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Everything posted by animeforever105
I've only had one "nightmare" dream. It happened last week. There were these ppl that,I and a group of ppl I didn't know, were battling against. All of a sudden the evil group comes together and forms a giagantic robot. (I watched kikaider that night) We were still beating him up pretty good until his eyes formed this freaky writing in it. He shot of this laser eye beam and blew up this house. The instant his laser shot off this lady's face went in on a close-up screen shot. Her eyes got huge, her mouth dropped open and she let out the most horrifying scream I had ever heard. I woke up after her scream was over and felt my heart pounding like crazy and her scream still ringing in my ears. *shakes head* I've never had a dream that actually woke me up from a scream. I've had lots of dreams with screams but nothing like that one. One more dream here.I had this dream in 2nd grade so like...6 years ago or so. I was playing at my grandma's house w/my cousin in the tennis court. Our sister's ran over yelling at us to "Get out!There's a twister coming!" We ran over to the gate but it was locked shut and we couldn't get out. My cousin and I climbed up the twenty-foot fence and jumped down. A big distance when your only 3 foot something. Anywho, we ran like crazy to the main road where the rest of my family was running toward the house. They grabbed us and ran.I looked back and saw the twister at the end of the road. Then a bright white flash. The next scene was half of my grandma's house. It was ripped open like a dollhouse.The side that remained was totally untouched.The furniture was in the right spot,everything.The other half was totally gone. I don't know why but we took the remaining half of her house to a car repair shop where they fixed it. So ends the dream.
I had a freaky dream last night. It was weird. 1.I was at my school for grandparents day and we had to do this stupid play where 10 ppl all are sitting at this pinic table. 2.ended skit that had so words or action in it for refreshments. 3.went outside. 4.saw freaky ppl and dogs all running around yelling and bowing to their chosen gods (to much age of mythology ;) ) 5.went back inside and told ppl about it. 6.woke up went back to sleep.continuation of same dream. 7.same dream only in the beginning I start telling ppl about the dream I had. This wasn't a scary freaky dream or anything but it was weird and I've only had a few continuation dreams.
Like most people said it grew on me. I didn't like the old animation at first but it's all good. heh. I must agree about the long legs and freaky hands. The comedy is so funny. Lupin is such a perv. I've only seen a few eps. but they were all great. Overall it's a great show.
Anime games that should be animes and animes that should be games.
animeforever105 replied to Zen's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lan [color=darkblue][size=1]I'd love to see kingdom Hearts as anime! I would watch all the episodes, buy all the DVDs, everything! ^^[/color][/size][/QUOTE] Oh my gosh! That would be so cool! I'm with you there! Kingdom Hearts should totally be made into an anime. *sighs* -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yami*Maho Keno [/i] I have been watching it on IC (International Channel).[/QUOTE] Ah yes. That's where I've been watching it. I like it better with subtitles. Hmmm...I probably have to say that Zelgadis is my fav. char. I've seen several eps. toward the beginning and bits and pieces here and there but I haven't been able to watch it alot because we don't have cable or any channels anymore. *sobs*
Anime What was the first anime that you watched?
animeforever105 replied to Krillen's topic in Otaku Central
hmmm...I think it was DBZ. That show bugs me now it's so annoying.Hmmm...Speed Racer was one I watched for my firsts as well. Those are the ones that come to mind. But if you're talking about first and hooked it's DBZ. *sighs* I'm glad I'm over it now I know,there are much muCh MUCH better things to watch like Adult Swim! ;) -
One of my most memorable moments in gaming was;I had just got Donkey Kong Country 2:Diddy's Kong Quest. This was when the game was brand new. My cousin came over to my house and we took turns playing the levels. Well neither of us could get past the third level so we decided to take a break and watch a movie. I remember I didn't like the movie so I went to sleep. An hour or so later my cousin woke me up and started yelling,"I beat the third level I beat the third level!" We both got up and started screaming and running around the room. We beat the land and got well into the second land before we stopped and went to sleep.
All of my dreams are wierd! I'm not joking they are. Here is one of them. I was at this marketplace in Beaverton,OR with my best friend. Both our mom's were there. They got in the car so we walked over towards them to get in the car. Our moms told us "No,it's only twenty miles to the house so we could walk or something." We were freaked out. "what the heck? Why do we have to walk?" So we walked about a mile when we saw a car in a ditch. We went over to it and saw that it was still had the keys in it. I don't know how, but we were able to get in the car and drive out of the ditch. I was driving since I was 1/2 a yr. older. We still were underage for driving though. Anyways, we get to this intersection and instead of the light being green it was blue. ??? To the left of us were 3 guys from our school that were also driving a car. (probably from a ditch) The light for us turned blue and we started to drive. The guys light was still red but the went anyways and almost hit us. They kept driving around in circles trying to ram us. One of the guys was screaming,"I don't want to go to jail! Stop the car!" Another guy was yelling at him to shut up and the other was just grinning as he drove. My teacher from 6th grade showed up and said that there was only one way to fix this problem. She put me and my friend on a green train and the guys along w/the rest of my class from 6th grade on a pink train. There were 2 tracks that eventually turned intio one track. It was a race. We set off. We were winning but there was a big loop-de-loop that I didn't want to risk taking. The pink train had one later down so they decided to take it. The train fell of the track when it got to the top of the loop and everybody was injured. The teacher opens up a safe that is in the tunnel and pulls out a medicine kit. We never did get home.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] Everyone has their own view on how something is, basically. [/QUOTE] Yes, that is why there are so many different branches I'm sure. Personally I can say there is an "afterlife". Not because I've been to it or I've dreamed of it or anything. Because I have faith and believe what God said is true. Something you mentioned earlier said that nothing talks about the afterlife. Well for your information the Bible does in may different parts or it. But you can believe what you want. I'm not going to try to convert you to my beliefs at this point in time.
#1 Poking.It would really get annoying so when she wasn't expecting it, I'd turn around and poke her hard in the stomach. #2 repeats.My other one is I hate to repeat myself. I've told you once WHY DIDN'T YOU LISTEN????
Wow! yeah I must say go see a counsler about it. When I was in 3rd grade a simaler thing happened to me. But it was only one guy. I don't know what happened to him. I did see him in a restruant a year ago. He really was a nice guy and he didn't hurt me either. I haven't really done anything about my situation either so all I can say is go to a counsler. Or at least someone you trust so much you feel you can talk to them. Or a trusted pastor or something. At least you know one of the guys has changed. That's really sad. Were they drunk or something? It's really sad what some people do to other people. [color=teal]EDIT:[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [FONT=arial]regardless, you should tell your parents, if you haven't done so already. what if one of them does it again, except something worse happened to you? your parents might have been able to do something to make sure that it wouldn't have happened. when all is said and done, it's best to just get it all out and done with, or it will chew at your mind until you go crazy. and who knows? maybe your parents will be a little understanding that you don't necessarily want them to get a really serious punishment, especially since one of them supposedly changed. off subject and out of curiosity, how old were they at the time? and I know if I had a daughter, I'd want to know if she was raped, even if the news would be hard to take. if you had one, wouldn't you?[/FONT][/QUOTE] Yeah. You're totally right. You should tell your parents if you haven't. I know I need to tell mine. I'd want to know as well. It will start messing with your head. I know awhile ago I'd just be sitting there and all of a sudden the memory would come back into my mind. Or if somebody mentions something it will remind me of him and then I immeadiatly think of that. I think I'm going to stop this post here and try to figure out how to tell my parents. [color=teal]Please do not double post. There is a button right below your post that says Edit, where you can add whatever you need to say without breaking the rules. Thanks! -Syk3[/color]
Hmmm...I have never completely cried tears of sadness at a movie. I got tear-eyed at the end of A Walk to Remember and We Were Soldiers. Hmm... I am Sam was sad. I didn't sit down and watch it though. I just finished building my computer and was doing stuff with it while I listened to it and watched it every 15 min. or so. Very sad, just from what I heard.I haven't seen Grave of the Fireflies...yet. Fox and the Hound my sisters bawled at but Even though I thought it was sad, I never cried about it. I usually just get depressed and not cry. I don't know why! I just do! The Lion King was sad when Mufasa died but I didn't for that either. I should stop or I'll just be telling you what "sad" movies I didn't cry in.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Randleman FOX is the god of TV, every show they come up with is either super funny or so stupid it's hallarious. [/QUOTE] heh heh. I'm not sure if their the god of tv but I must admit they have alot of funny shows. I would probably have to say Friends and Family Guy. I love those shows. HAHA! Family Guy is awesome!
Dori,Crush and Squirt are da bomb! Dori is so funny! I think it's funny when she is leading Marlin to the boat and she freaks out because he's following her. And when she trys to speak whale. LOL! That was so funny! Crush and Squirt were so cool! Dudddde! Totally! heh heh. The little kids talking was annoying at first but I got so into the movie I could barely hear them.
The Old All That (when the entire old cast was on) Salute Your Shorts Angry Beavers (yaaaaaaahhhh! I love this show!) Rocko's Modern LIfe (Yahhhhh) Muppet Babies *sighs and remembers the good old days* Legends of the Hidden Temple What Would You Do? GUTS Wild and Crazy Kids(I liked game shows when I was little ok?) Carissa Explains it All (ok show. Got annoying)
hmff. King Hippo is kinda funny. heh. I don't really have a fav. character though. I used to play Punch Out all the time at my friends house. I used to be able to go through the game with no problems. But after moving and not playing it for a couple years I got rusty. My uncle has it on his computer though so I've been able to play it recently. Punch Out is a great game.
I forgot to mention one before. 007:GoldenEye why? I've always liked 007 movies. Yes,yes the classics *people gasp*. I've been infulenced by my cousin and uncle on these. I always had fun playing multiplayer with both cousins and a friend. They'll never find me in here and if they do it'll be to late for them. MUWHAHAHAHAH!!!
I don't know if their not selling well. I think they're ok over here. I must agree with the first couple responses though. Nintendo is not going bankrupt. Nintendo will never cease to exist. *says in a heroic voice* Even if it did go bankrupt, the memory of Nintendo would live on forever in are memories and our hearts. *returns to normal voice* Oops! Did I say that out loud?
Anime Yaoi or Straight? What's the deal?
animeforever105 replied to LetalisNox's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solo Tremaine [/i] [B]I think that's just coincidence- when you're starting out or developing a relationship, I reckon you'll be more likely to be open to people of the same sex who you aren't going to necessarily start a relationship with in order to get things off your chest before they ruin the potential bond with the one you will love. Friends will always do things together and have a different (and sometimes stronger) relationship than those they're destined to go out with, just because it's a different kind of interaction.[/QUOTE] *nods head in agreement*.Exactly! I am much more open with my close friends (who are girls),than my close friends(who are guys). There are things you can share with your friends, and there are things you can share with your love (of course your love should probably know all the things your friends do.oh well) I am disgusted by a few of the pictures I've seen. >_< blech! I don't mind people matching guy-guy girl-girl as much as I mind the pictures!The thing is, you may just accidentally see one of these pictures. That's the case with me. I looked at a title that sounded interesting then BOOM! This pornographic picture is right in front of your face. NASTY! -
^ hahaha! you have a way with words WW2. hamtaro, I have to admit,is cute.I watch it sometimes. Beyblade,^ hmmm..I never thought of it as martial arts. as they say in the show,"Beyblading is a game." I've seen every episode most 2 or 3 times. Not because I'm obsessed with it,mainly because I have for fav. channels in a row and it's on one of them when I wake up. Vforce hasn't arrived yet. It's supposed to in August where I'm at.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lalaith Ril [/i] I'd probably go to bed a lot earlier, wouldn't be staying up to watch Trigun.[/QUOTE] LOL. same here. I go to bed after Trigun,sometimes later,then I get up at 7am to watch more anime. :D I would definatly be on here more. I would still have my computer at least. That could really suck depending on when it happened. If I was really into a show and it just went away, that would tick me off. But,if I wasn't really into any particular anime at that point in time I probably wouldn't care to much. Yet,if all anime disappeared wouldn't that include anime websites? Would this website still exsist?:huh:
Weirdest things your mom/dad does
animeforever105 replied to Terpischore's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Randleman [/i] when I was young, I got Dr. Mario. My mom found the game, and got addicted to it. She would spend hours playing it. She would hoard my NES. She got to like level 206. Keep in mind the highest level you can start off on is 99. She was good.[/QUOTE] exactly. same case with my mom only she still is good and she is also addicted to tetris which she is also good at. My mom will be in the middle of a traffic jam when all of a sudden she cranks the volume up on her John Denver cd and starts singing and honking her horn. "MOM!WHY THE HECK ARE YOU HONKING YOUR HORN?" "becuz i want to!" OMGravy! It's not really weird but it's embarrassing. So is her morning wake-up song. She'll come into my bedroom and start singing "Rise and shine and give God the glory,glory!" over and over and over! Of course when I played the piano my mom would make me play a really loud and redundant song to wake my sisters up. whew thank goodness that's over. -
hmmm. I went to a friends house and we stay online not taking any bathroom or meal breaks for 15 hours strait-each. Not real impressive compared to some others but the main things I do on the net are neopets,researching anime,going to my friend's site and going here. I'll play a few games occasionally.
Both of my grandpas passed away. One of my grandmas is 88. I don't see her much because she lives in eastern washington and I don't live there anymore. My other grandma is 70. She is soooo awesome. She lets me mow her lawn so I can get money. Plus,it's a riding lawn mower. ;) I watch tv for as long as I want at her house. Yaaaahhh! Anime all day! Hey, I didn't read all the above posts 'till now. I'm adopted as well but I was adopted at birth and not by my grandparents. I think about the fact that really none of the members of my family are actually blood relations and what would my life be like if I hadn't been adopted, or if I had been adopted by another family. I don't like to think about it that much because I love the family I'm with now and I think I am very blessed to be adopted by them.:angel:
A man was standing on bank of a foggy shore when he saw 3 figures walking across the water. The man was terrified. When the figures reached the shore, the man saw that they were 3 priests. He said,"That was amazing!How did you walk across the water like that?" The priests replied,"It's easy.Anyone can do it. Go ahead and try." So the man started to walk out onto the water but he immeadiatly sank below the surface and drowned. The priests looked at each other. Then one of them said,"Uh-oh.We forgot to tell him where the rocks are." :D haha. I just think this is a funny joke. I like to tell it because my friend told it to me,so whenever I tell the joke I think of her.