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Everything posted by Kanariya
[size=1][color=darkslateblue]Bah, no matter what, I always wear my bra. I feel so naked without them, it's kinda scary. I wear them to bed too; I just can't stand the feeling without wearing one. Other then that, I have really no fashion fetishes. This has to do nothing with fashion, but sometimes I feel I have to pull off my fingernail, and I slide it against a piece of paper to relieve the urge. I know it's more of a kind of habit (this doesn't occur anymore), but I always used to pull out the hair from my scalp (Yeah, ow), big chunks of hair from my head. I just felt so comfortable doing it, I kept doing it. Until it was then I started pulling out so much hair and people thought I was going bald I stopped, and now I chew my fingers. Don't know, but I just feel so empty without something to pre-occupy myself during classes or something O.o[/size][/color]
[quote name='Midnight Rush']One called "First Love", I don't remember who sings this, but I listen to it all the time when I play GT3.[/quote] [size=1][color=darkslateblue]I dunno, but I think this artist may be Utada Hikaru; she made a song called First Love. It's kinda slow and emotional... Ah, I like Ayumi Hamasaki too *sigh*, but I suppose my favorite song would be [b]Still Alone[/b] or [b]Evolution.[/b] Still Alone, reminding me of someone singing in the rain of some sort (O.o), and Evolution because its so catchy and...hyper. From Do As Infinity....screw that, I just plain love that band. And from Gackt, [b]U+K[/b] or [b]Vanilla.[/b] U+K because when I first heard it I immediately liked it, from the catchy part of 'nyah nyah' etc. etc. And Vanilla being also catchy and entergetic in a way.[/size][/color]
Most painful ([physically painful) experiance ever
Kanariya replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[size=1][color=darkslateblue]I really don't do activites that much anymore, so I'm usually safe. But from the childhood years, let's go back...(my experiences aren't real too painful, compared to being in labor) I remember running on the sidewalk and tripping over one of those in ground lamps, and the skin peeled on my knee, and a good amount of blood was pouring out. And another, it just happened last Saturday. (whatever you do, don't do this certain one >.>) I made up this kind of thing called the burrito ritual. It is when you yell 'burrito', and then run around with a knife in your hand, holding it up in the air. (Yeah, reaalll safe.) Well during this particular on Saturday I decided, 'Ah, let's put a large amount of white-out on my face and then it'll be even better!' So I did, and in return I could not wash off that white out, and after I did, hell did my face burn. I still have proof; irritation from white out is still on my face, and it is still slightly red.[/color][/size] -
[size=1][color=darkslateblue]I don't think I will be trick or treating for this year, because I'm afraid the neighbors'll give me stale candy. That's what happened at my friend's halloween party; she invited me and gave away two-year old candy to the trick-or-treaters. I found it funny, but that makes me rethink going trick-or-treating. Oh well, if it tastes good, I suppose it'll be ok. Plus, if I were to be anything, it'd be Jaken from InuYasha. >.> All I need is green face paint, some old ragged clothes, yellow contacts, and I need to start smoking and get a croaky voice. Heh, better be prepared getting laughed at throughout the whole neighborhood...[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=darkslateblue]Blankie? I remember, I had a Pocohontas (spl?) blanket, with her on it, with the humming bird and the racoon. I still remember what it looks like; it is like a darkish/royal blue, and wasn't too big, just right for a three year old kid. I think it is stuffed in my drawer, or it's in my closet somewhere. I'm probably going to keep it for the rest of my life, since I pay not much attention to it, but keep it as a kind of memory thing. I also once [i]had[/i] a doll; it wore a pink/rose outfit, and had two front teeth sticking out. (Hey, it doesn't look as weird as you think!). Thing took over my mind; I dreamed about it getting kidnapped by a killer clown, it getting stolen by Santa Clause. Well, it didn't meet it's fate that way. My dog got a hold of it, and it's head was literally ripped off. Plus, the arm was kind of loosely hanging, so I had to get rid of it.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslateblue][size=1]Congratulations Chibi! ^_^ I am happy at the moment because I just found that Other World mp3 from FFX. ^_^ (I hate searching, but the song was worth it) I'm also in a happy mood because I got a new violin, for my old one was a half-size and became too small for me, I broke my previous rosin into a million pieces (and I've asked people to let my use theirs; I broke two things of rosin from different people already), and the soundpost had somehow fell out, with the strings slowly falling apart. So you could say, yes I am happy I got a new violin, with a keyboard for piano lessons. (talk about a spoiled little craphead >.>) Plus, I'm happy because today I can finally not worry about my Science Project anymore, for it gets turned in tomorrow! Ah yes, and a record for my rotting goldfish in my fishtank. The maggot-like things reappear, and then disappear, it's disgusting. XD[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkslateblue]Haha, got that right. The last episode on Saturday was a ripoff although; I mean (maybe some people didn't see the episode, so I'll put up spoiler tags) [spoiler]they look for her, echo, and then ends. I still don't know much about that darn panther tribe anyway.[/spoiler] Haha, and when Chibi said how long Sesshoumaru would take to ask for InuYasha's help, I imagine that scene where they are eating dinner, just sitting there glaring at each other. Eh hee hee, I was so pissed off of the cliffhanger ending (which I should be used to by now >.>), I gave my TV the middle finger. XD In the end, I bruised my knee from hitting it on the side of my bed. Now THAT'S pathetic. Ah well, must wait for the next episode. And then its probably going to start from some new episode back when, I don't know.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslateblue][size=1]OH YAY DDR EXTREME CAME OUT!!! (kinda late for that >.>) Well, since my mother is broke as hell and I have no money, I suppose I have to wait until my birthday to get it. WHOO KICK THE CAN! :) DDR Extreme looks...mighty different from DDR Max and Max 2. I'm going to have to get used to that, if I decide to get the game. Anyway, with the list of songs Syk3 provided, I am definitely getting it. Although, there are too many remixes of songs...at least, for me in my opinion. I am excited though; for the how many times I've heard praises from this song, if I get Extreme, I can listen to B4U. See how the song really is. One of them...Paranoia...that has too many mixes, I swear... Ah this is creepy...I'm listening to a DDR mp3..O.o[/color][/size]
[quote]Quite a workout for your thumbs, eh? XD I don't really think it's worth it to use the controller, personally. It's called Dance Dance for a reason, and you can't hit two beats on the controller. ;)[/quote] [size=1][color=darkslateblue]Because of constant fast typing and stuff from my fingers, I have skinnier fingers then my younger sister...>.> I know, it's just that my cheap sliding mat can just tick me off at times, and I take a break once in a while with the controller. It's fun too, and really paid off because I did Max Unlimited on controller Heavy and got a B. (Now onto Max 300 >.>) I just got DDR Max on Saturday, and I love the fact they have Midnite Blaze on it. One of the greatest songs ever on DDR...then again, I'm such a lazy butt to actually get up and go to an arcade, to tell the truth, I don't even know where one is. XD My top three favorite songs would have to be Rhythmn and Police, Kakumei, and Midnite Blaze. Drop The Bomb closeby that too, got that mp3..[/color][/size]
Strangest song you've ever gotten stuck in your head
Kanariya replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in Noosphere
[color=darkslateblue][size=1]Banana Phone. RING RING RING RING RING!! BANANA PHOOOOONE!!! Yeah, the banana phone song. I remember, I sang it on the bus for thirty minutes, and boy were my friends pissed off. Weird enough, then another song got stuck in my head that my friend made up, the lyrics: 'I'm a munchkin living in a tin can.' XD[/color][/size] -
[size=1][color=darkslateblue]Oh yes, I just bought the movie, the day after it came out. My mom refused to buy it that day, because she said she didn't have any money, and the fact she didn't want to go out. You made a point Chibi; I swear, their eyes and faces would change. That was a little nuisance, so I just focused on the main concept of the movie, rather then the 'weirdness' of the face changing crap... But, I thought the funniest part was [spoiler]Kagome jumped off of Kirara and into InuYasha's arms, where he spun her around, and Miroku was watching the whole thing. He then looked up to Sango and said 'Come dear Sango, jump into my arms!' She just threw something at him, and Shippo muttered 'idiot.'[/spoiler] That was funny, but I got a laugh out of [spoiler]Kaede yelled 'run cow!' and Shippo said 'I'm a horse!' It was such a demented looking pony/horse thing...[/spoiler] My dad saw it, and he loves Miroku. He said the guy tries too hard, but he tries. XD[/color][/size]
[color=darkslateblue][size=1]Yeah, but I am surprised it has been three years already. That means I was in fifth grade when the accident occured. I remember, we left my elementary school as it happened. I had no idea what was going on, since we did not have a television in our school. Once I arrived home, I watched the scene on the screen. Being young and stupid, I still didn't know what was going on. And then the pentagon incident, that was all just horrible. It was until the next day, I realized what happened. I was slightly shocked, and very surprised. Listening it on the radio again today reminded me of how much this incident affected the United States. I am sorry for your uncle; god bless him. God bless them all during that terrible attack.[/color][/size]
What was the most embarrassing moment you had in public...
Kanariya replied to So-Seductive's topic in General Discussion
[color=darkslateblue][size=1]Thanks, I thought my avatar/banner was cool too. I'm posting again because I just recently encountered an embarassing moment, but yet, it was funny. I volunteered to do a math problem on the board (only because I could write with the chalk) in math class, first period. Well there was a guy next to me, doing another math problem, and we are in the back of the classroom, since there were seven questions, and the teacher put them all over the room. Well my brain suddenly didn't work for a moment, and having a discussion about 'brain farts' earlier, I said out loud, 'Oh man, brain fart.' Now, the guy next to me turned to me and stared at me like I was nuts. "What did you just say?" It was then I laughed out loud, and then told him what it meant. He thought I said 'oh man, fart.' I thought it was absolutely hilarious, but the moment where I said it out loud and he was staring at me like I was nuts was slightly embarassing. There were people behind me while I was having this conversation, so I dunno if they heard it or not. Funny, my friends and I were just talking about 'farting' on the bus this afternoon, along with 'moles.' We were making fart noises, and the girls in front of us were staring at us like we were crazy. Heh heh, good moment we had on the bus today...[/color][/size] -
What was the most embarrassing moment you had in public...
Kanariya replied to So-Seductive's topic in General Discussion
[size=1][color=darkslateblue]Whoo boy, I've not been too bad in the embarrassing moments category, but here's some..I'll list three in no particular order. 1. I farted at some birthday party after eating some stuff. (XD, although I have to admit it was hilarious) 2. I was caught saying curse words by two teachers; one, in the sixth grade, and one, now in seventh grade. But I did not get in trouble, hooray. Some guy in my science class wouldn't stop bugging me about that...>.> 3. While trying to "skate" on my kitchen floor, I fell, while my friends where over. I laughed though, it was fun while it lasted.[/size][/color] -
[color=darkslateblue][size=1]I'm sorry, I should have cleared it up a little bit more. Not in the anime or movie, but the [i]manga[/i] [spoiler]Kagura dies[/spoiler] Sorry Japan_86, and to others who read that spoiler. [spoiler]So she dies anyway?! So much for the Sesshoumaru/Kagura love experience..>.>[/spoiler] No Deimos, [spoiler]InuYasha and Kagome kiss in the second movie. I've read it so many times that they kiss, it's really old news for me.[/spoiler][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkslateblue]Ah darn you Chibi, you beat me to it. ^_~ Yeah, September 7th, and December 28, 2004, the second movie. Now I'm not all completely too positive of the second movie, but I'm pretty sure it will. Gah, a Sesshoumaru/Kagura fan!! YAY!!! I must build my own fanguild for that couple. I hope the anime won't turn out like the manga.. ULTIMATE SPOILER FOR SESSHOUMARU/KAGURA FANS!! [spoiler]It sucks. Kagura gets stabbed by Naraku's tentacles again through the chest, and is slowly dying. Sesshoumaru comes, they talk, and then Kagura dies and disappears into the wind. >.< No effing hug! He didn't give her a freaking hug!! He better die or she better come back. XD[/spoiler][/color][/size]
[color=darkslateblue][size=1]When [b]Thundercats[/b] was around, that's when I first began to watch anime. I was always hooked on that show, and if I missed an episode, well bye bye Barbie doll. >.> It takes me back to the good old days, when they aired Tenchi Muyo on CN. I loved that show, loved Ryoko, but now I hardly remember anything of it anymore. To tell you the truth, I don't know how I got into anime in the first place, since it was so long ago. I just remember the oldies, Sailor Moon and stuff... My question: Would Hello Kitty tapes be considered anime? I'm not really sure of it, and if it is, well then I have been watching anime since three.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslateblue][size=1]I like anime because it takes me away from the horror of soap operas and politics. See, I'm not interested into the news and stuff (I'm still a middle schooler, but I do love Judge Judy, Law and Order too XD) Anime is just a different way of television, and that's what I like about it. It can take you away from reality and is made of just others imagination. Plus, I think it's amazing how people can draw the characters, and the effects. It's not 3D, but it sure is beautiful to me. I've tried drawing, and I cannot do it. It still amazes me how people can do it, but it's just their talent.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslateblue][size=1]Ah, the school drama. The stuff that just annoys me is the whole 'boyfriend, girlfriend' crap. They take it so seriously, too seriously for me. I usually ignore it, but if I have to talk, I say 'yeah' or 'whatever', something like that. Especially with one of my friends; she went through about 5 guys last year, their relationships only lasting for about five days, or if she got lucky, a week. And I know why she attracted them so easily now. One, our school wears uniforms, and on dress down days, she would wear the tightest clothing, with her breasts were just...boom. Sometimes I wonder if she stuffed toilet paper in her shirt. XD I have a friend to goes to a school nearby my home (which I don't go to), and she said there was a big food fight, and the cafeteria doors were all locked up so the students couldn't run away. She told me some people ran home because they were afraid of being caught in the food fight. And there were plenty of bomb threats there too, but there was never a bomb. A friend that lives slightly far away goes to a middle school that she says is just horrible. The worst that has happened so far she told me was that a middle schooler commited suicide and two other boys got ran over a train. (there was a traintrack nearby) And compared to my school, we're wussies. The worst that has happened was that someone lit a trashcan on fire. >.> A trashcan. Pitiful, isn't it?[/color][/size]
Anime Any anime characters you pity, worship, or fear?
Kanariya replied to Dreamer's topic in Otaku Central
[size=1][color=darkslateblue]I only have one for each, bear with me. >.> [b]Pity:[/b] Kagura from InuYasha. Really, this woman never gets a break from Naraku. He holds her heart, and I don't think it would be the best feeling to have your heart squeezed every mistake you make in your life. Plus, it sucks for her too because she can't usually have a word of her own, Naraku making most of her decisions. *sighs* [b]Worship:[/b] Ed from Cowboy Bebop. She is one of the most, coolest, hyper people I have ever seen in an anime, along with her computer. I really wouldn't call it worshiping her, but she has to be one of the coolest people in that anime. [b]Fear:[/b] Tetsuo from Akira. First, he transforms into this big thing that looks like a giant heart, and then he smushes his girlfriend within its depths. The blood and all was okay, but it's kind of scary if you have a giant thing moving throughout your city destroying stuff.[/color][/size] -
Clowns:funny guys or pointless wastes of space?
Kanariya replied to poo62.2's topic in General Discussion
[size=1][color=darkslateblue]Clowns scare the crap out of me. I never really liked them in the circus, for their giddy fake attitudes, when probably some of them smoke pot and crap. Then again, I might be watching to much TV. But anyways, clowns scare me, whether they be midgets or whatever.[/size][/color] -
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][b]Sasquatch? Damn that's a first.[/b] Kurumi, Amaya, Yuka, and Katana were currently running through the rain, their clothes soken wet from the rain, and running along a path they had no clue of. It was then they reached an end of the road, with two paths to go to. One path led to a bunch of Sakura trees, while the other led into a dead forest. "This is no hard choice..." Amaya muttered. Yuka nodded in agreement, shivering while doing so. "Yeah, the dead forest." "No you dumbnut, the Sakura trees! People would probably live in an area with Sakura trees," Katana said. Yuka groaned. "But then in the dead forest there will probably be a cave, and we were looking for a cave, so-" "Yuka, shut up. We're going on the path with the Sakura trees," Amaya whispered. Yuka let out a sigh of disappointment, before going on the run again with her buddies closeby. It had been five minutes, and a house had no come by yet. Instead, there were random rice fields, with some crops. "Poor crops, getting drenched..." Amaya muttered. "We're wet too, forget the stinking crops!!" Kurumi yelled. Amaya moved slightly away from Kurumi, a small look of fear on her face. "Hey, is that a hut up there?!" Katana asked, pointing towards a small brown square up ahead. Yuka tilted her head slightly. "Looks more like a cardboard box..." "Yeah, that's a hut up there," Kurumi said, ignoring Yuka's comment. It ended up being a hut, but an abandoned hut that behind it was a well, an old looking well. They all entered the hut, surprisingly, there was a dusty table in the corner, a firepit that looked like it was used a long time ago in the center, and lastly of course a bunch of cobwebs in the nearest corner. "This will have to do..." Katana muttered. Yuka shivered noticeably as she took a glance around the hut. "And with a well in the backyard, I'm afraid a TV is suddenly gonna appear and Samara will come through it, trying to kill us. There's a freaking well in the backyard!!!" Yuka exclaimed. She stepped onto a board, and it creaked loudly. She screamed out of instinct, and landed on her butt. "Doubt that will happen," Kurumi informed. "At least it has a firepit." "And a well in the backyard..." Katana muttered. Kurumi sent her a glare, and then turned to Amaya. "Go with Yuka and try to find some wood, while Katana and I will get this place kind of cleaned up. With all the dust around I doubt we can get through this without sneezing every five seconds." All of them nodded, and then Amaya and Yuka were out in the backyard, leaving Katana and Kurumi inside, sweeping up dust bunnies. [b]Hope that's good.[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[color=darkslateblue][size=1]Well, I can say a couple of instances I have had in the rain. Once, it was raining, but it wasn't thundering and lightning, and me and my friends were having a watergun fight outside. >> Don't ask, I was young then. Another time, and the only other time, involves riding a bike, and I was outside, it was thundering and lightning. I remember that day because I came across a sewer with a porn magazine in it. But that's it. Even though I've never been struck, I know what can happen, and now I don't do that stuff anymore. Mine's were really not that drastic anyway...[/color][/size]
[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]That's odd, I thought I read in Animerica (maybe it was Animerica Extra) that ViZ was releasing the movie in the US into theaters for the summer. Actually I know I read it while I was wide awake even. And I wasn't having a Jessica Simpson moment! Either way, I get to see the movie without the really choppy subtitles like I have on a copy I downloaded from Imesh last year. Fan subs are nice, but I think that sometimes getting the real thing, though more expensive is better.[/color][/QUOTE] [color=darkslateblue][size=1]Nope, no Jessica Simpson moment... I heard that too, and I saw a list of the certain cities that would release it in. San Diego, Baltimore, and Houston were one of them, but there were more. Apparently that isn't the case anymore, because in Baltimore it was supposed to release on July 31 (which it is now August) so now I guess they'll be releasing it this September. And then I thought the 2nd Movie of InuYasha was supposed to come out this December on DVD, but that was also in the article along with the release of it in theatres, so I'm not sure if that's still true.[/color][/size]
You know you're easily amused when. . .
Kanariya replied to kenshinsbabe's topic in General Discussion
[color=darkslateblue][size=1]Oh this is definitely the thread for me. What easily amuses me... 1. Trying to teach my cat how to write, the cat sitting in my lap, I'm holding the pencil along with its paw, and a piece of paper in front of me. First spell it in print, and then try cursive. 2. Go outside and count how many blades of grass are in my front yard. 3. Wait for the digital number to change on my digital clock, counting down '3, 2, 1' when I think it's going to change. 4. Listen to a song repatedly, for 2 straight hours. 5. Singing 99 bottles of beer on the wall. (One time I went to negative 20 because I was so bored, until my friend hit me upside the head, and hard.) 6. Watching the fly buzzing across the room. 7. Pressing random buttons on me microwave. 8. Draw mustaches on your video game covers on people. My sister got pissed off when I put an Italian mustache on Yuna on the FFX2 cover. 9. Seeing how many hours I can go without going to the bathroom. 10. Talking to the TV as the program goes on, completely ignoring the fact what's going on on the show. There's my top ten...[/color][/size]