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ZF SSA Goten

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Everything posted by ZF SSA Goten

  1. ya, that paper rock scissors thing was f*cking hallarious(sp?)! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I am laughing now just thinking bout it! Haveing the 3 most powerful people in the universe playing a childish game to see who gets to fight first......:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ! I think vegeta was the funniest. Mr. I'm so tough and I can kick your *** I am better than you, LOL! ok....i'm getting carried away now...
  2. i just bought the Babadi videos that just came out, and I noticed something wierd. when goku, vegeta, gohan and shin were going through babadi's ships floors, why didn't goku just have everyone touch him and them just instant transmission to Babadi and Dabura. They could have killed Dabura, Babadi and Majin Buu's Egg type thing with ease. but why did they just fight their was threw????
  3. i finished it.....about a month ago
  4. i hate mowing the lawn. it's soooo hot out. it takes 2 hours. but then i demand 40 bucks. :devil: :devil:
  5. Gladiator, Patriot, and Croutching(sp?) Tiger Hidden Dragon. :devil:
  6. don't forget the FREEEDOM! part at the end. that's from Braveheart. :smirk:
  7. who here plays Counter-Strike? If so, do u use Kali([url]http://www.kali.net[/url]) to play it? If u do, play [Mope] RaDiKal and [Mope] Komodo. Those players are my cousins. 9 and 13. womp on them. I am [Mope] Stealth Llama. play us. What are your names?
  8. One day, Vegeta and Goku were taking a little stroll in the woods with Goten and Trunks. Goten and Trunks were running in and out from behing tree's a fighting eachother. While Goku and Vegeta were discussing the difficulties of father-hood. All of a sudden, Goten runs into someone and knocks him down. "Who, you ok?" Goten asked the stranger. "Of Course not you f*cking idiot! You just plowed into me! Grrrr...." said the stranger. "Wow wow wow....calm down. It's not like I took off your head or anything. Here, give me your hand." Goten says and extends his hand. "Thanx. You wouldn't happen to train Pokémon would u?" He asked. "What's a Poimon?" Goten asked. "no, a Pokémon. They are creautres that u battle with one another." he said. "Really? I wanna fight one! How many u got?" Goten said jumping up and down. Trunks came running over. "Who's the runt Goten?" Trunks asked. "I'm not a runt! My name is Ash! Ash Ketchem.!" Ash yelled. "More like As$ Ketchup." Trunks said snickering. "Ok, now u gonna get it. PIKACHU! I CHOOSE YOU!" Ash yells. And before he could even throw the pokeball, there is the 'Go Go Go' voice in the background. All of a sudded Goten, Trunks, and Ash all look at this cilender flying over head. IT explodes blinding them all. "What the-" Is all Trunks had time to say. The Counter-Terrorist/Cartoon team moved in and shoot them all with Styer Augs. They were gone as quickly as they had arrived. A little while later, Goku and Vegeta arived at the scene. "AGG!!! You May take our kids lives, but you will never take OUR FREEEEEDOM!!!!!! :eek: " GOku screamed. to be continued..... if u want to see more, post positive comments.
  9. kaio-ken(it's more of a technique than a attack, but what the hell.)
  10. i think i had something like 650, but i am not sure
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