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About ars_magicae
- Birthday 10/04/1987
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im 6' 4" with a slim muscular build, im a junior in highschool and i enjoy long walks on beach and anime movies
student/ otaku
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If you don't know what Shadowrun is, then you have no place here. The first requirement gor this is a familiarity Shadowrun, at least as of Third Edition, preferably Fourth.Now that that has been cleared up, let me get to the concept. You are part of an established team running the shadows in the Fargo Sprawl, you have been there and done that for Fargo. But your team has gotten too big for the smalltimes of Fargo and the powers that be have realized this too. The local Yakuza has recently put you on the 'Potential Threats' list and they are getting ready to take off the list, permanently. This RP starts with your escape from Fargo to the Seatte Sprawk, where you will have to start over, build up your rep and survive the much harsher shadow enviroment. Your team is close, but can they stay together through the temptations of the Emerald City? What I want from potential players is a character concept first and I will work with you from there.
Ars had become more and more agated in the last couple of days with all the new people entering the city and everyone asking about the Bandit Game. How it had become suddenly popular, he had no idea, but he didn't care for it one bit. Arunue had quickly caught on to his presence, she was better than he thought, but he didn't mind that at all. He was too busy as it is and he didn't need to following around some wannabe bandit, she stood out like a sore thumb, riding around on a horse like some high and mighty thief god. He had others to worry about, like this Kylie Lupin, she had been asking about him to, but in a far more subtle way. She was only asking about him though, she didn't seem to care about the Bandit Game, and for some reason that intrigued him, more than usual. Hmm, Lupin, he could of swore that he had heard that name somewhere before, maybe a Miles Lupin, that was it. Intriguing. There it was, the Tower of Thieves, standing smack dab in the middle of town. He had been thinking so much that he lost track of where he was walking, but he got there anyway. Too many people were asking about the Bandit Game now and he could let anyone find the scroll before him, so he had to risk the Tower's traps now, before he had enough information and before anyone else. This was it, he put his hands in his pockets and started inside.
It had been years since any man had stepped foot in the sanctuary of the Temple of Thieves. The Scroll of the Sky Stones has laid undisturbed for centuries, but an air of change blows through the columns of the temple. A time of change has begun and the Sky Stones are becoming restless in their slumber. The Bandit Game has begun and only the Bandit King will come out victorious. This is the story and each person must start with how they came to read the Scroll of the Sky Stones. This is a mandatory prologue for each characters development, and they all must happen within a week of the first encounter with the scroll. The characters are: Ars Suichi: ars_magicae Zen the VII: Lone Bebop Rhel " baby boy" Di: Drix D'Zanth Kylie "Ky" Lupin: erinzyger Miles Lupin: Geist Kimana "Ki" Toki: Ohkami Arunue Kalamara: ArunueShekamari Alexandra: Arika Ars: The dank smell of corroding flesh and demon feces corrupted the air of the dark corridors between the streets of the City of Thieves. He had only lived here for a mere two months but Ars has already grown accustomed to the rank stenches of the city and also to the countless daily attempts on his life. In the short period of time that he had been in tCoT he had gained quite a reputation and some of the more long term citizens didn't seem to care for this up and coming bandit. He worked for no syndicate, belonged to no gang, and had not a single tie to anyone in the city and yet no matter what the job, he seemed to get to first. This seemed like just another day in tCoT, but Ars could sense of air of change stirring up the muck air of the city and it made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. But now was not the time to being worrying about such trivial matters as he was currently following a strange girl that had just entered tCoT. She had been asking around about both him and the Thieves Quest, often in the same sentence. She was jeopardizing his carefully laid plans and he was not about to let a nobody like her get away with that. The quest was the reason that he left the tequila gang and the quest was what he had been carefully researching over the last two months and now the quest was what was making him skulk around in demon feces. Damn this girl.
sorry, i have been in a long moving transition between houses and have only had a comp while at school but I decided that I'll start the rpg on monday. so look for it then. Thanks for waiting.
yeah, .hack infection is one of the less outstanding rpg's out there, it is really short, no real backstory on the characters, but that is to be expected in a game that simulates a mmorpg. I liked the game because it has one of the best gaming engines I ever used, I really like the way it plays, the ability to have many characters that you can switch around in your team, kinda reminds me of FFX's system a little bit.
" YOUR SLACKING!!," screamed the sensei in Ars' head," how could you let people see you like that, I trained you better..." Ars wasn't listening, however his inner self was being beated now with a wooden katana like Rue's. Ars was still spinning with all the happenings of the day, they were spiraling though his head so fast that he couldn't gasp at any of them, so many things at one time was seriously doing some mental damage to him. he was so lost in his own thoughts that he walked right by the arena five times before remembering that he had to go in and even then still fuzzy on why. Then when he saw Aiko climbing up to the announcers chair he remembered why he was there. But by this time he the first nights fight was about to begin and he wouldn't dare interupt Aiko while she was annnouncing. So he sat down, waiting for the rest of his team to arrive so that they could view this match together and come up with a nice strategy for when they faced the winner, all the time while Sensei continued his lecture and beating him with a stick.
If you look at my theory an the tsukasa is level 99 thread I state that Tsukasa cannot use magic because to create the spell he must use his skill points ( game reference ) and since humans do not have skill points, Tsukasa is not able to access these abilities, because he does not have the knowledge of how to do so. That is why Tsukasa is so surprised when he finally does. as for his guardian, it is not a spell. tsukasa can call it when he wants to because it is more like a guard dog, it reacts when it is called, but also will protect tsukasa even when he is not summoned. The guardian is an entity, not a spell. Tsukasa is also not using magic when he gates from an area to a server town, he is simply using a sprite ocarina (the show being different to the game in that the sprite ocarina in the show will take tsukasa directly to the town and just out of the dungeon and back to the field.)
holy blue hells, that is some nice piece of art. I would choose it to be in Rising Stars ( but I haven't seen the other applications ) anyways that is really good, love your characters especailly Gedden, but I did notice that he does look kinda like Sephiroth. hmmm well anyways I would give it a solid 10/ 10, but who am I to judge. oh i am planning on entering the Rising Stars next year so I might just keep you guys in the know about my plans and the way it is coming along, especially you, you might be able to give me some pointers.
Ars was beating himself up inside,' how did someone find out?' he thought as his inner self continued punching itself. He had told no one what he thought or who he liked for that matter, he had never told anyone at all any of his feelings. ' Feelings just make you weak. Master said I must never let my feelings cloud my thoughts ( at this time an old man enters Ars' mind, the old man is Sensei, and starts beating Ars' inner slef with a paper fan )' Ars continues to walk, not watching where he was going when he ran into Eli Harris, the Digital Starlight member and the boy he saw Aiko talking to before he ran away. " Sorry," mumbled Ars, his mind still on the down spiraling events of the day. " Its no prob," replied Eli," hey you're Ars aren't you, I recognized your face from the drawing that Aiko had done, it was a real good likeness of you except for the hearts all over ......" and with that Eli quickly shut his mouth, he realized that he had just said too much. Ars' mind quickly began to race as he left Eli with a word and headed towards the arena, he just had to steal that picture somehow and get a good look at it.
Ars was walking back to the clocktower, with gift, already wrapped and ready, in hand. Ars took a slight detour to left first before entering the clocktower. He walked into the school halls and stopped in front of a locker. It was locker 104, belonging to Aiko Mitsume. He removed his lock picking kit from within the one of the many pockets in his coat and opened her locker. Inside there were all sorts of journalistic paraphenalia, mics, cameras, recorders, and video cameras, including about a dozen or so notebooks. Ars carefully laid his gift atop them all and closed the locker snuggly. he turned around and began to walk away as Aiko rounded the corner while talking to Eli. Ars quickly rounded the next corner and uses a smoke bomb to escape without a trace.
Ars quickly split away from the other two, not wanting to get at blows with Akasuki and not caring about Rue. He had done what he was trained to do and this was no exception. He walked down the fall away from them as he heard Akasuki shout out," Thanks for that but I'll still woop on you guys at the tournament." Ars was listening very intently and was contemplating what to buy with the fifty dollars he still had from Akasuki's wallet, she may have the wallet, but Ars had her money. He felt the school grounds, not really caring much about tonights fight, and instead walked to the nearest mall where he would buy Aiko the best tape recorder he could find. Remember that Ars is a thief and has plenty if money of other peoples. He surprisingly never saw the leader of his team today, she always showed up in the clocktower or he saw her around school, but she was nowhere to be seen. But these thoughts slipped from his mind as he walked into the mall.
The thug leader opens his mouth to speak, but only coughs out a putrid smelling gas. Instead Ars opens his mouth to tell Mrs. M the story. Ars recounts the happenings of the bathroom but leaves out crucial details that make it seem as though he were only there as a sideline viewer. He tells of how Rue was forced to fight the thugs, because they were doing something naughty in the bathroom (( ooc what were they doing? )) and they didn't want Rue to tell on them. He left out the part of Rue saying that he would rat them out because it made Rue look weak and Ars knew that Mrs. M absolutely hated weaklings, from previous experiences with her. He even defended Akasuki, giving her the same reasons of being there as him and thus making her innocent of crimes against school rules. " Well, I hardly do believe that is the truth Mr. Suichi, (( ooc that is Ars' last name)) but since it is the only evidence I have at the time I am going to have to let the three of you go," said Mrs. M, referring to of course Ars, Akasuki, and Rue." As for you thugs, I'll come up with a good punishment for you, for trying to start fights with under classmen...." She continued as Ars, Rue, and the still ungrateful Akasuki left her office.
"This day just keeps getting worse,"growled Ars under his breath,"I really don't have time for this." With that he reached into his coat and was about to drop a mass of smoke pellets, when Rue stuck his hand in front of Ars. "Don't," commented Rue," That will only make things worse." Ars slipped the pellets back into his coat, for now, but instead turned his attention to Akasuki," Hey you know that it is your fault that you are in this mess. If you hadn't interfered with someone else's fight, then none of us would be here. My associate Rue here could easily have defeated those wannabes and walked away before Mrs. M arrived, I would still be sleeping and you wouldn't have to worry about your precious Micheal getting mad at you." " Us wannabes?" retorted the leader of the gang." come on just you and me right....." Before he could finish his sentence Ars threw a stink pellet into his mouth and down his throat, thus effectively stopping the idiot's babbling and giving him one mean cough. The rest of the gang burst out with there contained laughter and even Mrs. M giggled under her breath, but she returned to scowling at the students she was escorting and led them into her office.
"You have good speed for a first year," said Ars as he spoke up," but don't relax so much kid, these guys are cake, I know but you should be ever vigilant." He was still thinking of Aiko, so only half watching the fight. Akasuki was now coming to her feet and was staring in awe at the first year that she was just trying to defend a couple of moments ago. Her bum still smarted from falling like a fool in front of everyone, and she was still trying to figure out what Ars did to make her fall, when she looked down to see her shoes were tied together. grrrr, she thought, I will have your head for this in the tournament. Ars need not watch the rest of the fight, he got to see just how fast his teammate was and needed not a further demonstration of the boys skills. he turned and walked by Akasuki effectively stealing her watch at the same time.
Ars throws a sweep kick at Akasuki, but she flips backwards and out of the way as he expects her to do. As her feet come up into the air, Ars' hands move faster than most people can see and easily unties and reties her shoe strings together, so that she falls on her a** as she lands the flip. " I told you to stay out of this, but if you want it to become personal, then wait for the tournament. I have had a bad enough day as it is," and with that Ars turned back to the fight. 'Stupid girl,'he thought,' she doesn't even notice that I stole her wallet at the same time I tied her shoes together. It felt pretty heavy, what is there like fifty bucks in it.' Ars could buy Aiko a nice present with that kind of money, a new recorder maybe..... He pondered these things as he watch the real fight start between Rue and the now very angry thugs.