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Everything posted by Kanariya

  1. I'm not much of a poem writer, so it might suck a bit. But it doesn't hurt to try. ~~~~*****Spring*****~~~~ The day begins and it has just begun. Spring. The birds chirp beautiful songs and the sun slowly rises, A breeze blows softly moving the trees swiftly. I look up at the beautiful sky, A light blue with soft clouds, And see the sun's rays shoot down to Earth. I look in front of me, With the fresh new grass growing upon the ground. The squirrels run and the leaves in the trees blow, The rain from the day before slowly runs off leaves of the trees, Creating another wet spot on the grass. Yes, spring has just begun, with a beautiful start. What could be better, Then the glimmering sun, the green leaves and grass, and the animals going wherever peacefully. Yes, spring has begun.
  2. My favorite books would have to be this horror series, it's not goosebumps, another horror series about cheerleaders that haunt people and bloody and things. I like these books because they get me on the edge and are very nice to read. I am one of those readers who likes mystery/scary type books. For my reading homework, I had just written a little story about ghosts and murder. My best friend says she likes it, but of course, she's my friend. These kind of books are my favorite, even if they give me haunting nightmares. And I will ignore Meteora's little comment...
  3. I love the banner. Very humorous. It looks good simple, and "Kings Make Pie." Hm, where'd you get the Kings Make Pie quote? Or just made it up? Just asking. Other then that 10/10 for being humorous and it's neat.
  4. It's hilarious I love it! I just don't get the eyebrows either, I definitely rate it 10/10. Something to ask...doesn't the cartoon remind you of South Park's animation? I am just wondering.
  5. I think that learning a foreign language is fun and enjoying to do. An advantage of it is that you can learn about other cultures rather then yourself, and learn to speak the language. At the moment, I am learning how to speak Spanish. After, I will try to learn to speak Japanese since I am a big anime fan. I chose Spanish because I usually go to Latin Festivals and there's a bunch of Spanish music I like, so Spanish is really fun, especially if your the person singing while doing your work in class and asking stupid questions. Yeah, it's fun.
  6. Oh man I forgot about FLCL!!!! Dragonstar check that anime out, it is hilarious!!! It's really action type also, it's one of the best animes out there.
  7. HA! *Laughs like crazy forever* Oh that was a nasty but PURE funny song!!!! I am a fan of dumb songs, and I just LOVED THAT ONE!!! I love it.
  8. If I had the ability to control life, I would be a person with a bunch of money, getting my needs, and giving some to charity. And I'd try my best not to be a brat, just brag it on my sister. HA! And buy some things for my closest friends so they could get what they wanted also.
  9. Yes, Molleta one of the good things about this movie is that it looked so well done and so realistic with the real actual blood and gore. The explosion was great, I love explosions! :blowup: Makes sense don't ya think?
  10. Kanariya


    Here's a solution to this problem. If the person that has been on here has not come back to the boards in a year and had poor quality on posts, he/she must have not wanted to come back to the Otaku Boards, so maybe the person should be banned. If they have email, email the person and ask. If the person has not come back in like four or five months and does have good quality and might have a nice amount of posts, then if they have email, email the person. If they do not, I have no idea what to do then. If a person on the boards has great quality and things, give them a chance. No matter if one's a newbie or not. I'm just giving advice, so don't hate me. Note: Why does everyone use Dragon Ball Z/GT names as their name?? It's the same! But I have been noticing InuYasha and Vash being used now... LOOK AT MINE!!
  11. When I went over my dad's house today, my brother had just bought a movie called 28 days. Like any scary bloody horror movie it was rated R. We watched it, it was about 3 hours long. I thought it was an okay movie, I didn't expect it to be what it was. It was a little confusing but I got it. So whoever has seen this movie, I want your opinions. Is it good, bad, or okay and why?
  12. In my family, it started 2 years ago. Since my grandmother and grandfather live in Mississippi, they now every anniversary on October 18th go up to Maryland and celebrate their anniversary at my house. My family comes over and we hang out and stuff. And the cool/weird thing is, I was born on October 18 and my brother was born in October and week before on the same day of the week. And it's not really a family tradition, but like you lea2385, we order food (pizza mostly) on Saturday nights usually. Works with me, I love junk food. :)
  13. I don't go to haunted houses, but I see a lot of spooky ones. Do the ones at carnivals count?! Like whenever on my bus to school, we are on this road. It is a usually dark and damp and very alone looking place only having like 7 houses down the road, with dark cars. Well there is this one house, oh it gave me shivers once I saw it. It is a long brick house with a white car parked. (Every time I go pass the house, the car is still there) It has a red garage door, chipped like crazy. Then there are brick steps and the screen door is old. The front door is red and chipped also with three little windows. It is a spooky looking house, one day I'm gonna go up here and dare my friends to go in there, I think it's abandoned. And also from Hurricane Isabel, leaves and things are scattered everywhere and the yard is a mess. Bottles and papers are on the lawn. And whenever we pass, the stuff is still there. That road is just...dark. But that house really is old and just spooky.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#707875]I heard a very frightening superstition a while ago. Before you go to sleep, you take a piece of paper and a pen. And then you write the following (in this [i]exact[/i] order): 1. OMG 2. WTF 3. leik yah 4. ph33r 5. OMFG WTFHAHA!!! LOLZ 6. ur teh winn3rx 8. AZN PWR 9. LOLz SuK0rX! 10. kool usually wheneva i say that dudes get nervous Once you've written these ten phrases down, put the paper underneath your pillow. Then, burp twice and lay on your bed backwards (ie: put your feet on your pillow and your head down the other end). Before you shut your eyes, yell out "HELO B00BIEZ!" If you do this correctly, you will be haunted by spammers. I haven't tried this myself, because I'm simply too terrified to do it. The very idea of this happening to me is incredibly horrific. In terms of other superstitions...no, I don't believe in them. I don't believe in any of them, with the exception of the Spamm0r Curs3.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] That's...creepy. And that girl from the Ring is in my dreams... AH WHY? I would be terrified also, after especially watching horror movies. Bloody Mary and that is the top of my list. The leprechan one...I don't believe that one much. A leprechan with a hammer above your bed? Not something you want to wake up to see. Little person with giant mallet, weird. Especially if he has a red beard and wears green. No...definitely not what you want to see every day.
  15. Oh, if your choosing .hack//sign that's great. It's a beautifully animated cartoon with great characters. Since I live in America, it comes on Saturdays at 12:00 I believe....correct me if I am wrong. (I live in Eastern Pacific)
  16. I don't really attach to my family. I'm usually out of stuff unless family reunions or special birthdays, so I don't attach to family. Like Hells Fire, this person is like family but isn't. I would have to say my best friend. Sleepovers, parties, etc. etc. But this kind of goes for everyone, your best friend is like a part of your family. And I relate to my other friend because we have the same ideas usually, we both can agree on things, and we make each other crack up.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baron Samedi [/i] [B]lol. Eh. Sorry for the mis-understanding. What I meant was that, it is (superstition) like a spam email: i.e. "You'll have bad luck and get all your toes cut off if you don't send this to 7 million people in the next three seconds" You know. This thread is good, but superstitions are like those spam emails: Having all these dire penalties for nothing. [/B][/QUOTE] Okay...now DO NOT believe the toes thing. My god such an idiotic thought... Well thank you anyway. Kind of irritated me throughout the night and I didn't have enough bravery to come back here thinking about rude comments and stuff. YAY! :D
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baron Samedi [/i] [B]Another alternative is that the glass slips out of your hand, smashes the mirror, and you get numerous cuts, plus a BONUS 7 years bad luck. Hoorah. Personaly, I don't believe in superstitions. They're made up and passed around by people who are either insecure or have nothing better to do. Or just find them amusing, like me. *touches wood.* Heh. Side note: If Mary is going to haunt you for the rest of your life, why the hell would you do the summoning? This is like a spam email, full of rubbish, with effects that can't happen, because WHAT KIND OF MORON WOULD WANT TO BE HAUNTED?? Eh? Yeesh, some people. [/B][/QUOTE] Well stupid people I guess, but I'm not that big of an idiot. I'm just scared of doing it, so it is kind of wacko. I'm different, I just have different opinions. Well if this is considered spam, I'll delete this thread, but that's kind of also up to you and the other person who posted on this thread.
  19. I just saw the movie. I reccomend it very much, it is very funny. I just wanted to say I just saw the movie, and it is hilarious and funny. Just ask if you want to know some stuff, I'll be happy to tell you. There are some parts of this movie from other movies which are: The Ring The Others 8 Mile Everything Lrb said!!! It's kind of freaky at some spots, but I reccomend seeing it. It's worth your money if you want to see a horror/comedy movie.
  20. I just wanted to ask this question, but I'm not sure if there is a post of this already. If there is, I'm sorry. Well I just thought about superstitions, and I wondered if any of you believe them, and which ones creep you out the most? I mean Bloody Mary, the Leprechan, (not sure about spelling) and etc. *not the superstitions where you break a mirror you get bad luck, the scary ones* In my opinion, I am fifty fifty at the moment. I believe it, but I have never tried to, and I am very afraid to do so. The creepiest one would have to be Bloody Mary to me. If you don't know what it is, is when everyone is asleep, including pets in your house are asleep. You go in your bathroom and grab a cup of water. You spin around five times saying Bloody Mary and then after the five turns, you splash water onto your bathroom mirror. Rumors said you are supposed to see Mary from the bible's face on the mirror, and she'll haunt you for the rest of your life. It is creepy, I'm getting shivers :nervous: But I am asking, do you believe in superstitions, and which one is most creepy? Bonus, have you ever tried to do Bloody Mary or any other? I am kind of a scary type person, making scary type posts...
  21. Oh I have a lot of embarassing moments. It was the fourth grade, and I was wearing these really cool looking pants. They were like silk and they had light blue and dark purple roses on them, it was cute. Well since I had a big lunch that day, I must've gained a pound adding to my breakfast and junk. So I go into a bathroom stall, and POP! My zipper on my pants break. I almost screamed, and good thing I had by jacket. I tied it around my waist for a while, but it kept falling down. Then ketchup got on my jacket. I told my best friend, and she lent me her jacket to wrap around my waist while we walked to where we were supposed to go. It was pretty colD outside also, she's such a nice person. Another embarrassing moment. *It hurt more then embarrassing, and yes it has to do with a parked car. CURSE CARS!!!* It was winter and I lived at an apartment with a REALLY BIG steep hill. I have those saucer sleds that spin when you go down. There is a parking lot right across the hill. I go down the hill on my saucer sled...go over the curb...am in the road...and BANG hit the bumper of the car. That hurt like hell, and I wished I hadn't done that. One more, that also happened in winter. My friends at my old apartment dared me to go over this 3 foot tall ramp in the snow with my saucer sled. I agreed, and it was another really steep hill. I went down and hit the ramp, flew in the air, and then rolled over...rolled over! :) But that was really fun, but kind of embarrassing once I figured out snow got into my underwear...COLD!
  22. That's a deep poem. I very much like it, and it reminds me of my other sides. My good side, bad side, and how I act myself. It's touching, very nice.
  23. Forgot how to spell "and?" ...... I forgot how to spell apple, orange, and for some reason every other stinking fruit on the Earth. Huh...I think I suffer from short term memory loss. Or I just REALLY have bad memory. Also I forgot how to spell important and spelled "impotent." My sister says that all the time...
  24. When I was a kid, it was the happiest days of my entire life. I had a bunch of friends, I didn't get in trouble much, school wasn't a big deal, and my mom and dad were okay. One problem. I looked like a BOY. Afro! Now my life is more messed up. Mom and dad are seperated, school is really rough since I go to this BIG Magnet Middle School. It is as big as a high school. I don't socialize much with family, and I don't really like my mother at all. Her boyfriend...he gets on my nerves so much I can't stand it. I still have friends, but little arguments are coming my way since my best friend tried to be goth. I didn't mean to, but I yelled and cursed that she couldn't be goth. I really messed up, wish I hadn't done that. We are still friends though. Life wasn't rough until the 4th grade. But I guess that's the way life is supposed to be. You have to grow up, go to school, and do all the things you need to do. But being a child was much easier, this brings back old memories. *Doing cartwheels down the steps* Or maybe not.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinmaru [/i] [B]The reason why this rule is in place is because posts are much easier to read when you can actually read them. Online "grammar" may be faster to type but it's confusing to sift through and it's very annoying to look at. If you do not think it is fair, then feel free to go to a message board that does allow you to post in that manner because the rules certainly aren't going to change here, heh. Especially not for something like this. [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, basically what Shimaru said. It is harder to read things that do not have correct spelling, even though it is a funner way of writing/typing. This is actually one of the best boards I have ever been to, I don't see any other boards having banners or stuff like that.
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