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Everything posted by Kanariya

  1. Okay...mac and cheese. I'll give you lessons, I get the cheap microwavable stuff. Okay my plans before I die are: 1.Get into a great college and be a veteranarian (that's what I want to be, I like animals a lot) 2.The "one" thing and marriage (basically what Raiha said) 3.Start a family 4.Live on, have no really big problems, and hopefully will not get sued if I do something really stupid. I really hope I don't mess up. 5.Be able to draw decent anime. I'm practicing, and I'm getting better. 6.Die and go wherever god chooses me to go. And rest in peace or become a ghost wandering around some place...
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Eternal Otaku [/i] [B]Well brepare to be impresed. Im dishin out the big one. The ostrich. It all started on the Thursday wen the MTV awards was on. My mom wasnt gunna see it because she was gunna go out. She did see Ludacris talk about an ostrich coat. Thenext day she got a call from her friend. She had missed the awards c/c of her anniversary. She told my mom that the restaruant she had went to was serving ostrich. It gets wierder. The next day my uncle had come over. My mom decided o give him my dads old shirts. They were looking threw when dad said "he dosnt want the one with that stupid thing on it". It was a shirt given to him by the mom of his old dead best friend. The thing was an ostrich. Now my mom sensed something. Later that Sunday night, for me it was the second to last day before school started, me my bro and my mom were watching Teen Titans. Now remember my mom rarely watches cartoons with us. And rarely when shes watching does Beast boy turn into an ostrich. The next day, monday, we were school shopping for the big first day. We had a hard time finding boxes of tissues. My mom picked the tri-box that came with a learning disk (bleck.) When we got home my little bro put the disk in. And what animal was under O? Ostrich. By this time me and my brother were getting spooked. The next week my mom starts screaming about the new orbit gum commercial. After the lady goes "no matter what" a flock of ostrich run by! This is when me and my bro catch the disease. In the first night of the hurricane we stayed in a hotel. It had power and was safe. That night we were watching family guy. In a memory sceen the fat guy hits the road runner in his car. He says "I think I just hit that ostrich. But odly, my mom missed it. In the days to come I spent the night at my friends house. His friend was there to. His friends fav animal was an ostrich. And finnaly, on saturday, we were at the mall when bro spotted a picture of people riding ostrich's. There. [/B][/QUOTE] Okay, that's freaky. Ostrich here there everywhere... Alright, well this I think usually happens to everyone and here it is. When you are eating something, you realize you didn't eat it. You look at your plate and say, "Hey, where'd my food go?" someone replies, "You ate it." "No I didn't!" "Yes you did!" And then the big fight starts. You might not have the big fight, but I sure do and I win. Ha.
  3. Favorite anime pet let's see...um first would have to be Kirara from Inuyasha. I don't know if it's a he or a she or a cat or something else...it's just so adorable!!! Ryo'oki from Tenchi Muyo!!!!! I LOVE THAT LITTLE....blank....OH WELL!!! :love: Then three...Ein from Cowboy Bebop! Clever and cute dog, I'd like a dog like that other then my dog. *looks to her right to see dog chewing up pillow* Heh heh...
  4. Don't give up on life. In the past days, I have been having really rough times too. Life is really hard, and I had a fit the other day about my science class. It's really hard and complicated, but I get through it. Spend your life wisely and enjoy it. Look on the bright side, your a human with common sense and call the police about this guy. Don't let him rule you or anything. And you have things some kids don't have. You have family, friends, and things that keep you entertained. Also food and water. While there are homeless kids out there with no family, (maybe some friends) and wish they had a family. Hardly have food and water, and wish they had the life a regular person had. So don't think to kill yourself or anything. Be proud of what you have.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KarmaOfChaos [/i] [B][color=deeppink][font=arial] Great thread! We all love the asian/japanese candy...I think Pocky wins out as the big favorite though. Mmm...pockieh. I also got these delcious Strawberry Gummies out in California. They're made by Kasugai, and they're oh so good. Here's what it says on the package: Kasugai's strawberry gummy, made from fresh strawberry juice, is a very delicious gummy. Please have a fun time with this strawberry gummy. XD Does anyone else besides me find that hilarious? And at the bottom it says: Strawberry Gummy: Fresh and Juicy! And yes, I keep packages...they're intresting. XP [i]-Karma[/i] [/font][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Strawberry gummies? Yum...sounds delicious :drool: And I think it sounds funny also. I am like the only one here who hasn't had POCKY!!!! Better get that guy from school to bring some...I think he's got mangas and anime dvds and every other thing that is sold in Japan...
  6. 1.I'm not really big into Harry Potter, I've only read 1-3. Pitiful... 2.It would have to be the first one which introduces Harry and them all. Ron would have to be my favorite... 3.The book is better, it's more detailed and it's just better. Plus for some reason, Hermoine annoys me. I wonder why, I just don't know the reasons for it, I am MORE pitiful. Oh and Dagger IX1, Gollem and Dobby...I can think they are cousins. Or brothers...or twins...except Gollem is more freaky looking. Special effects and stuff rock.
  7. In the past on these boards, I think I said Big O was really stupid and it really isn't good. I really messed up. To whoever told me to see it, thank you. I have gotten attached to it, and I find it rather interesting. Big O is more of a serious type of anime, little romance, but I gave it a chance and KAAAABBBOOOOMM I got into it. Thank you whoever told me to give it a chance, or I had a wacky dream. My favorite would have to be Dorothy, for some strange unknown reason. I just think she's cool, even though it looks like she hasn't slept in fifty years...(i know she's an android!!!) Oh how I wish I could play the piano :nope:
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by lea2385 [/i] [B]hmm..i never heard korean music before but, i have heard chinese (ever hear of she? really good ^_^ ) and i heard alot of j-pop.. but, never korean (i think it would be interesting to hear) [/B][/QUOTE] I've heard of Korean music because my best friend is korean and so is my other friend. One time my friend's mom was watching this Korean music concert...I liked it. (oh god my friend is gonna kill the crap outta me now) Well to the topic, I'm embarrassed to like these songs from funny websites which are quite disturbing, especially the baby ones. (parody of Dirrty by Christina Aguilera, I literally choked eating pizza). OOH I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO LIKES THE MENTOS SONG!!!! :) :) :)
  9. Oh my student council election is over already. I knew no one except this really annoying 7th grader and a 6th grader like me. The 6th grader is annoying too, he won't SHUT UPPPP!!!!!! :angry2: And same thing, the posters they are putting "Vote for me because BLAH BLAH BLAH school dances..." you get the point. I randomly picked someone for the heck of it. One girl put the Simpsons up on her posters. In my middle school, our announcements is on TV. (hee hee) And the people running for council would be on the television, and the 6th grader said some whacky line which made us all in my class crack each other up. But everyone in my school are PREPS!!! And now my best friend is trying to be GOTH!!! What's gonna happen next?!Well since I don't run, I really don't have any advice about it, except do whatever you think is great. Of course the people in my middle school won't look at anime posters, they'll look at 50 Cent or Little Bow Wow posters and vote for you because of that! Good luck!
  10. Hmm...I've never thought about it, but mine seems really weird. Ever since I've gotten Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance I seem to really like Li Mei's technique of the move called the sparkler where you shoot this sparkling purple ball out of your hand to your opponent. That would I think count as a supernatural power...or more of kind of like a spell. Maybe telekeneisis (however the heck you spell it). Also I agree with Stick Fairy, after I read XC SpydeR's reply, there must be someone in here going through purberty. Hm, wonder who?
  11. Swearing...you should get used to it. I'm in middle school, and people say cuss words all the time. Including me, and I have no problem with it. I won't be surprised in high school either if teachers cuss or not, I'll find it pretty funny to see if my teacher does. In my middle school, there's a dance magnet in school you take during school if you signed up for the magnet. The dance teacher cusses, and at lunch the other day, I yelled out the f word and she didn't even turn to look at me. What a relief... Cuss words...get used to it. I found almost every cuss word in the dictionary.
  12. Oh I have hated previews in a movie theater, and I still do. In the theaters I have, they show like ten movie previews about other movies before the movie you want to see. It ticks me off so bad, I just want to get up and leave. I remember this one time when I was a 9 I went to see the Powerpuff Girls Movie, and they showed a Dexter's Laboratory short which ticked me off so bad until it got interesting. The only movie previews I can stand have to be for horror movies, I'm a big horror movie fan. They have suspense and it looks so good. But anyway, I hate the previews before the movie and I think I always will unless they are horror ones. I never usually see commercials...oh yeah I now remember. It was one about Mariah Carey...weird.
  13. In my opinion, Reno 911 is an hilarious show. I was about to make a thread myself about this show so forget that idea. Reno 911 is like my top #5 on the list of best shows on Comedy Central. Since I can't remember some names, I'll have to use their descriptions. I liked the episode when the black man cop had to leave the force and be a crossing guard. The officers begged him to come back to the force and have him presents but the black guy didn't want to cause he got to see the hot cheerleaders and stuff. I think it was Garcia who gave him the teddy bear :laugh: I also like the episode when the FBI came. They put one officer in the freezer for dead people. I bet he was thinking :stupid: But Reno 911 is one of my favorite shows on Comedy Central, next to South Park and Crank Yankers.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by OtakuSennen [/i] [B][color=midnightblue]I've had this game for almost two years now, I believe, and it hasn't been one of those games I master and forget. I frequently revisit it and attempt getting a high score. The levels are vast with a lot of gags in them, and the locations are just like how they were in the show and are abundant. Of course, not everything is where it originally was in the series, but things are always inconsistently moving and changing on The Simpsons. My favorite level is DownTown. It's easier to navigate than some of the levels, and the locations you drive to are quite fun. The Legitimate Businessman's Club, Springfield International Airport, The World's Largest Magnifying Glass (Not a location you are told to take someone to, but it's there).. They all bring back memories of some of my favorite episodes. [/color] [color=midnightblue]I don't think the graphics were intended to be cel-shaded. At least not on the Gamecube version. There's a hint of cel-shading in there, but I don't consider it to be authentic. Yes, Frink is my favorite as well. His car does that cool blue blur effect, and he has some of the funniest sound bytes in the game (At least to me).. Lovejoy is not high on my list of favorite Road Rage characters. He's funny on the television series, and The Book Burning Mobile is a fun car to look at, but he's too slow and bulky for my liking. Why is he burning Little Women, anyway? What's wrong with that book? [/color] [color=midnightblue]Oh, but that's the fun of it. Taking advantage of senior citizens and small children by hitting them with your trashed up pink Sedan is the funniest thing in the world. I'm a cruel, cruel person with a sick mindset.[/color] [color=midnightblue]The high score in my file is $11,450. In fact, all of my high score chart is my territory, except for fourth, which is owned by that pre-set person with $10,000. Actually, I like The Simpsons: Hit and Run more. Its level of freedom and even more extensive plethora of in-jokes and gags are what draws me to it more than Road Rage, though they are both games. My main problem with Hit & Run is that the driving is a little more sluggish than Road Rage, but at the same time cars would get barely tapped and sent flying in the first Simpsons next-gen game.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I just got the Simpsons Hit and Run for my birthday. It is much better then Road Rage, so it's kind of rare for me to play it. And running over old people is so fun! Running over anybody is fun to me on the game. But I am not violent. Your highest score was that?!?! Mine was $9,688. I suck compared to you...*better practice* Yeah in hit and run it's harder to navigate cars, and it's kind of harder to get things. But costumes...they're funny. But hit and run is also better because you get to be chased by police cars if you start beating up people or destroying public property.
  15. I just saw the trailer, it looks really good. Now I've got to persuade my mom to let me see it in theaters. It will probably be better then the last one, with the more blood and gore effects to it, that's probably why they remade it again. I hope I can see it, it looks so good like this smiley :blowup: Hee hee...
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SadClown [/i] [B]I think it's arguable that Sailor Uranus is the "tough" one. Anyway, you can't really appreciate Sailor Moon untill you've seen the original Japanese version. What DIC and Toonami did to it is unforgivable...But Sailor Moon set the precedent for all Mahou Shoujo anime/manga forever. [/B][/QUOTE] I haven't seen the Japanese version yet. I forgot, it's been awhile since I've seen Sailor Moon, you know!
  17. Oh, yes, I remember that show Sailor Moon. One of my favorites, and always will be. I'm really disappointed with it coming off television though. I remember when I was 6 I was going somewhere one day, I was so obsessed with Sailor Moon I said to my mother, "TAPE IT! TAPE IT! IF I'M GONNA LEAVE THEN TAPE IT!!" We taped it, but I can't find the tape :huh: Also, my sister and I would play Sailor Moon, I guess every girl obsessed with it did. Ha, memories... Hm, my favorite character would have to be Sailor Jupiter. I think she was the tough one...*it's been so long I cannot remember!* But I have never see the movies at all sadly. Wish I did... Sailor Moon is like my #5 or #6 favorite anime.
  18. LOL I really like it. I would have used Chiller font also, the title for it says it all. But otherwise, it's clever.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Arch [/i] [B][font=arial]This thread gives me the creeps. Well anyway, Inuluvur1, you could need medication, and you could not. It's possible you are tired. Also, you could be being watched. By an animal. I can tell if a bird is staring at me. It's annoying. Also, I need more info. Where do you see the light? Does it simply block out your vision, or do you see it in shadows? Your true mental health could be determined a little from that. Another thing, I had to sleep in my brother's room one time, because he was sleeping in my room, since he was a scaredy cat. Anyway, I had to leave my own room, because my brother was snoring. I mean LOUD. I went half crazy, but I finnaly went to his room. I woke up in the middle of the night, and forgot where I was, and got scared. I thought I saw two men bowing to each other over and over again. I finally summoned enough courage to run to the lightswitch, and they turned out to be a combination of my brother's posters, and that I was tired. Well, good luck, Inuluvur1. Talk about seeing things, I came back to edit and the font had bolded certain parts of itself... Oh well I scrolled up then back and it went away... Maybe it's the site? [/font] [/B][/QUOTE] No, it's really has gotten better. I hardly see things anymore, lucky me. I don't need medication, but I saw the eerie light kind of in the shadows. But that usually happens when I'm kind of tired. (which explains the eerie green light) But really, this thread gives people the creeps? Wow...
  20. Fall would have to be my favorite season. It's so nice and cool out (gets a bit cold) and my birthday is in fall. And the leaves change color, and my pear tree won't produce pears anymore. (that's good because whenever a pear falls off a tree, a squirrel come gets it or a bunch of birds come or bugs and it becomes a convention for free pears for animals. And they all get smushed on my driveway and then ants and spiders come out *eww*)
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by OtakuSennen [/i] [B]Hm.. There are probably two reasons: One may be that the game is just so old it was simply outdated and they cancelled producing it, making a copy very rare. If this is the case, go on ebay.. However, the more likely reason is that it was never released in America. I mean, I've never heard of a Kenshin game in the past. So I suppose online auctions would be again the way to go, but you'll have to have a mod chip in your system for the game to work if it's out of your region coding. [/B][/QUOTE] Oh you can almost find any anime game on Ebay. That really works! I'm pretty much agreeing with OtakuSennen. If it is such an old game, it might not be sold anywhere anymore, unless you can have a miracle finding it on Ebay. I'd like to find it, but I live in America, not Japan. *sniff*
  22. Well to make me not stressed anymore, I usually play video games, listen to music, or use any other electronics. Of course, drawing is another way to relieve my stress. I have this problem about every day. I am usually stressed about school and homework. My friends they don't really get me stressed a lot. But doing hobbies will make you feel better.
  23. Since I really am kind of weird sometimes, I say, "stubid." I also always say "peoples" for some reason. Don't know why... I'm just in a different world, other then reality most of the time.
  24. Oh boy my friends didn't even know what anime was! I feel so unique out of my friends, I am basically really the only one who likes anime. They all watch anything else but anime. But I'm different from you, kenshinsbabe. I sit with my friends every day at lunch, but we don't talk about anime. Neither on the bus! (How can we if she doesn't even hardly know about it??) But my friends still don't watch it, still alone like always.
  25. Yes, anime has changed me quite a bunch. First, I wouldn't be so tired all the time. (I watch anime late at night, gotta stop that) But would I be here if I never knew anime??? Second if it weren't for anime, I wouldn't be watching the television all day :) :) :) Especially watching InuYasha made me get into anime more. I did, and I am now called a crazy freaking idiot by my best friend. Yep, that's how much anime changed me.
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