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Akki Koroshiya

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Everything posted by Akki Koroshiya

  1. *i,who is sitting on a nearby tree branch,start tieing a thread of string to an arrow,my claok is laying down at the base of the tree so my armor shines and reflects everywhere,iquickly jolt my right arm foreward and lock it straight,for a second nothing happens,but after that second a crossbow and a few metal poles start unfolding from my back/shoulder,the crossbow,after uts down folding,lands in the right hand,with my free hand i put in that arrow,i see some people standing near a oiece of paper,some of the citizens are reading it so i get curious and fire the arrow towards the sign and then tug somthing which causes the arrow to return to me,i read the sign and jump down from the tree and put on my cloak and walk over to 3 people who i think are running this* "Do any of ye know anything about this sign?" *i hold up the piece of paper*
  2. the game has great graphics,its an rpg,got a 5-5,long cutscenes,and is on my top 5 list,i would get it if you like anime and rpgs
  3. ok,me likie one wingie,as oposed to 7 which was my original idea,me likeie big swords,*day dreams about masamune*,thats somthing you'll learn early about me,in short,i just am odd,and thats one of the most realistic of my drawings so...........me+odd=happy ive always liked odd things,ya know what sucks?i didnt upload this,so now im stuck on brinkster not knowing how to upload,ok im shutting up before i rant
  4. Name:Akki Koroshiya Abilities:Sin harvest(fire rain apon an enemy as the groud beneath their feet crumble into hot magma and a fire bubble covers me so i am protected from the damage,flight,summoning,marksmanship and super speeds weapons and armor:2 crossbows with enchanted arrows(they are attached to a few metal poles so they fold and fold again then fold so they are hidden behind me),a whip made of sharp edges and diomond tips(tied around my waist),a long ancient sword which doesnt come to a tip but can tear through virtually anything(in a case on my waist),and a staff that can break into a small sword,some wrist mounted claws that are able to retract.the forearm armor comes to a point at the able so as to cut anything that i elbow,same as the shin armor,the shoulder armor is big and also come to a point,the chest/torso armor has strange markings on it and down the back armor there are back spines,each one is on a seperate plate,these plates allow the same movement as a regular human.and one huge black feathered wing,it is a wepons in its own right because a sharp spine emits from the bone that hold together the wing. Bio:A demon turned him into a demon so he would have to do his biddind.but because he was a demon slayer,he was able to fight the curse and only become half demon.so now he heard about a group taking down demons,since his accident he kinda went on a vacation,and this mission would be the perfect way to start up his slaying again.
  5. this is somthing that i did in a subject,where they teach me stuff i already know [img]http://www.geocities.com/jammerlea/IM001286.txt[/img]
  6. *i walk into a bar off the coast of Soe Island,its raining,hard.my cloak is drenched and my long hair is wetmy GPS starts to spark as it was not made waterproof,i get made at it and throw it against the wall and it brakes sparking even more,some of the citizens of this place begin to stare* "Damn piece of crap!" *i look up at them with my eyes sarting to go red,as they see im angry they look down at there tables and carry on about their business,i walk over to a stool and i signal for a bar tender* "Tonic and Gin on the rocks,and keep it comin." *within a minute the bartender gives me what i wanted,after i get the first shot i shacke it a bit looking down at the glass thinking* [I]Dang,how'd i end up like this?[/I]
  7. after i figure this board out i might wanna be one,but until then i dont,im one on another board but i dont mind the questions,but then again i dont get asked alot of 'em,it might be because of my battle record 53-1 and how i tend to get angry in bars(which i own one in that board)
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