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Everything posted by Marik_Duelist
My American Deck [COLOR=brown]Monsters 2x Wingweaver 1x Buster Blader 1x Labyrinth Wall 1x Gearfried The Iron Knight 1x Opticlops 1x Dark Blade 1x 7 Colored Fish 3x Harpie's Brother 1x Maha Vailo 1x Magician Of Faith 1x Mask Of Darkness 1x Spear Cretin 1x Sangan 1x WOTBF 1x Man-Eater Bug[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Magic 1x Monster Recovery 1x Gravekeepers Servant 1x Ekibyo Drakmord 1x Raregold Armor 1x Double Snare 1x Convulsion Of Nature 1x Dimension Hole 1x The Shallow Grave 1x Block Attack 1x Mlaevolent Nuzzler 1x Black Pendant 1x Giuant Trunade 1x Mystical Space Typhoon 1x Fissure 1x Dark Hole 1x Change Of Heart 1x Monster Reborn[/COLOR] [COLOR=magenta]Traps 1x Solemn Wishes 1x Type Zero Magic Crusher 1x Light Of Intervention 1x Fake Trap 1x Trap Hole 1x Robbin' Gobblin 2x Waboku 1x Hidden Book Of Spell[/COLOR] For this deck, the Labyrinth Wall/Raregold Armor combo is important enough so I dont like the idea of removing it. The cards I am most willing to remove are Maha Vailo and the two Magic cards Black Pendant and Malevolent Nuzzler. My European Light Deck (Please make suggestions!! Needs more cards) [COLOR=brown]Monsters 1x BEWD 1x Sanga Of The Thunder 1x Summoned Skull 2x Neo The Magic Swordsman 1x Shining Angel 1x Invader Of The Throne (Should I remove?) 1x Mask Of Darkness 1x Electric Snake 1x Spear Cretin 2x Man-Eater Bug (Will I remove one?) 1x Magician Of Faith[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Magic 1x Delinquent Duo 1x Gravekeepers Servant 1x Monster Reborn 1x Pot Of Greed 1x Luminous Spark 1x Dark Hole 1x Card Destruction 2x Giant Trunade 1x SORL 1x Change Of Heart 1x Block Attack 1x Fissure 1x Ookazi 1x Sword Of Deep-Seated 1x Paralyzing Potion[/COLOR] [COLOR=magenta]Traps 1x Robbin' Gobblin 1x Ultimate Offering 1x Fake Trap 1x Trap Hole 2x Waboku[/COLOR] I can only use European cards in this deck as I want it to be European Official Tournie legal.
Can the magic card double snare be used to distroy jinzo?
Just go to a serch engine and type in irish music, and I hate Enya!! And I'm Irish, so why do you like her????
sorry I should have mentioned I posted it in the Deck Thread sorry again
10) Spear Cretin level 2 atk 500 def 500 Flip: After this card is flipped, when it is sent to the graveyard, both you and your opponent selcet 1 monster from your respective graveyards and Special Summon it to the field in face up attack position or face down defence position.
I bought the game Deulist Of The Roses, and I cant wait to play. And, now, thanks to this thread, I wanna get those other games too.
That would be an excellent card for my light deck. I'll see what I can do to get it. Maybe I'll trade with a friend who has it, I got the 3 Magnet Warriors yesterday.
[COLOR=red]Question[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]When Alpha, Beta and Gamma The Magnet Warriors are combined, what monster do they form?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]5) Raikeki[/COLOR] just to get it out of the way
Tell me about Kaiser Seahorse as I have a Light Deck and I want to make it better than it is now
Cards I wont remove Luminous Spark-field card which increases the atk of all light monsters by 500 Ultimate Offering Fate Trap Trap Hole cards Im willing to replace The Dark cards cards that are easily replaced (and where I wont be spending lots of money either)
well, even without those cards, Ive managed to build a Light/Dark deck, will you guys rate it, please?
[COLOR=bronze]Light/Dark Deck[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]1x Sanga Of The Thunder 1x Shining Angel 2x Rogue Doll 1x Dark Elf 2x La Jinn 1x Magician Of Faith 1x Spear Cretin 1x Neo The Magic Swordsman 2x Mask Of Darkness 2x The Stern Mystic 1x Wall Of Illusion 2x Man-Eater Bug[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]Total: 17[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]1x Pot Of Greed 1x Sword Of Deep-Seated 1x Block Attack 1x Stop Defense 1x Share The Pain 1x Ookazi 2x Dian Keto 1x Card Destruction 1x Swords Of Revealing Light 1x Fissure 1x Monster Reborn 1x Change Of Heart 1x De-Spell 1x Dark Hole 1x Luimous Spark 1x Giant Trunade[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]Total: 17[/COLOR] [COLOR=magenta]1x Ultimate Offering 1x Robbin' Goblin 1x Trap Hole 2x Waboku 1x Fake Trap[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]Total: 6[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]Total Cards: 40[/COLOR] I do wish to build a side deck for this deck, so if you are rating this deck, or making a suggestion, please also suggest any cards that may be good for a side deck, please!
why stargate sg-1 is the best sci-fi show around
Marik_Duelist replied to Marik_Duelist's topic in Noosphere
anyone interested in talking more bout stargate, I have a message board, I wont put the link here. There is even a RP part -
I pulled Sanga Of The Thunder from a booster, is it any good?
My dad was a Harbour Constable SD,which ment he was an important suberviser of other Harbour Constables, which is kinda like a police force. My mom was a house mom, but then she got really sick and died when I was 16
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Carr [/i] [B][color=tomato] [size=1]I can finaly pierce my ears/nose too, but I don't get to move out yet.[/size] [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] People where I live and went to school with pirced their noses (and other places) at, like, 13/14 nothing chanded for me at 18, except I could vote. When you turn 18, go to collage, or you wont be able to do stupid, childish stuff any more
I didnt know where else to put this Labyrinth Wall + Chorus Of Sanctuary + Ring Of Magnetism
[COLOR=red]Enya sang for LOTR, maybe thats why it sounds Celtic. And, Artimis, I'm Irish and I can't stand Celtic music of any sort (I'm more Rock/Metal). You don't need Irish or Celtic blood to like or hate it. Just my two cents! LOL![/COLOR]
I love the interactions between JD and The Janitor. Do any of you remember that scene when JD said something wrong and there was a little kid standing next to The Janitor and he pretended like it was his kid to make JD feel bad?
I think the book was just readable to me. It was ok. But then again I don't like the book LOTR, I much prefer the films so maybe I'll like the film Timeline.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Red Inferno [/i] [B]To your third paragraph. He bashed my deck, so I returned the favor. Eye for an eye; its not an uncommon concept. Preferred deck type? Oh so I assume he's the only player ever to use a control deck. Yes and listing my deck with numbers is suddenly a crime. Or maybe just in your reality Deathbug. [/B][/QUOTE] Maybe he means its just one big coincidence. After all Altron had come back before, how can you prove you're not him? You certainly act the same. And why post your deck if you know people may say something you don't like. Dude, they're just trying to help.
I RPG'ed a lot on GiveUpAlready, but I stopped lately, but I want to start again soon. I have 4 characters. The first is Ricc, 16 years old, a gypsy/Piratelookalike/Random Sith Lord who is a king of an Elven Kingdom, the second is Tenaka, a 16 year old Merc. I forgot whats special about him, but I have a stat sheet on the site so I'll look it up. The third character is a 16 year old girl called Carola. The fourth is an 8 year old boy thief called Wolf.
[COLOR=bronze]Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon Deck[/COLOR] Thunder Dragon x2 Magician Of Faith x2 Sangan x1 WOTBF x1 Masked Sorcerer x1 Dark Elf x1 Neo The Magic Swordsman x1 Battle Ox Man-Eater Bug x2 Jurai Gumo x2 La Jinn x2 Mask Of Darkness x1 Spear Cretin x1 Labyrinth Wall x1 Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon Polymerisation x1 Pot Of Greed x1 Giant Trunade x1 Share The Pain x2 Change Of Heart x1 Monster Reborn x1 Card Destruction x1 Dark Hole x1 Soul Exchange x1 Swords Of Reveling Light x1 Fissure x1 De-spell x1 The Cheerful Coffin x2 Horn Of Light x1 Umi x1 Trap Hole x1 Robbin' Goblin x1 Fake Trap x1 Waboku x1 Ulimate Offering [COLOR=blue]I will never attack with Dark Elf or Jurai Gumo. They are to just sit there for defense if nessesary. Combo 1: Dark Hole and Masked Sorcerer. I use Dark Hole to clear the field and attack with Masked Sorcerer, forcing my apponent to discard a card. Combo 2: Trying to summon my two Thunder Dragons and fuse them. I should hold the two Thunder Dragons in my hand with polymerisation, and have 2 Magician Of Faith and swords of reveling light on the field. I play Cheerful Coffin, sending 2 TD to the graveyard with poly. I then play Monster reborn, bringing back one TD. I then flip Magician Of Faith, bringing back Monster Reborn to use on my second TD. The second Magician is flipped for poly. I then use poly for Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon. Can anyone think of an easier way to do this, coz when I think about it, it takes too many turns or too many spaces on the field. Somethings not right about it.[/COLOR]
Great Demon Gazetto=wow!! that is one card that is gonna be seen everywhere in want lists