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Everything posted by Kanariya
[size=1][color=chocolate]Ah, no problem. Just helping out an OBer in need.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Okay, I'll try but I'm not sure what you mean. I would start over and try again first. If your uploading one from your computer, enter the name you gave your avatar in there and then click browse and then find it then click submit modifications. Or you can enter the URL from someone who made it on the boards where it says so. Where you change your avatar, make sure at the top of the screen the box at the top, there in there is bold letters on one column of the box spelling no with a fill in next to it. Make sure that is not filled in. There is also something like that on the Edit Options page once you first click it. Hope that helps! ^_^[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]I'm basically agreeing with Japan_86. I thought Cowboy Bebop was pretty boring at first, and what kept me liking it was the fact that the music was awesome. I watched it more of the music, and then I watched more of the anime and loved it. Cowboy Bebop is probably one of the coolest animes out there.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]I have just seen an anime, Episodes 1 and 2 of Angelic Layer. I enjoy this show a lot. I enjoy it because it doesn't have bad animation, and the show seems interesting. Although I think the show will end up as Pokemon; the main character will win..and win...and win...and win...you get my point? Anyway, to those who are watching the series, or watched (not sure if it is done or not), what are your opinions about the show?[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]I have a squeaky hammer and a real hammer. My real hammer I don't use unless emergencies. *stares at Katana* Boo yah! ----------------------- The group were done eating, and were sitting in a room enjoying thereselves. "Hey, until we leave, why don't we entertain ourselves with a talent show?" Kurumi said. Yuka smiled greatly, also Katana. "Okay, we'll start with Yuka!" Amaya said. Then she whacked herself on the head. "Why?!?!" Yuka wa so proud. The others sat down, and Yuka stood. "I will tell you the story of Jack and Jill...new and improved!" Yuka said. The others sighed, and were thankful. Yuka said: Jack and Jill went up the hill to get some marajuana, Jack got high and dropped his fly then said do you wanna? Jill said yes and dropped her dress and then they had some fun, Silly Jill forgot her pill and now they have a son! Everyone stared in horror. "I prove that I don't belong here. I want to live in a cold place with da penguins!!!!" Yuka said. Everyone still sat in horror. "Oh screw you people..." -------------------------------- Okay, my talent shown! I think it would be better for the person to post their own talent for the talent show. (Katana, it's actually your decision, ok?)[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Putting it as that, I don't consider myself as a real Otaku. I do know a bunch of anime, but some of them I haven't seen. Another reason is that I own no anime *cries*, including no anime movies. I want to badly get Spirited Away for I've heard it's a great movie. Also, not what you included, but I have no manga either. *cries again* I just watch TV. I do know a little anime vocab, although not much. I was pretty happy once I joined the OB because it was anime related and I watched anime and how learn about other animes myself. Since I joined here, I decided to watch .hack//sign more. And I did, and I am very glad. I go here for leisure time or if I'm bored. So I don't consider myself as a real otaku, sadly. A new goal.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Ok, now I am currently listening to The CD [u]No Doubt The Singles 1992-2003.[/u] I like this CD a lot; I have always liked to listen to No Doubt. A CD my mom will finally let me blast up on my stereo, yay. The song I am currently listening to now is Hella Good. The song is from the Rock Steady CD. It's not my favorite out of the No Doubt Song's; I've preferred It's My Life over it. It's got 2 minutes to go...be a while.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]This one is good too, all dark and all. Let's see...a quote? Maybe just to put someone's User Name in it for text in there, or I guess "Dark Never Dies." I have no idea, that was my best quote I could think of.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]*Looks at Carr's post* Exactly what I was thinking. Since when was every teen perfect looking anyway? I don't like this show very much. I think they are 14, yes talk about having sex and all with online dating...*sighs* Come on people why don't you just have it now for all I care? Plus, there's this girl in the show...she's a blonde I believe. (no offense to blondes!!!) She very much gets on my nerves, another reason I don't like Degrassi.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Okay, wasn't back to comment your two other pieces you had made. The Unicorn one is just marvelous too. It looks so well and all I can say really is that this piece is very good. Same goes for the next one; it is creative and it looks so good. You are very creative. Keep on the good work![/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Okay...I swear I did read it but I guess my eyes decieved me. Sorry for my mistake. [b]Name:[/b] Liela (pronounced lee-la *short a sound*) [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 11 [b]Element:[/b] Day [b]Race:[/b] Angel [b]Normal Description:[/b] Dark brown hair to her shoulders with gold tints. Gray eyes and tan skin. Black T-shirt with black pants. [b]Guardian Description:[/b] Long, white pants with a short white dress covering the top of the pants. Hair is fancy bun (same color) and dark green eyes. On her dress there is a white emerald on the center where her chest is. She has a orchid in her bun to make look fancy. Also, like any other angel, white wings. [b]Guardian Spirit:[/b] A Soul Catcher (a long white snake with a dragon type head that's light blue who carries souls) [b]Bio:[/b] Leila doesn't like to show her real angel form often because she doesn't like to express herself much. Since Leila grew up alone, she doesn't like to socialize much. She doesn't smile often either. [b]Weapon:[/b] A golden colored Staff that has a yellow ball of light above it's end. This ball of light stands for the sun. The yellow ball can shoot beams from it, and gets energy from the sun to keep the ball of light alive. The staff itself is also a weapon for hitting people with. Hope this works![/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]This banner is good. I like the font a lot, and the banner itself is so interesting to look at. (Mainly because of the...er..blotchy things?) The border for your avatar and banner is cool too. Overall, you did a great job on this.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Okay, here I go... The Sesshomaru banners- Are pixelly with his pics, but you tried. They are pretty good though, but pixelly pics. Battle Angel Alita banner- This is a nice banner! But too big, sorry. This is a good banner, I like it very much. I have no complaints. Trigun Banner- Eh, no offense, but needs a lot of work. The pics are blurry, the font is a little blurry, the banner itself is not clear. I do like the Rurouni Kenshin banner though, the pics are a little fuzzy but other it's good. The next banner is the best out of them all. The pics are great, and it looks great. Grand Theft Auto, the pics are blurry along with the font. Sorry, but needs work. Last banner: For trying to make non pixelly, this is a good banner. I like the font; it works with the weird impressions of kitty people. Ya, pics are pixelly, but the banner is good.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]I wouldn't really care about the holding hands thing at all, people at school do it and I'm totally fine with it. Though I would become [i]disturbed[/i] with whenever I go somewhere and some couple is making out. I would get very irritated. People at my school don't make out, just quick little kisses. I'm fine with that too. I can understand holding hands, little kisses and all, but making out everywhere I really wouldn't like to see wherever I go at school.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Katana, you made me laugh like crazy. --------------------------- It was morning, and Yuka woke up. Beside her were Katana and Kurumi sleeping peacefully. Yuka smirked, and grabbed her 'giant hammer of doom'. *I bet you know what's coming.* ... ... "****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Katana screamed, and Kurumi began chasing after Yuka with an angry expression on her face. "WHY DID YOU BONK US ON THE HEADS WITH YOUR HAMMER?!?!" Kurumi yelled. "BECAUSE I WANTED TO!" Yuka said as she ran out of the room into the kitchen, were Amaya, Kaz, Kit, and the Kenshin gumi were sitting eating peacefully. "What's all the commotion about?" Megumi asked. Kurumi and Katana pointed to Yuka; she was looking so innocent. "Yes, Yuka did do something wrong indeed," Yahiko said. "She woke us up with a bonk on the head of her hammer!" Katana yelled. Yuka still looked innocent. "And what do you have to say about this Yuka?" Kenshin asked. Yuka stayed silent. ..... "Cookie." "WOULD YOU SHUT UP WITH THE COOKIE THING?!?!?" Kurumi yelled. "NOOOOOO!!! Ooh Dory again! Nooo..." "SHUT UP!" "Whhhhhyyy?!?!" Yuka replied. Now everyone gave up on her. "Who's hungry?" Kaoru said, showing the plate of food on the table. Everyone immediately forgot about the fight and began eating. "So Yuka, did you sleep well?" Kenshin asked. Yuka nodded. "And when I went back to sleep, I had a dream about..." "About what?" "COOKIE!!!!" "GOD DAMN SHUT UP!!!" Kurumi yelled. "Hey, I just remembered we leave to Tokyo today!!" Sanosuke said. "Oops, I forgot. I suffer from short term memory loss. LIKE DORY!!! Just keep swimming...swimming...swimming..." Yuka said as she muttered off into her world. Katana chuckled. "She likes Finding Nemo too much." "Hey, I'll tell more. I heard they're called....what was it...oh yeah it's called a butt!" "Eeewwwwwww!!!!" Megumi yelled. "I'm gonna turn you into poo!" Yuka said, pointing to Megumi. "Why?" Yahiko asked. "FOR I AM THE RULER...THE ONE...THE...QUEEN OF BRITAIN!!! OH YEAH!!!!" "Okay Yuka...calm down and eat..." Kit said. "Okay...but...one more thing..." "What?" "Cookie." ------------- *applause* NO MORE CRICKET CHIRPS!!!! *smiles*[/size][/color]
[color=chocolate][size=1]NOW we start to get romancey. *Not even sure it's a word!* *Cricket chirps.* GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!! ---------------- Yuka slid her eyes open slowly, to see Kurumi next to her, but someone was there. She opened them more, to reveal Katana, sitting beside Kurumi. Yuka was almost shocked, then quickly sat up. The two girls looked at her, and Yuka screamed. Suddenly, Kenshin ran into the room, with Sanosuke beside him. "What was the screaming about?" Sanosuke asked. Kurumi and Katana pointed to Yuka, who looked very sad. "What's the matter?" Kenshin asked. Yuka sniffed. "I...I..." "You what?" Sanosuke asked. "I CAN'T FIND MY BIG GIANT HAMMER OF DOOM!" she yelled. Everyone in the room sweatdropped, and Katana shrugged. "Why'd you need it?" she asked. Yuka shrugged. "I don't know maybe to BONK YOU ON THE HEAD WITH!!!! GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" she yelled. Katana quickly got up and began walking out. "I thought we were friends..." she muttered. "WE ARE IT'S JUST THAT I...I..." Yuka said, while sniffing. "You...what?" Kurumi asked. Katana stopped in her tracks, and turned around. "I had a dream..." "About what?" Kurumi asked. "I was walking throughout the dojo, and only me and the middle schoolers were there. Anyway, we ran into a shadowy figure, and he didn't have a weapon from what I remember. He had a watch...and he charged at us. I was thrown back, and suddenly appeared falling down a waterfall. He jumped off the top of the waterfall too, and was trying to catch me, when suddenly and oddly Kaz appeared out of nowhere and grabbed me, and somehow flew to the top of the waterfall, then disappeared. He disappeared because I sang la cookeracha again!" Yuka said. The others sweatdropped, but Yuka kept going. "Anyway, I disappeared again and then...was in heaven...with my big hammer...then I woke up! Then I wanted my hammer...but it's GONE!!!!!" "So you wanted to hammer to feel safe?" Kenshin asked. "Not only that but that dream was more of a nightmare. This shadowy figure scared me a little, and to feel better, I find bonking Katana on the head will make me better!" Yuka said. "Okay..." Katana said, backing away from Yuka. "You now scare me." "Oh don't worry Katana, I won't hurt you. Every friend I have I betray once in a friendship. Shows I do NOT belong in this world." "You got that right..." Kurumi muttered. "I WANT MY HAMMER!" "Now calm down Miss...I mean Yuka, we'll find your hammer in the morning," Kenshin said. "You get some rest, along with Kurumi, and Katana, if you wish, can stay in here!" Kenshin said. With that, Kenshin and Sanosuke left, closing the door behind them, leaving Kurumi, Katana, and Yuka in the darkness. Katana lay on the hard wooden floor, and Yuka and Kurumi in their soft blankets. "I want my hammer..." Yuka said. "Shut up Yuka," Kurumi said. "Yeah..." Katana muttered. "Fine." *10 seconds later* "Cookie." "What Yuka? Cookie? You want a cookie?" "I wanna kill Barney." "Why?" "He's purple. He stole my color. Bastard." "Okay...go to sleep." "Okay." "COOKIE!!!!" "Now Katana you say cookie?" "COOKIE!!!" "Yuka stop it!!" "COOKIE!!!!" both yelled in unison. Yuka screamed, but not loud enough for people outside the room to hear. "VOICES! VOICES!" "Shut up, we said it in unison!" "I SWEAR I AM PARANOID!! la...dee...dee...da...da..." "What?" "COOKIE!" "SHUT UP!!" "COOOOOKKKKKIIIIEEEEE!!!" ---------------------- That was fun.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Poor Conna's a blonde. ------------------------ Yuka was in her room, sitting in a corner by the sliding door to get to another room that lead to outside the dojo. Suddenly, Kurumi walked in, and Yuka screamed. "DON'T SCARE ME!!!" she said, but she realized Kurumi was totally ignoring her signing the "can't touch me" song. Yuka smirked. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......KATANA!" she yelled. Then suddenly, Katana walked in, and Yuka made a signal for her to walk over. Katana did so, and Yuka whispered in her ear. Katana smiled, and Yuka stood up. Then they ran out of the room, singing: "Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..........cookeracha! La cookeracha! Da da da da da da da da!! Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....cookeracha!!!...." "Shut up!" Kaz yelled. "We wanna sing!" Katana yelled at Kaz. "You sing badly!" Yahiko yelled. Yuka cries now. "Stop crying!" Kit yelled. Yuka ran into the room Kurumi was in and grabbed her great big giant mallet. Then she ran out of the room. *screams heard from a distance* "GIANT MALLET MOVE OUT!!!" Katana yelled. Screams from people are heard. "Ow!" Kaoru yelled. "I don't like you! I think you're trying to steal my position!" Yuka yelled. "As what?" "The QUEEN OF BRITAIN NOW DIIIIIEEEEEE!!!!" "Leave me alone!" Kaoru yelled, hiding behind Katana. "Get away from me!" Katana yelled at Kaoru. More screams heard. Kurumi sighed, then began singing her Can't touch me song again. This is what she called life. ----------------------------- You can tell I had cookies, two Sprites, and more sugar today after reading this, can you?[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Here are my thoughts. All right, I see how the middle picture is blurry, and Sango's pic is a little fuzzy too. The fonts work too, but I think the background for the banner is too dark for some reason. If it was a more lighter color, I think people would see more of the humor in the banner. But it is good, it's funny too. Good work.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate][b]Opening Themes:[/b] [b]Obsession; .hack//sign[/b] Already pointed out by Dagger- Obsession is a great theme song. It has a cool techno theme and I usually end up bobbing my head listening to it. Such a cool song, now it's in my head. [b]Najica Blitz Tactics Theme (I think it's called Bath and Body, or is that the ending theme? Better watch the show again to make sure)[/b]- I don't know the name of the song, but I do like the song. The song itself is good to hear for fun. [b]Ending Themes:[/b] [b]Dearest;InuYasha[/b]- When I first heard this song, I almost cried. It was soft and the words along with the melody made me feel so sad. Looking at the TV screen only made me feel sadder. [b]Heart of Sword; Rurouni Kenshin[/b]- I love the voice of the person who sings this (don't know who) and the song itself has a good beat.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]I am like you; I like being different from everybody, and if they make fun of me, so what. I like being who I am anyways. I am a girl and I'm pretty much a technology freak. I love TV, video games, etc. I don't care, and I hate makeup, dresses, etc. And some girls here probably think same, I have no idea. Anyway, an example. I have a dress down day when comeback to school (Jan. 5), and I got a new shirt. I will wear it, and it says: "I have just kidnapped myself. give me $1,000,000 dollars or you'll never see me again." I find it pretty funny, and I will wear it. Some people here might have seen this shirt too, and I like wearing shirts like that. But Ashley, that's how the world is today. Can't change that really.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]I only had one hair catastrophe. I had gotten my hair dyed a chestnut red brown color, and it was a big mistake when I decided to go bike riding in the sun more. I went to a friend's house 2 days later, looked in the mirror, and my hair was BLONDE. I didn't want blonde...at all. Last thing on my mind was the have blonde. *Sorry for ranting* 2 months later, the blonde went away and my hair became a goldish yellowish tint color, with my original hair being dark brown. I like it very much though, and I still have it. P.S. Next time I dye my hair, I think it'd be good if I used Kool Aid.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Heh, this is great. I like the sunset and the swamp mixture; it looks pretty cool. The trees get the eerie feeling to me, which is good for a dark mysterious swamp. I like this, pretty cool.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Oh and Kurumi, yes you can be VERY fun too! I wanna get drunk off of eggnog one day! You inspirer! ---------------------------------- Yuka grabbed her BB Gun and mallet. Bam! "Hey let's see what this baby can do!" Yuka said, holding her BB Gun. The middle schoolers screamed, and Yuka smirked, and fired the BB Gun. Nothing. "It's...it's...FAKE!!!!" Yuka yelled, as she ran around screaming. Everyone sweatdropped, and Yuka started to cry. Everyone gasped. "Yuka's...crying?" Kurumi said. "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! ME BB GUN...is fake!!!" she said. She ran out of the room, into the next room where there was a fire in the fireplace. She threw the BB gun in it, and then 3....2....1.... BBBBBBBBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!! "BB Gun go BBBBOOOOMMMM!" Yuka said smiling. She ran around like crazy around the whole room. Everyone walked in and scratched their heads. One moment she's crying..and the next she's hyper again!! "Courtesy of Playing the Simpsons Hit and Run. Homer go boom!" she said childish like. Katana nodded, and looked at the "destroyed" BB Gun in the fire. "You were upset..." "Yep, I wanted a real BB gun. Not a fake one. Oh well still got me giant mallet!" Yuka said as she ran out of the room, fetching her mallet. Katana screamed, and Yuka began chasing after her. "I WANNA BE JUST LIKE HARUKO!!!! I WANNA KICK PEOPLE'S *** WITH A...wait...she uses a guitar...dammit...OH WELL WITH A GIANT THINGA MA BOBBER!!!!" Yuka yelled. Kit, Kaz, and Amaya started chasing after Yuka, while Kurumi stayed with the Kenshin gumi watching the "tag." "Ahhh! What did I do to you?!?!" Katana said to Yuka. Yuka shrugged, but kept chasing her. "Uh...you...uh...I don't know this is fun!!" Everyone sweatdropped.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Anyway, I like it. I love the snowman; and the sword beside it. Anyway, the font is good, and the red really stands out throughout the blue background, which to me looks pretty cool. I like how you added the snowflakes on the edges, and the border, a nice blue. Good job![/size][/color] [size=1][color=chocolate]EDIT: Heh, I didn't know it was only for anime cards. *feels ashamed* Sorry bout that.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Usually, I do give up on an anime if it does have a weird/non interesting beginning. To me, it wouldn't be worth it if the first episode is bad. But again, that's how to get to know more anime and enjoy more. So it's in the middle for me. I'd look up on the internet to see if the show got good ratings, and then I'd take a chance on it. But usually, if an anime starts out with a sucky episode, I won't watch it.[/size][/color]