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Everything posted by Kanariya
[color=darkslateblue]Good banner, I like it. The border is very good for the banner itself, and I like the redness in it. The font is good top, but looking in your sig without the font/text, I like it better without it.[/color]
[color=darkslateblue]*Sigh* I have only played it once, which was today, over my aunt's house. I sure couldn't play it all day or they would yell at me to stop. From what I did, it seems great. I never went to Standard mode yet, though I got B's usually in light mode. I'm not good at games like this, and when I get A's, I'm usually controller. :p[/color]
[color=darkslateblue]Ever since Sailor Moon was taken off of Toonami, I began to drift away from it. The only time I would actually watch Toonami was for Rurouni Kenshin, Cyborg 009, or Yu-Yu-Hakusho. Then they got rid of those, and then Yu-Yu-Hakusho came back...so confused, I gave up on the whole thing. You know, I never realized Thundercats was an anime. I used to love it. About this 'Miguzi' thing..I'm kinda mad at the moment. I watch the Saturday thing, *usually Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai Jack, and .hack//sign* I'll just have to give up on it, and watch Comedy Central even more. Title sounds stupid anyways. And last time I know, little kids didn't like homework...they liked electronics and TV. And Cartoon Network is more of a kids program, until getting later into the night, airing adult swim.[/color]
[color=darkslateblue]That was the point with the arms; they were supposed to go behind the back, and I wasn't thinking about the fingers while drawing the arms behind the back thing anyway. Thank you for the tips cinnamon, I really appreciate it. I'm trying to do better, and I drew a pic today, but I can't find it. >> I'll edit this post later once I find it.[/color]
RPG The Seekers of Destruction: Eovyn's Underworld
Kanariya replied to Dead Alice's topic in Theater
[color=darkslateblue]Ok, ok...I'm posting... --------- Ushina yelled 'damn' as she missed the wizard, who had just dodged her swoop to catch him. [i]He isn't a pushover...[/i] Ushina swooped down again, and stretched her arms so she could grab onto the fabric on his body. She, surprisingly, got a hold of it. Ushina clenched her fingers onto his clothing tightly, and got a good grip on it. She smirked to herself and she flew higher in the air. Varidos could feel himself lifting.. [i]Dammit!![/i] Ushina flew higher into the sky, leaving the wizard helpless with his clothing clenched to this..this [i]vampire's[/i] hands. Encountering a vampire wasn't his plan of the day. "Put me down," Varidos said, trying to be calm. Ushina looked down at him, with her blood red eyes. Varidos looked up, only hoping for the best. "Keh, don't worry," Ushina said, looking back up straight forward. "I'm not here to kill you. I need your help." Varidos was quite surprised that she wanted his help, and not to kill him and drink the flesh out of his body. "With what?" he asked. Ushina's pace began to slow down a little, from the constant flapping of her wings. After all, she hadn't freed them in a while. "The crystal." Varidos nodded, since he had no words to say. [i]Ah yes, the crystal...[/i] "You're hunting for it," Varidos said. "So Pyne was lying to me. You are some goody goody wizard." "No. Do I look like a goody goody wizard?" Varidos exclaimed. Ushina looked down to his clothing, and shrugged. "Maybe." "You're stupider then I actually thought." Ushina clenched her teeth together. [i]Don't kill him..don't kill him...[/i] "So how bout it? Wanna aid me?" --------- I'm leaving it to your decision inti.[/color] -
[color=darkslateblue]Yep, my drawings are usually light, that's just a habit for me. The things from the sky are rose petals *cries* Don't ask me what those little circles are...I just put them there. >> Here's the colored version I have just made...it's no big deal at all really. Didn't add much color...[/color]
[color=darkslateblue]Okay, I don't draw a lot, so this is the first picture I will put up. I didn't completely color the whole thing. I will later *eventually*. The person in the little box is her older sister, and I know I need to clean the border up a little. Ah well, I'll edit later. [b]EDIT:[/b] I just realized the word 'rice' was by my little picture. My friend must've wrote it...[/color]
[color=darkslateblue]Heh, any anime involved with guns, weapons, whatever, influences me even to join the army. (Heh, relates to you a bit) In particular, saying I guess Najica Blitz Tactics did most of the work in that. It is an anime that the agents are females and they are the main characters of the whole series. I still like the male stuff and all, but it seems pretty good that a person of the same sex is a person who uses guns and other weapons a lot. :) I'm a female, though I would pass on the part of wearing very short skirts. >>[/color]
[color=darkslateblue]Hm, I'm 11. I have no idea what age people in IM, or the OB thought. I'm not 'immature', I would just say sometimes I get really really really hyper. Hyper active, sugar addicted 11 year old is what I am, though sometimes I really act as if I'm 16, my moody moments. That's when if someone walks in the room, I'll yell 'piss off', or something like that. I go crazy in hyper moments; I run into walls, try cutting off my finger, and other random stuff. Sadly, most of my hyper moments end up in school, and I got a lunch detention already. >>[/color]
[color=darkslateblue]1. The first anime I had ever seen was [b]Pokemon[/b] no doubt. I actually hadn't seen Sailor Moon until a while later when it aired Toonami, so Pokemon was my first. When it began, I was hooked, and then I started to drift off as it started going downhill with the same thing and everything. 2. I'm kinda confused with this question, I was reading it over and over and I still couldn't get it. Gee I feel stupid. O.o 3. No, I don't actually at the moment. But it depends what the anime is like really to get me to get an opinion on it when seeing it in the future. For example, it's been a while since I've seen Pokemon, and I can watch it in the future, then turn the television off. Looking up on the good side, for example, looking into the future, if I saw the whole Najica Blitz Tactics series, of course I would watch it again in the future. Najica Blitz Tactics is one of my favorite animes anyway (even though it is filled with a dozen panty shots), and I really had more of a positive attitude it then Pokemon. I guess it's just your own opinion on the anime itself to decided whether or not you'll like it in the future as much as you did back when you first saw it.[/color]
[color=darkslateblue]Heh, I really do like it. Especially the way Marge and Moe look, it's great. Bart, Lisa, and (oh man the name is off the top of my head but I don't remember) the baby look a little off, but everyone else looks great. Though the fact I'm pretty scared that Lisa is wearing something like that...[/color]
[color=darkslateblue]I don't have dreams a lot, I will count them as nightmares. I haven't had a dream or nightmare for quite a while now, and the last nightmare I had was so long ago, I do not remember anything about it. Though I have to admit...I had this one dream, where you can imagine the Wizard Of Oz, except using me as Dorothy. And I didn't have an animal with me, and it was quite weird. What dream in particular (my friend had it) that made me laugh very hard was my 2 friends were downstairs playing The Sims Bustin Out (yeah, the Sims), and I locked myself in the bathroom. My other friend came up, and went to the bathroom door, and said, 'do you want to come out?' I yelled back, 'no!! i want some beer.' And so my friend placed a beer outside of the door, and I quickly unlocked the door, grabbed the beer, then closed the door, and locked myself in the bathroom again. Then my friend heard drinking noises, and then her dream ended. It was weird, though I do like it. It's kinda sad though, I'm an eleven year old who likes the taste of beer. Ah oh well.[/color]
RPG The Seekers of Destruction: Eovyn's Underworld
Kanariya replied to Dead Alice's topic in Theater
[color=darkslateblue]Ushina had caught a glimpse of something turn and run, then she dropped the zombie onto the ground, from the high tree she was in. She smelt the air, and she made her face in disgust. "He was here...that bastard running away from me," Ushina muttered to herself, smelling the air even more. The scent of his blood had filled little of the air, but she could still smell it. It disgusted her, but using this wizard to her advantage would do Rayne good. "Where'd he go.." Ushina said, dropping down from the tree she had been in. She crawled onto the ground, and looked like a spy. "He's closeby. I can still smell him, and if I use my wings, it'll be much better to catch him," Ushina said to herself. She after stood up straight, and looked around in a straight posture. She closed her eyes, and began to wince. Suddenly, in the back of her dress, it ripped, making a very loud sound, that echoed through the trees. Black wings soon sprouted from her back, and she closed her eyes shut, with the pain of her wings coming out of her back. It had been 40 years since she had released her wings, after all. The wings soon sprouted, and she stood up straight, smirking in satisfaction. Black, large wings were freed of her back, with some red feathers on the wings, matching with her outfit. "Come back here," she mumbled. She began flapping her wings, then soon, was flying after the wizard.[/color] -
Anime Good or Evil, which do you like better?
Kanariya replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in Otaku Central
[color=darkslateblue]Hm...I prefer to like the villians more. The hereoes and good goodies very much get on my nerves, and I wish for the villians to win usually, but it usually won't happen. Another reason I prefer them over hereoes, is because my personality is not goody goody, it's more on the evil side, and I'm pretty proud of that. So prefering heroes over villians in my opinion is basically liking the character because it reflects your own personality the most. There are many other reasons, but I will not list them. ^_~ Though I very much have to agree with Queen Asuka, the villian usually wants to take over the world, and it kinda is really annoying, but I should keep expecting that, since there are many other animes who do just that.[/color] -
[color=darkslateblue]Yuka walked out of the dojo, then gasped as she saw the others, laughing, while for some odd reason, Katana was blushing like a mad idiot. Yuka, ignoring their faces, began walking away, the other path, very quietly. Suddenly, a poof came in front of Yuka, and she stared in front of her, until Kaz had appeared right there. "Where are you going?" he asked, being the curious person he was. Yuka glared at Kaz, and immediately pushed him out of her way. "That's none of your business." "My my who's fiesty today?" "Moi." Kaz stood speechless, as Yuka walked away from him, very pissed at the fact he was acting like a big jerk. Kaz walked back to the courtyard, finding Katana blushing madly, and almost giggling in the process. "Why are you blushing?" Kaz asked. Katana made a small scream, then turned to him, scared. "Oh...nothin. I'm just..hot," she said. "It's cold out here, so how can you say it's hot?" "I'm..uh...very allergic!!" Kaz gave her a dumb look, but shrugged, and sat down by her, staring at the moon. Katana watched him suspiciously, not trusting him. "I saw Yuka," he said. Katana still eyed at him suspiciously, but decided to calm down, since he wasn't saying anything wrong. "Where was she going?" Katana asked. "I dunno. She probably is going back to her own time," Kaz said. Katana gulped, staring at Kaz. "I think she'll be okay. I mean, she wants to leave." Kaz shrugged, agreeing with Katana. Out of nowhere, Kurumi came out of the dojo, dressed and everything. "Yuka's probably leaving," she said, taking a seat by Kaz. "She's walked out." Katana nodded. "Well, then just leave her. Won't do good." Suddenly, Kurumi, Kaz, Kit, and Katana (hey all K's!!} heard a scream, and it was from a girl. "What was that?" they asked. "It sounded...it sounded like a girl!" Everyone nodded, and ran to where the scream came from. Police held Yuka's arms around her back, and Yuka was trying to escape, but to no avail it worked. "What are you people doing?!?" she exclaimed. "You are under arrest for assasinating an officer! You're other friends will be caught eventually, but you are to be sent to be executed!" Yuka stared at them calmly, not trying to panic. [i]I'm not gonna die in this Meiji Era...[/i][/color]
[color=darkslateblue]I think it is a really great avatar though. The image is very clear, and the little glow around 'Xyander' is great also.[/color]
[color=darkslateblue]Heh, I actually think the avatar is pretty nice. The faded look of it is very good, and the font is great too. ^_~ The problem I have with is the banner. It is a bit blurry, and it messes the whole thing up. I see where you were trying to go with it, and if it was clear, it would be beautiful. Also to make the border teeny bit thicker to see.[/color]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]That really sucks to have your house burnt down, and I feel sorry for you. Best luck... I have had this kind of situation before, but it wasn't as horrible. I was at my usual summer vacations with my grandparents in Mississippi, and one day on my vacation, a telephone call from my mom came. She had said the house had caught on fire, and it wasn't all very damaged, but there was still some damage to my house. She said she didn't know how it had started, but she said it might have been cigarettes. To tell you the truth, when I had heard my house might have had caught on fire by cigarettes, I wasn't sad at all. I was actually glad. My mom, as the smoking addict like many others, could have caused this by her usual smoking, and I've always had hated cigarettes...their smell...everything. Well that's my reason why I was pretty glad that my house caught on fire, minus the part if they hadn't realized it, my house and everything would have been burned down. There a plus and a minus for my house burning down. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Heh, J.K Rowling... -------------- [i]A red flame spread through the city, it's flames everywhere, and only darkness and fire could be seen throughout the burning town. A little girl, with dark brown hair, hair freely down, walked through the city, as if nothing had happened. People covered in flames burned to death, and buildings soon tumbled down and down, only to reveal ashes left behind. The girl stood in the middle of the ruins of her city, holding a dirty mirror, the mirror cracked by what she supposed, a rock had hit the mirror. The girl looked into the mirror, seeing her horrid reflection of a face covered in ashes, and a bruise on her cheek. She stare at her reflection with no sign of disgust, and only faced it to the side, to reveal the reflection of a bloody covered girl, only about 2 years old. That's when the girl smirked in pleasure. Yuka dropped the mirror, and only sat in the ruins, smirking.[/i] Yuka woke up from her dream, panting from her memory of her early childhood. Kaz sat by her, shaking her so she could wake up. "What happened?" he asked, and stopped shaking her. "It..it...it was nothing. It's nothing..." Yuka said, staring down at the ground. She remembered...she saw her sister...bloody and dead...that lie only a few feet away from her...and she smirked in pleasure of her death...her past was too complicated.. "Doesn't sound like nothing." "Kaz, just leave me alone!" Yuka yelled, almost screaming. She was so frustrated...her dreams came back to haunt her, and she could only do nothing. She needed to get back to her own time...she couldn't stay here. The dreams like that only didn't occur at her own home, and here, as day by day passed, the dreams only became crazy. Kaz huffed, walking off. He closed the door, until she was sure he was gone. That's when Yuka followed, only to travel to where she had come out of the portal in time...she was going to go back to her time, no matter what. ------------ Yes, all of that comes out of a silly dream. Yes, Yuka originally came from a city that was burned to ashes. O.o[/color]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Heh, my name is plain old Alexandra. I never liked the name...the only good thing about it is that it can be used to be called a boy. Alex. That's a better name for me. But in the end, teachers are always calling me Alexandra. My English/Social Studies teacher calls me Alexandria. It gets very annoying. Godelsensei, weird thing is a spanish assistant at my school is named Katherine and my sister's name is Lydia. O.o Anyway, I really don't plan to have children in the future anymore really, and I bet you think I'm a wuss. :p I don't really think about it in the 6th grade, because I'm usually focusing on everything in school or stuff, and I hardly day dream anymore or think about that kind of stuff. But off the top of my head, a boy name would be 'Josh', and a girl I can't think of right now. Edit later when I think of something. [/COLOR]
[color=darkslateblue]Yes, I really do like the mix in your avatar in banner, it's very creative. I can see your problem with the font, and that's really the only problem with it, as you had stated. The patterns/effects are very good, and the faded border is perfect for both avatar and banner.[/color]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I actually got here from an IM conversation, other then that, I wouldn't have been here if it weren't for me buddy. At first I was amazed how different it had looked, and how much blueness there was. I was very lost at first, then I started to navigate everywhere, and I am pretty thankful that the Otaku Jukebox is right there. I always had to pop up to my otaku and get it. >.< Though at the same time, I was a bit disappointed about the changes, since I was so used to everything before. But now, as I go along, I am starting to get the hang of this, and I see how good this version is. It's easier, for the edit avatar, signature, etc. thing, and there is more of a variety of fonts and colors. ^_^ I love the new limit size for avatars too, I always could never deal with the 80X80 ones. They seemed too small for me, although I still used them.[/COLOR]
[color=darkslateblue]Hm, I'd say it's an okay banner really. The images are great, and I like the red mixed with the black and white image. They look very good together, and the font is great too. And you added a border, well done. The font is great for to banner, but the word 'strange' is kinda hard to read, but I can understand that because that is the type of font, and it makes its 'g's scrunched up.[/color]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Once I saw the first episode of Witch Hunter Robin on AS, I was actually pretty satisfied with it. One, in my opinion, it wasn't all that boring. When the witch had gotten shot, I was hooked, because I usually love action anime. Another thing is the art design and animation. Both are great, but I got really happy with the art design, because it was something 'different.' Plus, which was already mentioned, Robin's hairstyle. I have always wished for hair like that. But I do love the dark theme added, dark themes in an anime I always like if it is used correctly to fit in the anime. This anime is based on the hunting witches part, and I don't think the creators would make their outfits pink.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Heh, I wondered what that machine thing was. I thought of Final Fantasy X2 while looking at it. It is a great banner, really that's all I can say. The font and border looks great too, good work. [/COLOR]