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Everything posted by Kanariya

  1. Kanariya


    [size=1][color=chocolate]Ah, I remember the Peanuts. I loved them. Since it has been such a while, I don't remember the names of the characters (except Snoopy and Charlie Brown) and I don't remember the episodes except the Christmas one when they got the sucky tree for Christmas. Actually Charlie Brown did. Anyway, yes I enjoyed Charlie Brown a lot, but I don't remember anything really about it. The only time I will probably watch it is at school for a party of something.[/size][/color]
  2. [size=1][color=chocolate]Ooh Conna I love that song!! *gives her high five and some advil* ----------------------- *poke* *whack* *poke* *whack* "I STILL DIDN'T FINISH MY SONG!!!" Yuka yelled. Everyone on the train heard her, and yelled out no. "Yahiko, will you do the honors?" "N-" "Of course you would! 69 bottles of BONK on the wall 69 bottles of BONK..." "Miss Yuka, please stop this!" Kenshin said. Then Yuka became mad again, and got up. She walked over to Kenshin and bonked him with her giant mallet. *Swirly eyed Kenshin* "There! I told you not to call me MISS!" Yuka said. Unfortunately, little children were across the aisle from the whole gang, staring at Yuka. Yuka turned around and saw the kids, and waved hi. "I'm sorry little dudes but that red-haired guy deserved it!" Yuka said. The children quickly looked away. "She's weird..." "No duh..." Later.... "34 bottles of BONK on the wall 34 bottles of BONK..." More later.... "23 bottles of BONK on the wall 23 bottles of BONK..." Even more later... "15 bottles of BONK on the wall 15 bottles of BONK..." "Cut it out!!!!" Yahiko yelled, rubbing his head. "Sorry dude but I'm on number 4 so deal with it! For more bonks! Blame Kurumi for throwing my squeaky hammer out the window!!" Yuka said. Yahiko turned angry, and looked at Kurumi. "WHY'D YOU DO IT?!?!" he said. "Well she was...oh forget it!" "Yuka, please stop it. You are annoying everyone, that you are," Kenshin said. Yuka got up once again and pounded Kenshin on the head. "What was that for?" "Not saying dude. Dude is a good word so use it."[/size][/color] ----------------------
  3. [size=1][color=chocolate]Paige looked forward to see the two other girls as quiet as a mouse. All was heard was the waves crash against and over the bridge. "I came along with you two to go end this war..." Paige said to Reveille and Felicia. They both turned around, stunned at what she said. She didn't expect Paige to say anything but little rude comments. "All right, but it looks like as if you don't care about the war!" Reveille said. Paige nodded no. "I actually don't. The war is getting very old, and I can't stand it anymore. I actually travel around and live wherever I please. My parents are dead, and my other family members are probably hiding. I am probably the only one throughout my whole family who actually is brave enough to go through this," Paige said. Reveille nodded, and then turned back around. [i]So I think Paige just acts this way because of the losses of her mom and dad and the fact she knows no one. Kind of sad...not making friends or anything, Reveille thought.[/i] "Well then, how bout some music?" Felicia asked, pointing to the stereo in Reveille's car. "Anything but Pop and Opera I am fine with!" Paige said to the two. Felicia turned to a station, and on was Christmas tunes. "Why are there Christmas tunes on the station?" Paige asked. Reveille shrugged. "I have no idea...but I can live with it," she said. She began singing along with the song (it happened to be Jingle Bells) and Felicia began singing too. Paige watched the two girls singing, and sighed. Suddenly, a cannon landed in the water near them, scaring the crap out of the girls. "WHAT?!?!" Felicia yelled. "Calm down, it was just a canon. Luckily it didn't hit the bridge..." Paige said. "The joy of swimming, yeah?" "Don't say that Paige! All we can do is hope for the canon not to hit the bridge, and with all this traffic how are we even going to get up to Central Haven?" Reveille said. "Well maybe we can avoid all these cars and try not to run into policemen while we're at it!" Paige said. Reveille shrugged, and began making her way through all of the cars. Things were going smooth so far. "Let's hope we aren't gonna get caught; you know how policemen don't like people going through random lanes for 1 second to get through!" Felicia said. Just then, Paige saw a police car up ahead. "Quick, stop it! There's a police car up ahead. Once we get past and the coast is clear, we do it again!" Paige said. Reveille nodded, and stayed in one lane. Once they had gotten past the police car, they made their move again. This plan was going smoothly, but how long would it last? The three girls though didn't notice as they were doing their plan, there was a police car they had passed. The policeman, unfortunately, was a drunken police cop who did nothing but wanted to chase people and get beer. Well here was his time. As the three girls were in the car, the police cop caught up. Paige panicked. "Um, Reveille?" she asked. "Yeah Paige?" "Police...guy...step on it!" "I'm not allowed to speed!" "Do anything to get out of this traffic, that's for sure!" Felicia said, joining in. Reveille, doing what Paige said, began going at a faster speed. "Okay, he's not that close anymore...AH WAVE!!" Paige yelled. Now this wave was humongous (spl?), and could tumble and wash away a car. Oh boy.[/size][/color]
  4. [size=1][color=chocolate]I'm back dudes! *screams* Heh I love my job. ---------------------------- "KURUMI ATTACKS!!! RUN AWAY!!!" Yuka yelled as she ran throughout the whole dojo. "COME BACK HERE!" Kurumi yelled. The other patiently waited, watching the three girls chase after each other. "This is very entertaining..." Amaya said. "Yep. I bet you Yuka is gonna take her giant real hammer soon..." Kit said. .... "GIANT HAMMER DUDES!!!!" Yuka yelled. Kurumi and Katana screamed. "Everyone has to pick on meeeeeeee!!!" Katana yelled. "Girls, stop fooling around! We gotta get to the train station now!" Sanosuke yelled. "Can I bring my giant-" "No." "WAHHHHHH!!!" *grabs giant hammer and runs after Sanosuke* "OW!" Sanosuke yelled. "In the jungle...the mighty jungle...the lion sleeps tonight..." Yuka sang. "Now she's addicted to the Lion King? God what is with Yuka and Disney movies?!?!" Kaz yelled. "I don't know but she sure does like em doesn't she?" Amaya said. "Come on you two let's go!" Megumi yelled. Sanosuke backed away from Yuka as Yuka smiled proudly. "Next I'll be the Queen of all of the Queens! YAY!!!" Everyone got ready, and walked to the train station, with Yuka's moans, groans, and giant hammer ma bobber songs. It was a living hell. "We are here finally!" Yahiko said, glaring at Yuka who was staring into space. "YAY!!!" Yuka yelled. ----------------------- Now the person after me gets to type the fun train ride!!! *squeals and grabs hammer* A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go round...[/size][/color]
  5. [size=1][color=chocolate]Heh, klinanime1 said it all. The banner is cool looking. The pics are great, and the font is good too. Agreeing with klinanime1, a border would do for the banner. A black one would be best if I had to choose. BTW, nice sprite for your avatar.[/size][/color]
  6. [size=1][color=chocolate]When I am bored, I usually surf the net, read, or write. I am not really all that busy since school has been out. I have been acting like a bum for this whole week, I should actually say. But to occupy myself, I do things I enjoy the most, such as going on the OB. For example, for writing. I occupy my time by writing fanfictions and they turn out pretty good, except with usually a couple of mistakes or three. The problem with me is that all of my friends live at a far distance, and in my neighborhood there's no one there my age. They are all younger. (3-8 years old) Not saying I don't like little kids, but I really don't feel comfortable with people not my age.[/size][/color]
  7. [size=1][color=chocolate]*looks at G/S/B Master's post* Heh, you rock. I played Final Fantasy X2 a lot (had fun with it too), ate, slept, watched TV, got on the computer, and listened to music. The reason my family doesn't go around a lot is that are our cousins, etc. live so freaking far away we spend most of our time driving there. Also, my family and I are lazy bums. Last thing we think about is traveling. Unless for family reunions, for which I despise. (Ah going off topic) Anyway, hope you had fun on your vacation.[/size][/color]
  8. [size=1][color=chocolate][b]Q:[/b] In episode 4 Season 2 (Brain in Love) [i]who[/i] is Brian in love with? [b]Answer:[/b] Louis Griffin[/size][/color]
  9. [size=1][color=chocolate]Heh, thanks. -------------------- Paige began very irritated by Reveille's whines, and covered her ears. And yet she still heard the whining! Paige, angry, uncovered her ears and glared at Reveille. "Would you be quiet already?!?! If your car blows up, oh well. Hijack one from some other guy and BAM there's your new car!!" Paige said. Reveille frowned at Paige, but stayed quiet. "Anyway..." Dr. Kazuko said. "You start as soon as you like! Now would be preferred!" Felicia and Reveille nodded, but Paige didn't make any movement. "All right then, on you go!" Dr. Kazuko said. The 3 girls got up, and walked out of the waiting room, out of where they entered, "The Tropicana." The same waiter was there, and as Paige passed by, he glared at her. Paige just glared back, and the waiter turned the other way in disgust. Reveille and Felicia saw Paige, and looked confused. "Why was he glaring at you?" Felicia asked. "Let's just say we didn't have a warm welcome when I walked in the door," Paige said proudly. Reveille and Felicia nodded with confused expressions. They three walked to the car, with Dr. Kazuko behind them. "I'll be in contact with you any time!" Dr. Kazuko said. Reveille nodded, and got in the driver's seat of the car. Felicia got in the passenger's seat, while Paige sat in the back. "Bye girls and be as careful as you can!!" Dr. Kazuko said. Reveille and Felicia waved goodbye, while Paige ignored them all and stared out the window at the waves going over the part of the bridge they had gone on. "Well, we start now!" Reveille said, driving along the road. "Yeah, we just have to avoid flying bombs and overflowing!!" Felicia said. Paige still stared out the window, expressionless. "Yeah. Nice," she said.[/size][/color]
  10. [size=1][color=chocolate]Paige still stared at the wall, bored as ever. Then an idea popped in her head; she almost forgot the fact she had a backpack on her back. Paige rolled her eyes, and took the backpack off of her back. She took out a pencil and 2 pieces of lined paper. She began writing: [i]The bombs burst through the air, Landing in the fresh blue water, The war will never be over. Watch as the waves will drift over the bridge, Causing dampness in the people along the sidewalks, Angering them as they curse and mumble...[/i] Paige wrote that down on her paper. She thought while she started writing poems and stories; it was just how she wrote. She never planned out what the poem or story will be about, just randomly started. The girl Felicia turned to the side, the see Paige writing. Her writing was neat, but all of her letters were in a round like shape. One could read the letters, but they were big and curvy. Felicia began reading her poem as she wrote, then looked out of the window. The poem was exactly true; bombs were bursting through the air, and the waves go over the bridge and the people walking along the sidewalks become angry and mumble. Felicia sighed. This war was becoming very irritating... Felicia looked back to Paige's paper. It was the same, and Paige was just staring at her paper, looking as if she was in deep thought. Drops of water from her hair fell onto the paper drop by drop, and made the paper damp. Felicia ignored it, and began reading her book again to occupy herself. "It's you three!" a man suddenly yelled from the crowd. Paige, Felicia, and Reveille looked up, to see an eager man standing in the crowd, trying to get through. He finally made it through, and stared at the three. "Hello! I'm Dr. Kazuko! You three must be Reveille, Felicia, and Paige!" Dr. Kazuko said. Reveille looked around, and Dr. Kazuko stared at her dumbly. "What are you doing?" he asked. "You said there was a girl name Paige...I don't see her nowhere..." she said. Paige, annoyed, raised her hand, and Reveille saw it. She leaned over, and yet saw another drenched girl. Except she was quite drenched, and didn't look like the happiest person on the Earth. "Anyway, are you three ready?" he asked. "Ready for what?" Paige asked. Except it was a little dark, making the doctor a little shaky. "Your adventure!!"[/size][/color]
  11. [size=1][color=chocolate]It's a nice wallpaper Katana. I like the background you made for it; nice combination of colors to match with Shippo himself. The problem I have with is that the all the pics are a little fuzzy looking. The top left one is the best pic out of them all though. I have heard that wallpapers are hard to make, so don't take my comments too seriously. Just making points. The wallpaper overall is very good. Nice![/size][/color]
  12. [size=1][color=chocolate]I was so eager to start this. Good idea for an RPG Kitty! ------------------- Paige walked along the deserted sidewalk, making her way to the rest stop, "The Tropicana." There was a long line of cars from the war going on, and Paige cursed at how the world is screwed. "Why am I in this world anyway..." she muttered as she walked along the sidewalk. She was a little ways away from the Tropicana rest stop, but didn't care. She didn't own a car; how could she? She had no job, and had no parents. She didn't know any family members...better off alone. She liked it that way too. Another huge wave came crashing against the bridge, and Paige sighed. [i]Ya...the world is pretty screwed...[/i] Paige began walking on the sidewalk along the bridge. The sidewalk was deserted because of the constant waves crashing over the bridge, and could wash the pedestrains across the road into the car. Paige didn't care; what was life to live anyway. Another wave crashed against the bridge, and came tumbling down onto Paige herself. She kept walking like nothing had happened; soaken wet. She cursed and kept walking, and yet another wave came tumbling over. Then another...and many more. Now Paige was pretty damp, and was very ticked about how her clothes were really wet and it would take a long while before they would dry. Paige had gone a distance from walking of 5 minutes, and finally reached the rest stop, "The Tropicana." She avoided all of the cars while crossing, and entered the building with an expressionless face. The waiter made his way to her, and frowned at her state. "Ma'am, are you alright? You are soaken wet!" the waiter said. Paige groaned. "People like you annoy me. Don't call me ma'am," she told the waiter harshly. The waiter, surprised and rather angry, asked if she would like to sit at a table or go in the waiting room. "Waiting room..." Paige mumbled. "Excuse me miss, I couldn't hear you..." the waiter said. Okay, now Paige was pretty ticked right now. "Don't call me any of those names. If I have to tell you again I'll punch you in your face. I said waiting room!" she told him. The waiter, displeased, pointing to where the waiting room is. Paige gave the waiter a glare before walking into the waiting room; dripping water on the floor while making her way there. The waiter stared at the puddles she left behind, and glared at them, reminding him of Paige. Paige walked into the waiting room, and looked around. There were many people, and some were a little wet. Paige felt pretty proud; the most drenched there. Paige looked around, and two girls caught her eye. One had long brown hair and green eyes, and the other had short black hair with brown/red eyes. Paige thought she could only trust them; the other people looked too cheerful for her. Paige took a seat beside the girl with brown/red eyes. She couldn't help but notice her... Paige, brave, tapped the girl's shoulder. The girl turned around, and looked a little disgusted. "Are you Felicia Re Elcritian?" Paige asked. The girl nodded, then looked up and down her body. "Your soaken wet!" she said. "Don't really care..." "Who are you?" "Paige." "Hey, I'm supposed to meet you here!" "And I'm supposed to meet you here..." Paige mumbled. With that, Felicia turned back around and started talking to the other girl. Paige groaned as she started to feel cold, and stared at the wall to occupy herself. ---------------------- Hope that was good![/size][/color]
  13. [size=1][color=chocolate]I'm in like the 'questioning stage' your in now Inuyashafan. I do ask myself why I was put on this world, and seem bored with my life and ask why am I bored. Myself I don't even know the answer. But I guess it is just a part of growth for the questions of why you were put on the earth; usually a teen/preteen thing. Like I stated before, I'm going through these questions, and I hope I get over it. I'm pretty sure I will because I'll drive my other mad questions about school into my head and forget how bored I am. Okay now I know the answer to my question why I am bored. I need more things to do. Hey what a coinsidence, solved a problem.[/size][/color]
  14. [size=1][color=chocolate]*Looks and K.K.C.'s post and yells* Exactly what I would put. The chin does seem a little pointy, and the body gets a little weird. I love it how you did the hair though; it looks as if it is flowing in the wind. Cool. Heh, never seen eyes like that before. They sure caught my attention.[/size][/color]
  15. [size=1][color=chocolate]Heh, I do agree with Chichiri's girl on Icchan's dubbed voice though, it is #2 on the most annoying dubbed voices, next to Kagome. And what I mean by it'll end up like Pokemon is that the main character (like Ash) will keep winning. But after readinh Chichiri's spoiler, I have no idea. Of course that's the manga idea; who knows. I just put the Pokemon statement because it seemed that SuzakuGrl took it in a different direction.[/size][/color]
  16. [size=1][color=chocolate]It is good, except it goes too fast. Give people a chance to read it. The only problem I have with this is that it goes too fast.[/size][/color]
  17. [size=1][color=chocolate]Okay, I'll try this. Ya K.K.C., I think it's who answers the question first. I'm pretty sure I can do this...[/size][/color]
  18. [size=1][color=chocolate]I'll do the honors of the last person. [b]Name:[/b] Paige (unknown last name) [b]Age:[/b] 11 [b]Home Country:[/b] Columbia (in South America) [b]Appearance:[/b] Dark brown hair shoulder length. 4 foot 9 inches. Wears jeans and black long T-shirts that have random things on it. (usually something against love or something like that) Dark green eyes and tan skin. [b]Demeanor:[/b] Doesn't like to hang out with people often. She doesn't like to socialize much, and the reason she doesn't like to socialize is the fact that she grew up alone and didn't believe in loving anyone. [b]What I'm Bringing:[/b] A backpack with blank lined papers, pencils and pens and maps. [b]Purpose of Traveling:[/b] People are constantly raiding where she lives for war, and is tired of all the death she constantly sees. [b]Other:[/b] She wears a purple bracelet that stands for the flower the orchid; her favorite flower. She believed the orchid gives her luck. Hope that's ok![/size][/color]
  19. [size=1][color=chocolate]And me get's a zero on her talent...I told a good poem! Well not good in a good way...I got it off da internet!!!! ----------------------- Once Katana was finsihed, Yuka clapped. "I like the song Freckles. Though it has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THE RUROUNI KENSHIN SHOW!" Yuka said. "That was nice. I should have sang la cookeracha..." "No you shouldn't have!" everyone said. Yuka frowned, but Katana smiled and gave her a thumbs up. "Okay, next up is Kurumi!" Yuka said, still sitting in the corner. "You can come out of the corner now..." Kaoru said. "NO! I WANNA BE DA BOOGIEMAN!!!" she said. "Okay Kurumi, you're up!" Kurumi happily got up, but walked out of the room. She came back with 5 quart-sized cartons of eggnog. Yuka and Katana smiled. "What I am gonna do...is drink all this eggnog and get drunk!!!" Kurumi said. Yuka and Katana screamed, and ran over to her. "Where'd ya get it?" Katana asked. "I don't know...some villagers made it for me. They knew how to make eggnog somehow...and well...they heard us talking about it looking for Yuka and made us some!! But I got it behind you alls backs. Here we go!" Kurumi said. She began to drink. "DRINK DRINK DRINK DRINK!!!" Katana and Yuka repeated over again. Everyone was sweatdropping. It had been 3 minutes, and Kurumi finished the last carton. Yuka and Katana yelled out hooray, and the others slowly clapped. "Yay..." Amaya said quietly. Kurumi yelled out "yippee!" and Yuka and Katana gave her a thumbs up. "You rock Kurumi!" Yuka said. Katana nodded. But at the moment, Kurumi was now drunk. "OK, good Miss Kurumi..." Kenshin said. "Now a special performance for fun by Yuka, Katana, and Kurumi!" Katana yelled, She whispered to Yuka and Kurumi, and they smiled. "Splish Splash I was taking a bath, long about a Saturday night..." "Rub dub just faurtin in my tub, thinking everything was all right..." Yuka continued. Kurumi and Katana stared at her in horror. "What I got it off of gotlaughs! DON'T MAKE FUN OF ME!!!" *hides in corner.*[/size][/color]
  20. [size=1][color=chocolate]Ooh, this is pretty. I like! Anyway, the 'Ice' looks so pretty. She looks lifelike and I like the fact you did it in a cool blue color with a little green. It's cool. As for fire, she needs a little touch ups. Her head shape is a little weird, and it makes the right eye become closer, making it look weird. Again, I love the choice of color. This is my favorite piece you have made so far. It's really good, nice job.[/color][/size]
  21. [size=1][color=chocolate]I agree with wiccansamurai. It was pretty good, but it didn't really bring sympathy. It was pretty good, try better next time![/size][/color]
  22. [size=1][color=chocolate]For your first wallpaper, it's good. As Hittokiri Zero pointed out, the background doesn't match with the picture. Neither does the text either. Too many fireball thingys too; they take away the fun of the snowflakes and since the fireball thingys are there, it would be better if the snowflakes were left out. Yeah, also stock image not high quality. It was a good wallpaper for first, but needs work.[/size][/color]
  23. [size=1][color=chocolate]Beautiful poem Conna. I like it a lot; and plus it rhymed, and you did great with the rhyming too. What I didn't get was that you were, "screaming to the sky." Wow.[/size][/color]
  24. [size=1][color=chocolate]Ooh, this looks cool. I like the mixture of colors you used first of all; it matches perfectly. It actually reminds me of a tsunami of it's twirl form. It could be like an illusion too; it'll move when it doesn't. The eyes decieve people. Anyway, great piece.[/size][/color]
  25. [size=1][color=chocolate]I don't know. There are 3 possible things I could do for New Year's Eve. 1. I will go to an old (meaning known since I was a little kid) friend's house, and eat mexican food and try to grab an alcoholic drink there too. His mom likes wine. Anyway, we watch TV and watch the ball drop. And when the counting is done, I'll yell "WHEEEEEEEE." Yep. 2. I will go to a friend's house and count down and watch the ball drop. 3. I will stay home and act like a lazy bum not caring about the new year. Except the fact that I'm gonna be older soon. It will probably be #3 this year, sorry to say.[/size][/color]
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