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Everything posted by Kanariya
[size=1][color=chocolate]"Dude you smell like rotten cheese."[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Well for some reason, I can pretty much understand this. To you, yes I always have days like this. Actually, almost every day I see a friend or friends it happens. On the bus today, every one of my friends really ignored me much, and I was hardly in everything, and I sat there. Not to mention the fact that some people wouldn't talk to me because I looked like Samara from The Ring because my hair looked wet and dark. Well that's a good thing for me. Your friends do this because they are probably having a bad day, and really don't want to talk to anyone. Try living them up with something stupid; that works for me. Heck I go so far as crashing into the chalkboard and getting white out all over me. I'm desperate you could say.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]All right, everyone is very confused about the elements thing. Here it is: [b]Yuka-[/b] Day, [b]Kurumi-[/b] Night, [b]Katana-[/b] Water, [b]Kit-[/b] Earth, [b]Yuki-[/b] Wind, [b]Amaya-[/b] Fire, [b]Kaz-[/b] (of his multiple attacks) Heart. Hope that gets cleared up, and I think everyone is in this 'human waste' smelling place and about to fight Aconite. ---------------------------- Everyone stared at Aconite, who was smirking like a mad man. Everyone else didn't think it was all that funny. "Why are you smirking like that?!?!" Kaz yelled. Aconite chuckled and took a step further. "You all have come..." "No DUH sherlock!" Yuka yelled. Aconite still smirked by her rude comment, and then took another step further. "You ready?" he asked. They all took out their weapons, and stood guard. "We have to go different directions," Kurumi said. "If we all go directly he'll get us." "No problem," Yuka said. "Katana and I will go directly, you and Amaya will go left, Kaz and Kit will go right, and Yuki when we are fighting will appear right behind to attack." Everyone nodded, and stood guard. Aconite laughed, then stood in his spot. He took out two daggers, and awaited for them to attack. "GO!" Kurumi yelled. Everyone took their positions (Yuki runs back looking like retreat making her way around to Aconite). Katana and Yuka charged directly, and Aconite began clashing his daggers against their weapons. Yuka fell backwards, but quickly got up before Aconite could attack her. Katana aimed for him still directly, and smirked as she saw Kurumi and Amaya appear. "Tough luck..." she muttered. Suddenly Aconite turned to where Kurumi and Amaya were headed, then smirked. "I am not stupid!" he yelled. "Then take a look here!" Kaz suddenly yelled, putting his weapon through Aconite's arm. Aconite hissed in pain, then grabbed the weapon out and threw it randomly, almost hitting Amaya. "Be careful dude!" Amaya yelled. Yuka chuckled, and they all began fighting again. "Yuki..." Kaz muttered, seeing Yuki appear behind. It was all going to end soon... Aconite turned around, and smirked. He jammed his dagger through Yuki, and she quickly fell back. Kurumi clenched her teeth together, then ran to Yuki for her aid. "You think you all could trick me?!?" Aconite said. Everyone were now ticked and tired... [i]Wait......[/i] Yuka suddenly thought. [i]We have special attacks...my disk...Kit's Earth whatever thing...we can beat him! We need to do our specials at the same time and finish him off with our weapons....[/i][/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Victoria sat at her post, her hands behind her head, bored to death. "Now I have nothing to do..." she muttered to herself, watching the others walk around occupying themselves in different ways. Victoria looked at Ralience, and frowned. Ralience looked very alarmed; like something was going to happen. "Ralience?" Victoria asked. Ralience looked at her, but didn't look so alarmed as before. "Yeah?" she replied. "You look troubled. Is it about Lance?" "Well...partially," she said. "Lance isn't like to avoid a fight." "Hm, ok. What's the other half?" Vicotoria asked. "Oh...well...it's nothing." "Ralience, you are a terrible liar," Victoria said. Ralience glared at Victoria, and then crossed her arms across her chest. "Shut up." "Come on, what is it?" "Well...I feel something is gonna happen....terrible I should say..." Victoria nodded, and then sat straight up in her chair. "Yeah...great...now you're making me have shivers." Ralience lost her glare, but her heart still beated faster and faster. She knew.... "Someone is gaining on us!" Erika suddenly shouted. Everyone got up, and quickly ran around Erika. "Big submarine is tracking us, and I can tell you, it ain't gonna be pretty." "Well then get the weapons ready!" Jyvel said. Suddenly, Jyvel felt a hand on his shoulder. "No." "But then what are we gonna do? It's a submarine...wait. Erika it's a submarine, what can that do?" Victoria said. Erika looked at the screen, and frowned. "Yeah...it's bad. Submarine has multiple weapons and they can aim at us any time." "Then what are we going to do?" Ralience said, turning back to look at Lance. He only stared at the screen where the submarine was shown.[/size][/color]
Art Kyokoks new Banner thread!tell me ehat you think!
Kanariya replied to Kyokokeiji's topic in Creative Works
[size=1][color=chocolate]Yes...the font you could have done better. It is a nice banner though. The pic is very good, and the quote is a good one too. (I can never make quotes!) Well my problems are with the roses and all, you can barely see the font. That's a problem; it'll just make the banner look crowded. Also, a border. A banner is bare without a border.[/size][/color] -
Anime Do you use anime/manga for school projects or assignments?
Kanariya replied to Marron347's topic in Otaku Central
[size=1][color=chocolate]I never have used anime/manga for school assignments. I have never used anime/manga for projects because teachers I have had in the past wouldn't allow it. And in the present, they won't allow me to use anime/manga for anything. In elementary school, all I could do was draw stick people, and I kept my liking for anime/manga a secret, I don't even know why. Another reason is that some projects don't even involve or is similar to the topic. Well, maybe a science project could, but my teacher is really looking for a biology thing or something. I could never get a chance in the past to actually do something with anime/manga. Plus, I really don't plan on using anime/manga for projects in the future because I'm not really a drawer in school although I do draw, and I usually like to write things for assingments. And if it is an art project, go stick people.[/size][/color] -
[size=1][color=chocolate]I think making great art is all about the practice, and really not the talent. I never used to be a good drawer myself, and usually drew the good old stick people. But since I have come to middle school, there is this girl in my Orchestra class and she can draw very well, maybe draw Yuna from Final Fantasy in 5 minutes flat. She really did inspire me to start drawing and practice by her practicing, and so I practice and practice to draw much better now. It eventually worked, and I am currently drawing better. But now, I really don't want to draw anymore really, and start playing the piano very well. I set goals for myself one after another. So, I think good art is from to keep practicing.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]I think these banners are pretty great actually. I'd say the font does go with the banners though; I really don't have a problem with that. I really have no problems with these banners at all really. For the second one I like how you didn't make it a plain old rectangle and used different shapes and breaking it apart a little. But I see you like tiny banners, eh?[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Well, since I am a big girl gamer and 24/7 play video games, or do some other kind of technology stuff, I am a girl gamer and all, but no one makes fun of me for it. I've been playing since I was 2, but that's not a big whoop. But in your case, just prove them they are wrong. Face a guy in battle..try your best and beat him. But practice too. Like terra had mentioned, the popularity of girl gamers is getting greater and greater. So I guess you could go find some friends who are girls that like video games, practice with them, and beat boy gamers ***.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate][b]Name:[/b] Alex [b]Age:[/b] 11 [b]DOB:[/b] 10/18/92 [b]Location:[/b] Maryland [b]One Word:[/b] Butter [b]No, seriously. Describe yourself in one word:[/b] Weird [b]Occupation:[/b] Student [b]Color:[/b][/color] [color=purple]Purple[/color] [color=chocolate][b]Food:[/b] Spaghetti [b]Beverage:[/b] Mai Tai [b]Alter Ego:[/b] [b]Dream Job:[/b] Veteranarian (if I ever get better at school) [b]Self-Proclaimed:[/b] Idiot [b]Ethnicity:[/b] African-American, German, French, Italian, Irish, Indian [b]Extracurricular:[/b] Violin [b]Hobby:[/b] TV, Video Games, Computer, Writing, Trying to run through walls, Poking myself with a pencil, Trying to cut my finger off [b]Dessert:[/b] Strawberry Daquiris [b]Musician:[/b] Can't choose [b]Group:[/b] No Doubt [b]Mac or PC?[/b] PC [b]Blog:[/b] What the heck... [b]Home Page:[/b] Does MyOtaku count? Is that a blog? O.o [b]Book:[/b] I don't read books; only online fanfiction [b]Collection:[/b] CDs, video games, TVs, remotes [b]Won't Eat:[/b] Mom's Steak [b]TV Show:[/b] Family Guy or Futurama [b]Words to live by:[/b] (more of a quote) If ya wanna do something stupid, do it. [b]Addicted to:[/b] Technology [b]Comic:[/b] Garfield [b]Movie:[/b] The Ring[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Makaiya, with her spider 'pet', walked deeper into the forest, still looking for a cave to sleep in. Makaiya looked on her shoulder to see the spider had gotten a bit bigger, while it was sleeping. She was confused, but didn't worry about it. After 15 minutes of searching, Makaiya had found a burrow enough room for her to crunch in a ball and sleep in. She took her spider off of her shoulder with one hand, and then looked down at it. It had gotten huge... "Was that aluminum making you bigger and bigger?" she asked. The spider suddenly woke up, looking straight up at Makaiya. It's eyes were bigger too. "Well then..." she said, putting her hand down to the ground. The spider slowly crawled off, then crawled beside the burrow and began sleeping again. Makaiya crawled into the burrow, and then went to sleep, although it was the middle of the day. ~*~*~* Makaiya woke up, looking out of the burrow. She was now going to find that guy...who strapped her against that tree...the bastard... Makaiya crawled out of the burrow, to only gasp in shock what she saw right near the burrow. There was a giant, hairy spider next to the burrow, alive and awake. It was alarming, and stared at Makaiya. Makaiya smirked, and then patted the spider's head. "Well that aluminum got to ya," she said. The spider blinked, then Makaiya jumped onto the spider's back. "You like to eat people too?" she asked. The spider blinked again. Makaiya sighed, then the spider began crawling, making giant steps doing so. Each step it took sounded like a bomb falling on the ground. Everyone and everything could hear the spider's giant footsteps if they were in the forest.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]When the title said Candyland, I thought of the board game and expected a lollipop or something. O.o I really think this banner is good, aswell with the avatar. I like the combination of images, and I think it looks great how you mixed them. Plus you added a border. *sings some random joyous song* But this isn't my favorite out of all of your banners; I forgot what it was called, but it was with a boy in it. Bad memory.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]I play the violin aswell, but in my opinion I wouldn't think the violin has the best sound. I think the piano does, because whenever I hear a pianist play, the piano's sound soothes me, and it makes me eager to learn to play piano also. I am going into piano lessons, and I hope I can do well in it.[/size][/color]
Art YOU decide on PoisonTongue's NEW avatar/banner combination!
Kanariya replied to Brasil's topic in Creative Works
[size=1][color=chocolate]For the avatars...#2 definitely. That is the greatest expression ever. And for the banners...ah so many....well I'd have to say Banner #1.[/size][/color] -
If you could be anyone you wanted to be...
Kanariya replied to RainbowChick's topic in General Discussion
[size=1][color=chocolate]I have thought about in life in my hard times I wish I was someone else, but usually it's I wanna die. I have to go through this though; it's all about life, going through the bad times and going through the good. So if I had a choice of switching lives with someone else, I wouldn't because I'd just know it was cheating to get out of problems I have. And that's not really the way to get out of situations really in my opinion. Oh, and Chibihorsewoman, I laughed for 5 minutes straight of your post. *claps*[/size][/color] -
[size=1][color=chocolate]My name's origin...well basically my sig says it all. My name Wasabi is the name of my cat that died, but Wasabi is actually a green, extremely spicy mustard that is used in Japan. But I think they are served in Chinese buffets too, not sure. The reason I chose Wasabi was because of my cat, and the fact that I started to hate my old name Inuluvr1, which of course standed for #1 Inuyasha Lover.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]This is very good, makes me jealous. What I like best about this is the snake; it looks realitic in the drawing, but at the same time as a shadow. Plus, it's head and all is very well drawn. Nice job. Moving onto the boy. He is good, but his hands need work. Only advice is to practice on that. Also, I don't know why, but I don't like the feet position. But the rest is very good.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]I think art is something that is made (or done) with effort, and doesn't have to be 'beautiful' or 'ugly'. Also, I think art is something that is created for a purpose or for entertainment of some sort. An example of art for a purpose is anything from a cardboard box to a stapler. These things were created for a purpose in life to make it easier for one person, but in some people's view are not art because that they are just everyday items, but really thinking about it, it can be art. Though painting, sculpting, and etc. can be used for a purpose, though I think everyday items really fall into that category. About entertainment art, it may be from painting a picture to sculpting some kind of statue. Though again, everyday items can be used for entertainment, but things like painting and sculpting, drama, etc. can fall into this category. About the 'Chair' situation, although all I have explained, I wouldn't find 'Chair' an art. It wasn't created with effort and was found, so I don't find it to fall into the entertainment or for a purpose category I said. The category thing to some people may sound like crap, but hey, that's just what I think.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Again, very nice banner, and the picture is very beautiful, other then the fact he's smoking. Oh well... It's nice, but the color of the font bugs me. The image and the background is too 'cheerful' for the black color, but then again the fuzzy purpleness is cool too. Well for me, I really don't like the black font of it.[/size][/color]
Art Kyokoks new Banner thread!tell me ehat you think!
Kanariya replied to Kyokokeiji's topic in Creative Works
[size=1][color=chocolate]It is good, but not all that great. Your other banners I like better. Anyways, my problems. First, this banner needs a border. Usually a banner isn't complete without a border. Also, the 'E' of evil is cut off at the top. Those are my only problems really, but this banner doesn't really appeal to me a lot for some reason. If this offends you, sorry.[/size][/color] -
[size=1][color=chocolate]Well, I guess my favorite color has to be dark purple. I always liked purple since I ever knew colors. Actually, I like any dark color really. Light colors are too cheerful for me really, and I like to wear dark colors and all, although right now I'm not because all of my other stuff is in the wash.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]I love Disney movies, though it is a shame there are really good ones or ones that just plain [i]stink.[/i] Anyway, onto my list of top 3 disney movies. [b]Finding Nemo-[/b]Who could not love this movie? It was so funny, and Dory is my #1 role model. She's so cool. [b]Bambi-[/b]Yeah. I still like Bambi for some reason, and laugh at certain parts. I'm an evil kid. [b]The Lion King-[/b] It is such an emotional story, which captures me. It used to make me sad when I was younger, and it is just great. I also have the Lion King 2, but the first was my favorite.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]When I was younger, I was very organized with all of my possessions. I sorted Barbie dolls of their name (with those with no name, I gave it to them), and more other random stuff of mine. And I sorted my video tapes alphabetically of their titles. Then I realized how many Disney movies I actually had. Now, I am a complete junkie. One stuff will be in one corner, some stuff will be under the bed. Some stuff may be on my bed, and I still sleep on my bed, avoiding the junk on it. I leave my room the mess it is, and I am completely fine with it. I am even disorganized with my own special possessions; I lose my video games a lot, I lose my house key, I misplace a computer game, anything that's special to me, I'll lose it. Even my PS2. Now wonder how can you lose [i]that.[/i][/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]From the ages of 7-10, I was enjoying scrapbooking. I had put my childhood pictures, pictures at the age of ten, field trips, and I even put my 5th grade graduation award in there. My scrapbook had stickers too, so I put them in there. I stopped because I just got bored with it, and it is on my bookshelf right now. When I'm older, it'll probably be in a dumpster or something because I doubt I would save it. So I used to have a hobby of scrapbooking, but now I am completely bored with it, and use my time 24/7 with technology.[/size][/color]
Art Kyokoks new Banner thread!tell me ehat you think!
Kanariya replied to Kyokokeiji's topic in Creative Works
[size=1][color=chocolate][b]Daisuke Banner:[/b] It is a nice banner, though it could do without the grids. Also, the "fly" word could be a lighter color because black is too dark, I should say. And a very light colored border would probably do the trick too. [b]The "Red" Banner:[/b] Very nice. I really have no problems with this banner much at all, you did a good job. [b]My Immortal Banner:[/b] Very, very beautiful banner. The image is very beautiful itself, and the background is very nice. What I seem though is that the text at the bottom is kind of hard to read, but very beautiful. I guess try to clear it up a little, but with the same color font.[/size][/color]