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Everything posted by Kanariya

  1. I would personally like to wake up later, for school to open later. I have to wake up at six, and I just don't feel like getting up! And it just annoys me in the morning when my mom walks in and turns the freaking light on saying, "time to get up!" God that is one of the things I never want to hear in the morning. :angry2: Also, it's always darn cold outside in the morning, double layers of clothes including my unfashionable uniform :sick: But in my first period class Spanish, it wakes me up. My teacher asks, "Como estas?" (how are you?) I literally yell out, "Cansada (means tired) because I waked up at six!" Oh yeah my spanish teacher would like to hear that every morning. But that's why I would rather wake up later. School is so irritating.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zeos [/i] [B][SIZE=1]That's great.. I'm glad to hear that.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Thank you. I appreciate it for you saying that. The funny thing is, my friend just bought a shirt that says, "My imaginary friend says you have serious problems." I laughed, but kind of got confused saying she's got chills. Maybe it's her imaginary friend :laugh:
  3. It's been getting better now. *Eerie light went bye bye* It's getting rare of me seeing things like that, but I kinda now hear things a little. It's probably about my imagination, I suppose, but it's getting rare for me seeing this stuff. Now I've been having funky dreams but I can't get into that because that is off the topic. And I talked about this one time with my friend before, she says it's just my imagination. Yeah it probably is, but now my other friend feels chills...I guess you go through these things.
  4. I think this is an interesting question. Since I visited my grandmother's house, I have been feeling chills. Bad dreams and seeing things that aren't really there, yeah that's what I have been feeling. My brother had to take medication for seeing demon eyes, and he is doing fine right now. But I keep seeing black cats, dead rabbits, and green light. Eerie green light. But now, I really don't see those things, but I still feel someone there when I am in my bed at my grandmother's house. I'm kind of creeped out but thank god I only stay there for the summer. But what I ask you is do you ever see things? Do you ever get chills?
  5. *This part is real life*For a book report, I had to read a book. So I picked out this Japanese book (fiction) and in the middle of the book, a really ugly looking woman appeared. It scared the crap out of me, and I literally never turned to that page again. (I was 7) Then I went to my house and went to sleep. *During dream* I had woken up to see yellow bubbles coming up from my floor. No one was in the room except me, and I quickly got out of bed and ran to the front door. In the living room where the front door was, light blue bubbles came up from the ground. Then I ran outside to find a giant spaceship like twenty miles away. People were screaming and running around. I ran back in the house to my room to see the book for my book report, open on my dresser to that certain page with the ugly woman. I screamed, and that's when I woke up. Freaky, but my dreams are usually nightmares. I have already had 2 dreamcatchers. *Hee hee*
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GodOfDeath [/i] [B]My cousions and I play it. It is funny but it needs better cel shaded graphics. then It could be one of my favorite games. My fav charicter is Professer Frink because he is fast and just weird. (good combo.) or Sometimes Im Lovejoy. his car is just funked up, dont you think. [/B][/QUOTE] Ya it could have a little better graphics. Hey, did you knw the secret character is Homer with some car don't know what, but a boy told me Homer's car horn plays the spanish song, "La cookeracha." Ha I really am playing it now. On and the book moblie that Lovejoy drives...thought he would drive a heaven's chariot or something, calling the book mobile, "Come ride in the LORED'S chariot." A book mobile is lord's chariot? Okay... Well Homer and Bart are first, then probably Otto. Read the back of the bus for Otto when your playing. It says, "Stop when red lights flash, dude!" I giggled and kept on playing him since then. What was your highest score?
  7. It needs some more detail. Mostly what Jagen said is what I'm saying. Other then that it's okay.
  8. ssjBrolli that story is touching. Me and my sister never get along, but my cousin Stephanie yeah she's pretty nice other then trying to be goth by wearing black all the time. Here's my favorite experience, kind of mean, but still I loved it. Well it's not really a holiday, but kind of. The tooth fairy experience. I put my tooth under the pillow and my mom said go to sleep so the tooth fairy could get it. I nodded and closed my eyes, but being the tricky thing I am, I stayed awake with my eyes closed. But I took a little nap shortly after. It was now probably 11:30 and I woke up. Then I heard footsteps and I open my eyes a little. There walking in comes my mom with 50 cents. She then takes my tooth and puts money under it. Heh, who knew I was so tricky!!! Well it's the same story with Santa Claus. Caught mom putting presents under the tree. And the other holidays...yeah I know about them. What an evil child I am :devil:
  9. Heh, mine's stupid. I DIDN'T GET A C ON ONE OF MY MATH TESTS IN THE 5TH GRADE!!!! :) I usually get a C on all of them, (except if ultra easy) but this one I gots a A!!!! But I NEVER got a 100% on any of the math tests in 4th and 5th grade. Kind of weird for a greatest accomplishment? Oh other then making my father get me Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance. Yeah that too.
  10. Man I am a bunch of things. I'm some African-American, little French, little Irish, some German, some Italian, and finally a tiny bit of Spanish. Yep, I'm a lot of things. I look like an Italian/African American for the most part.
  11. I love the banner. It's really cool, I love your banners so much. The words, color and picture is really nice. Great job!
  12. Heh I noticed one in InuYasha. It was the episode when Sesshomarou just got Tokijin. He was battling InuYasha with his sword, and one moment you see him standing and the tip of his sword isn't there. Then when he starts battling again, it's there. Weird, I really haven't noticed mistakes in InuYasha. Proud moment for me :D
  13. I usually write best when it's the evening (6:00) and music is playing. I have no clue why I can concentrate with music on. Doing homework, GOING TO SLEEP, writing, ya you get the point. I actually type on the computer. That's called writing to me. See I'm writing right now and the vacuum is on!!! But for some reason doing school assingments at home writing stories for school, I always have writers block. Weird also...
  14. Oh my favorite food I have no idea. It would have to be pizza, spaghetti, fried chicken, or BBQ chicken. Junk food rocks. But the only food I can really cook is ramen. Mmmmmm...ramen... :drool: My mom won't let me cook anything else, she's afraid I'll burn the house down. Also mac and cheese. Maybe little minature pizzas that go in the oven too. But that's about it.
  15. I have only tried one kind of Japanese candy. I got it from this guy at my school. It is like a tan color and it's a rectangle shape about as big as a piece of paper folded 6 times. When you eat it, it looks like a plastic cover is still on it. *You eat the thing that looks plastic* I like them, but the beginning taste is not what I was looking for. I've heard there are Japanese pop rocks. I hope there are, I love them :) But that's really the only Japanese candy I've tried. Sadly I forgot what it was called.
  16. Kanariya

    Teen Titans!

    Ooh I love Teen Titans!! Raven and Beast Boy are my favorite :) Did any of you know that sometimes the theme song is in English and sometimes Japanese? So Teen Titans could be from Japan, I'm pretty sure it is. But other then that I like Teen Titans.
  17. When I first saw Inuyasha, I didn't think he was a girl. Looked more like a boy to me. Of course MIROKU doesn't look like a girl, but when I saw Sesshomaru, kind of confused me till I heard his dark voice. *shivers* But Naraku...thought the guy was a girl. He's got the hair, he's got the eyes (other then them being red) he just looks like a girl. Ooh I know, a she/he! And Shippou, he looks like a girl completely. His voice and what he looks like, I have to admit Shippou looks like a girl. Oh and you forgot someone, Jakostu. Man that guy is just plain freaky looking.
  18. Kanariya


    First name: Alexandra Age: Ten (I feel so young) Hair color: Dark brown, blonde a little Eye color: Hazel Height: Maybe 4'9 Wardrobe: Jeans and t-shirts, except in school because of stinking uniforms Personality: Very funny, a kind of class clown, sometimes serious when needed to be, and you will never catch me not talking for 5 seconds. Hair style: Down and straight Favorite music: Rap mostly with some R&B Favorite Band: I don't have one. Hobbies: Dancing, drawing idiot people, watching TV, on the internet, and playing my violin to get on my sister's nerves
  19. Double_B_Diego, well sadly I haven't read the manga but I feel so stupid because there are smoking and drinking in the more mature version in the anime so why not in the manga? *slaps herself on the head* But I guess it does kinda make sense, Kuwabara is kind of a dope.
  20. I'm not sure if there is a topic about this or not, but here I go. Just a question...has anybody heard of The Simpsons Road Rage? I have played it for quite a while and it's really cool. Not the best video game in the world, but it's nice. If you know about this game, do you like it? Who do you usually be? To answer for me, I'm usually Homer because he curses and usually makes me laugh, but Bart is pretty funny too :)
  21. The longest I have not had anime was about 2 days. Kind weird, because first was because of the Hurricane Isabel which gave me out of power two days, and because I was so freakin tired from stupid middle school. I had a bunch of homework *argh*
  22. Okay, here's mine! BEST: I would have to say Cowboy Bebop and Trigun. They fit the characters perfectly!! One of the reasons why I like em... Also .hack//sign. It's one of the animes I can stand their voices... WORST: Yu-Yu-Hakusho because KUWABARA!!! The boy just sounds like he just had a million beers and just got done smoking a million packs of cigarettes it gets on mt nerves so bad I end up turning it off listening to his voice...but otherwise it's okay. OKAY: Inuyasha because the voices I can stand, except...KAGOME!!! Man too darn squeaky I can't stand it and I almost turn the TV off for her voice. Sometimes I wish she would die because of her voice...but back to the subject. Sesshomaru's voice I can stand, just a little calm though. He never shouts, just stays the same which kind of irritates me. But that fits his personality too. Others I'm waiting on...
  23. I really do not get sick. Hardly ever. The worst time I got sick was when I had a minor flu and I kept on throwing up, and had to drink ginger ale all day. It really works :) I haven't even had the chicken pox yet, and it's been like 7 years since the last time I got sick. I'm getting a physical with my doctor soon so I'm just checking. And my best friend has a big scar on her leg, and she didn't have it when she was born. And so she went to her doctor to see if it had soemthing to do with cancer, thank god it wasn't cause if my best friend died I would cry forever :( But otherwise Conna, your story makes me feel happy about being alive. I hope I don't get cancer or something when I get older.
  24. Aw man I think I'm the only girl in my school who really WATCHES and LIKES South Park other than two of my friends. And for the poll I voted: Cartmen. I just love the dude for saying, "I WANT CHEESY POOFS!" And Kenny, man I love that dude. Miracles come for him, he always comes back to life. And Stan and Kyle. I love those two guys also, but I love their say: "OH MY GOD YOU KILLED KENNY!" "YOU BASTARD!"
  25. Kanariya


    Through my past years, I had very happy teachers. Especially now my English/SS teacher. I didn't listen to ehr and she just told me in a sweet voice, "Move to Another Table," she said. And taht's the worst consequence I got in that class. And in 5th grade. Oh boy. Whenever my homeroom teacher left class we would all start talking. Then the other 5th grade teacher would walk in and tell us to be quiet. I mean he got a habit doing that, and hanging out with my homeroom teacher. Well she has a husband so HA :flaming: But times he isn't there, and then we sang na na na na,hey hey hey hey GOODBYE!!! And the rest of my teachers were nice. They were a little off sometimes, but they found my as a sweet kid :angel: Which I'm NOT :devil:
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