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Everything posted by PrinceAshitaka

  1. I agree, it was a great movie but at first I didn't quite understand it. Because there were too much talk and action. But I say it's a great movie, I even bought the VCD.
  2. well... it must be great to see Sensei Nube as movie not just an OVA. Sensei nube is a great anime' and can be compared to as like Detective Conan.
  3. I think that the opening theme for Detective Conan seems to be the best for me because it ROCKS. They have lots of OPening theme and ending theme that's why I love them.
  4. The first anime series I had watch was Speed Racer even though I couldn't remember some of the details then the next I remember was Ghost Fighter. Since then I have been watching more and more Anime'. Even collecting CD's of anime is one of my hobby.
  5. I'll say that I look like Eugene in the ghost fighter series but with glasses I look like a nerd anime'. I've also tried using costumes and ended up making me look like a digimon character.
  6. Mousse is my favorite character because he's caught up in alove triangle with shampoo and Ranma. But when it's a scene where they're fighting I simply like Ryoga with his explosion trick. Well all of them are good...
  7. My mom loves to watch anime' like she has a choice when were watching together. My mom likes to watch Lupin III and ghost fighter and other anime'. At the same time I love them too.
  8. I also have the game and it's good for a versus game. The bad thing is that I didn't have Link as my secret character instead I got Heiachi.
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