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Everything posted by Kanariya
[size=1][color=chocolate]Everyone watched as Yuka ran off, her weapons in the air into the village. "Crazy little hyper sugar addicted 11 year-old..." Amaya said to herself. Yuka screamed, and Amaya sighed. "She heard you..." Katana whispered. "Unfortunately..." "Come on! YOU WANNA KILL THESE BANDIT DUDES OR NOT?!?!" Yuka yelled, turning around. Kurumi and Katana began running to her, followed by Kaz and Kit. Yuki and Amaya stayed back by Kenshin and Sano, watching them run off. "Bye bye.." Yuki muttered. "Why don't we go a different direction?" Sanosuke asked. Kenshin nodded, and the four began running the other way to look for 'bandits.' "Wow, this place is torn down..." Yuka said, scratching the back of her head. Kaz nodded, looking at the madly screaming people. "Can you calm them down?" Kaz asked Kurumi. She shrugged. "I don't know, maybe Yuka can. She can yell loud enough for people across the world to hear." Yuka smiled greatly. "CCCCCCCCCCCCOOOOOOOOOOKKKKKKKKKKKIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" she yelled. Everyone fell to the ground, looking up at Yuka. "Ok, we have several questions for ya'lls..." Yuka began. Everyone stared at her, and the flames around them kept burning. "Who came and burned your village?" Yuka asked. "Bandits!" a woman yelled. Katana gave her a thumbs up, and the woman looked more scared. "Don't pay attention to her. Anyway, where are the bandits?" Yuka asked. "They are in our village leader's house, talking. I overheard them talking about taking over the village," a man said. "Then why would they burn this place down?" Katana asked. "Because they want to rebuild this whole village and make it home to darkness!" another man yelled. Yuka shrugged, then began walking away. "Where do you think your going?!?!" Kit exclaimed. Yuka still was walking. "Gonna turn this place into darkness? Fine with me..." she said, running away. Kurumi, Katana, Kaz, and Kit sighed, and then turned to the villagers. "Don't worry, we'll excpet HER'll save your village. Damn Yuka..." Kit said. Everyone nodded, and the villagers sighed of relief. "Come on, let's go!" Kurumi said. Then the four began running off to find the leader's house.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Well, I like to eat, like you said, usually anything with ketchup, although in the end I usually end up sick from eating too much ketchup. But I'm pretty sure that's normal. Another habit is that I like anything with cinnamon on it. I am a big cinnamon fan, although I don't do it much because my family would probably ban cinnamon from me, and my friends...well I guess I wouldn't care... And I liek regular Cheerios with orange juice.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]The image way on the left is very good, but the middle image is stretched, and the one on the right is blurry. The red font works, but you might want to bold it up a little for people to see. The text reading Megumi Momo, I don't like it really. I have no reason why I don't so don't mind me. Plus, a [i]border.[/i] A banner isn't complete without a good old border.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Ooh, great banner Conna. I really do like the image, and the red tone fits it perfectly. The texture of her face is cool, and the close up in the background makes it even better. Oh I just realized words were in her face O.o[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]South Park is one of my favorite shows in the history of cartooning. When Cartman cusses I'll just start laughing...and that's a lot. My favorite episode will have to be the Jennifer Lopez one, where Cartman made a Jennifer Lopez on his hand, and she started going out with Ben Affleck. Bwuhahaha that was great. And my favorite character? Kenny. One moment he lives...and the next he's dead.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]It's on the Disney channel at times (usually later on in the night), and sometimes I watch it. It's okay really. The older episodes were great, instead of all the 'mature' teen crap now a days. Shaun and Cory were the best, and my favorite still has to be good old Mr. Feeney, for some odd reason. There are some episodes when they are older that I am fond of, but the older ones were funny and were great. Well, they were also closer to my age, so that kinda makes sense why I liked this version better. But now, like Xyander, I'm into the funny adult stuff like Family Guy.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]"If you lived in our time, I bet you would too!" Amaya said, waving her hand in the air for no reason. "That's why ditching it is a good thing," Yuka said. "You ditched it?!?!?" Kurumi asked. "Yep, no sweat. Try it some time, it's great." "OK, OK enough about school. Why don't we just return to the dojo and stay there until this school is out," Sanosuke said. Yuka sighed. "What's the matter?" Katana asked. "How the hell are we supposed to know when school is out?!?!" Katana and Kurumi fell over, looking miserable. "Good question...hey how'd you come up with a good question?!?!" Kaz asked. Yuka shrugged and then blew a spit bubble out of her mouth. "I dunno...well smart moment is over I'm gonna blow spit bubbles." Then after, Yuka began blowing bubble after bubble...after bubble...after bubble... "STOPPP IIIITTTTTTT!!!" Kurumi yelled. Yuka blew her last bubble, looking at Kurumi. "It's nasty Yuka." Yuka looked very disappointed, and they all began walking again. Suddenly, they heard a woman scream. "What was that?!" Yuki asked. Yuka shrugged then smacked Yuki on the back of the head. "I don't know maybe it was a GIANT SQUIRREL!!!!" "Yuka, giant squirrels do live though," Kit said. "Yeah I know because they are invisible giant squirrels and they are cool." "I heard it come from that direction!" Kenshin said, pointing to the right. Everyone began running to the right direction until they were on top of a hill, eyes wide. Apparently there was a small village, with horses galloping madly around the village, people on the horses throwing flamed torches on houses, and other men grabbing there swords and kill endlessly. "Well, it's not my business so let's just-" Yuka felt a smack on the back of her head, and turned to Kaz. "What?" "There's endless slaughter down there?" "So?" "So that means we have to save them." "Why?" "Because they are being killed." "Why?" "I don't know." "Why?" "Shut up Yuka." "OK." Everyone began running down the hill, towards the village to stop this. "This hill is steep..." Yuka muttered, running down it. Suddenly, she tripped, and began rolling down the hill, going much faster then the others. "WWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" "Yuka?" Katana asked, stopping in her tracks, along with the others. "Heh looks fun." Katana knelt down on her knees, and began rolling down the hill. Soon followed a Kurumi. "What are they doing?" Kit asked. "Acting like idiots. Seems they are having fun too." "Yeah. Hyper idiots."[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Usually any shirt from Hot Topic are my favorite shirts. My favorite shirt though would probably be [i]I have just kidnapped myself. Give me $1,000,000 or you'll never see me again.[/i] That shirt is so cool, I usually wear it. The shirt that I want to get too though is with Stewie from Family Guy on it, and on the shirt it says, "Damn you all." That is a great shirt, along with the shirt with Chris from Family Guy on it that says, "I'm Gonna Turn you Into Poo!" I have so many favorites.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Movies? OK I'm eager now. All right, the Saturday thing is cool, but again, InuYasha sadly is starting over. (After the episode of the Demon's True Nature) I'm not really a big InuYasha fan anymore; since I have been getting into other animes more, and I realize how there are some better animes out there. But I still like it, since I keep seeing episodes over and over, I'm getting tired really of watching it. I'm looking forward to the new anime, Witch Hunter Robin on CN. But that's going off topic. Angel_Kagome_2, I sent you a PM about that, and if you want to hear something sweet between Inu/Kag, just ask in PM.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Bleh, I don't like romance stories. --------------------------------- After Kurumi's falling asleep incident, Kenshin took Kurumi in is arms and picked her up. "Now must we be getting to Tokyo?" Kenshin asked. Everyone nodded. "But..." Yuka suddenly began. Everyone turned to look at Yuka. "How exactly do we go back to our time. I like being here and all...but...we are supposed to be in our real time. We never were born in the Meiji Era, and we can't stay here forever. God, everyone would probably be worried sick about us now, putting up posters and everything...especially my-" "Parents?" Amaya finished. Yuka gave an evil glare to Amaya, sending shivers up her spine. "Parents. Bleh, I could care less. Let them die and burn in hell." Kenshin frowned, while the others just stared at Yuka straight from her words. "If you'd like to know Amaya, my parents aren't exactly parent material. Let's just say my parents and I have gone are seperate ways." "Do you guys socialize?" Katana asked. She didn't like parents either...but didn't want them to [i]die...[/i] "No. Don't plan to. Only thing they are good for is paying for my school. Enough chatter it's time to get going..." Yuka said, walking past the others. She disappeared into the darkness, as the other followed running after her. ----------------- I have no idea what you all are planning or anything, so I'm just going to where we are going back to Tokyo.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]It's great, it's got like a red theme with the border and everything, but something seems a little off. I don't know really, but may I ask, what is that red stuff going into the faded InuYasha picture?[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate][b]Felix Banner:[/b] Yeah, I was wondering something was empty. What I really have to say is that what you have already mentioned about it. [b]One after Felix:[/b] I think it looks great, but seems simple. It's really fine as it is; adding text to it would crowd it up. And the rest look great in my opinion.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Oh, sweet. It's really cool. The effect you used is great, though I have no idea what my original self looks like. I have pigtails. O.o The background is great too, and what a coinsidence, my favorite color is purple. The font matches well also. Hm...I wonder if I can get an avatar out of that too. More of a request in the Banner/Avatar Request forum..I guess I'll do it later.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by xxxGothChickxxx [/i] [B]It's simple, any rap,hip-hop,R&B,Pop or anything like that is the worst ever........Especially Aqua... [/B][/QUOTE] I feel so great! Someone else to my list who doesn't like Aqua!!! You know that song, 'Barbie Girl?' I'm a Barbie girl, in a Barbie Wooorrrlllddd....yeah. It is so bad, I cannot stand that song. Especially the fact that Ken sounds like he is on drugs. Don't remind me of the music video...[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Poor Paint Shop. *sends flowers to dear old Katana* I'm trying not to bring back bad memories but I cannot help it. Cat thing whatever banner: Eh...not to be offensive, but I don't really like it. I can hardly read the font, and the background doesn't look right to me. Plus, the pic on the left is a little fuzzy. 008 Banner: Better, but not one of my favorites of yours either. (I really like the Rurouni Kenshin River of Time Banner. I WANT ONE!!!) The pics are great, and I do like the background. What's bothering me is the text; it is too scrunched up together.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Scars, scars, scars...yeah have had too many I can't remember. Here are my worst ones, but may not be as bad as others. One day, I walked into the office (a room in my house where the computer is). In the office, the chair to sit in while surfing the internet had a plastic mat under it, and under the plastic mat was a very sharp pencil, and unfortunately the pencil's point not under the mat. I slid across the edge of the mat, the pencil into my foot, and it really didn't hurt, though blood began to get on the floor. It was tough to take the pencil out, but I did it successfully. It stopped bleeding shortly after ice treatment. And you know those little lamps that go in the ground? Well I tripped over one, slid across the sidewalk like a rock star, the skin on both of my knees almost peeled off. I passed out, and next thing I remember I was on the sidewalk, babysitter holding ice and paper towels on my knees, and an old man was in front of me with a newspaper. I don't remember; this same incident might have occured in a dream, and the old man was in it. My mind is so confused I have no idea. Trying to chop off your finger with a knife; it doesn't work for me. Sadly. P.S. I have never had the chicken pox either.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]"Hm....brown stuff...brown stuff...OMG a penny! Oh wait...that's my brown goldfish. Or is it? O.o I must find out..."[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Heh, I was watching the marathon last night too. I only watched it because I was bored. I beat all of my video games and didn't feel like playing them. Cyborg 009 is an okay anime; but I usually get so confused at who each person is. I only know that 003 is the blonde girl, 008 is the black guy, and 001 is the baby. (Also 009) Then for the rest, I am confused. Though Cyborg 009 does make me feel at times of Kikaider; the animation style is similar. Jyro reminds me of 009 is many ways; the hairstyle, their eyes...it's weird. Especially the fact that Kikaider's design really irritated me. Cyborg 009 isn't exactly like it, but somehow, I can watch it and not be irritated. [quote]Am I the only person who was incredibly annoyed by 009's eye-covering hairstyle?[/quote] Half and Half really for me. 009's eye-covering hair does irritate me for the fact you can't see half of his face, but at the same time doesn't because the eye-covering hairstyle is suitable for him. I wouldn't see him with a pulled back hairstyle.[/size][/color]
Art Kyokoks new Banner thread!tell me ehat you think!
Kanariya replied to Kyokokeiji's topic in Creative Works
[size=1][color=chocolate]Ooh, I like this one a lot. The grids outside the images look great, and you CAN read the font! (In other words, the font is great too) Also, the thing with darkness and the 'color' images are great. The quote matches with it perfectly. Good job.[/size][/color] -
Art Kyokoks new Banner thread!tell me ehat you think!
Kanariya replied to Kyokokeiji's topic in Creative Works
[size=1][color=chocolate]I am like half and half for this one. It does have kind of a weird side, doesn't it. It looks liked you mixed images, and the mixing of them is ok. That's a good font though, but when starting the sentence for both texts, it is too close to the side and is cutt off.[/size][/color] -
[size=1][color=chocolate]Nice banner Katana! I really like the effect of the picture of the person you are in the real era (not Meiji era), it looks very artistic like with paint or something. Have no problems with the other picture either. Yeah...it's pretty hard to have a serious font for a wacky, weird RPG eh? But the font works for the banner. That's what really counts. Anyway, hope Paint Shop gets better! *gives paint shop medicine*[/size][/color]
Art Kyokoks new Banner thread!tell me ehat you think!
Kanariya replied to Kyokokeiji's topic in Creative Works
[size=1][color=chocolate]Very beautiful Miss Kyokokeiji. Very nice banner. The pic is gorgeous, that's my first compliment. Sparkly. Second, you picked a good font. Usagi is perfect, and so is the other text. Good job on that. The dark blue or black border on the sides look very good too. I see no problems with this banner; it's very nice.[/size][/color] -
[size=1][color=chocolate]Heh, same thing happened with me actually. I meant to press an Angelic Layer Episode, but instead I got Princess Nine. I do like it though; but it's not ones of my faves really. The animation isn't that great, but same, I got used to it. It really was made a while ago? When did it start? I watch Princess Nine when I'm bored, but I know there will be more characters by the images in the theme song, so I'm looking forward to that. Whole thing can't be surrounded by Yao or I'll be bored to death. It's an okay anime in my opinion.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Firsties, please don't use BMPs. Try jpg's or png's. (Or use I should rather say) If this was made on MS Paint, I can understand. This is your first banner anyways. The outline of Kenshin and crew is not good. (From cropping I believe, don't mind me I have no idea how to make banners what so ever.) It is a plain background, but it's a first banner. For the background color, I think the font is good. Just keep practicing and you'll get better.[/size][/color]
Art Kyokoks new Banner thread!tell me ehat you think!
Kanariya replied to Kyokokeiji's topic in Creative Works
[size=1][color=chocolate]Ah, sad but cute. The girl's name is Tomoe, and this is from Samurai X if you didn't know. ^_~ That is a great pic; it has good quality. The background is fine too, but the font...bleh. It's fuzzy, so you really can't read the lyrics, though the red color does work. I like the type of font you used though, it's nice.[/size][/color]