutranurse healing his whitesword "So do you like the Samurai or Rokusho arms?" Shogun-"Hmmm depends on which arm of the rokusho,the claw or the pipo hammer thing.I like the claw better but the hammer i would rather have the Samurai arms." by the time shogun and akki are done talking the nutranurse is done akki-"I'll spray paint your new parts tomorrow so they match your armor." Shogun-"Let's help the others tomorrow on repairs and stuff." akki is already asleep and snoreing when shogun starts talking again
  3. akki finds some loose change on the way home and buys some flowers and candy with it,he puts them into his backpack and starts walking,somthing catches his eye in an ally they appear to be two red eyes,he waks over there and nothing is there so he walks for not even ten more seconds and he comes to his house,his mom opens the door before he can get to it "Now I had a talk with your tea-oooh floers,for me?Thank you honey,now what were we talking about." akki-"How i could stay up a half an hour later than normal." akki grins and he goes inside,happy that that trick never gets old
  4. its so beatiful,*tear*,there sint even a rating for it
  5. you didnt like mine,ah well,those are good,except for the fonts on some of them.they blend into the background so its hard to read
  6. akki pushes button on his medawatch and a nutanurse appears "Its my sisters,i rigged my watch so i could use hers.Heh heh." after the nutranurse heals warnandit and whitsword a squad of jackers comes inlooking for somthing,they all have rokushos and warbandits akki acidentall bits into a smoke bomb "Hey,thast was real smart!Oh crap." akki throws it twards the jackers and causes the room to fill with smoke akki pushes button on his medawatch and a nutanurse appears "Its my sisters,i rigged my watch so i could use hers.Heh heh." after the nutranurse heals warnandit and whitsword a squad of jackers comes inlooking for somthing,they all have rokushos and warbandits akki acidentall bits into a smoke bomb "Hey,thast was real smart!Oh crap." akki throws it twards the jackers and causes the room to fill with smoke "Jacen you take this one." "What do you...ohhhhhhhhh." in the middle of his sentence jacen sees two cydogs and a multikolor jacen warbandit easily takes out the two cydogs useing hunter and quad shot but loses multikolor somhow,the chameleon type bit falls from the ceiling,but shogun quickly changes so he has two samurai arms and sword and jams one through the medabots chest and the other to slice off its head akki-"Dude ya gotta watch your back." warbandit shoots down another multikolor akki-"As do i,heh heh."
  7. akki starts to go to the other end of the museum,he runs into one jacker with a samurai "Uh,hello..............SHOGUN GET HIM!" Jacker "Slash athis legs!" as the bot does shogun jumps up and sashes down but samurai dodges and counters,shougun though switches so he has rokushos claw in one hand,and his sword in the other,and does a duble swipto leave a big gore in the samurais chest50%,shogun lsashes down with his right arm/claw doing 50%to the feet of the samurai,shogun does the same but misses and leaves a big crack in the floor,to finish the samurai off shogun throws his sword at him,through the torso so 85% to the body and legs,then while the samurai is occupied with that he preforms the shadow sword to finish it off and it loses its metal,shogun looks at the jacker and runs up o him and puts his sword up to the jackers face akki-"BO!" the jacker runs away with its damaged samurai
  8. two jackers walk into a room nearby heading for the elemental medabots,akki gives his whitesword two rfiles instead of his regular hands and aims for the jackers themselfs,fireing at their feet and then stepping back into the shadow,he whispers to Mia "Two jackers are coming towards you so be prepaired." Mia-"Ok,austin get ready."
  9. "What we need to do is split up,two take the front and the other two the back,we need obe person from each element on each side." everyone looks at him confoosed "When i say element i mean close range long range.Like me and Mia are close range because our bots dont have guns,and Van and Jacen are long range because they have guns,so i figure me and Jacen take the back and Van and Mia take the front."
  10. after akki eats a few candy bars and trys out the new parts on shogun he deceids to call jacen "Hey jacen c'mon over to the museum,and bring some food,we need food." van hits akki over the head van-"Hey Jacen its me,we dont need food.Also how are those new meda parts?" -Jacen"I havent tryed them out yet." -Van"I think akki's wakin up so see ya." -Jacen"See ya." akki gets back up and gives his bot its orginal parts
  11. akki calls van back "Ok my moms gone now.Meet me across the park from the museum.On your way buy some flashlights and smoke bombs,along with some food." van-"Ok,flashlight,smokebombs,and food.Wait a sec,why would we need food?" akki gets a candy wraper and makes a static sound from it "Cant ksshh talk now we're kssssshhhh brakin ksh up." Van gets the stuff and put it in a backpack and goes down to the museum,he drops the bag down Van-"It's all there." while van is talking akki is rumageing through the bad to get to the eats
  12. as akki get home he emptys out his money he got from the bets,then he heard his mom yelling on the phone so he knew what was happening,it was the teacher from school,so he jumped outta his 2 story window and down to his trampolene and as he was runnng to the park to get away from his mom and to wait to go to the museum across the park,someone who he had betting troubles was therealong with two of his friends,his name was zach and he wanted to fight Akki for the money Akki:Sure whatever,its your bots funeral Zach:Keep talkin there bots appear after a flash of light,Akki's,whitesword,Zachs:Cydog MR.Referee:This is an Authorised Robattle.This will be a Submission Battle.The first Medabot to lose the medal loses.Ready?!....FIGHT!! Cydog fires at akki but its all mainly in the same spot sowhite sword puts up his sword to black all but a few shots which do about 10% Akki,knowing that Zach relys on his eyes to much tilts sephs sword so it blinds zach from the reflecting of the sunlight,thenseph jumps in front of zach,and behind cydog and slahes at cydog right arm 100% damage ,then kicking cydog so he falls to the ground,body20% damage ,legs 18% damage,left arm ,10%damage cydog fires at shogun so its 20% damage to his left arm,shogun practiucally tackles cydog so 45% damage to the body 45 to the legs abs 25 to the left arm,then shogun jams the sword into the left arm finishing that off,then he does a spinning kick to finish the bot off and cause its medal to fall out,after mr referee annouces the winner and leaves zachs friends with their red rokushos attack shogun and akki,shogun does a spin with his sword outstreched and circles one way doing 20% everywhere on the medabots,then goes the opposite direstion and does another 20% all over,he does the same technique to one of te friends of zach that he did to blind zach so it goes into submission,then seph jumps into the air and blinds everyone when then look at it,when it comes down he slashes atthe other rokusho to finish it off and its medal falls out ''Anyone else?" a grin appears on akkis face,they all gather their bots and run away "Good job shogun,more parts for you.Nice ones too."
  13. *akki looks around and doesnt see any adults besides mr referee* "All right now.PLACE YOUR BETS HERE!C'MON STEP UP PLACE YOUR BETS HERE!" some of the kids in thr crowd start placeing bets,most of which were on Mia "Oh yea,you must make a deposit of $5 too,ya know,for my services." Akki doesnt notice a teacher was standeing behind him,as the teachers shadow looms over him he turns around slowly "Uh heheh,just making some friendy business,heh heh." Ms.Smith:"Akki,how many time must i tell you,betting is illegal and isnt permitted on school grounds." akki starts to run away but Ms.Smith grabs him by his ear and drags him inside
  14. Medafighter: Name:Akki Koroshiya Description:Gray t-shirt,blue jeans.About 5ft 3in,125lb,hes quiet but hes a good friend.Hes kinda a computer nerd,even though he spends hours on the computer he still finds time to lift his weights Bio:Him and Mia know each other from school Medabot:Whitesword Name:Shogun Type:Samurai Medal:Kuwagata Special Attack:sword Description:same as show
  15. OOC:um i thought we were goin tomorrow to the place to slay the demons, so....because i am a wonderer i would need a place to stay,and i forgot what your name in the rpg was,gimmie a sec and ill change my post so it isnt your name........
  16. im sorry,i didn know much more than that,i just thought that people would like to know its out there,andAzazel,they've already designed the PS3,its coming in '04 or '05
  17. "Ignorence is the same as cocky,now are we cocky or confident?Uh,Jubei,i needa place to stay because i travelled,here so do you know of any inns or places i could stay?" *as i await his answer a fly gets very annoying and so i grab it in mid air and throw is on the ground*
  18. *akki still standing near them,watches the two scwablle in confusment* "Uh,hello?" "WHAT!" "About the demon hunting recruitment,i want to hunt.Is it ok if i join your party?"
  19. the new PSX should come out in japan around christmas time then work its way around the world,its basicall the same as the PS2,except its better on the inside,and from my glimpse of its it looked silver
  20. -_- read what i said for like the last three posts,i did improve it,and i wanted to put that one up,but i use brinkster,confusing it is,make codeing and uploading hard it does
  21. i know,i went through cleanup,but read it,me no how to use brinkster,o and BTW sephiroth had 7 wings :P
  22. ok,has anyone heard of Sephiroth the ONE WINGED ANGEL,i rest my case on that,the reson the head looks to small is because the shoulders are to big,he perfectly fine in heidth,and my camera couldnt get a good pic of the whole thing otherwise you couldve seen the whole wing and the whole sword,BTW this was done nearly a year ago,i did go through cleanup on it but i cant upload anything on brinkster,well i can but the thing is so damn confoosin
  23. u misswed spelled,i personally dont think it is but he maybe thinnking of how theres demons and how the main charecters have white hair
  24. OOC:sorry,i tryed to not "jump'' in by being on that tree
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