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Everything posted by Kanariya

  1. [size=1][font=georgia]Mother Nature made sure somehow a knife with a wooden handle would get on my stove while I was boiling water and ended up lighting my freakin' stove on fire. Mother Nature also made sure to somehow light the back of my house on fire. Or it was just me and my family's fault, who knows. I don't even know if those things count as part of mother nature, but rather science..oh well.. Anyway, yeah, the only thing I really hate are those darn red ants that bite you. They're annoying as hell, along with locusts (spl?). Those freak me out to no end. Too bad for me though, just gotta deal with it.[/size][/font]
  2. [size=1][font=georgia]I feel young. Everyone's in high school. School, and other things can be good or bad depending on your view about it. You can make school fun, it's just that some people don't. Anyway, I believe school can be either fun or not fun. You probably will meet some teachers, the good, and the bad. You meet different people, the good and the bad, also. But that just makes everything more fun in my opinion. In my life, my elementary school years were alright. I was teased quite a few times, and I didn't have a load of friends, but I did have a couple of friends which I trusted to no end, and that's really all I needed. So far in sixth grade, I was teased, but not to the extent of elementary school, but I enjoyed it. Got stepped on a few times, but it was enjoyable. In seventh grade, things got a little better, but I was still stepped on. Now in eighth grade, I'm more confident then before, and I've gotten so many friends (well, I believe they're my friends, well, at least many decent classmates). So eighth grade is my best year, and I've got one of the best english teachers ever so I'm pretty happy. My Spanish teacher is nice but obsessed with work, my math teacher is stupid, my science teacher is also stupid, and my orchestra teacher is pretty nice but you can tell she has her favorites. So I'm having a good year. Now for high school...ew. Not looking forward to those four years.[/size][/font]
  3. [size=1][font=georgia]Hola. My name is Alexandra (Alex for short), and I was born and still reside in Baltimore, MD. I am female, turned thirteen a little while ago. I have a full sister, a half sister, and a half brother. My hobbies include writing stories on my computer, organizing things, playing video games, and singing. I listen to a variety of music, and I'm overall pretty nice. I also play the violin and in the future I hope to get a job that involves computers, whether programming them or even building them.[/size][/font]
  4. [font=georgia][size=1]I would say Role Playing, Family, and Fighting. Why? Role Playing. Everyone knows what's coming; Final Fantasy. I am not an ultimate freak when it comes to those games, but they're very enjoyable. I especially like FFVI, because Kefka's such a bad***, and it was interesting from the beginning. Family. I checked this category because I counted Dance Dance Revolution as a family game. My sister, my friends, whoever, we get together sometimes and just play DDR for fun. So I count it as family. And Fighting. Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, you get the picture. I don't kick major butt on those games, but they're fun anyway. As for a genre I absolutely never play, it's Shooting. It's awesome watching someone play a good shooting game, but to be quite honest, I get freaked out when I play those. So shooting wasn't ever in for me.[/size][/font]
  5. [size=1][font=georgia]In the beginning, it was in a very old, and run down house, and there was smoke everywhere. There was a guy playing the cello, minding his own business, not affected. He then started walking around, still not affected, and then he appeared in one room, and in that room was Hannibal (the guy from the movie, remember?). Hannibal was choking, and then the guy walked out, and somehow Hannibal decided to follow him, and he followed the guy into a bathroom, where the smoke was also in, but more. The guy led Hannibal into the bathroom, and then when Hannibal was in there, he shut the door and locked it. Hannibal started screaming, but the guy went back to his original place and started playing the cello again. And then half of my dream led up to the event of that scene, apparently it was of a family in the run down house (at this part, the house wasn't run down, but old, and oddly their kitchen was just like mine and in the dream I sensed the cat there was of the new cat my grandma had just gotten. Also, it was of some significance the mother had wanted a new pantry door, because hers was old and chipped) who were being chased by Hannibal. And then middle-end part of the story, it just warps and suddenly it's at my school. I appear, along with my friend, and we're at my school because we were just done watching a horror flick with Hannibal in it, and then I get picked up by her friends and sister and taken to a hair salon to get my hair straightened (I have curly hair), but I refused. Then the dream warps again, and I'm back at the house. The house is in it's old form, and the two kids of the family are screaming. Then suddenly everything is underwater, and then it's a close up of Hannibal. He has a bowl with two pretty large goldfish in it, and then the mother and father of the home appear, watching along with the children. I suddenly appear in the actual scene too, I just cannot see myself. Then Hannibal says some things about how pretty the fish were, and then he tips the bowl against his lips and begins to swallow one fish whole. The kids start screaming, but he continues and does the same to the other fish. And then everything goes black, and we're now outside of the house but still underwater. We then begin to fight him, but once we defeat him, he turns into a giant squid, but the goldfish reappear, just swimming. Then, a 'pause' screen pops up, and then the word 'exit' is listed, and then it moves down to exit and then presses. Then another warp, and instead the family is in a brand new home, and the woman has a new pantry just as she wanted. And then it goes back to the scene of the guy playing the cello. Except this time, Hannibal escapes and going on rampage around the house. It was odd.[/size][/font]
  6. [size=1][font=georgia]Guilty pleasures? Hitting my friends. It's bad, I know, but when I punch them, it's freaking hilarious. Something just strikes 'fun' about it, although I do get punched back. Then I punch them back. And then it's a punching orgy. And eating. Eating makes me so happy, and I eat a bag of Tostitos or a bunch of oreos (although I despise that cookie with a passion) within five to ten minutes. Or ice cream, or I drink lots of eggnog. Basically, anything.[/size][/font]
  7. [size=1][font=georgia]It was a movie with Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman in it. I don't know about any of you, but I dislike Tom Cruise very much. I don't think he's really all that 'talented', but don't take my opinion seriously, since I do not really watch movies. Far and Away it was called. It was alright in the beginning, and I didn't mind it, but as it went on, it just got dumb. And at the end, [spoiler]when the horse fell on Cruise, and he died by hitting his head on the stone, Kidman was crying and all and then the camera backs away, and then suddenly does a close up and he is somehow 'revived'.[/spoiler] It was stupid. I had to watch it in English class, sadly.[/font][/size]
  8. [size=1][font=georgia]Oh geez, I hope things go well. I'm one of those people that just lets time do it's thing, and not worry about much, but it would be nice if I passed science class without a hassle. (My science teacher makes any excuse from anyone to not get an A in her class, it's crazy.) Me, still being in middle school, I'm also just waiting for highschool to come. Go through graduation, do some dumb crap in the process. 2006 may be awesome, who knows.[/size][/font]
  9. [size=1][font=georgia]All of the animes I have seen makes me regret knowing they even existed. Some go to the point of taking over my mind, and that's why I have posters, wallscrolls, and pillows and plushies of them. Probably a good amount of money to that stuff, too. But answering your question, I regret ever seeing InuYasha. At a point I did like that show, but it died. Come on people, how long does it take to find one dude, kill him, put back pieces of a freakin jewel and then go back to your original lives? Apparently at least 150 episodes. When I look back on it too, I found myself screaming at the television at the people on the show; idiots. Everyone complains and have some dumb love story going on. Oh well, people like it, and some people don't. That's just my opinion on the show. And [i]SD Gundam...[/i] argh, not going there. Basically, really any anime airing on CN right now I do not very much like. Haven't seen Naruto, don't feel like it either. I'm just too lazy to keep up with episodes and all anymore.[/size][/font]
  10. [size=1][font=georgia]Fun fun. [b][1.][/b] Gackt - [i]Last Song[/i] [b][2.][/b] Ayumi Hamasaki - [i]Dearest (The Implication DUB Mix)[/i] [b][3.][/b] Aqua - [i]Candyman[/i] [b][4.][/b] Bon Jovi - [i]It's My Life[/i] [b][5.][/b] Asakura Daisuke - [i]THE RAGE BEAT (zoom mix)[/i] [b][6.][/b] Utada Hikaru - [i]Uso Mitaina I Love You[/i] *I think that's how it's spelled, I have no idea* [b][7.][/b] Modest Mouse - [i]Float On[/i] [b][8.][/b] SuperGreenX - [i]Thinking Different[/i] [b][9.][/b] Nami Tamaki - [i]Prayer[/i] [b][10.][/b] Gackt - [i]Vanilla[/i] Geez, my computer decided to pick Gackt twice. Oh well, I've got many more of genres; that isn't my main collection, haha.[/size][/font]
  11. [size=1][font=georgia]Uhhh, I've probably been playing Dance Dance Revolution for two years now, and dang I think I'm doing pretty good. I usually now get AAA's on Beginner and Light Modes, rarely AAA's or most of the time AA's on Standard, and quite rarely AAA's, mostly AA's, A's or B's on Heavy on most songs. As for the Max 300, Max Unlimited stuff, I never attempt to do that on the mat. I'm already having issues with Afronova, let's work on Max series a little later. I've only bought DDR Extreme 2 for the Playstation 2, and I love it like heck. In my opinion, it has better songs then all the other home versions, and it includes Butterfly, made Alex happy. (That's my name..) Mitch, very impressive. Wish I could. ;_; Oh well, more practicing in order.[/size][/font]
  12. [size=1][font=georgia]First of all, homosexuality isn't an issue to me. Disliking someone because of their sexual preference is basicallly like racism to me. It's not accepting who the person is and what they are, and that's like hating someone because of skin color, or something along those lines. I also believe homosexuality is something you are born with. Of course, you can look more into your preference and figure out if you are gay, bi, or straight, but you can't just watch a TV show or something and then decide you are gay because it seems 'cool' or you want to be 'different', things like that. It's dumb, accept who you are. (A couple of my friends have done that, and it annoys the crap out of me.) As for adoption, let them. Gays are people, and they deserve the same rights. They're saving children, why not let them? They won't corrupt them, they'll let them live their lives and be the best parents they can be. Besides, you can be straight or gay and you can be a good or horrible parent, it really depends if the person likes children, likes to raise children, things such as that. Basically, I think gays should get the same rights, no better no worse.[/size][/font]
  13. [font=georgia][size=1]My tastes change usually. It depends on the enviornment; if it's a sunny day and the light's shining through my window, I'll listen something upbeat, that has a light feel, and/or is all around fun. For example, Shonen Knife or something. The same goes through most weather changes. If it's darker outside, or if it's raining, I'll be listening to Zombie by The Cranberries (old, I know, but I still like it), or something along a darker tone. I'm not usually sad though, but if I'm sad, catch me singing Mad World. But all around, I listen to all different kinds of stuff. I like J-Pop, some R&B, a little bit of Rap here and there, some rock there, classical, etc. etc...But trance, techno, etc. is like my main genre even if I don't know of many artists and all, haha. Don't catch me listening to religious stuff though. I'm not a big fan of country either.[/size][/font]
  14. [font=georgia][size=1]My custom title? Simple, Tsukiko Amano's 'Chou', featured in FFII (Fatal Frame II.) I can't play the actual game worth crap, so I just downloaded the song. It's a nice song. If you're a fan of J-Pop that likes a mix of different instruments and not a too high pitched vocal, you might like it.[/font][/size]
  15. [size=1][font=georgia]Of course I spied on them...when I was younger. Now I'm just too lazy to get up in the middle of the night to spy on them when I could be sleeping and dreaming about tacos and all that crazy crap. But I did it when I was seven, and I caught them bringing the presents up the stairs. It wasn't really devastating, since I had been skeptical of the existance of 'Santa Clause', and so I just went with it. It was cool though, cause after opening all the presents I still didn't have to clean up all the wrapping paper. =) And I found some presents too when I was younger but they were all wrapped so I didn't bother to take it off. I did lose something though, all the surprise. Peeking on them just lost the Christmas effect, and basically throughout the weekend I'm probably not going to be in the 'Christmas Spirit' at all, it's a shame. Oh well, I'll going to enjoy giving my parents and teachers presents though, so it's all good.[/size][/font]
  16. [font=georgia][size=1]I do believe love really has no limits, but agreeing what Retribution had said, it still does exist deep within your mind for everyone. For me? I probably couldn't go over twenty-one. If I were to fall in love with a thirty-year-old however, or something along those lines, things just turn out that way and I'd get used to it, or it wouldn't be love at all and rather a silly crush. But that's only my opinion. Haha, it's kind of funny. There's a Spanish Assistant at my school for spanish class, right? She's a pretty woman, so me and my friend joke around about sex and all, even though she's about twenty-five. We're immature kids, what can I say.[/font][/size]
  17. [size=1][font=georgia]I made my list a while ago, my mom I know already bought the presents (and is hiding them somewhere), but I do not find a big deal in finding the presents, so I'm just chilling out. My mom probably mixed up what she got me, so I expect a fine Christmas this year. I'm going to have Christmas dinner with my dad probably this Monday, and there will be a party at my house this Friday. Then afterwards I'm just gonna chill out and take up the time I don't have school by playing DDR or something. As for giving, I plan to get my friend a cheap DDR mat because she doesn't have one of her own but has the game. I'm getting my other friend some eyeliner and all, and then ten dollars to my other friend. It's not the best list ever, but I'm try. For recieving from friends, I know I'm getting barbie stickers and a package of sharpies.[/font][/size]
  18. Kanariya


    [font=georgia]Good ol' myspace. Yes, I do have a myspace. And yes, I have it because it's the typical reason; it's suddenly the new thing and you just have to have it. My friends kept bugging me about it, and told me to get one, and I ignored them, but then going to different myspaces I just said 'what the heck' and made one anyway. When I went editing, I was completely ticked. To edit your site, you gotta know how to actually write a code (which I'm too lazy to do) to edit the colors of the page yourself, or you can go to some myspace editor site and enter the color codes and choose the colors and generate a code. (I chose the second option, of course.) Also, it was very confusing at first, but being used to it, I don't feel any difficulties anymore. But I remembered I didn't try to use it for about a week and edit things because you have to click all these things and I got impatient. The thing I was really happy about was the music. You can add music, not from only the 'big' artists in America, but some 'big' artists in Japan too. (Although they are fake celebrity sites, they provide me music and I'm glady using them.) So answering your question, the myspace bug did bite me.[/font]
  19. [size=1]Trance, house music..anything that has a good amount of beats and makes me dance to it no matter what.[/size]
  20. [font=georgia][size=1]EDITED YET AGAIN. ]My CD Collection is pathetic, and I ripped all of them to my iPod, too. Well, all that didn't have anti-copy-to-computer stuff on it. [b]In My Closet, Dresser, Or Just Plain Lost Forever From A While Ago[/b] [1.] Disney's Tarzan Soundtrack [2.] Nsync - No Strings Attatched [3.] Christina Aguilera - Christina Aguilera [4.] Christina Aguilera - Stripped [5.] Britney Spears - Baby One More Time [6.] Britney Spears - Oops! I Did It Again [7.] Britney Spears - Britney [8.] Coyote Ugly Soundtrack [9.] Phil Collins - Hits [10.] Eminem - The Slim Shady LP [11.] No Secrets - No Secrets [12.] Jennifer Lopez - J Lo [b]In The Buddha CD Case[/b] [1.] Gravitation TV Tracks [2.] Fooly Cooly OST 1 : Addict [3.] Best Of InuYasha [4.] InuYasha : wind [5.] Final Fantasy X OST [6.] Final Fantasy X Vocal Collection [7.] Final Fantasy X-2 OST [8.] Final Fantasy X-2 Vocal Collection [9.] Final Fantasy X-2 Piano Collection [10.] Kingdom Hearts OST [b]In The [color=red]Red CD Case[/color][/b] [1.] Utada Hikaru - Deep River [2.] BoA - Listen To My Heart [3.] Nami Tamaki - Greeting [4.] Do As Infinity - Break of Dawn [5.] Do As Infinity - Deep Forest [6.] Puffy AmiYumi - Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi [7.] Duran Duran - The Greatest [8.] Nelly Furtado - Whoa Nelly! [9.] Santana - Supernatural [10.] No Doubt - The Singles 1992-2003 [11.] DJ Irene - Fearless [b]In The [color=blue]Blue CD Case[/color][/b] [1.] Ayumi Hamasaki - A Song For XX [2.] Ayumi Hamasaki - LOVEppears [3.] Ayumi Hamasaki - Duty [4.] Ayumi Hamasaki - I am... [5.] Ayumi Hamasaki - RAINBOW [6.] Ayumi Hamasaki - Memorial Address [7.] Ayumi Hamasaki - MY STORY [8.] Ayumi Hamasaki - MY STORY Classical [9.] Ayumi Hamasaki - ayu-mi-x [10.] Ayumi Hamasaki - ayu-mi-x III Nonstop Mega Mix Version [11.] Ayumi Hamasaki - ayu-mi-x IV Nonstop Mega Mix Version [12.] Ayumi Hamasaki - ayu-mi-x IV Acoustic Orchestra Version [13.] Ayumi Hamasaki - ayu-ro mix 3 [b]In The Black Case[/b] [1.] Ayumi Hamasaki - WHATEVER (Maxi Single) [2.] Ayumi Hamasaki - vogue [3.] Ayumi Hamasaki - Far away [4.] Ayumi Hamasaki - evolution [5.] Ayumi Hamasaki - NEVER EVER [6.] Ayumi Hamasaki - Daybreak [7.] Ayumi Hamasaki - Dearest [8.] Ayumi Hamasaki - Endless sorrow [9.] Ayumi Hamasaki - STEP you / is this LOVE? [10.] Ayumi Hamasaki - fairyland [11.] Ayumi Hamasaki - HEAVEN [12.] Ayumi Hamasaki - Bold & Delicious/Pride [13.] Ayumi Hamasaki - & [14.] Utada Hikaru - COLORS [15.] Utada Hikaru - Hikari [16.] dream - My Will [17.] Koda Kumi - Come With Me That's it..for now.[/size][/font]
  21. [size=1]For my summer I just went to Mississippi to my grandma's, and we thought Dennis was going to hit us, so we went to Texas and stayed over my cousin's house for a while, which was nice because she's had a baby for about 4 or 5 months now. We had to go back though, cause it didn't really do damage on us. Um..I went to my Aunt's house too, and me and my cousin from San Antonio chased baby cows around with a bottle, that was fun. But I just like to stay home most of the time though.[/size]
  22. [size=1]Sometimes I'll pull my pants up as high as Steve Urkel would, and just do this weird dance bending backwards in the air and holding onto my pants. Occasionally I'll sing songs, too.[/size]
  23. [size=1]I have a cat, three dogs, two birds, and three fish. (Do the fish count?) My cat is named [b]Dusty[/b], because he's a gray/white color and he was a fluffball and there's his name. We had lived in an apartment at the time Dusty was given to us; we took care of cats that were around the neighborhood and fed them and stuff, and the guy across the street knew we did, and he found Dusty, put him in a shoebox, and gave him to us. I love Dusty to death. Three dogs. Two labrodores (I can't spell that, sorry), and a beagle. (Don't EVER get a beagle, they are crazy whiny things.) [b]Maximillion[/b] and [b]Lexie[/b] are the labs, Max black and Lexie...blonde. Like most labs, they're nice and friendly, but Max doesn't swim. So I don't think he's a lab. And the beagle is [b]Lizzie.[/b] Nicknames- Wee wee, Missy wee wee, etc., with the words 'wee wee' in it. She pees all over the house, earning her name. The dogs are so-so. [b]Sylvester[/b] and [b]Tweety[/b], the stupid parakeets that never shut up. Don't really have an opinion of them. The fish..eh..they're ok. (haha) Oh, does a dead fish count? I got one of those too. Damn my laziness.[/size]
  24. [size=1]Funniest things I've ever seen usually are on Trigger Happy TV. ;_; Hm, in English class me and this girl always do stupid stuff, like we'd just suddenly say something like 'I never knew you were pregnant' and stuff like that. We'll make animal noises, fart noises, and sometimes even sex noises, and we'll throw stuff at each other and at other people. I get a kick out of it. And this kid was at our house playing basketball, and we asked him to like play it in a stupid way, so he sticks his butt in the air and dribbles the ball with both of his hands and when he attempts to shoot it, he'll spread his legs and even stick his butt even more in the air. I found it hilarious, but the best part was when he actually made it in the basket, he ran around and did this victory dance jumping with his legs open, and he had the ball and he bounced it but it landed right on his crotch, and he screamed and fell on the ground. It was great. hehe[/size]
  25. [size=1]Goodies, by Ciara, or whatever the heck you spell her name. On our school bus, it's always on the rap station, so of course it's gonna play. I ignored it, but it's to the point it's making my brain blow up. I love Banana Phone, the Badger thing, and that Choccy thing is awesome. XD[/size]
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