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Everything posted by animeforever105

  1. Well I've gotten smarter but my ability to understand has lowered.I got straight A's when I was little and I still do (well,ok, I have 1 B) I did have a C in Science at the beginning of the year but that was bcuz what we were studying was boring.I brought it up to an A but Algebra began to confuse me so that lowered to a B.I don't know how I got an A in English cuz I hated it and I sucked at Vocab.I guess that came up in the end as well.So I think I'm smarter it's just becoming more confusing.
  2. I know some ppl who are racists. I don't know whats up with this girl but she hate white ppl.I'm not sure what ethnic she is but she doesn't have very many friends because she hates white ppl and our school is mostly white ppls.One of my best friends is chinese. She's a genius (literally).And I have an Indonesian friend and I have a couple African American friends and...ok. I'll stop. You're a complete jerk if you're a racist and my guess is that you are afraid of that race of ppl bcuz of what you've heard about them.Like hispanics,not all of them are bad. I have a hispanic friend. ok. whatever. I'll stop.I've said I'll I can.
  3. I don't have asthma but members in my family do. I wondered what it felt like when they had an attack.My friend who has asthma told me to take one of those little straws you get on juice boxes and caprisuns and breathe through that all day. I tried to and it was really hard.I feel really bad for those who have asthma and have to go through with that. Oh yeah,my dog has asthma. It's really sad.When she gets really excited she'll have an attack and we have to pet her and calm her down.
  4. my old school didn't have uniforms.My new one should bcuz they practically make you anyways.The dress code is absurd.But the parents said that their kids would rather die than wear uniforms. The uniforms are like,blue t-shirts and pants with the school logo on it. At least it has a logo! We're not allowed to wear any clothes that have writing,pictures,or logos on them.And no shorts at all! Jeez that's so annoying.Go ahead and take away half my of my wardrobe!EVIL! I heard about the uniforms that my old school used to have and they were literally indistructable (well maybe not,I know you could at least BURN them.) *sighs* well, at least I get to wear shoes with logos.
  5. "It requires more faith to reject God than to accept Him."-? well excuse me!whatever. I'm not going to attempt to convert you or anything.Go ahead and disagree.When the end comes you shall see. free will n. 1.the ability or discretion to choose; free choice: chose to remain behind of my own free will. 2.The power of making free choices that are unconstrained by external circumstances or by an agency such as fate or divine will. go ahead and have your "free will" I have free will to believe what I want and so do you.But that's no saying what you believe is true. Oji ryu:yeah!that happened to me (all u other ppl go ahead and disagree and yell and through objects at me).But it did. I was wide awake as well. GO AHEAD AND PM ME IF YOU WANT TO SMACK ME AROUND AND YELL AT ME FOR BEING AN IDIOT!THIS IS MY BELIEF AND WHAT I KNOW IS TRUE SO IF YOU DISAGREE THEN GOOD FOR YOU!
  6. thanks ppl.hmmm...crimson spider,I stand my ground as much as I can but I'm not going to disobey her in everything.I argue as much as I can and sometimes I can make her change her mind. I know she's been through somethings that I'm going through so I'll at least listen to her. DFantasy-Hey,I don't care if you're a newbie so am I.Back to the point.Since we just moved about 200 miles I can't really go to my best friend's house.I still talk to her alot online though so I talk to her about some of this stuff to her and she sometimes goes to her parents. Well that has to do with another reason she wants me to play sports.She wants me to make new friends.Well I like to take time to do that. I can tell at the start if I can be friends with someone or not. But I'm going to start being the first one to try to be friends.I think it's rather difficult to always have to befriend the "new" kid first.I know I've had to do that so I'm going to give the ppl a break. Yeah, it also has to do with the fact that this summer we are working on our "Social Skills". I guess she wants me to go out there and make new friends as fast as possible.Well I can't do that with very many ppl so I'm sorry.I need to take time to adjust to these things and you can change in an instant. *sighs* she actually said something along those lines (her being able to adjust quickly) but I think she forgot about it. She has made many promises to me and broken them.Not little things like "I promise to take you to your friends house" but bigger things. And me,being a person who has never broken a promise no matter how insignificant,finds this hard to take in. Well thanks for those who have posted so far.And thank you for not thinking I'm asking for pity bcuz I'M NOT!
  7. DIDN'T HAVE ENOUGH PROOF OF SADDAM?? ok. I'm sorry.I won't argue but I disagree. War is most of the time foolish. Like other people said it's a part of our nature;our thirst for superiority, (sp?)eternal life (in the case of the terrorists) or in some cases just plain blood,suffering, and death. I support war if it's to protect our country but if it's over something stupid then I have to ask what are you thinking? I don't like the fact that people die innocent or in our army but in order to keep somethings, someone must die. (I know many will disagree w/me but this is the example that came to mind) Like Jesus had to die on the cross to save us from our sins. If he didn't die than we would all be condemned to hell.whatever. War overall is pointless but sometimes it's necessary.
  8. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!I can't take this much longer!HELP ME! I just moved this summer AFTER my mom promised me that I could finish jr.high at my old school.Well now i can't bcuz I moved. She also got married 2 months ago and she gets mad at me when I don't talk to him for at least 15 min.Well the guy doesn't show emotion and he hardly ever talks and when he does it's in little whispers. :mad: Don't get mad at me if he doesn't respond!I'm talking he's not! Well,now my mom wants to completely change me.She wants to change my hair,clothes,life-style,etc.Well EXCUSE YOU! I like my hair short,I like wearing t-shirts and shorts,I like hanging out all day and playing sports when I feel like it. The new school I'm going to has a TOTAL of 20 ppl in all the grades combined. Most of them are Jr.H. She's trying to make me play organized sports everyday and ,oh yeah, now she's even changing what I eat. Ok. I can understand you wanting me to eat more fruits and vegetables but really, WHY DO YOU HAVE TO TAKE AWAY MY CEREAL????It's crazy!First she doesn't let me eat sugar cereal,which I can live with, BUT NOW YOU WANT ME TO EAT OATMEAL???!!!ok. I am one of those ppl who doesn't like oatmeal. so this is horrible for me. I would love to argue and I would love to protest my rights but if I do she'll EXPLODE!i'm not joking.My mom's temper is like that of a volcanoes.You get her ticked about one thing and BOOM! I'm off the computer for the day. One time she kicked me off the computer all weekend for sleeping in my clothes."If you ever do that again,you'll be off for a WEEK!!!!" holy cow!I think I know why my sister ran away to my grandma's.She came back off course but she says that mom is twice as strict w/me.I think it has to do with the fact that she doesn't want me to make the same mistakes as my sisters.Don't worry,I have my own mistakes to make.*sighs* well, at least i still can talk to ppl on the internet. i know other ppl are or have been in situations like this. Do you have any advice?What's your situation?I'm going to go crazy!
  9. some heights bother me and spiders are creepy but I don't think I have any real phobia...unless.I'm afraid of my mom.She always critizes (sp?) what I do and say.She doesn't hit me or anything but she does yell at me for a good 10 min.
  10. heh.I would much rather use tissue.Even when I am sick and have a runny nose,I don't go through very many tissues. *sarcasm* Because I listen to my mom and "blow it all out!" *end sarcasm* That's seriously what she says. I'm like I did! I did! There is nothing left to blow out!Sheesh! hankies...I know they're my germs and all but I just don't like the idea of reusing it.
  11. Wow!ouch!I haven't done anything that got me stitches or broken a bone or anything but I have had my moments.This is not in any particular order. I was in 2nd grade and I just got brand new fisher price skates. I was coming down my grandma's steps and skated a few steps when a rock go stuck in my wheel.I tumbled over on my grandma's sidewalk(which isn't normal it has those little rocks that are molded into it) and ripped the skin off my right knee. In (oh what grade was this??)hmm...I think it was 3rd.We were running to see who would be in the relays for our school.Well I was running and I was almost there.I closed my eyes and ran as fast as I could.well I made it on the team but when I crossed the finish line I tripped on a large rock and fell onto the parking lot pavement(my eyes were closed remember?yes we don't have a track.) and ripped my jeans,ripped my skin of my left knee and got some rocks stuck in my leg.So I have some nice scars on my knees.You can still see them but they are dotted with run burns and floor burns from PE. I've gotten so many,they don't even hurt me anymore. oh!I rolled my right ankle while we were playing soccer.That hurt so bad!I couldn't walk right for the rest of the day and it hurt like none other but it's not like I broke it so it wasn't really that bad. I've rolled my ankle several times since then but I've been doing it less and less. I got hit in the head with a metal pole one time. I was like 7 or 8 and I was playing in my grandma's weight room with my cousin and his friend.My grandma has one of those things that you pull down on the bar with both arms and lift the weights up.Well I was standing on the other side of the room while they pulled it down and let go of it.Well,it came unattched to the think it was attached to and flew around the room and hit me in the head. I had a bump on my head for 3 months.I don't know how many times I've hit my head on a doorpost. Someone was swinging back and forth on these bars we had at school.They didn't see me and creamed me in the mouth.My mouth was overflowing with blood along with my hands.I could hold anymore blood in my hands so I dumped what was there on the sidewalk.There is still a stain on the sidewalk from all that blood. Last year I was running to go watch the Matrix for the first time. I was running through a doorway and banged my pinky toe on the doorpost.My nail turned brownish purplish bluish and eventually fell off but a new one grew back in it's place. None really major but they're a few of my bigger ones.
  12. I used to hate the rain but these last couple years I have really started to enjoy it.Even when I have a hood and umbrella I usually just let myself get soaked with the rain.I like the feel of rain falling on my head.(even moreso when I just had PE) It usually rains when I'm inside at class though but last year it rained alot after school.The Jr.High has once side of the sidewalk and all the elementary kids are on the other side.I remember looking over at the Jr.Highers when I was little and thinking how cool they were and how lucky they were to stand outside while we had to sit inside.The jr.highers have this spiffy little tree that basically everyone hangs out underneath.It's not like we have much where else to go.I love that little tree...*sighs* I wish I didn't have to move.
  13. hmm...Well I don't have an older brother anymore but I do have two older sisters.I never fight w/the oldest one but the middle one and I have our squabbles. They aren't like horrible yelling scratching running arguements.They're mainly fun little teasing arguements.My cousin is like a big bro to me though. We don't really fight and he always sticks up for me.He's closer to my age than my sisters so I guess that could have to do with some of it.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baron Samedi [/i] [B]o.O I sent you that email..... lol. Nah. But seriously, that is pretty pathetic. Sometimes i read my junk mail. Mostly i delete it. Spam is the bane of any computer user's existence. I log into MSn and see '5 New Email Messages' ANd 4 of them are Chainletters and one is a penal enlargement offer. I dont know why i get those, thy just keep coming from diff. addresses like 'Virgil Dronzek'. I hat those. And annoying pop-up windows. [/B][/QUOTE] hahaha!You know what's even funnier?My grandma gets those exact e-mails! Yeah,I'm sure my grandma is going to want your stuff.She doesn't check her e-mail ask frequently as me so I went on for her one time.She had like 200 e-mails and 175 of them were junk mail.Most of the junk mail was the same junk mail from the same ppl over and over.She goes on every couple days now so she won't have such a large amount of junk mail to delete at once.It was crazy.Ppl who are paid to send out junk mail need a life.I know it's my dream career.:nope:
  15. I have never been truly depressed. I'm usually sad and all when I'm at home but my friends can always make me laugh.I do have a friend who suffers from depression though.It's really sad and I've had to watch her more than once with sharp objects.Her parents are divorced.She's doing alot better know and I can make her laugh when she's really down.She's an awesome friend and I don't think she'll be trying to kill herself for awhile.At least i hope she doesn't.
  16. yeah.ppl are going to destroy the earth and themselves if they keep that stuff up. "this world's a tortured place to be.So many things to torment me and as I stumble down this road it takes a toll."-dctalk "Last day of the rest of my life I wish I would've known cuz I'dve kissed my momma goodbye.I did'nt tell here I loved her,how much I cared.Didn't thank my pop for all the talks and all the wisdom he shared.Unaware I just did what I always do.Everyday the same routine before I skate off to school.But who knew that this day wasn't like the rest.Instead of taking the tests I took two to the chest.Call me blind but I didn't see it coming. Everybody was running but I couldn't hear nothing except gun blasts it happened so fast.I didn't really know this kid was a part of me class.Maybe this kid was reaching out for love.Or maybe for a moment he forgot who he was.Or maybe this kid just wanted to be hugged.Whatever it was I know it's because.We are we are,the youth of the nation.We are,we are,the youth of the nation."-POD i could go through the whole song but I won't. *shakes head* "What have we become?"-dctalk
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted [/i] [B][size=1]Will you beleive there's a super-genious Dodo bird playing pro basketball while bringing Albert Einstein back from the dead and even making lasagna at the same time if it's in a book claimed to be written by the avid followers of the Magnificent Dodo Bird? I don't think so. I beleive many Christians just stay avid believers of God since their parents are probably Christian as well. Can you scientifically prove that God exists? I find it ridiculous how you can assume that everybody who doesn't believe in God is automatically a big moron. Why am I posting here? Because I beleive in the Big freaking Bang and the one-celled bacteria that eventually evolved into nice little organisms. [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] "The Big Bang Theory.God spoke and BANG!It happened!" Well excuse me!I find it riduculous in the fact that ppl believe there are aliens and no God.We haven't found aliens we have no scientific proof of their exsistence.It's crazy!But of course you probably think I'm crazy.But that's ok with me.Here's one of my beliefs in God. "They say he walked across the waves.Supernatural.And I believe it to my grave!"-Dctalk I would glady die for my belief right now because I know I would be going to a better place and I get to see my dad,my heavenly one and my earthly one. Another thing.how can ppl believe believe we "evovled" from these little one-celled organisms?Where did the organisms come from in the first place?Did they just,appear?My goodness!IT'S BEEN PROVEN INCORRECT!YOU WANT SCIENTIFIC PROOF?THAT THEORY HAS BEEN PROVEN TOTALLY WRONG! "You call me crazy.You call me crazy.You call me crazy.You call me crazy!Call me crazy man you make my day."-Dctalk "The truth it hit me like a sock in the eye.I had a revalation that ya can't deny."-Dctalk. yes I like dctalk. But I'm going to stop here before I get upset.I'm sorry if I can't give you "prove" but I'll leave you with this. "I'm a Thomas.I wouldn't believe until I felt the holes in your hands."-Supertones
  18. When writing a book or poetry or something else,can you just say I want to write about this and do it?Or do you have to be inspired by something? I have a few friends who can write books whenever they want to but for me,I have to be inspired by something in order to write about it.More so with poetry. So what about you?Do you need to be inspired or can you just do it automatically. Feel free to post some of your work here as well.
  19. I like the cookie monster from sesame street. "C is for cookie!" but my fav. of all time would have to be those two old men that always make those funny comments on the muppet show. I love those guys! HAHA! They make me laugh so hard!
  20. I used to watch the mutant turtles when I was little. I guess they're back on now cuz i saw em on tv a couple weeks ago. I'd probably go with samurai. I think it would be cool to be a ninja that kills from a distance and all but I'd rather have a sword to attack/defend with.
  21. I was pouring my milk onto my cereal and an earwig bug fell out. bleach! I tossed the milk and everything. My mom had some rice and she was going to cook it. She looked at the back which looked slightly as if the rice was moving around. We noticed there was a hole in the end of the bag (she was carrying it horizontally)we looked inside and there well tons of maggots,we threw away the rice along with a bunch of other old nasty things in our pantry. lastly.this does not have to do with bugs but it was still gross. my mom had a little container of goldfish in the car. she set it down and my dog ate a little of it. she reached for some goldfish later and I just sat there staring at her (i'm so mean). I was wondering if she was actually going to eat the crackers so after she ate a few, i told her the dog ate some and she screamed and spat out the goldfish while I laughed. MWAHAHAHAH! oh yeah. once i didn't know that these chips had expired so I ate a chip and noticed it tasted weird. I looked at the bag and it was exactly 1 yr. past it's expiration date! nasty nasty nasty!
  22. I don't know that I would've done anything for them but I had a major crush on this guy when I was in 4th grade. we had been best friends the year b4.it turns out he liked me too. well, i didn't tell him that i liked him because that just wasn't something that i would do. I didn't really like him the next couple years but I had a crush on him last year again. Once again I liked him and he liked me back. He has the greatest sense of humor. It was freaky though. Most of the things in our class we were paired up together. it's like it was meant to be. well, i've moved now and I still think he's an awesome guy but I don't really have a crush on him anymore. he's an awesome guy still. You go Matt!
  23. oh yah! i like food! favs. chicken flavored ramen noodles. pizza. ice cream!!!! actually,most italian pastas. CHOCOLATE! dill pickles are good. ok. that's all for me at this time. I'm going to get some ice cream! "Ice cream!Did somebody say ice cream?Where is it?Ice cream! AAAAAHHH!BUTT CRAMP!"-Patrick
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dayday [/i] [B]I went on a diet before and didn't lose any wait. Then when I got off dropped 5 pounds instantly. I just didn't eat much. I sat at the computer all day on OB eating pretzels when I got hungry and apples when I was really hungry. [/B][/QUOTE] well I eat more than that but I lose alot of weight at my grandma's for some reason.(no i'm not suggesting you go to your gram's.) It's because,like what dayday said, I sit around on my computer all day or play nintendo or watch tv. just being lazy at my gram's.well I get to lazy to get up and get food when I'm doing something so i'll sit around for awhile until my stomach stops growling and then I'm good. I'm not suggesting you to be lazy either. I'm only lazy at my gram's but I do running and stuff there. back to the point. I'm usually ok not eating breakfast until later(but that's me.) so I combine my breakfast and lunch together and have dinner at the normal time. I don't eat huge meals at either time. just a bowl of cereal or a sandwich and for dinner i eat totally random things and I have ice cream at like midnight everynight.(when there is any) everytime I visit my gram's, I lose about five pounds.(I'm usually there for a week) I due gain a little when I come back home but I've been losing weight. someone else mentioned metabolism. yeah that would help. i dunno if your metabolism is low or not.i'm posting this late so hopefully you've already found a solution to your preoblem. hey,not all asian girls are small and petiete (sp?). I know one and she is about average but large.it's not all fat or anything it's just her build.don't feel bad about being a little chunky. but you don't have to listen to me.I'm a little chunky myself but I'm at a proper weight.so whatever.hope you find a solution.
  25. The most influental person in my life would have to be my dad. Even if he did die when I was 4 I learned so much from him. He was so awesome. If you want one who is still living I'd have to say my uncle. I live in a family of mostly girls (including me) and the guys tend to influence me the most. My uncle is like a 2nd dad to me. We have alot in common and we are both computer freaks (although I'm more prog. and he's more tech.) We hang out and play games together. I've discovered that I've started to talk like him to. like I say, exactly alot more and "holy buckets!" My cousin influences me alot too. He's my closest relative by age. He isn't a computer freak but he is my console gaming buddy. I talk like him too now. weird.
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