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Everything posted by animeforever105

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy Ace [/i] [B]i once woke up in the middle of the night and heard alot of commotion. It turned out that one of my cousins was having some sort of seizure it was real bad. I thought she might die. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah I woke up on the couch(and I fell asleep in bed). I asked my mom why I was out there and not at school and she said I had a seizure last night. It was really bad too. My worst one was when I was like 2 or something and my face turned all blue and I couldn't breathe. I've actually only had 2 seizures that I had to go to the hospital for. I haven't had any seizures since 4th grade (i'm in 8th) so that's good. I actually woke up with this horrible pain in my back awhile ago. My back was so screwed up on the right side. I couldn't move or bend it. I went to the chiropracter and he said I had a muscle spasm. It happened a couple times after that but it hasn't bothered me recently.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by FartMaster745 [/i] Yes, I do beleive that there are aliens outside our planet. Life was one possilbe on Mars(i think), then its possible else where. [/B][/QUOTE] I don't really think there are. I'm another see it to believe it person. If life was possible on Mars why isn't it now?There is no water. Did you ever stop to think why humans have always lived on earth and when we sent out space probes and shuttles there weren't any humans on Saturn or Mars? I think if there were aliens in this solar system or at least liveable life on other planets for us, we would already have discovered them or be living else where. If humans could live on other planets think of all the people. crap. we already have alot of people.but I'm getting rather of topic so I'll stop now.
  3. there is this one sub at my school. her name is Mrs.Overstreet. She is the pickyest,meanest,evilest sub at our whole school. We had her for a couple days and if we did one little itty bitty thing wrong she would yell at us and make us stand outside,no-talking, for 5-10 min. crap! You said we could work together but we can't talk about the assignment! Give me a break lady.
  4. mosquitos tick me off but I actually have only been bit a couple times this year. Must be my lucky break. I hate bees. I know we need em to pollenate flowers and such but I really don't like them flying around my head and stinging me. EVIL! Spiders are just plain creepy. I've seen so many spiders this year. blech. I was afraid of them when I was little but now I just SMASH them! MWAHAHAHAH! The worst part is, they must like my shampoo or something because most of them show up in my shower.
  5. I have a very short temper that's getting much better. but if somebody says something bad about a family member or friend of mine I'll take em down.if they're talking about me I just stroll up behind them and join the conversation. My mom can get me really ticked,really fast. I usually end up smashing something in my room that won't be damaged severely when I punch and throw it. Once somebody woke me up when I just fell asleep and I threw the door open so hard it put a hole in the wall which is still there.
  6. wow! alot of people go back in August. I don't go back until Sept 2. New school this year. crap this is gonna suck.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crimson Spider [/i] [B]Nope! No psychics. Every single trick that they use has been disproven. [/B][/QUOTE] yes yes. I agree! You cannot talk to the deceased! That is crazy to think so! I read this on a bumper sticker,"Why do psychics have to ask your name?"
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mist [/i] [sarcasm]I've seen Johnny Tsunami though, so I'd imagine there's gotta be [i]some[/i] tension. [/sarcasm][/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] yeah I've see that too.odd movie. I probably can't say much since I don't do either(I want to snowboard though) but when I went up with my sister (to pick up her friends) there weren't any issues between snowboarders and skiirs. *shrugs shoulders* i do know some ppl who are all like :flaming: when someone talks about skiing "skiing sucks!" Then I know one guy who is all like :mad: "skiing rocks!You snowboards are stupid!" so whatever. I've never seen them attack each other physically at least.
  9. Actually my bedroom is pretty close to what I want it to be like. But I would add cable, anime videos and dvds,and anime posters. I already have the systems and a killer new computer that I built. MWAHAHAH! I even painted my room myself.Aren't I the special one. (not really but that is obvious)
  10. I found it when I was looking for Inuyasha stuff when I first got into the series. I browsed around the site and eventually ended up here.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by juna [/i] I would rather see a Kenshin section first... [/B][/QUOTE] yes yes! I agree! I do like Big O but it does get really confusing at times. If they add something it should be Kenshin! I say go ahead and do Big O but you can put better ones on here first.
  12. I like taking pictures but I hate getting pictures of myself. haha! I took some pictures of my friend when she wasn't expecting it. HAHA! She looks so funny! I took them so I could look at them and laugh and remember her. I just moved last month. My aunt is doing photography as a profession. I used to want to do professional stuff but now I'm thinking of other stuff for my main career.
  13. hmmm...well I had both my ears piecered when I was younger but they got infected. but you can see where I got them pierced. I don't want to get a tattoo. my sister has her bellybutton pierced and she just got her nose pierced. It's a really small one on the side. *checks to see if sister is around* actually, if you don't know what it is it looks like she has a pimple on her nose :/
  14. well...I can't tell you my real name but it means My first name means: beloved I can't remember it's either my middle or last but it means rose.
  15. I love being around my closest friends and family. But at home I just go upstairs to my bedroom, shut the door, and play on my computer or write stuff. I can go either way. At this point in life I like being alone though.
  16. my friends are all weird but I'm still the wierdest. heh. Two of them are quiet and very intelligent.they has great jokes and smile most of the time. Another one of them is loud and intelligent a little immature but she did get boosted up a couple grades so whatever. Another one is loud and not so bright. She is soooo funny though. You go girl! And my last closest friend is kinda inbetween. she's not dumb but not really smart. she's pretty funny too. she's my zelda buddy. me. I'm loud when I'm with my friends. I talk way to much. I'm pretty dang smart. and I laugh all the time (well when I'm w/my closest friends and family). I'm extremely hyper around friends but very quiet and filled with thoughts alone. oh wait. I wasn't supposed to describe myself. oops. i know this wasn't the main thing but i don't go to yaoi sites. i personally don't like them.
  17. hmm. some of them are funny and some of them relate to me at the time. I'm so sick of hearing the"you will get good news by mail." one though. I got one onetime that said something like "you will travel to a foreign country." wow. I feel special. My gram saves her fortune cookie fortunes. she likes them.
  18. wow this is a funny topic. well...I had this pink and blue cowboy hat that I wore to church and everywhere else. My sister got embarresed and threw it away but I got it back out and wore it.She threw it away later and I couldn't find it *sobs* I loved that hat! ok.this isn't embarressing but it was cruel. I was playing in my wading pool when I was 3 and my sister and cousin were sitting in lawn chairs eating watermelon.Well the watermelon had seeds so my sister and cousin spat them out. But not on the ground.no they had to use me as target practice and spat the seeds on me. my mom got ticked and punished both of them. hmmm...can't remember anything else oh except maybe I would walk past the washer and start crying. I would barely touch it or just pass by it but I would start to cry whenever I did. I don't know why.
  19. I'm sorry if I'm forgetting someone but I don't remember having a friend die. ...my dad died when I was 4.he was so awesome. he was a crop duster pilot and we had are own business. my mom just remarried last month...I the guy is so quiet and he doesn't show any emotion,seriously he doesn't. hmmm...I was adopted at birth and I don't know about any of by birth families deaths. hmmm...man, I feel like I'm leaving a friend out but all I can think of is my dad and grandpas. I better leave before I get really depressed.
  20. I haven't taken drivers ed yet. I can't get a permit for another year but from what I've learned so far I can get an emergeny drives permit now. :) I'm reading up early and I have a computer program that teaches drivers ed as well. I already know how to drive and brake and turn my blinkers on and shift etc. my aunt and uncle have been teaching me and letting drive around secretly. MWAHAHAH! My sister said drivers ed sucked for her though. hmmm. classes in summer...
  21. hmmm...I'm not going to tell people all of my old pets because they would get bored and leave before I finished. soooooooo... currently I have a poodle named kathryn hepburn (yes the movie star) which actually wasn't mine. it was my sister's and my mom named her but I ended up with her. and then I have an alaskan malamute named Zephaniah (i think I spelled that right) Zepha for short, after the prophet in the Bible. I didn't name him either. He's my step-dads but i usually take care of him so he is know as my dog. the last pet I had that died was my goldfish. his name was Bob T. Fish for Bob The Fish. Thats when I was really into smilies and everyone at my school calls smilies, Bobs. he lived for about 2 yr. which was really long for a school carnival fish. I've never had a goldfish live that long except maybe Jake. He was the coolest goldfish ever. I had him in second grade. oops. you're getting bored. I'll stop now.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wild thang [/i] [B]i read closed threads just to seee why they were closed, plus the topics always seem to catch my eye and they seem interesting. [/B][/QUOTE] ah yes! You understand me. usually it sounds interesting to me and it ends up being closed. Yeah it's kinda funny sometimes to see why they were closed. heh. heh. ahh. I'm not going to say it. I will keep this statement in my mind to myself. heh.
  23. hmmm...I don't think I've ever been robbed but I remember in the last couple years my aunt's car has been broken into at least five times. usually they didn't get the stereo (which is what they always went for bcuz it was the same ppl every time.) but the windows were still broken. My aunt finally got one of those stereos that you take the face off of and nobody's broken into her car since.
  24. hmmm. I'm not looking forward to it because my mom broke the promise that I could finish jr. high at my old school. I'm going into 8th grade and I really wanted to finish at my old school bcuz I've known all the ppl since kindergarten. The new school I have to go to is located in a church basement with one teacher 11 jr. highers and the most horrible smell. >:P yuk! It's going to be weird but system it's on will allow me to finish more grades in one year so I am going to to do high school in 3 for sure.
  25. I usually play computer games where I can just slash away. After a few minutes the anger disappers. If that doesn't work I go to God. Once it's all done I go play with my legos or something. :)
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