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Everything posted by Kanariya

  1. Kenshin_K, what do you mean? You have to save it on a Play Station 1 memory card but it can be played on PS2? Please clear that out for me. Anyway, I'm getting the game for my birthday. I don't know if it's all that great or anything, but I just love blood and gore games. If this one isn't, too bad. But I'm getting the game and maybe some DVDs from Ebay.
  2. I love to sing in the shower :blush: I usually put in a CD but I end up not hearing it. Or I sing something I just heard of this funny website! I was in the All County Chorus but I lost my singing talent due to me giving it up to play the violin :bawl: I regret that because now I suck at the violin and I now suck at singing.
  3. Oh man, there are so many I just don't know what to put. :) I was in math class and my teacher said music helps you think. Especially orchestra music and stuff. I found it quite bad :sick: And I yelled out, "well my mom just said bullcrap." He told me next time I say it I'll get in trouble, but I already had a bad day for leaving my science homework the day before :( When I was a three year old I always used to not watch the TV show and watch the commercials. I was a commercial freak when I was a kid. And then I decided to do cartwheels down the steps :nope: That hurt like hell, and I still can remember the pain by keep on tripping day after day and finally I pass the jinx onto my friend. What an evil person I am. :devil:
  4. Okay, I have a joke but it's kind of disgusting. I hope you like it :D There was this girl and she fell asleep in class. The teacher came up to her and asked, "Who created people?" A person poked the girl and she woke up saying, GOD ALMIGHTY! The teacher replied that's correct. The girl fell back asleep. The teacher came up to her again and asked, "Who was put on the cross?" The person poked her with a pencil again and she yelled, JESUS CHRIST! The teacher said that's correct. Then the girl fell back asleep again. The teacher came up to her again and asked, "What did Eve say after she had a child with Adam?" The person poked her with a pencil, and the girl replied, IF YOU STICK THAT THING IN ME ONE MORE TIME I WILL KILL YOU! I thought that joke was hilarious!!! I hope you liked it too!!!
  5. Three words....That's freakin wrong. 1.One, now and days there is porn on TV all the time at night. For crying out loud why would a kid be staying up till 12:00 AM??? Watch your kids people! 2.Two, adult swim had a parental advisory thing. It warns kids under 14 should NOT watch adult swim. ADULT swim???? Get the picture???? 3.Three, why the freak is a person letting their kid stay up late watching stuff they aren't supposed to??? But anyway, the kid is gonna learn about porn and stuff anyway. I mean come on lady!! 4.Four, there are WORSE shows then Fooly Cooly. If you have a young kid you know there will be bad shows on at night so DON'T LET THEM!!! This is gonna be in my head forever! :bash: Stupid parents...
  6. Oh man I have so many!!! :love2: 1. Inuyasha/Kagome (Inuyasha)- Oh come on they are so meant to be together! Inuyasha just dump the dead girl and go with Kagome, I mean yeesh! 2. Sango/Miroku (Inuyasha)- Who wouldn't want them to be a couple?? I mean it's written all over Sango's face she likes Miroku but won't show it cauz he such a perv 3. Milly/Wolfwood (Trigun)- They look so cute together! 4. Meryl/Vash (Trigun)- One doughnut lover and one girl...*hehe* 5. Keiko/Yusuke (Yu-Yu-Hakusho)- Oh they are so TRULY sweet together!!!! Well that's the top 5 list and I have to think some more cauz I haven't seen Fruits Basket and stuff which sux...
  7. Oh man I love the Inuyasha ending themes :love: My favorite ending theme so far would have to be Dearest then My Will then Fukai Mori. (i haven't heard the others yet) Dearest is the best because it has a nice slow beat and so beautiful. I'm up at 12:00 in the morning dancing to this song and trying to sing it but not succeeding but I'm am trying... But I also like the Kenshin ending theme. It is so fast and so...different from other music. Oh and the Fooly Cooly ending them Ride on a Shooting Star is one of the best music of anime. The Pillows ROCK! Also there are many others but so far, Dearest is my fave. I have to record these songs and learn to sing them!
  8. Yeah, when I first said the word anime my friends said, "wha?" My friends watch BET and MTV (which I have no problem with) But I am probably the only one of my friends who watch anime. My best friend thinks I'm crazy because I watch Inuyasha and she's never seen it. My family thinks I'm crazy because I like anime. Oh COME ON give me a break I think I am the only one in my family who likes anime (besides my boy cousins who watch Yu-Gi-Oh and stuff) My cousins don't really watch mature rated anime like I do which is weird because the mature stuff is great, but my family thinks I'm just downright WEIRD watching anime. But the good thing is I can buy DVDs and movies off the internet or go to Best Buy or something. But the weird thing is I don't have any mangas... And my friends don't know what that is either :therock:
  9. I am going to put the ones from the past and the present. But you could have put more effort on this. Past (like when I was 5,6,7 years old): Looney Toons Powerpuff Girls Dexter's Laboratory Hey Arnold And many more.... Present: The Simpsons Futurama Family Guy South Park Anime And more....
  10. I was just hit by the hurricane. Good thing my mom had bought a flashlight, because it hit me Thursday. I knew the power would go out, and it did. I wasn't really scared. The next day a big branch had hit my house, and one fell across my backyard. What a big mess. Well anyway, the hurricane I wasn't really scared of. My family and I were prepared for the storm to hit, and the power came back around 6:30 in the evening, which I was surprised about. My best friend still has no power, and I have been using electricity A BUNCH since the power came back. I'm so glad my house wasn't really damaged.
  11. Oh and I love the episode when stuey said, "hey flappy, i've decided not to kill you!!!!" Meg isn't funny, you're right, GhostofSalvtore, Meg isn't really funny. I just like it when she's all sad, cause I love when she cries, I just think it's funny and I make remarks saying, "aww poor meg, not!"
  12. Inuyasha is my favorite anime. What I know so far is that there are right now 116 episodes. The series isn't done from there, and it gets more interesting with new evil people and stuff, and it gets really good. Anyways, the show will come back on air with new episodes starting August 25th or Adult Swim lies to people.
  13. The worst couple would have to be...Kenshin and Kaoru. I really don't think they are meant for each other. People that's just my opinion, no hard feelings...
  14. I love this show. Do you like it and why? What's your favorite episode? Mine is when Meg was a waitress and she pretended Stuey was her baby, the crack addicted one I laughed for days on that episode, of course, almost every episode of Family Guy is funny, so I really don't know my favorite :D
  15. The scariest would have to be Nightmare on Elm Street. That creeped me out, but so did it. I am officially scared of clowns. I also liked Chuckie's bride, that was a little scary, but i liked it. I also like The Others even though it's not scary. Who cares?
  16. I luv futurama! I especially love bender, that drunk smoking cigars robot! I remember the episode in the beggining when he was singing "going through the robot wash" that cracked me up so bad!!!!
  17. My parents don't let me watch it, but I watch it sometimes anyway. I luved the J-Lo episode, and I liked the one with Satin and Saddam Hussein. I love South Park, my friends think it's stupid too. But I don't care! I LIKE IT!
  18. The first anime I saw was Pokemon. I luved it, and sometimes I still watch it but hardly cause I watch other anime! The second was DBZ. I still watch it, and I still luv it. Tenchi Muyo was next, I always watched it, but I hardly remember anyone. I thought it was funny, two girls fighting over the same guy (pitiful, and i think that's what happened, I don't remember!) I always used to watch it, but I don't know what happened to it. I guess it came off air. Then I saw Yu-Gi-Oh Kenshin, Yuyuhakusho, and more. But my favorite would have to be Inuyasha, which I'll NEVER give up watching. I am so weird. HEHE!!!
  19. [size=1][color=chocolate]I thought was the funniest was when the first time Miroku appeared. I know everyone said that but I JUST LIKE THAT EPISODE :) Also I like the one with when Inuyasha is in Kagome's house, and Kagome's mom walked up to him and Sota came up and said, "me next!"[/size][/color]
  20. [color=chocolate][size=1]Sorry Big O lovers, but i don't really like the show. It's got great animation and all, but, I don't get it :( I have never seen the series, but don't ask me to. I saw the previews, and it doesn't look all that good.[/color][/size]
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