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Everything posted by Kanariya
[size=1]I'm not a big fan of candy anymore (Which I suppose is kinda odd because I'm young), but if anything, I adore Cadbury eggs and Bazooka Joe. XD I love the little comic things, and one my friend found was actually kinda perverted..[/size]
[size=1]It's funny. I don't even pay attention to these stereotypical things. I make friends with people who seem nice to me, whether they are "punk", "prep", "nerd", whatever. I'm popular, but not in the "prep" or "jock" category, stuff like that. A lot of people know me, that's it. No one calls me anything, if I am anything, it's the "Stupid pervert who should shush and get a life." Honestly, the people that bug me are the people who look beautiful, and complain about themselves being ugly, and they cut and all that crap. Somehow, a few of those people managed to be my friends, so I guess I could say I care less about it though, it's not something that bugs me every day. Maybe I wanna help them, I have no clue.[/size]
[size=1][b]Ayumi Hamasaki:[/b] ayu-mi-x III Non-stop mega mix, and then I'll put in the 4th mega mix. -_- Nice joke Kaisha. Too bad I have to listen to that song every day for the fact my sister and her friends love it.[/size]
[size=1]Strongest emotion I've felt is guilt, if that counts. I tend to do stupid things, and sometimes people yell at me for it, and the guilt washes over and comes full force to me afterwards. If that doesn't count, I would say sadness.[/size]
[size=1]Feh, I planned sitting in my room while maybe watching to countdown on TV (with the big glass ball in NY), having a bottle of sparkling apple cider. (You can't steal alcohol from my mom, she'd notice it real quickly if one of her beers or any other alcoholic drink is missing). And once it reaches zero, I planned on throwing crap out my window, mostly bottles of random stuff. Hey, it's New Years. That won't be the case anymore, I'm just gonna go to an old friend's house. (I feel like I've posted this before. O_o Ah well...)[/size]
[size=1][u]What I gave:[/u] [b]To my friend:[/b] I feel so stupid, I feel so stupid giving my friend [i]Dance Dance Revolution Max 2[/i] for Christmas. First, it started all off with she wanting it, and I guess I wanted to be nice, and told her I would get it for. It was the last week of school until break until I finally realized what I told her and how stupid I am for promising her to get it. Well in the end, I did, and I spent a good forty-one dollars and forty nine cents to get that for her for Christmas. And in return, she gave me a homemade brownie and chocolate covered chex. -_- -- [b]To my other friend:[/b] A little bag with cucumber melon scented lotion and shower gel, from Bath and Body Works. And a box of 12 candy canes. -- [b]And yet another friend:[/b] A huge pack of Bazooka gum, and a box of 12 candy canes. (This friend, you can give her anything and she wouldn't care lol) -- [b]And another friend:[/b] Ayumi Hamasaki's Evolution CD. Twenty dollars plus shipping and handling, hey, that's not bad for me. -- [b]Older Brother:[/b] Miles Davis- Birth of Cool ~~ [u]What I got:[/u] -A good fifty dollars from Grandma. -A bunch of Japanese pop CDs -Dance Dance Revolution Extreme -Two InuYasha Pillows (one is under my butt on my computer chair at this very moment XD) -Gravitation Vol. 1 & 2 on DVD -Some FF Soundtracks -Socks and other personal needs -A Rubix Cube (I'm gonna sell the thing. -_-) -Mini Snickers and 3 Musketeers bar -Diarrhea. (>
[size=1]Ahahaha, perfect topic for me. Funny, I have just a couple to tell, seperated into different categories of the weirdest dreams I've had. (Spoiler means more mature content) [b]Most Disturbing:[/b] Well, if you played Final Fantasy X, you'd know who these people are first of all. Well, Yuna is in her outfit of FFX2, and she's walking around, and then suddenly appears at this grand, enormous and very smooth white cement staircase. It was wide, and looked like ones to lead to a courthouse, except there was some kind of rainbow, but mostly pink light glowing around and in the sky. Pyreflies were going about, it was really odd. Then Auron suddenly appears, and Yuna is surprised, and then they run to each other, and hug. Well, needless to say, after the hug, [spoiler]the two just have sex right on the staircase.[/spoiler] O_o Talk about odd. [b]Most Funny:[/b] My sister and I, we were in our bedroom, a bunkbed, and there was a pink carpet in our room. Bunkbed against the wall, we were playing with our little dolls. We wanted to get something to drink, and we left the room. When we came back, our dolls were on the floor, and there were footprints, one that looked like clown shoes, on our carpet. We thought our dolls came to life, and so we were not worried and went to sleep. (Talk about stupidity. >>) Well, I woke up, and my window is open. My nightlight is on, and I see long, sharp needles coming from my carpet. Quickly I ran out of the room and got my mother and told her what happened, so she got a rifle and shot the culprit, which ended up being a killer clown. [b]Most Confusing:[/b] I was a kid, in my babysitter's house, sleeping. I just read a book, and there was an image in the book that always scared me, and still scares me to this day. Well, I was sleeping and then woke up, to see the book open on my dresser, and giant bubbles were coming from my floor. I got out of bed, and walked outside, to see a giant alien spaceship attacking Maryland. Well, I didn't do anything, and just went back to sleep. [b]Most Horrifying:[/b] All I can remember, was that [spoiler]My mom, her boyfriend, my sister, and I went to this resturaunt and I remember us ordering shrimp. Then the resturaunt was raided, my mother taken away. We went to find her, and found her strapped to the ground crying with handcuffs on. A coffin was nearby, and she was staring up at the sky crying. A man came and said he would kill her and by midnight she would be dead. It ended up he did kill her, but he raped her, and so just about as she was about to die, I woke up.[/spoiler] I was so freaked out and confused then, I stayed up and didn't go back to sleep. It horrified me that much. And that's about it of my dreams.[/size]
[size=1]I live in the USA, more specifically, Baltimore/Catonsville, Maryland. It's okay here, I live in a pretty decent neighborhood, although I have a pissed as hell neighbor who screams at me for throwing rocks at my very own mailbox. >> I wanted to move to Seattle (I know it rains, but I love the rain.) Also, I planned to rent some kind of apartment there too. If not, and if I'm broke, I'll live with my buddy in New York City, cause he's probably gonna be a rich little bastard.[/size]
[size=1]I'm 12, turned 11 on October 18. Have been here I don't know how long, but I know it was for a good amount of time. I used to always come to this place, always post. It seems kind of different, maybe the new version, I don't know, I just don't post here a lot anymore. Guess it's middle school crap I go through now. I can't wait till High School, oh joy. >> I pretty much did mature gradually coming here. I learn a lot of things from you people, lol. Plus, it's great to find a place where you can talk about anime and stuff; can't do that at my school, you say anything about anime you're immediately classified as a "Stupid Dork." At my school, shopping, nail polish, and your popularity is the universe. Bleh...[/size]
[size=1]Mommy got me a metal pad for Christmas. ^___________^ Maladjusted, here's my little advice. Go onto standard, and keep practicing from there. Although, some songs will be more challenging, and I suggest practicing those more often on the mat so you'll get closer to the Heavy Mode. It's gonna take a freaking while though, unless you can catch on pretty quickly. Hey, has anyone gotten DDR Konamix? I have wanted to check it out, but I only found it available on amazon.com. If you've played it, should I get it?[/size]
[size=1]...From a movie in Spanish called 'El Norte'..my goodness I laughed my butt off when the guy said it. [b]Guy:[/b] Here in Guatemala, you would say 'It is hot.' In Mexico, you say 'It's ********** hot!' And then he goes on and on how when you're in Mexico you have to say the 'f' word, and curse a bunch. [/size]
What would you classify your clothing style as?
Kanariya replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[size=1]My clothing style? Hobo. I wear, maybe a slash between a "punk" and "dork" look. The baggy shirt, but its something with anime on it, or some other kind of Japanese thing. Thing is, everything is baggy, and I consider it 'hobo' like. It ain't plaid, buttoned up though. But shirts I wear, they are worn over and over again. For example, my school uniform. I will wear two shirts twice a week without even washing them, same goes with pants. I will have an extra pair of pants and one extra shirt. I will wear other clothes over again, but who notices? Nobody. I take a shower and put deodarant on so they can't tell.[/size] -
[size=1]Well, I wouldn't really call this a tradition, but my family always opens one present on the night of Christmas Eve. My parents would bring a present for each of us upstairs, (The Santa Thing done and overwith). It would always be something small, like a CD, but it's something.[/size]
[size=1][color=orange]I am enjoying reading everyone's posts lol, it's interesting to see peoples' likes and dislikes over anime.. For me, it's really hard for me to ever dislike anime, because I have never come across the other hundreds of animes out there you all are talking about. Some are the first time I have ever heard them. I just watch the crap on OnDemand and AS, hell I'm not gonna say I'm a "#1 Anime Fan." Sure, I don't know many because I don't go out and look for any. I don't actually know where to find any, besides looking on the internet and looking at different plotlines that may suit my interest. Anyway, I'll put my anime dislikes now.. [b]Pretear:[/b] My sister loves this show, I don't really know how. I first watched it, I wasn't too really interested. Something about it, I just don't like it. It may be the girl herself. (Main character of the story, I don't know what her name is.) I don't know, I just don't find myself enjoying the show. [b]Full Metal Panic:[/b]...I don't even remember how the show went, really. I forgot the thing, all I know is that I really don't like it at all. It just freaking ticked me off. [b]SD Gundam and all the others:[/b] I don't like giant robot animes in the first place, so all the others pretty much bore me really bad. The closest ones to touch my heart are Gundam Wing and Gundam SEED. Otherwise, pretty much I don't watch any giant robot animes. [b]And all the other on-going animes that should finally stop airing.:[/b]Yeah, you know what I'm talking about. Pokemon, for example. I'm not going to go on, they were explained earlier. Also, I admit, I am slowly, losing my interest in InuYasha. I'm only on an episode they last aired on AS (The Panther Demon Tribe One) and I'm already losing interest. It may be because of all the people who continuously say 'I Love InuYasha' and the rabid fanfictions when they make theirselves a character and they fall in love with the characters. I guess I've seen it so much it doesn't appeal to me as much anymore. I still like the anime very much although, although, I admit. I know I'll keep watching it though, because I am in love with the music. -_-[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=red]I love anime music, I love to listen to it all the time. I have a mix of different anime endings and openings I made myself, and my own 'InuYasha Soundtrack.' O_o I couldn't say whether to pick which I would put in, it depends on the mood I am in. If I wanna listen to anime music, I'll listen to it. Same goes with the American music. But I would think J-Pop/Rock falls somewhere different from anime music, as Solo Tremaine said.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=red][b]Oh yeah, I'm back once more, to post, while talking to Lix. Bwa, I'm cheaapp.[/b] --- Katana and Yuka ran from the marketplace, avoiding peoples' questions of their powers, and the constant 'kill my husband' shoutout. Yuka was going to kill the lady if she wouldn't have shut up anyway, but they had to leave. Kurumi could be...well, let's not get into that subject. The Dead Forest, it was only a few miles away. The two turned a sharp corner, Yuka not too smooth, and crashed directly into the wall. Katana stopped, and watched as Yuka cursed and glared at the wall. "Perfect, now your slowing us down," Katana said, laughing. Yuka stuck out her tongue, then rubbed her red nose. "Shut up, I wasn't watching. You know, Kurumi can hold him off. We'll be okay for the time being," she said, running once more. The two were arriving at the entrance of the dead forest, the place actually...dead. Yuka and Katana ran inside, calling Kurumi's name, not caring whether or not the kidnapper could hear them. ~ The kidnapper, and Kurumi were arguing of a stupid subject as 'Red Bull'. The kidnapper, too focused on arguing and winning against the teenager, didn't notice Yuka and Katana come running closer and closer. It was until he noticed that a spinning disk came flying his direction, and him with excellent reflexes, dodged it just in time. He took Kurumi, and placed her in front of him. "This little maid...will be mine soon. All I need is you two out of the way, and she'll be mine." Katana raised an eyebrow, while Yuka rolled her eyes. "Yeesh Kurumi, what are you doing, showing your boobs to Kaz and townspeople when we're not looking-" WHAM! "Shut up and get back to the program!" Katana yelled, pulling out her weapon. She faced the kidnapper, quite pissed. "Kurumi ain't going with ya. You won't get past us. Come on Yuka." Grumbling, the youngest stood up, wiping the dust from her kimono. "Kurumi, ya dumbass slut..." ---[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=red][b]And I'm back once more; but warning you, this post'll probably be quick. Sorry >.
[size=1][color=red]Ooh, real nice. I like the color of the font and inside border, and the aeons look perfect, no little crappy cuts. (Not that I can make anything -_-), but it just bugs me there is no lile, even thin black border on the left side. O.o It looks good this way though, I'm just putting a picky opinion of mine.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=red]Whoa, I feel like posting! I'M GONNA POST! Yaayyy... --- "You know, that is [i]technically[/i] what you would call stripping me," Yuka commented, sitting up and rubbing her hands along her arms to gain warmth. All of them looked digusted. Katana began to argue with Kurumi, how she should use her saliva to heal the wound but Kurumi insisted she shouldn't because her breath smelled horrible and she didn't want her forehead to smell like that too. (whew) Amaya was sitting against the wall, trying to ignore their arguing, but the tension and disgusted look on her face proved otherwise. "Well, we might aswell should get to sleep. I mean, we can't run out there in the rain," Kurumi said, finally giving in and having the bandage wrapped around her head. Yuka sighed. "Yeah we could, unless we wanna get soaked and run into the crowded parts of the area with our...coconuts showing through," she commented. Amaya snorted, Katana coughed, and Kurumi bursted out laughing. "That's sick, but disturbingly funny," Kurumi said, laughing inbetween. Yuka shrugged, and then lay back on the hard, cold wooden floor once more. In attempt to do something, she started moving her arms and legs as if making a snow angel. "That reminds me of that show, The Big Comfy Couch. When she would get on the floor and start acting like a clock's hands," Katana said, laughing. Everyone rolled their eyes. "So for the time being, what should we do? I'm not tired," Amaya said. Kurumi pulled away from Katana, and shrugged. "I dunno, maybe we could tell some creepy stories, and other crap. I mean, it's something to do." "Or we could tell sick jokes," Yuka added. "Or play rock, paper, scissors again." "We're screwed," Amaya said, rolling her eyes. "Maybe we should try to get some sleep, and wait for morning to arrive." "Well I can't go to sleep because of this damn floor, and the fact that someone stripped me of my clothing!" Yuka yelled. Katana winced. "It was not stripping you dumbcrap. Just forget about it, and think it was used to help another in...eh...um..er..." Well Katana kept stuttering, so in the meantime Yuka curled up into a ball and attemped to go to sleep, while Kurumi and Amaya shared their own discussion. Katana stayed muttering to herself, until she grew too tired, and fell on the floor with a thump. Kurumi and Amaya were the only people awake by then, and so, they played rock, paper, scissors, Amaya winning most, and then they both went to sleep. They just happened to ignore someone's eyes peering through the window as they fell to sleep. --- There, I posted. ^__^[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=red]Lol, first thing that popped into my mind was 'I'd give Kagura a big hug.' XD Well, erm, I only really have InuYasha ones popped into mind, but Gravitation is here too as I go along...lol [b]Kagura (InuYasha):[/b] As I said before, I would give Kagura a hug. I mean, COME ON the poor woman needs one. Sesshoumaru ain't there to give her one, he and his darn pride, and she was being controlled by Naraku. [spoiler]Considering the fact she's dead in the manga now. O_o[/spoiler] Come on. Think about it. [b]*Insert what wasted4life said for Kagome (InuYasha):[/b] Heh, heh, heh. I've always questioned what would happen if she was flying in the air, or whatever and her skirt never flies up. Makes no sense, gets some jeans or some kind of long pants. [b]For everyone on the show (InuYasha):[/b] Lol, I just seemed to notice now they never go to the bathroom, so I'll give them an outhouse for everyone. Bwa. [b]Naraku:[/b] I'll give him a hug too. Throughout all my friends, I am the only one who seemed to care for the poor, screwed up in the brain guy, and so, there. ~ [b]Yuki (Gravitation):[/b] Of course, a pack of Budweiser, some cigarettes, all for Yuki. I haven't gotten too far in the series, but he's probably smoked in every one, so I thought what the heck. [b]K:[/b] Grenades, guns, and all that stuff. That is, if he don't own them already. O__o[/size][/color]
Anime Music: Does it really "Make or Break" a show?
Kanariya replied to Sol-Blade's topic in Otaku Central
[size=1][color=darkslateblue]This thread really confused me somewhat, do not know how. O__o Well let's just say for me, if a show has bad music, I don't watch the show. The music really depends, I think the type it is and how well it goes with the genre of the show really matters. Like, if you have a dramatic show, and even slightly happy music playing, it pisses me off. I am so picky with my choice of music throughout anime, it's so disgusting. But hey, most anime I've come across has great music, and so, I'm completely fine with that. No matter if poppy, techno, rock, I think depending on what's going on, it really affects the show itself. This is going towards a little of video games too; same goes with that.[/size][/color] -
[size=1][color=darkslateblue]I am hoping the most for a webcam, but you know, that's probably going to be hard to get because like most parents, they don't trust their kids with a webcam. And I'm probably one of the kids that isn't getting a webcam because of that, too. >< The [b]best[/b] present I have ever gotten for Christmas was my Play Station 2. Surprisingly, I like getting socks too, because I always lose mine, and I constantly have to wear the same ones over again. The [b]worst[/b] present I got was this really ugly girlish outfit, it was pink, butterflies and stuff. Hate pink, don't like butterflies, so..yeah. Weirdest present...I suppose money. My mom gave me a little money for Christmas once I believe, kinda surprised me, when your supposed to get presents. Oh yeah Kittychanann, interesting Christmas present. XD[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=darkslateblue]Oh holy crap, I haven't even SEEN this thread yet?!?! *gasp* I gotta get back on these boards more often, I'm missing a bunch of stuffs. Anyway, back to topic. I have just seen Gravitation like a month ago, and I am keeping up with it on On Demand. (Lame >.>) Yeah, I'm buying the manga for Christmas, cause I don't have any money at the moment. The DVDs are too expensive for me, I can't spend twenty-five dollars. And I don't buy on Ebay because I'm not legal age to actually buy on it anyway. Plus, I think mom would be pissed if I stole her credit card and spent money on DVDs on anime. So far, I just ended from the episode when Shuichi (whatever how you spell his name), Hiro, and the other guy (yeah, not paying attention -_-), went on that game show. They bleeped out a word, what's Japanese for cat or something. I still don't get it. XD And plus, I wanna get farther in the series, because mentioning of "Yuki's Past", and you know the dramatic stuff will come in then, lots of drama. I love drama. ^_^ I remember, like coming across some reviews for Vol. 4 of Gravitation, and people said it was the best volume that was ever released. (Manga) I am trying not to read you guys' spoilers, hard to resist.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslateblue][size=1]My bad hair days, well, I don't have all too many, but I have enough....for the time being. I know it will happen again soon, I just know it. >.> My hair, is naturally wavy and curly. From my scalp to almost at the ends it is wavy, and then at the bottom, it curls a lot. My mom, no professional at doing hair, tried giving me like chesnut red highlights. I asked for them of course, and she left it in too early, and I was out in the sun a bunch afterwards, and my hair kinda turned blonde. It was creepy, seeing my with blonde hair. >.< But currently, it's all good, because I got my hair temporarily straightened, and it looks real nice. And since my hair, naturally wavy, it becomes a little wavy itself, and looks really nice.[/size][/color]
[color=darkslateblue][size=1]Long distance relationships, they don't work. I've had what you would call a "crush" on a person before, that lives miles away. But then it fades, and I just feel the person as a friend. I just found it as one of those hormonal things I go through, being only twelve and crap. Plus, it is kinda hard to manage such a relationship. It's hard enough if two go to seperate schools or something, just think of living miles away. It wouldn't work out at all. I do have some what you would call "close" friends from the OB and elsewhere, the only friends I can really talk to. Most of my friends in real life have moved away, and I can't really contact them, and only about one real life friend is left from Elementary School. I look forward to online friendships, meeting new people. One of my closest friends is here on the OB, Lix. But, I always have to be careful at times. The internet ain't a safe place.[/size][/color]