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Everything posted by Kanariya

  1. [size=1][color=chocolate]I'm in middle school...*sniff* But it is true though, middle schoolers will be the first ones to think this... I think this idea is pretty stupid. I never knew about this until I came to this thread. This "bracelet" hasn't been rumored about sex yet around my school, but I think some girls in the school wear it. I only wear a watch and a braclet from Claire's with my name on it. Do not plan to have any more things on my wrist.[/size][/color]
  2. [size=1][color=chocolate]Nicknames? Well I have a lot... My real name is Alexandra though, and here they are: [b]Alex:[/b] You can see the obvious reasons why I am called this. [b]B*tch:[/b] Yes, almost every boy at my school calls me this. Why? Because I scare them, annoy them, and my favorite, hate them. [b]Crazy Idiot:[/b] This was made up by my friend. If you would actually see me, you'd think I was really hyper. I mean...HYPER. [b]Stupid:[/b] I'm starting to feel more loved and loved by the minute....[/size][/color]
  3. [size=1][color=chocolate]This looks really good. Yes I am not a pink fan...but that banner is so nice I cannot resist. Your work is good, including this. But it would get irritating seeing pink all the time, since that is a plentiful amount of pink you got. But the pink is pretty, and the whole thing is great.[/size][/color]
  4. [color=chocolate][size=1]It is good, but you need some touch ups. Redoing the face would do, since it is a little out of place. And I think his ears are supposed to be white. I just don't like how the blade on the sword turned out. (for some reason) But the rest of the picture looks good, nice work. Not bad for a first pic.[/color][/size]
  5. [size=1][color=chocolate]I was flipping through OnDemand, and I found a series Najica Blitz Tactics. I did enjoy it, it occupied my time for a half an hour. Since I started off from Episode 3, I am a bit confused, but I am learning slowly about it. I only have gotten to episode 5. Though I hear it is only a 12 episode series, *another low episode anime (FLCL for example)* But probably a bit far with the panties. It was getting kind of irritating. I was just wondering for those who have seen this anime (or at least some of it) post what they think of this anime. I think it is okay, but not one of the best shows out there.[/size][/color]
  6. [color=chocolate][size=1]This...this is really good. Amazing...great shadowing, and I like his pose. You are very talented, this is good work.[/color][/size]
  7. [size=1][color=chocolate]Yes..Christmas songs... [b][u]Grandma[/u] Got Ran Over By A Reindeer:[/b] I saw the movie, and the song was stuck in my head, and I couldn't get it out. I ended up enjoying it, and now at Christmas I sing that song a lot with a weird ending...I would like to see the Osama one. *starts smiling widely* [b]Winter Wonderland:[/b] This is close to being one of my favorite Christmas songs. I like singing it, and I sang it in the chorus in 5th grade. We did a little dance on stage...boy was that embarassing. [b]Jingle Bells:[/b] Great tune, you can make a parody of it, and it is fun to sing. Yep the original Jingle Bells.[/size][/color]
  8. [size=1][color=chocolate]Uh...I'm listening to the Otaku Jukebox. :o I'm always listening to the .hack//sign songs. I like them because...well they are just good songs, and are enjoyable to hear, and it's better to listen to enjoyable songs then a sister's TV playing a show I don't like. It also makes me last more on the computer.[/size][/color]
  9. [size=1][color=chocolate]Katana, you make some wonderful banners. Out of all of them, I like the Knives one. The background is great, and the font is great too. Second would be the Jenna one. It also rocks. Yes, and the new and improved banner is better then the last one. Yes, bottom text need to be changed, but maybe using white color for the font on "Helba." Otherwise, I like your banners a lot. P.S. The one you just put up is good too! Relates to me a bunch! :)[/size][/color]
  10. [size=1][color=chocolate]That was funny, it's good. You should continue with this, I think you are good. And yes, you don't deserve photoshop.[/size][/color]
  11. [color=chocolate][size=1]I have never played risk before. *feels ashamed* Looks like I should... Anyway, my favorite board game would be Clue. I like the mystery and all, and I like playing this board game with closest friends. Second would of course be Monopoly, I don't like the computer versions (stupid thing put a virus on my computer!!!).[/color][/size]
  12. [color=chocolate][size=1]This is really good stuff. You did the shading wonderfully, and the colored version is nicely colored and I see nothing wrong with it. The colored one is better, but I think the black and white one is pretty cool too. You did great![/color][/size]
  13. I am agreeing with Black_Phoenix on this. .hack//sign is really fine the way it is, and it makes people wonder and keep on watching. Me myself is a bit confused about .hack//sign, but it is really good. I have to watch more to learn more, plus it is getting more interesting as I am watching. Progressing more and more, I would say.
  14. I was sure I posted in this thread...oh well. (Well maybe posted something like it) Well, my mother doesn't really care about if I watch anime though. She knows I like it, and she just deals with it. That's good for me, she doesn't bash me on it. On weekends when I am not at my dad's I watch anime OnDemand, and she doesn't care. She just went flipping through the anime OnDemand and found Samurai X. She doesn't care if I watch it, yay! Though my dad thinks anime is pretty stupid. He says that anime is just plain crap, and thinks I should really stop watching it. I don't listen and keep watching. But sometimes it comes into my reality life, and kind of makes me not focus on school. I'm trying harder, and I'm getting better. *another yay here* P.S. And hey Chichiri, you have a great point.
  15. Wow...those are good. The Kenshin one is great. I like how you faded Tomo (however you spell her name), but I don't really see a big problem with the font though. I would just add a new line for "How can I repay you." Of course, I have never made banners before or anything, so I don't know what to really say about the font though. I like the second one too. Simple, but cool looking. I see orange colors. :excited: The first FLCL one is nice, and in my opinion I like the darkened font. The waves for the music (I think) is a bit blurry though. I think it would be better a little blurry, just not that blurry. And I like the second FLCL one too, it's cool. That Haruko picture fits well, though you blurred the "R" in rainbow and the "w" in rainbow a little bit much. It's cool though. Those are good banners. Good job, want to see more in the future. :)
  16. Kanariya


    Well in my opinion, I think you shouldn't use markers to color your picture. Markers smeer (spl?) and might ruin your picture. I suggest colored pencils or something like that first rather then using markers. But hey, that's my opinion. Do what you want. The only brand I buy is Crayola really. Works for me writing on display boards.
  17. I think you should use the blue one, that one looks much better then the others. For some reason I don't know, maybe because it looks a little dark.
  18. Those are pretty good, the Hellsing ones are very detailed and the pictures and background fit together good. I like the Spike one too, although some text could make it better. They are pretty well done banners.
  19. The hardest thing I am going through right now is that I have a fungus called ringworm. It is a fungus a person can get from another person or an animal. It can cause death, so I have to take a pill every day for a month. I better start shaping up a bit because I am forgetting to take my pill sometimes. I should put a piece of paper on my PS2 saying, "If not taken pill, take it!!!!" That'll sure make me take it and not forget.
  20. Those are all pretty good! The last one...I think it's the best out of them all actually, it's neat and really cool. Plus she's got a tattoo. Good work!
  21. This is pretty good wallpaper. I like the pictures and the background, but it is a little hard to see the text because the font is a little light. Also on the closest picture to the left, a blue shade comes into Gohan's arm *His right arm looking at his perspective*. Did you mean to cut off some of his hand? Otherwise, it's a good wallpaper.
  22. This is a nice banner. Except the blue picture is kind of blurry. But it's pretty cool how you faded the border; the banner would look good with a faded border or regular border. The Paradise Kiss one is okay. You can't see the font clearly, especially once it gets in the pinkish area and that's when it gets blurry. The black and white pictures match with it, and other then the font it is pretty good.
  23. I voted for the villians because I am not a goody-goody type person. I don't like to be generous and all, and I'm interested into anything included with death. For example, my favorite villian in InuYasha would be Naraku. He is actually one of my favorite characters in the series, for him being so evil and isn't afraid to kill or anything. I like that, although I hate the fact he is much of a baby creating "daughters" (Kanna and Kagura) to fight his enemies instead of fighting them himself.
  24. This is great for being drawn on the computer. It's cool and I will never be able to do draw like that on the computer on that at all. All I have made is a really messed up rainbow. The background is cool, and the font is nice. Nicely done on the computer.
  25. That is a cute banner Conna. Though agreeing with Katana, Miroku on the left is a little blurry. Other then that, the banner is fantastic. The avatar is great too. Shows Miroku's personality very much by that red spot on his cheek.
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