Name:Akki Koroshiya
Abilities:Sin harvest(fire rain apon an enemy as the groud beneath their feet crumble into hot magma and a fire bubble covers me so i am protected from the damage,flight,summoning,marksmanship and super speeds
weapons and armor:2 crossbows with enchanted arrows(they are attached to a few metal poles so they fold and fold again then fold so they are hidden behind me),a whip made of sharp edges and diomond tips(tied around my waist),a long ancient sword which doesnt come to a tip but can tear through virtually anything(in a case on my waist),and a staff that can break into a small sword,some wrist mounted claws that are able to retract.the forearm armor comes to a point at the able so as to cut anything that i elbow,same as the shin armor,the shoulder armor is big and also come to a point,the chest/torso armor has strange markings on it and down the back armor there are back spines,each one is on a seperate plate,these plates allow the same movement as a regular human.and one huge black feathered wing,it is a wepons in its own right because a sharp spine emits from the bone that hold together the wing.
Bio:A demon turned him into a demon so he would have to do his biddind.but because he was a demon slayer,he was able to fight the curse and only become half now he heard about a group taking down demons,since his accident he kinda went on a vacation,and this mission would be the perfect way to start up his slaying again.