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Everything posted by Kanariya

  1. [size=1][color=chocolate][u][b]General Awards[/u][/b] [b]Overall Member of the Year:[/b] James [b]Male Otaku of the Year:[/b] Charles [b]Female Otaku of the Year:[/b] Queen Asuka [b]Staff Member of the Year:[/b] James [b]Funniest Member of the Year:[/b] wrist cutter [b]Most Opinionated Otaku of the Year:[/b] PoisonTongue [b]Most Likely to be here in 2 Years:[/b] Adam [b]Best Newbie:[/b] DaggerIX1 [b]Best Oldie:[/b] James [b]Most Likely to become a Staff Member:[/b] DaggerIX1 [b]Most Improved Member of the Year:[/b] vicky [b]Favorite Banned Member:[/b] Taylor Hewitt [b][strike]Thread of the Year:[/b][/strike] [b]Silliest Thread of the Year:[/b] I....am...Lone... [u][b]Random Awards[/u][/b] [b]Avatar Award (Best Avatars Overall:[/b] Charles [b][strike]Signature Award (Best Signatures Overall):[/b][/strike] [b]Best Location (Best Specific Location):[/b] PoisonTongue [b]Best Otaku Couple:[/b] Queen Asuka/Piromunkie [b]Best Looking Otaku:[/b] Babygirl [b][strike]Otaku Clique of the Year:[/b][/strike] [b]Best Myotaku:[/b] James [u][b]Social Otakus[/u][/b] [b]Otaku Social Member:[/b] ChibiHorsewoman [b]Entertainment Otaku:[/b] Manic [u][b]Otaku Anime[/u][/b] [b]Otaku of the Year:[/b] DaggerIX1 [b].hack//sign Member of the Year:[/b] Black_Pheonix [b][strike]Dragonball Guru of the Year:[/b][/strike] [b][strike]DigiPeep of the Year:[/b][/strike] [b][strike]Gundam Member of the Year:[/b][/strike] [b][strike]Yu-Gi-Oh Member of the Year:[/b][/strike] [b]Least Disappointing Yu-Yu-Hakusho Member:[/b] DaggerIX1 [u][b]Otaku Artists[/u][/b] [b]Best Graphic Designer (Banners, wallpapers, etc.):[/b] Kinetic [b]Best "Traditional" Artist (Drawings, paintings, etc.):[/b] Queen Asuka [b]Best Spriter:[/b] Dragonballzman[/size][/color]
  2. [size=1][color=chocolate]Oh, before I start, first I want to comment; Charles, that is one [i]cool[/i] tattoo. Anyway, yeah, I do want to get a tattoo when I am older, and I am amazed you are 15 and have 33 piercings and 8 tattoos. One brave teen you are. I think I've said before on the boards about that I want a belly button ring, but now I have changed my mind about it. O.o The holes in my ears are closing up as it is, and I don't mind at all. Ear peircings are fine with me, but I have changed my mind about the belly button ring. Only the ears. About tattoos, yeah. I might get one of my name in Chinese characters down my neck in black. And maybe a white snow leopard cub would do on my arm. I love those animals. ^_~[/size][/color]
  3. [size=1][color=chocolate]Eh, sorry but first banner needs much work. The Vegeta sprite (correct me if it is not Vegeta) is blurred, along with the images of Brolli, Goku, and the other dude (sorry, I have seen him, but don't remember his name). The font though is OK, and it looks like you did add a border, but very very thin. Well MS Paint isn't a great program, so blame that for it. Just practice and see what can come out of it.[/size][/color]
  4. [size=1][color=chocolate]I think online friendships are great, and I have had very good friends everywhere online (well not everywhere, but you get the point), and I get along with them great, sometimes even more then with my friends in real life. Not saying I don't like my friends in real life, it's just that I feel even more happier around friends online. I pretty much feel misplaced anywhere I go in real life, I mean one friend of mine is sometimes always ticked and I feel I can do nothing about it, and the other complains a lot about boys and says, "so what are we going to do to *boy's name* today?" She talks about stupid things over and over and over, and I am bored constantly, and the ticked one isn't much of a help either. I have just explained my reasons for friends in real life, and shows how I like online friendships better. I can communicate better with them, and better express myself then my friends in the real world. That's why I am never out often and usually online or playing video games in a dark room. O.o As for 'relationships,' I have had some here. *2 people married already and overwith.* I don't want to take the relationship things seriously anymore (online and in real life), and just have plain old friends. I don't have a boyfriend in real life, and I am completely fine with that. But life will change as a I grow older, that will probably happen. I will eventually start to like certain people over others, and eventually really like them more then a friend. But right now, nah relationships are bleh. So overall, I think online relationships are great and better for me.[/size][/color]
  5. [size=1][color=chocolate]This...this is amazing work. And to say I really love dragons. The colors are excellent, and the texture of the dragon s marvelous. The glowing eyes in my opinion are really cool looking, and the shading is great also. Very talented work here. If you want to not call yourself a professional, your pretty close of becoming one with this dragon.[/size][/color]
  6. [size=1][color=chocolate]Good for firsts of PSP7. I can't afford it...*sighs* Anyway, my comments. [b]Orange Neko Banner:[/b] Very nice banner; the image is clear, and the font color you chose was good too. Though the text in the top left corner is a little blurred, and I don't think the black border really works for the banner. A dark blue maybe? [b]jro13's banner:[/b] Simple, but good. No problems, except it seems empty. Add some text in there to make make it spiffy. (jro13's user name as a suggestion) [b]Welcoming Spring Banner:[/b] Very cute and emotional. The pic is good and everything, but I suggest a very thin pink (light) border, and to make the font a little more clear.[/size][/color]
  7. [size=1][color=chocolate]Got a knack for sorrowful banners, eh? Nice pic, and good fading. Border is nice too; though I would change the font. It seems a little, 'plain', and does seem a little blurred.[/size][/color]
  8. [size=1][color=chocolate]Very nice banner Conna. I see no problems really, it looks beautiful. The image blurred a little (at least I think it is), which is very nice. The fading is well, and I believe though are like large grids in the background, nice. The black border is good, and the peach 'border' inside is nice too. Nice font. Really all I can praise, though that pic on the left is very beautiful. Nice job.[/size][/color]
  9. [size=1][color=chocolate]Ah, I'm not confused any more. Katana, I am Day, and Kurumi is Night. Yeah... ---------------------- Kaz made a little wind, and because their powers at the moment were useless, Kaz brushed off the dirt piece by piece with wind, making sure not to get it in hsi friends' eyes. "Kurumi?" Yuka asked. Kurumi looked over. "Yeah?" "You know about when Katana was talking about extra abilities not relating (well kind of relating) to our elements?" she asked. "Yeah." "Well, since I am day, I think I can control the sun's brightness and stuff during the day. While you Kurumi, can control the moon's brightness and all during the night. Nothing special, but at least we get to control two cool objects!" she said. Kurumi nodded, and watched slowly as dust came off. Suddenly, and idea popped in Yuka's head. "If I can control the sun...I can make it go away! The sun dries up the Earth, and the least I can do is make it not so dry to help Kaz a bit," Yuka said. Kurumi nodded, and Yuka began concentrating. Meanwhile, the sun became less brighter by the second. After a few minutes, the sun was showing off very little light, and seeming as if it was night, but with no moon or stars. "Well, that works," she said. "Now I know how to work my extra ability. Concentrate, and with you Kurumi, concentrate." Kurumi nodded, and watched as Kaz slowly got the dirt off. "Let's sing a song!" Yuka excitedly said, and Kurumi glared at her. "Don't you dare-" "99 BOTTLES OF BEER ON THE WALL, 99 BOTTLES OF BEER...." Kurumi had a headache, Kaz had a headache, and Yuka's throat hurt from singing, but she had to finish this song...she had to... "45 BOTTLES OF BEER ON THE WALL, 45 BOTTLES OF BEER...." "24 BOTTLES OF BEER ON THE WALL, 24 BOTTLES OF BEER...." "16 BOTTLES OF BEER ON THE WALL, 16 BOTTLES OF BEER...." "Shut up Yuka!!!" Kaz said. He had done very well so far; the dirt was almost off, all he had to do was get the dry dirt off of their feet. "You did great," Kurumi said. Meanwhile, Yuka kept singing her little heart out. Once Kaz was done, he was gonna kill her... "5 BOTTLES OF BEER ON THE WALL, 5 BOTTLES OF BEER...." "Thank god she is almost done..." Kurumi said, as Kaz brushed the last of the dirt off of their feet. Yuka kept singing, and the other two began walking away. After 2 minutes, Yuka began running after them. "LIKE OHMYGOD I FINISHED MY SONG!!!" she yelled while running. Kaz and Kurumi stopped in their tracks, until Yuka was beside them. She yawned, and then stretched her arms. "Um, Yuka?" Kaz asked. Yuka looked over. "Why don't you bring the sun back?" Yuka smiled, and then concentrated. The sun went back up, but then Kurumi noticed that one part of the sky was purple. "Hey Yuka..." she said, pointing to the purple part. Yuka looked up, and shrugged. "That purple sky is in our direction, Kit might be there for God knows what!" Kaz said. The other two nodded, and they began running to the purple sky area. ----------------------- I couldn't think of any other extra ability, so poopy.[/size][/color]
  10. [size=1][color=chocolate]Heh, sweet banner. The pic amazes me; it is very cool, and I like the color changes. Then background the same is great, and the font works perfectly. Also, nice border. You did a good job on this banner.[/size][/color]
  11. [size=1][color=chocolate]I have always wanted to go snowboarding, skiing, etc. I really want to start snowboarding, although I'd doubt I'd really ever go far. O.o I don't watch snowboarding and stuff a lot, but at some times I might. I find it pretty exciting, and I want to learn very badly. I have tried snowboarding down a hill, and I rolled...and rolled...and rolled...until I crashed into a tree, building, or parked car. Heh, what a coinsidence. I live in MD too.[/size][/color]
  12. [size=1][color=chocolate]I have just found a series (I made a seperate thread about it), called [b]]Angelic Layer.[/b] I found it during random searches in OnDemand for Comcast, and found Angelic Layer in the Drama section. I pressed to watch it, and suddenly came up with music, and I loved it. I kept watching it because of the beginning theme, and while watching the theme, I thought I would want to get more interested in this anime. So I did, and I'm glad. Angelic Layer is a series about a girl named Misaki who starts playing this game, Angelic Layer. It involves using dolls and battling with them, putting them on a certain arena to fight. It's very interesting actually, and I find the man named Icchan the stupidest guy in anime history. O.o[/size][/color]
  13. [size=1][color=chocolate]Makaiya kept on cursing and cursing. She couldn't get out of this mess...it was so sticky, and she couldn't even move. Makaiya struggled, but nothing happened. "You...bastard..." she muttered as she struggled again. "I'll get you and kill ya." Makaiya finally gave up, and lay against the tree. She looked into deep space, staring in the forest she was in. "Screw everyone in this world..." she mumbled, staring into space. Suddenly, she felt something crawl slowly up her leg. It felt like 8 little taps making its way slowly up her leg. Makaiya looked down, to see a Tarantula, a very big one at that, crawl up her leg, on to the aluminum. It began chewing through the material, and made a little hole in it. The spider kept chewing and chewing, and was in the process of chewing her free. Makaiya watched in amazement as the spider chewed through the aluminum, and the spider made one big hole where her knee was. Makaiya brought her leg up, since it was looser, and kicked the material. Her leg was the only part of her body free from the material. Meanwhile, the spider kept on chewing. Soon all of Makaiya's body parts were loose to move, and she busted through the material. She saw the spider crawl up her leg, and then perch on her shoulder. She smiled at the spider, and scratched it's back with her forefinger. "You're my offical partner in crime," she whispered, and the spider began relaxing. Makaiya chuckled, and then began walking through the forest for a place to sleep for a while.[/size][/color]
  14. [size=1][color=chocolate]Sounds very interesting... ---------------- [b]Name:[/b] Ushina (oosh-i-na) [b]Age:[/b] 125 (young vampire age) [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Vampire [b]Location:[/b] The Underworld [b]Side:[/b] Rayne's Side [b]Weapons:[/b] Two Sai (each Sai on their handle is carved with a bat *animal* and the Sai are black, not silver.) [b]Powers:[/b] Black Disk (a disk of black darkness) [b]Personality:[/b] Only interacts with other vampires, and no other race. Anti-social. [b]Bio:[/b] Ushina since born in The Underworld was always evil, and stayed away from her parents until they had died. She only trusts other vampires, including Rayne. She 'worships' him, and is like a minion of his. [b]Appearance:[/b] Ushina has pitch black hair with blood red strands of hair, that is made into a messy bun. Strands of red hair are left out of the bun. She has red eyes, and little fangs that is shown out of her mouth. She has a tint of tan blush, and her skin is smooth. Her ears have silver carved as skulls attached to her ear. She wears a long black dress, that when walking, is dragged behind her. She has red high-heeled boots that shine. Her dress is short sleeved, so she had red cotton gloves.[/size][/color]
  15. [size=1][color=chocolate]Very good Dan, you were always a good drawer. ^_^ Anyway, nice pic. The body does seem a little slanted, but that's OK. *probably scanner problem* Yep; just color it and I'll like this picture even more. Nice work! Makes me want to see Naruto even more...[/size][/color]
  16. [size=1][color=chocolate]Heh, simple and funny. The images are clear and good, and tell the mood of the banner. (Confused) The font is very well too, and the border adds a final touch to it. Nice job Willow.[/size][/color]
  17. [size=1][color=chocolate]No...of course not that. You'll find out. ^_~ ------------------------ Makaiya walked along silently with Razorblade, acting very quiet. She still had knives in her hands, and she was next to Razorblade. After the fight, she was quite ticked at him. The only weapon she did have were knives...she couldn't get any other kind of weapons. She couldn't get them... Makaiya looked at Razorblade. Although most of his body covered in clothing, she could tell he was irritated, and didn't want her around. Makaiya rolled her eyes, and then started walking behind him. "What are you doing?" he asked. Makaiya smirked. "Keeping your guard..." "What is that-" Suddenly, Razorblade felt something sharp pierce his skin, and his blood went cold. Blood dripped down his shoulder, and down his clothes. He turned his head a little, to see one of Makaiya's knives in his shoulder, and blood running down it continously. He frowned, and his eye twitched. Makaiya smirked even more, and put her chin on his shoulder. "Now you know I'm not a pushover and I am bossed by no one..." she said. She lifted her chin off of his shoulder, then took the knife out of his shoulder. He immediately turned around, and stood guard. Makaiya backed up a little, still smirking. Razorblade was frowning, and very mad. "You're a bitch..." he muttered. Makaiya chuckled at his statement, and put her left hand on her hip. "I take that as a compliment. Thanks!" Razorblade hissed, and then he began fighting with Makaiya. She wasn't bad...wasn't bad at all. He noticed she wasn't taking hesitations in killing him.... Razorblade scooted back a little, a close distance from Makaiya. "Were you a murderer? I can tell you are making no hesitations to kill me." Makaiya lost her smirk, and frowned. "And so you are..." he said. "Bastard..." Makaiya muttered, then began fighting him again, in anger, being more skillfull with her techniques.[/size][/color]
  18. [size=1][color=chocolate]Very good banner. ^_^ I don't know about anyone else, but I think adding the grids looks good. If they weren't there, the banner would look very plain in my opinion. Anyway, it's a very nice banner. Though I think Miroku looks a little squished there. >.< Also, maybe try out a thin black border for it. It might look better, I'm not sure.[/size][/color]
  19. [size=1][color=chocolate]I 'am' that weirdo. *laughs* Well, I do sing a lot of songs, do crazy things, and say wrong things to teachers and end up getting in trouble. If I am down, I'll ask people to give me a high 5. If I'm down, I'll tell everyone I like pudding. In the end, everyone is ticked at me, and I'm a happy person. But in weird I am talking, I mean sugar crazed lady. If weird your talking as just plain old weird and a freak then yes, there are people at my school like that. But in the end, we all are freaks in our own ways. And I have just explained my ways. :)[/size][/color]
  20. [size=1][color=chocolate]Ah, since The Pillows are a Japanese Band and they sang the song etc., it will probably be only in Japanese. Sorry bud.[/size][/color]
  21. [size=1][color=chocolate]Yep, the font for the banner doesn't work, and is a slight blurry. I don't know what color would do with that though. O.o The sprite thing is great. Have no complaints. ^_^ The blog is very good! The background goes well with the picture, and it is really cool. The pic is good, and well faded. All you have to do is fill in that box. ^_~ I suggest a dark red for the text if there will be in there.[/size][/color]
  22. [size=1][color=chocolate]I think the font color is great, and the font itself is great too. But it's your banner, your decision. ^_~[/size][/color]
  23. [size=1][color=chocolate]Ooh, very nice with the border! See what borders can do?[/size][/color]
  24. [size=1][color=chocolate]Dude, I can hardly read what you wrote there. O.o Just that you use PSP7. Anyway, about the banner. It's small, simple, but good. It might be my eyes, but I'd think a very thin light blue border would do. Good banner.[/size][/color]
  25. [size=1][color=chocolate]Ok! ---------------------- Makaiya stared at Razorblade, disgusted. "Looks like you support god or somethin..." she said, crossing her arms across her chest. "If you're gonna blah blah then why don't you leave?!" Razorblade said angrily. Makaiya stuck out her tongue, then turned around with her eyes closed. "Fine then, I will. It's not like I like you or something; I don't like anyone." "Bet you just do that because-" "Because what?!" Makaiya said turning around. "You don't know about me, I don't know about you. Got it?" Razorblade sighed, and kept walking. "Yeah I thought so," Makaiya said. She realized Razorblade was still walking and followed him, right by his side. "You evil or good?" she asked. "I thought you said I shouldn't know about you and you shouldn't know about me?" Razorblade asked. Makaiya shrugged, and kept walking. "I change my mind often...it's a habit." Razorblade sighed, then suddenly heard a step, but it was quiet. He stopped in his tracks, and looked behind him. Makaiya kept walking. Razorblade widened his eyes. The dragon in the cave was there, and he looked like he was going to blow out fire. Straight at Makaiya. "Girl!" Razorblade said, yelling to Makaiya. She turned around and smirked. "The dragon's back...and I won't lose at all!" she said, pulling out her knives again. "Your knives are weak..." Razorblade said. Makaiya huffed, and walked back to Razorblade. She poked him, and he hissed. "But they do hurt, don't they?" Razorblade rolled his eyes, and the two looked at the dragon. Time for the fight.[/size][/color]
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