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Everything posted by Kanariya
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Oh, this sure does bring back stuff. Although I haven't been here long. I was on a message board, and everyone was talking about some InuYasha quiz thing, and since I was a big InuYasha fanatic then, anything that had InuYasha on it would surely be something I would like. The person gave me the link, which happened to be theotaku.com. I searched around for the quiz, then found it, then took more quizzes, checked out fan art, then realized there were message boards. I chose the username of course as Inuluvr1, until I decided to change it, to my dead cat's name, Wasabi. Inuluvr1 didn't seem right for me anymore, since I wasn't into InuYasha really much then back then. I got here when I was in the fifth grade actually, 2003. Registered during the summer in July. I can't believe of remembered that. I really regret nothing, although I do admit I improved a little in my writing and stuff from being here on the boards.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I see blueness again. All right, this banner does look very good though. The blue background and characters match perfectly with the image, and I believe those are grids in the background. What's irritating me is that it seems not finished without the usual borders around a banner, and this bothers me.[/COLOR]
[size=1][color=chocolate]One of my greatest accomplishment has to be that when I was in the 5th grade, music class, we were singing a song, and there were tryouts to be in the All County Chorus. I didn't take it, but at the end of class, I did. Then on the announcements 5 days later, I was announced to be in the Chorus. I haven't done really big accomplishments, just that stuff. At least that was on TV. O.o[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Hm, it looks pretty great to me. The image..font..everything looks very good, and there is a border to it. I don't know, but what does the 'We' at the end of the banner mean? That confuses me...[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]It looks simple really (how am I supposed to know), but the image is very clear, and I like the background for it. Though I think the font blends with with the image too much, because when I looked (well it was quickly), I hardly reconized it. Try making it stick out a little more to not blend in as much with the image.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Yep, it looks nice with the dark brown theme, and the quote makes sense with the images. (Well, at least the guy) I have a problem with that it has no border, and the text is squished together, and hard to see.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Hm, it looks great, but I do see your point with the font color. Maybe try making the faded black part lighter I guess, and make the font black. O.o I have no idea what would work with this. I tried to help. >.
[size=1][color=chocolate]Eh...the tiny people in my opinion really don't look right, and they bother me a lot. Though the grid effect and the faded image is good, also the font. Plus, a border. But tininess bothers me.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]More perty stuffs. Nice. About the Snow Queen...the image looks great, and the border's changing color works too, but the text...you can really barely detect it. Well at least that was with me. Since it is by all those flowers, it's hardly really seen, so I suggest putting it in more of her white dress area away from the flowers, or just make it stick out a little more.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Perty, very perty. I think the whole thing is beautiful, especially the image. The pink and purple thing is very good, pink and purple are definitely good colors to mix together. What I don't like is the light purple border inside the whole thing in the top left corner, I think there's too much space there and it is bugging me like crazy.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Ah, much better then before. You did very well on this one. I do agree with Darkest Moment, the border is a tad bit big, but the rest is great. I love the cat's picture so much...[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]If Valentine's Day is on a weekend, I'll play video games, watch TV, etc. of acting like a lazy bum. If it is on a school day, I'll do whatever in school and forget about Valentine's Day. Nothing special.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Conna, I didn't think it was very sick at all. Well, not to mention...ugh forget it. ------------------- Yuka and Katana got up, very pissed at the men. Kurumi was even more pissed for the fact the man was actually [i]touching[/i] her. "You all are bastards taking us away and trying to make us into a wife of you all!" Yuka yelled. Katana nodded, wiggling her fingers to stretch her fingers. "No duh sherlock Yuka," Katana said. Yuka narrowed her eyes to Katana, with a mad glare. "Bitch." "Well, we sure won't let her get away either!" a man yelled, smirking while staring at Yuka. She muttered a 'piss off' to him, although he didn't hear. "I'm glad I'm sure not in this. WHOOPPEEEE!" Katana yelled. Yuka glared even harder at Katana, making Katana shiver. "Well, looks like we have to fight our future wives," a man said. The three girls turned very mad with vein pops on their heads, and then the yelled, "WE WILL NOT BE YOUR FUTURE WIVES!!!!" "I don't wanna get married anyway," Yuka said. "Why?" Kurumi asked. "That's not the point right now let's just kick their ass!" Katana said, taking out her katana. Kurumi dropped the sword, and grabbed her own weapon. Also Yuka with her two Sai. Yuka attacked one group of 4 men, Katana 4 men, and same for Kurumi. The other 6 stay back watching the men, satisfied. Especially since they were women. "Ah!" Katana yelled, avoiding a sneeky attack from a man who was trying to attack her. Yuka smirked, staring at Katana. "What did he touch your butt?" Katana stared at her in horror, before.. *pat* "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Katana yelled, swinging her sword madly around everywhere, enarly chopping everyone's heads off. "Take cover!" Kurumi yelled, avoiding Katana's weapon by an inch. Katana kept swinging madly, acting stupid. Yuka sighed, then looked into a corner, and saw... "OH MY GOD IT'S MY SQUEAKY HAMMER!!!" she yelled, grabbing it out of the corner. "How do my things appear out of nowhere?" Kurumi and Katana frowned, with the return of the squeaky hammer. "WHHHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" *bonk* *bonk* "LA CUKERACHA!" "What the hell is going on?!?!" "Taco blah blah blah blah blah!" "SHHHUUUUTTT UPPPPPP YYUUUUUKKKKKAAAA!!!" Kurumi yelled. Yuka stopped singing, then began fighting again. "Sorry hyper moment," she said. "You got that right!" Katana said, looking around keeping her guard. "Next time, don't do that again!" a man said, looking at the man who touched Katana's butt. Katana, Kurumi, and Yuka began fighting again, until they beat everyone, except the 6 other stronger ones. "Come for us ladies," a man said. They all groaned, and began to fight. -------------- I'll leave this now.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Mm, the quote is good for it, but there are some downs. You've just started on banners, so I'll try not to go too hard. One, the whole image is blurry, and that doesn't help. I do like the font you did use, but you also needed a border, a dark blue one I suggest for the dark blue theme. ^_^ For a first, it's not that bad really.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Trust me, Angelic Layer is actually a great series. It has okay dubbing too if you want to dubbed version. ^_^ [b]Naruto:[/b] So many people have talked and talked and talked about this, and so I want to see it. I'll give it a try and see what it is like, although I have never known the point of Naruto. Guess I have to see it. [b]Witch Hunter Robin:[/b] It looks like a good anime, and the animation looks very good in my opinion. I have heard of it before, but never actually saw it. Good thing it's coming on adult swim, the dude had green blood. ^_^ [b]Card Captor Sakura:[/b] Yes, I haven't seen this anime yet. *sigh* My friend reccommended it, and so I guess I'll give it a try although I have no background knowledge of it.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]I always have liked your art, it is really cool looking. This one, as the others, is a marvelous one. The texture of the alien gives it a 'wet' feel, and it reminds me of a cockraoch/machine for some reason. Creative idea with this. And to mention the background you did was great too.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Meiji Era Swim Trunks? Wow the world has developed in many ways... -------------------- It had been morning, and Katana was the first one to wake. She looked around, wondering. She saw something missing...it was Kurumi and Kaz! "Yuka," Katana whispered to Yuka. Yuka groaned, then tilted her head since she was in a sitting position. "Yuka...hammer..." "AH! IS THAT YOU THE CYBER GHOST?!?!" "Cyber Ghost? Ok..." Katana mumbled, as Yuka got up. "Where's Kurumi and Kaz?" she asked. Katana shrugged, then began walking out of the cave. "Let's go find them," Katana said. Yuka nodded, and they both walked out of the cave. "Well it's sure sunny out compared to the cave," Yuka said. She stretched her arms, and Katana yawned. "On to first find Kurumi," she said. The two walked on and on, until they found Kurumi, sleeping on to grass very peacefully. "Kurumi is still asleep. She must've woken up late at night...or early in the morning. Whatever you wanna call it," Yuka said. Katana nodded, and then kneel down on the grass. She shook Kurumi's shoulder, and then Kurumi groaned. "Kurumi..." Yuka whispered. Unaware, 7 large men were walking behind Yuka, smirking and arms ready for capture. "Hey Katana, she awake yet?" Yuka asked. She then suddenly heard a footstep behind her. She slowly unsheathed her two Sai, then turned around to see a man's Katana against her two Sai. "Well my my your face is better then I thought!" the man said, staring at Yuka. She tilted her head in confusion. "Uh...Katana?" Yuka asked. Katana had already turned around, while keeping guard on Kurumi. "You wanna fight with me?" she asked, until suddenly, a man popped up beside Katana, and had her arms back behind her, and Katana screaming. Yuka turned around, and that's when the man drew his Sai away and grabbed Yuka's arms and turned them around behind her back. "You three are gonna stay with us for a while," a man said, picking up Kurumi and holding her so he could carry her around. Yuka clenched her teeth together, and Katana growled. "Fiesty you two," the man who held Katana said. "Good. I hope you're satisfied," Yuka said. The men laughed altogether, as Katana and Yuka looked uncomfortable. "Are we gonna be okay?" she asked Katana. Katana nodded. "I dunno," Katana said. The men brought Yuka and Katana up, and began making them walk onto a path to where their destination was.[/size][/color]
RPG The Seekers of Destruction: Eovyn's Underworld
Kanariya replied to Dead Alice's topic in Theater
[size=1][color=chocolate]Ushina kept walking throughout the Otherworld, going through the way Pyne had left for her. It was weird, very different from the Underworld. "And Pyne says this place is dangerous, yeesh. He's got one retarded mind." Ushina let out a loud sigh, then kept walking again, awaiting for someone to come out and try to scare her. Suddenly, a man came out from behind a tree, dead red eyes, ripped up clothing, and messy black hair. Blood and skin from his meals were dripping down from his mouth, and he was hungry...for more...(Well, just imagine a guy who got the 'virus' from 28 Days Later. That's what he looks like) "You picked the wrong thing to mess with," Ushina said, grabbing out her two black Sai. She had gotten them from her trusted blacksmith, and specially made for her of her request. Ushina ran to the dark human, and began attacking him. Blood sprayed everywhere, and he screamed in pain while doing so. Ushina stopped, and stared down at the ground and the dead human. "Bastard," she said. Then she kneel down on the ground, and began licking up blood that was from his body.[/size][/color] -
[size=1][color=chocolate]The dark blue banners usually always work for you. :p This banner is much, much better. The border, background, everything is very good and well done. What I have a problem with is that it seems empty, but text really wouldn't work in my opinion with the other letters there. I don't know, but it seems empty to me.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Bleh. Coffee; the smell, taste...I don't like it. It's just worse that my mom drinks it every morning and brings it in the car to take me to school. I never did like it either; no matter with lots of sugar and cream, or just plain pitch black I don't like coffee.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]*celebrates with Katana* Oh a pirate's life is a life for me... ------------------------------ Yuka bit into her nice, duck she murdered herself. She was so proud... "Hey Yuka, you got a big grin on your face. What are you thinking about?" Yuki asked. Yuka kept grinning while eating her prized duck. "I think she's happy she killed that duck," Kurumi whispered to Yuki. Yuki nodded, then bit into her salmon. "How are we gonna sleep?" Kit asked. Kaz shrugged, then took the egg from Katana. Katana groaned, then tried to grab it back. He wouldn't let her, and she kept trying to get it. "Give my egg back!" "No, you don't deserve it." "Why?" "Because you don't." Kurumi and Yuka laughed at the two, knowing each other's minds by Katana and Kaz's actions. "What's so funny?" Kaz asked, and then Katana grabbed the egg. "Notin," Yuka quickly replied. Amaya got the point, and then couldn't help but giggle. "Anyway, who's tired?" Sanosuke said. [i]Silence...[/i] "LET'S PLAY TWISTER!!!" "Yuka, they don't have Twister here. You can't even play it. There are no red, blue, green, or yellow dots on a plastic mat!" Kurumi said. Yuka looked around, until she picked up a rock. "This is a red circle. Now all we have to do is look for more rocks and then we can play!" "Yuka, we are not doing that," Yuki said. Amaya nodded. "Okay then, let's play a staring contest. Whoever loses gets to be thrown in the fire." "No!" Kit exclaimed. "That's not right!" "Who cares it's fun!" Yuka said. "Why don't we just go to sleep okay?" Kaz suggested. Everyone nodded, and then finished up their meal. ~*~* "I got dibs in the corner with the cobwebs!!!" Yuka yelled, running to the corner where most of the spiders lived. "I'm sure staying away from you in the morning. You might have spider poop all over you in the morning," Amaya said. "Spiders [i]poop?[/i]" "I dunno. I don't think insects poop," Katana said. "But worms do!" Yuka said. "They are not an insect," Kurumi said dumbly. "Who cares!" "Fine, fine. Spiders can't poop end of story!" Kaz said. He lay down on the cold ground near the fire, and then quickly fell asleep. Kit was on the other side, with Yuka in her corner of spiders, Kurumi and Yuki backed up against the wall near Kit, and Katana backed up against a wall near Kaz. Kenshin and Sanosuke remained awake, watching the middle schoolers.[/size][/color]
RPG The Seekers of Destruction: Eovyn's Underworld
Kanariya replied to Dead Alice's topic in Theater
[size=1][color=chocolate]Ushina shut the door to her dark hut, and stood inside her hut by the door. She had decided to wait for a bit; a rest. She just hoped no one would interrupt her though, for the sake of them living. Ushina opened her pitch black coffin in her bedroom. Her bedroom had red beads hanging from the cieling, and pitch black walls. Nothing was in here except her coffin she had slept in. Ushina looked inside, staring at the blood red velvet inside her coffin. She put her left foot into the coffin first, then her right. After, she lay down in her coffin, and then closed it with her hands. She began to sleep... [i]BANG![/i] "Dammit!" Ushina yelled, pushing her coffin up to see the black paint of her cieling. She stepped out of her coffin, then ran down the steps of her hut. She opened the door, to only see Pyne. She cursed under her breath. "Ah looks like your in a pissy mood," he said,. Ushina glared, then walked out of her hut, closing the door behind her. "You want to go find that wizard, don't you?" he asked. Ushina crossed her arms across her chest, then nodded. "Lo-I mean, Rayne is being a total ass about it, saying there are only good wizards and junk." "Then you must be going, no? You have to go through the Otherworld, into the path and everything. Have you been there before?" Ushina nodded no, and Pyne chuckled. "Beings who haven't been there are going to get a big surprise." "What do you mean?" "It's a dangerous path you know." "I don't give a damn Pyne. Just tell me where to go." Pyne sighed, then put a hand on his hip. "All righty. You just go past that black path by the red trees on the edge of the Underworld. That's the only path to get out of the Underworld if you want to know." "How do you know these things?" "I listen and I sneek. Is that too hard?" Pyne said. Ushina glared, then began walking away from Pyne, leaving him smirking by her hut. "Have fun!" he said. Ushina rolled her eyes. "Don't count on it!" she yelled back.[/size][/color] -
[size=1][color=chocolate]At a Halloween Party last year, my friends and I had borrowed a movie from the girl next door, and it was called, 'Ghost Ship.' It was really an okay movie; it wasn't bad, neither was it excellent in my opinion. At some parts the movie just bored me, at some other parts I was into the movie (particularly when [spoiler]the girl Katie comes more into the movie.[/spoiler] That was nearer to the end though) It seemed a little boring at the beginning, until next minute you know dead, bloody people are lying on the ground and a girl is screaming. Since of my blood and gore passion, I kept watching, and as I mentioned before, it ended up as an okay movie. The ending though pissed me off, but it did work for the movie. What I want to know are your opinions about this movie. Did you think it was okay, good, or bad?[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Sadly, I don't have any DVDs really. I'm broke, and ebay isn't much help to me either. *shrugs* But if I bought anime DVDs, I would watch the whole thing in a row in one day, and then I'd watch it again all in a row the next day. I just like to watch everything in a row, it's just my natural habit.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=chocolate]Great job is really all I have to say. They both are very well drawn and colored well, but like Anime Otaku and Shinji had said, the white shadow thing looks a little weird. What I am amazed with is that you can draw roses. They are very pretty, especially the purple one. The color of the leaf is nice.[/size][/color]