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Everything posted by Kanariya

  1. Hit and Run is about you being the Simpsons characters and an evil plot is going on and you have to save Springfield. It's better then Road Rage, you can get out of your car, hijacking (spl) cars, and blowing them up including yours. Pull the school alarm!!! Also get chased by the cops, but if yuor caught, pay up. I have Play Station 2, the reason why I put this thread on this board. I am EVIL HOMER!!!
  2. I think it's a beautiful song, I don't know what it is called though, it's a legend thing. I have the movie on tape, I can listen to it, which is nice.
  3. I just shortened my buddy list, I can't put it on anymore. Kinda long, it bothers myself so I took it down. I really get annoyed scrolling down the page still seeing that person's post, it really is annoying. And BabyGirl I agree, the staff members should pm those certain people, and tell them to shorten it. I hate those long sigs.
  4. My favorite would have to be the [b].hack//sign Obsession[/b] opening theme because it has great beats and the graphics are amazing to me. I love the theme so much, it's stuck in my head at this very moment.
  5. Oh...TSUKASA IS A GIRL?!?!?!?! Whoa, I am way shocked. I haven't realized it yet, man what a shock. Maybe spoiler tags could have worked, I could have figured it out if I payed more attention, but I agree with Rein Sakado, I much prefer Tsukasa as a boy more then a girl. It doesn't seem right.
  6. I don't like Blue Gender very much. It just doesn't make me think this is a great anime, I think it's boring. I just don't get entertained watching it, but everyone has different opinions about shows.
  7. I don't go trick or treating anymore. It's lost my fun, and besides I had a blast going to a party with my friends on Halloween night. A bunch of teenagers came to our door, I was surprised. I just don't think trick or treating is fun anymore, sure you get free candy, but I am not as playful and joyous as I was when I was a kid. I'm just not, I have no clue why. If kids want to go around on Halloween night and get candy, I have no problem with it. They just want to have fun.
  8. Yes, little sprites for a banner. Very cute, but...ADD A BORDER!!!! It would look so great with a border!!! But also to me it looks just plain, I'm used to seeing words on banners. Maybe that's why... *starts madly laughing" Chibi Kenshin, awww :blush:
  9. Okay, this is the first time I actually had started a thread about poetry I make, so send comments please. Tell me what I need to work on. [COLOR=skyblue]~*Grow Up*~[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]I used to be a baby not all alone, Playing and laughing not caring what others think, I was happy but weak and needed to be strong, I needed to learn and do no wrong. But in life you were needed to make mistakes, To do what is right and what is wrong, Part of being a person, time to grow up. Then I went to school, learned to do things, Becoming smart as I went along, Then next thing I was graduating, crying my eyes out, Thinking I have grown up. But I still make mistakes and do some things wrong, I am not as playful and joyous as I was used to be, The world isn't completely good, nor evil. In the middle. Next thing I'll know I'll be 95, Lay on my bed thinking I'm gonna die, And remember the memories I have had, Remembering the best and the worst. But it'll also come to my mind, The friends, the family I have. I would wait a little longer to join my dead loved ones, Looking down upon me, seeing my happy. Remembering the old days and the things I once had, And remember growing up slowly, but at the same time, fast.[/color]
  10. Hm, memories for me, not too long ago. When I was in the fifth grade, I had been picked to join the All County Chorus in Maryland with three other girls. My music teacher thought we were the best of all the other fifth grade students. *Must have thought I was a good singer* Well we practiced and then once it was the last rehearsal day, and we had a party with ice cream and pizza. We had fun. But the problem is on the day at the concert, I had to be at Towson High at 8:30 A.M.!!!!! Then the whole choir practiced and the show didn't start until like 3:00 p.m. But it was worth it. I had a certificate for it once I had graduated Elemantary School, and it's in my memory book at this very moment. Also because that was also on TV :) I don't take choir now, I take the Violin, and I learned to play the violin part in the song, "Graduation" by Vitamin C. To me, I do pretty darn well. But I keep practicing, and I can sound like a violin also. When my old violin teacher was playing, I was humming, and she asked, "Who's playing?" I said I was humming, then everyone made a big deal how I sounded like a violin. It's cool, a talent I'll show once I have kids.
  11. Okay, I have gone on a website an all I know of for now is that there are about 123 episodes so far, with three movies. And I agree with Dagger, he doesn't want to "declare" his love for Kagome. Shy is the word, maybe embarrassment. But what is there to be embarrassed about? And another question, do you think Inuyasha would kneel before Kagome opening a box for a ring asking her, "will you marry me?" or "do you love me?" No, I don't think so.
  12. That's a very well done banner. But your font could be better for your name, it is kind of hard to see. But otherwise then that, it's great for a first banner.
  13. The nephew, that poor kid. I feel really sorry for him :( I don't want to spoil anything for Shinji Ikari, so I'll shut up.
  14. You did all that?!?! It was completely outstanding, it takes a while to do all that! It's so neat and great looking, I am really shocked. Nice job, do more!!! 10/10 I rate.
  15. Hm, my friend already made a mix CD for me, but some songs would do also. In Da Club, P.I.M.P- I like 50-cent so much, I play it all day on the bus and at home. Anime songs is what I wished my friend would have put on the CDs, they are so nice to listen to. (I love Ride A Shooting Star by The Pillows) Eminem- Same thing, I like to listen to Eminem also. One of my favorite rappers, have to have him on a mix CD. And maybe some punk music also, but that's all I can think of at the moment.
  16. Your mosiacs are beautiful and creative. I just use paper and pencil, simple as that with also colored pencil. I'm not much into painting and big art like that, I'm starting from the bottom working my way up to become a good artist.
  17. Ha ha, it's funny and silly. I really like it, it would really make sense with my friend, she'd love it. But anyway, it's great, I rate it 9/10 because.... agreeing with Syk3, a border would make it great.
  18. Well basically on the CD, I like numbers 1-9. The rest maybe all right though, I just can't stand the last song. I memorized the 'Misunderstood' CD and Lady Marmalade. I can memorize song easily, except for rap. I have to listen to it a lot of time to memorize that. I'm getting the hang of In Da Club...
  19. My computer sucks. I clicked the attachment, and the little box with the X in it appeared, and didn't show the picture. Crud!
  20. Yeah...you didn't attach it to your post. I can't see it.
  21. Lady Marmalade, how could I forget that?!?! It has Mya, Lil' Kim, Pink, Christina Aguilera, and a little bit with Missy Elliot. (i think) Also Get The Party Started is awesome. If she's pink, her hair should be pink to! Her new name, "Black." Yeah...
  22. My school has uniforms, oh man... I live in Maryland and I go to Sudbrook Magnet Middle. It's a really high ranking middle school but I hate it. :mad: Anyway, we wear a T-shirt that is gray, black, navy blue, blue, red, purple, yellow, and green that says the school on a right upper hand corner of the shirt. We wear long pants, shorts, or skorts that are navy blue, black, or khakis colored. We also have sweatshirts of navy-blue, blue, purple, red, gray, black, and green. Advantage: Girls get to wear purses and wear really cool belts and nice earrings and platforms. Disadvantage: Denim is NEVER allowed. You'll be sent straight to the guidance counceler (spl?) We are having spirit week. My chance to wear denim and anything I want! But I do not like school uniforms at all. I should have FREEDOM!
  23. It may sound a little evil, but I love it when Kenshin makes those weird noises whenever Kaoru bonks him on the head and he's all swirly eyed :raspberry: It just makes me think "poor guy, so glad I'm not him!"
  24. I knew someone would reply to the Sesshomarou and Kagome pairing. It is true though, people make fanfics of Sesshomarou and Kagome as a pairing. To me, Sesshomarou and [u]Kagura[/u] would make a great couple. Rin is more like a little sister to Sesshomarou. Rin and Kohaku would be so cute :blush: :D And people do get feelings for Kikyo and Naraku as a couple. They have the weirdest couples these days, and Onigumo's heart has nothing to do with Kikyo and Naraku pairings these people think of these days. Black Flame, you can really do that?!? *makes up an evil plan*
  25. Pictures are very beautiful, I love them. The banner also makes a lot of sense, one more reason this is a good banner. But the text is kind of hard to see with the many pictures, but otherwise it's very good. 9/10
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