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Everything posted by Ogki

  1. Ogki

    Mega Man

    It wasn't your fault Semjaza Azazel (you need a nickname :p) it was my typo. I just put an 's' after cut in Cutman. So he thought I was trying to say Gutsman. :\ Well, I now have beaten [b]Cutman's Stage[/b] and I'm working on [b]Gutsman's Stage[/b]. I have a feeling this is going to take me a while to get through all of them. O_o [b]Edit:[/b] Fixed typo
  2. Ogki

    Mega Man

    I myself am a huge Capcom fan and I've been dying to play the NES Megaman titles ever since I became a fan of the series with MMX for the SNES. Well, in the past hour I played the 1st. The whole hour was spent playing Cutsman's stage, and I still have not beaten it. How hard this game is, is simply astounding! :drunk: I never expected a NES title to be so hard. I was planning on beating it today, and then playing #2 tommorow, but I don't think I'll be able to. Has anyone else played the original MM? If so, why do you think it's so hard? Is it hard, or do I just suck? I'd like to know, honestly. :p [b]Edit:[/b] Oh and just another little tidbit, expect me to be starting a lot of SNES and NES related topics in the future.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ruby [/i] [B]I take martial arts. Currently I'm red/black. (One more year!)I started when I was littler though, and it's still pretty fun. I'm also training for Kendo, and by the way Tae Kwon Do is not just I'll beat you up for fun with no brain and be a fighting zombie. It's really more about...um...well I'll just say it can be put to better use in street fights some times. But Tae Kwon Do is fun too. [/B][/QUOTE] Ha, I suppose I was being a bit blunt when I said that. :blush: But it [i]does[/i] put more emphasis on force than Hap Ki Do or Kung Fu.
  4. I used to be in Tae Kwon Do when I was 5, but I got out when I was 7 or so. Well, I just started again today and it as a lot tougher than I remembered. I'm thinking of taking Hap Ki Do as well, it's in the same studio and it's more about pressure points, and moving gracefully. In Tae Kwon Do however, it's more of an "I'll just kick your ***" approach. So, does anyone here take any type of martial arts?
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by vicky [/i] [B]The matrix is encourageing to kill. It has killing in it. If they do it, why can't other people? [/B][/QUOTE] That is not valid in any way, shape, or form. First of all, The Matrix doesn't [i]encourage[/i] killing at all. If kids could see nothing with death, think of the things they would be sheltered from. Video games, music, the news, books, all of these things include killing. Do you honestly think that the Columbine children wouldn't have done the [i]horrible[/i] things they did if they never played Doom, or never heard Marilyn Manson? They still would have, because kids were picking on them and no one was doing anything about it.
  6. My favorite song is easy. [b]Corey Taylor - Bother[/b] My favorite bands are plentiful. :p I like a lot of differen't stuff, which isn't too common now-a-days. I like [i]some[/i] Rap, Hip Hop, Metal, Nu-Metal, Punk, Ska, Industrial, all sorts of crap. Tool is one of my favorites, they have been since the first time I heard them. Other than them I like a lot of stuff from 311, MSI, Aquabats, Avenged Sevenfold, Blur, Demon Hunter, Iron Maiden, Jimi Hendrix, King Missle, Mest, Pantera, Tenacious D, 8th wave, and Manson.
  7. Ogki

    Mario Quiz

    Ha, I got so defensive I forgot to answer mirai_torankusu's question. [b]Answer:[/b] I'm pretty sure that the Koopalings (Koopa kids) only appeared in Super Mario World for the SNES and Super Mario Advanced 2 (a remake of SMW) for the GBA. [b]Question:[/b] Name 2 suits from SMB3.
  8. Ogki

    Mario Quiz

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chou Long Kai [/i] [B]Hello you idiots,just ignore my damn post... *Will edit his post later with answer to mirai's question* [/B][/QUOTE] [i]Idiots?[/i] Hardly, you seem to have misssed the spiegal's post. He answered your question and asked a new one. I suggest you look into things before throwing meaningless insults at others.
  9. Ogki

    Mario Quiz

    Well, somewhere in this thread [i]someone[/i] should have asked another question. So I'll pick up where they left off. [b]Question:[/b] In Super Mario World [i]how[/i] do you play a castle a second time.
  10. Well, it's 5:47 here in San Antonio and I have not been to sleep tonight. Mainly chatting online and playing SSB:Melee with my friend who stayed the night. He is now asleep, and I am planning to stay up untill tonight, so that I can stay on regular sleeping schuduel. I've been pulling all nighters on accident a lot lately, just losing track of time. Does anyone else pull all nighters? Also, if you could give me ideas on something to do to keep me awake throughout the day, I would be very gratefull.
  11. Answer: Well, first of all he changed the name from Marufuku to Nintendo Playing Card Co. They were the first mass produce plastic playing cards and to succeed and later on they printed Disney Characters on the cards to sell them to kids. That is all I can really think of, and I really don't know if that is what you meant by "ideas". So I guess I'll wait to see what you say. :\ [b]Edit:[/b] Post card ventures? o_O;;
  12. This is tough one, and it's making me think real hard. :p My favorite character in [i]any[/i] PSX/2 games would probably be [u][b]Zero[/b][/u] from the Megaman X series or Solid Snake from the Metal Gear series. Zero has been one of my favorite characters since the first day I played MMX and saw him. I remember thinking, "Man he is bad ***". I don't really know why, but Zero has been one of my favorites since I was tiny. Solid Snake on the other hand, I have not known for quite as long. He is just an all around awesome guy. :p My least favorite is P. Jack from Tekken 2, I just hate rip-off characters.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mirai_torankusu [/i] [B]Capcom[/B][/QUOTE] You sir, have my respect. ^______________^ *is Capcom's #1 Fan* :p [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mirai_torankusu [/i] [B]There are a lot of companies that have to rush their games and end up with low-quality games just because they have to get them out during the holiday season and that's quite sad. [/B][/QUOTE] That is a really good point, but there is another side to this. Really, on this front, companies can't win. If a highly anticipated game is delayed, they are [i]flooded[/i] with [u]hate[/u] e-mails. If they release it on time (when it isn't completed/polished) fans say it was rushed. It's a lose, lose situation. :p
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mirai_torankusu [/i] [B] Lance Storm - I really hate how the WWE is handling Lance Storm by calling him boring all the time. I'm not a huge Lance Storm fan, but it's obvious that he's a talented wrestler and this "boring" crap just isn't pulling any weight. The WWE is just telling people that this match is too boring to watch and crap like that could lose them ratings.[/B][/QUOTE] You are right when you say that Lance Storm is a talented wrestler. If you have seen any of the RVD Vs. Lance Storm matches held in ECW you know what I am talking about. But they are calling him boring, because he is. I'm a huge LS fan, but I'll tell you right now, the few promos he has done [i]were[/i] boring. Though I do agree that the angle itself, got rather boring. When Stone Cold came out and said "BORING, BORING" I was happy. He should have ended it there, but no, he decided to go to sleep. [i]That[/i] was pretty damn boring....
  15. Ogki


    Here is my current desktop, it's nothing special really. I have a new WinAMP skin that I think is really cool looking. :p Other than that I just have an SCII backround and my two folders. :\ Here we are. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=437805[/img]
  16. This thread is to discuss some moments in gaming that were memorable, disappointing, emotional, or just really fun. First of all, I think that most people will agree with me when I say that the [spoiler]death of Aerith[/spoiler] in FFVII was very emotional. The first time I played Super Mario World was pretty memorable too. I remember eating snacks, chips and drinking soda all day playing the game with my brother. We got close to Bowser's Cave that day too, which is pretty good for a couple of kids. Playing Mario Kart/Mario Kart 64/Super Smash Bros with my siblings and friends. We spent countless hours talking trash, jumping up and down for joy, and getting mad at each other with these games. Capcom making the idiotic mistake of taking the online mode of Marvel VS. Capcom 2 out of the American PS2 version. Most recently, raising my chao in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle for the Gamecube. Even though the overall game was a bit disappointing, I love raising and breeding different chao.
  17. ( I accidently deleted my post mirai_torankusu did NOT double post ) I belive my original post said something along the lines of "Some people just want something to distract them for a few minutes". I tried to edit and eloaborate on this, but I accidently deleted it. When I said that, I meant that most people aren't "gamers". They don't take games seriously, as long as there is some sort of a fun factor. Army Men, for the most part, is some good clean fun. They aren't annoyed by the music or the controls. It's just something to do when you are bored. As for Tomb Raider, the series started out great. Eidos just milked it dry, similar to what Midway did with Mortal Kombat. Midway realised that they were idiots and completly revamped the game. Sure enough, it is one of the best games Midway has put out in a [i]long[/i] time. The same thing is going on with the Tomb Raider series, and hopefully it will be restored to it's original glory.
  18. The first time I can remember playing a videogame I was 2 years old. My family had an NES and I got to play SMB, well actually I didn't get to play untill I was older. My siblings would hand me an unplugged controller and told me I was playing. I didn't actually didn't get to play untill I was at least 5. So, as you can imagine, I have a hard time remembering these days. The SNES days however I can remember very well. My brother recieved one for Chirstmas and we played ALL day that day. After a month or two we had completed Super Mario World, and decided we needed another game. At the time however, we couldn't afford any new games, so we were stuck. I still enjoyed Super Mario World (in fact about a week ago I restarted it and I'm almost done) but we needed another game to play ANY other game. One day at a garage sale we got two games, my brother bought Super Ghouls and Ghosts, while I got Street Fighter 2. I instantly was hooked on both games, Capcom remains my favorite developer to this day. Two years afterward I recieved a Sony Playstation, it was the first system to be ALL MINE. So of course it is/was my favorite system. I recieved Crash Bandicoot and Tekken 2 that year, I remember staying up untill the next day at 5 [i]trying[/i] to complete CB. I didn't complete it untill the year after, due to the fact I never got a memory card. After reading these stories, I'm thinking that the Crash Bandicoot series, was for me, what Mario is to most of you. It's what really got me into gaming. Crash Team Racing was really fun too, many multiplayer memories. A while laterI got an N64 with OOT, Mario 64, and Super Smash Bros. Not much to say here except I fell in love with the system and all of the games. As for the whole SEGA thing, the only Sega system I ever purchased was a Genesis, which I got [i]after[/i] my PSX. I got it, two controllers, and 5 awesome games, for 50 dollars. I'm still trying to find some Genesis games, I [b]NEED[/b] to find Sonic 3D blast. I became a big SEGA fan with this, but I never bought a Dreamcast because of the bad reviews most of the games were recieveing at launch. By the time the best games for the system were coming out, the PS2 was well on it's way. Naturally when the PS2 came out, that is the system I wanted. And, as with the other systems COUNTLESS hours have been spent completing games. I just recently recieved a Gamecube for my 14th birthday. I have not had as much fun with it as I expected, probably due to the fact the only game I got was TWW. TWW is a great game, but I'm not patient enough for it. It will take me forever to beat it, but I sure as hell will. So I guess that is where I am on the gaming map...or something. [b]Edit:[/b] I finished it off. [b]Edit #2:[/b] I'm bored, so I'm going to add more.
  19. Ogki

    I'm New.

    [size=1][color=darkred]Don't worry about this, it isn't even in the rules. Half of the time the members are more strict than the moderators and they end up looking like idiot. Welcome. ^__^[/size][/color]
  20. I?ve been a small fan of Cowboy Bebop ever since it started airing on Adult Swim about 2 years back. I never really got into it. I just saw an episode here and there. I always figured I could catch an episode later; it was always on Adult Swim. So when it was removed from Adult Swim?s lineup I was pretty mad at myself for never trying to catch every episode. I ended buying the series around 2 weeks ago, and it is the best anime that I have ever seen. I have yet to see EVA, Trigun, and all of the other shows people hold to a higher esteem. But no matter how good they turn out being when I see them, Cowboy Bebop will remain to be great. The story is incredible but not too complex, it isn?t mindless, but most people can pick it up pretty easily. Even the filler episodes were great; Mushroom Samba is the funniest of those episodes. Once the plot starts to thicken it becomes even more amazing, and you just want to watch more. As almost everyone says, the ending is amazing. I?m thinking about buying the movie some time soon, I believe it was released here recently. The creators [I]really[/I] need to make a follow up or spin-off. ^__^
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