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Everything posted by Kanariya

  1. [size=1][color=chocolate]I have never seen the British Version, but the American Version is great anyways. Who's Line is it Anyway is so hilarious, though I hardly watch it anymore with my attention to the stupidest comedy shows that I like so much. (South Park, etc.) My favorite has to be Colin. He'll make me laugh whenever usually, and I enjoy it a lot. Wayne is next, and he, with his talent, makes the show even better. I love the buzzer. It's so cool.[/size][/color]
  2. [size=1][color=chocolate]I have never had a week off from snow, though I wish I did. I only have 4 days of a week off so far. But your summer vacation would go bye bye anyways from snow. That's at least what would happen to me. If I was off for a week...I would watch TV (something ONDemand or Comedy Central probably), beat another video game of mine, go on the computer, and eat. That's it, that's my dream life.[/size][/color]
  3. [size=1][color=chocolate]Ushina walked away from Rayne's castle, very pissed at him too. She knew he was a wizard and all, but he wasn't one of those goody goody ones. Unless Pyne lied to her. If he did, she would kick is ass so bad.... Ushina brought the event behind her, but remained in the back of her head. Ushina turned into an alley on her right, seeing as normal, a usual fight between vampires. She, expressionless, passed by them with no trouble. After she left the alley, she made her way through the dark Underworld, passing by usual fights and bloodthirsty killers. "Seems some haven't fully delighted themselves," Ushina said to herself, going through the alley. "All I have to do now is to find Scyllaria, wherever the hell it is," Ushina said. Then Ushina smirked. "I could have a big feast while I am at it," she said. "There's bound to be some wandering humans outside of here the Underworld. Might aswell go." Then after, Ushina began her way to find the 'wizard.'[/size][/color]
  4. [size=1][color=chocolate]YAY! *worships Swordsaint* YOU GOT IT!!! -------------- Kaz frowned in disappointment, staring at Sano. "What is it?" he asked. "What do you mean 'what is it?'" he replied angrily. Then in walked Kenshin, seeing the blood everywhere in the room. "You could beat them up but you killed them like hell!" Sanosuke yelled. Kaz frowned even more still staring at Sanosuke. "Well I'm not too guilty about it," Yuka said, yawning. Sanosuke glared at Yuka, preparing his fist. Yuka narrowed her eyes to her, and her eyes seemed quite scary. "Don't you dare." Sanosuke stopped, but still glared. He knew he really couldn't hurt her. "Next time, please not kill them," Kenshin said. Everyone nodded, except Yuka, with her 'I like death' figure. "Now do you all want to go back to Kaoru and the others in Kyoto?" Sanosuke said. "Well...back to where you all came from." Everyone frowned, including Yuka herself. Kit and Amaya were a little worried about suddenly walking into school and apparently liked each other. "But I wanna sttttaaaayyyyyy!" Katana whined. Yuka crossed her arms across her chest, then began walking out of the room. "Where are you going?" Kurumi asked. "Away from the whining." Yuka disppeared down the stairs of the hut, leaving the rest staring out into open space dumbly. Yuka sat on the grass on the hill the others had stood on before they saw the burning village. She looked out into space, staring at the burned down huts, crying children, and panicked adults. Yuka lowered her head to stare at the ground dumbly. She had nothing to think...nothing to do...and she couldn't stay here anymore. It wasn't where she belonged, and she knew that. "Yuka you there?" Kaz yelled suddenly. Yuka looked up, seeing the others walking up the hill. "Next time don't leave us like that," Amaya said. Yuki nodded. Yuka stood up from her spot, and brushed the dirt off of her. "Night is falling, that it is. I suggest we hunt some food and find water, and then find a cave to sleep in," Kenshin said. Everyone groaned. "We...we have to kill them ourselves?" Katana asked. "Yes, that's how you eat!" Sanosuke said. "But...you see it dead and the real live blood.." Yuki mumbled. "Well guess what?" Yuka said, pulling out her Sai. "I ain't afraid to kill em." "Don't get too excited Yuka," Kaz said. "We might just let you eat grass." Yuka glared at Kaz, mumbling the word 'bastard.' "Well then let's go," Sanosuke said.[/size][/color]
  5. [size=1][color=chocolate]What you said in IM was right. O.o I can actually see why you hate it. At least it isn't blue. :) Okay, first I really don't like the background for the image. The font color black seems to dark for the banner also, but that was for the background. I find the dots around the banner annoying too, hey but that's just me. If the dots are really used correctly, I like them. Maybe a darker color would work I guess, because the quote says 'Not Here' and has a 'lone' theme to it. Maybe a dark blue would work.[/size][/color]
  6. [size=1][color=chocolate]I wouldn't say I would melt and immediately drown or something like that. If I was to pick a character, it would be Sesshomarou I guess. Though throughout the show I do make fun of him..very much. I do that with all the characters there...I always call Shippo a girl...much much more. Anyway, yeah Sesshomarou. I don't know why, I just find him the best looking out of all the guy's in the show. For some odd reason Naraku would be next. O.o[/size][/color]
  7. [size=1][color=chocolate]Ushina made her way through the violent grounds of The Underworld. Wherever she went, a fight would usually occur, and blood would be left over on the ground. Some fights would be fatal, but it didn't matter. The only thing was to live and die. Luckily for Ushina, her appearance drew vampires away, and her look of red eyes of blood made vampires shiver. Ushina looked up, to see the great, stone castle 'Lord' Rayne had stayed in. In was all black, and at the top of the tallest tower, black mist circled around it, and making it stand out throughout the red sky from the afternoon. Ushina began making her way through the crowds. Many people thought she was a mistress of Rayne, but wasn't. Her gratitude to him proved she did trust him as a leader, but her clothing made her look like of a palace's queen. Everyone kept away. Ushina stopped to see two guards blocking the entrance of Rayne's castle. Once they saw Ushina, they quickly opened the gate, letting her through. Ushina didn't show one bit of thanks, and entered the castle. Ushina walked through the casltle, step by step. Her boots made a sound echoing through the castle walls. Ushina turned to a room, where a fine red carpet covered the floor, black stone walls, and bare, only with a long, smooth wooden table in the back and a wooden chair. In that wooden chair, Rayned sat, smirking. Rayne, giving the indication someone was coming, looked up. He wasn't surprised. "Ushina, see you have come back," he began. Ushina stopped in her tracks, and stood in her spot. "Information lord," she said. Rayne was rather pleased to hear her say 'lord.' "Seems as if a wizard," she began. Rayne lost his smirk and turned his mouth into a frown. "Ushina you know wizards are enemies...including ones that live in Scyllaria. Even for it's dark wizards, who says they actually find us as allies, us vampires. Demons." "It doesn't make a difference. I'll convice him." "How?" "Someway." "Someway isn't enough." Ushina frowned, and put a hand on her hip. "Then I will go myself." "Saves me trouble as it is Ushina," Rayne said. "Go." Ushina, with a frown on her face, turned around, away from Rayne, but still stood. "You know you have to go through a lot of trouble to get that crystal and the chosen one. Who in hell knows who the chosen one is." "We'll get the chosen one," Rayne said angrily. Ushina began walking away, still her boots echoing through the castle. "I will. And use her...and the crystal.."[/size][/color]
  8. [size=1][color=chocolate]Bleh, I never really did like Valentine's Day at all. When is it anyway? O.o I hated the parties in Elementary school always. The cards; heh, Semjaza told it all. Stupid Lisa Frank company always had the pink and red stuff, the happy animals and the messages were..ugh. Unfortunately, I had to give cards like that out to everyone, and so I did, and luckily no one would pay any attention to the card and end up staring at the cards with lollipops attached to them. Even with the candy and all, I still don't like it. Hardly I got lollipops, and I can't eat too much chocolate or I'll get sick. I mean I could eat almost half of a hershey bar and get sick immediately. Ugh. And just think this year in Middle School. That's worse. Please don't have a Valentine's Day party...[/size][/color]
  9. [size=1][color=chocolate]Ushina roamed around the ground of the Underworld, bored as ever. She wasn't hungry; she had just had her filling of human blood, and was full. "Hey Ushina..." a voice said in a darkened alley. Ushina immediately crossed her arms across her chest, and gave a bored expression on her face. "What do you want this time Pyne?" Suddenly, a male vampire, about the same age as Ushina came walking out of the alley, smirking. He had black pants that went to his feet, and his feet in black shoes. He had on a black cape, and under the black cape was a red cloth. He has a red shirt, and blood red eyes, with his fangs shining. He has his hair into a long braid, and it was black. "Came to tell you news..." he said, touching her shoulder with his hand. "I don't want to know. You only bother me to annoy me like crazy and flirt." Pyne frowned, but still kept a close eye on Ushina. "Anyway, I heard of this...Wizard I should say." "Forget it Pyne. Every wizard is some goody goody awaiting to kill off demons and vampires." "No, not this one. He lives in some place, and they aid demons and worship a dark god, whatever." "Not vampires. We are not demons. We are vampires." "But still Ushina...he could work." "How did you get this information?" "Just going in and out everywhere, with my typical disguise. Perfect, eh?" "Hm..." Ushina said, and she began walking away from Pyne. "Where are you going?" he asked. "To find this 'wizard'." "Ah, but wait I forget to mention. Anyone who has seen him before says he gets really pissy not matter what." "Bleh. Pissy my butt." Ushina walked away into the darkness of the violent world they had lived in, while Pyne stared into the darkness, watching the vampire trail off. "But first..." Ushina said, looking around. "I should tell Rayne about him. Might he aid us...or become enemies." ----------------------- If this isn't right for you inti or chaosfaerie, just tell me. I had no idea what to put other then this, and I guess I'll plan to see you all later.[/size][/color]
  10. [size=1][color=chocolate]Tell me Yuki is [u]not[/u] Yuka...please tell me that...well I guess Yuki is Yuki but hyper, cause Kurumi is with us. O.o Forget it. ------------------ Yuka, Kaz, Kurumi, and Katana were running through the house, looking for the stairs to where the bandits were possibly hiding the leader. "There they are!" Katana yelled. They began running faster until.... [i]WHACK!![/i] Yuki and Katana fell to the ground, swirly eyed like when Kenshin is pounded by Kaoru's punches. Yuka, Kurumi, and Kaz stared down, looking pathetic at them both. "Hey Yuki..." Yuka said. Yuki waved, then slowly got up. "You know Amaya likes Kit right?" she asked. "No DUH why'd you bring that up?" Kurumi asked. "Shh, they are kissin' upstairs." "No way in hell-" Yuka said before Kaz hit her with his hand on the back of her head. "Wanna see?" Yuki asked. "Yeppers!" Katana said. Yuki made a signal to follow her, and they looked over the edge of the wall where the steps were. There upstairs stood Amaya and Kit, lips touching one another, but both eyes closed. Yuka almost fainted, along with Kurumi. Katana and Yuki snickered, staring at them. "Ewww..." Yuka whispered to Kurumi. "Yeah, that's not right," Kurumi replied. Kaz sighed, and just stared at the two upstairs. Amaya slowly broke away from Kit, slowly opening her eyes while doing so. How could he in the world... "I wanted to know I loved you Amaya," he said quietly, putting her hand into his. She was shivering by his touch, his hand placed over hers made her tremble. Kit felt her trembling, and quickly pulled away his hands from hers. "I'm sorry..." he said. Amaya smiled, then out of nowhere, gave Kit a short quick kiss on the cheek. *Meanwhile Yuka and Kurumi's faces are green, while Katana and Yuki are both almost to burst out into laughter, and Kaz is watching with an expressionless face* "Let's go look for the bandits now, and we can kiss later..." Amaya said. Kit widened his eyes, but nodded his head. After, the two began running to the right, looking for the bandits. "Ooh..." Katana said, walking up the stairs. "Looks like two middle schoolers are in love." "You got that right. Once we are in school again I'm gonna spy on em.." Yuki said. "Seems all regular to me. I mean come on you knew they were liking each other," Kaz said. Katana shrugged. "I couldn't stand that for one more minute..." Yuka muttered. "Aren't we supposed to be looking for bandits??!?!" Kurumi suddenly yelled. Everyone jumped. "Don't scare me..." Yuki said. "Who cares! Now let's go!" The middle schoolers after ran upstairs, turning to the left. [b]EDIT:[/b] This was made after xXchaosfaerie's post, but I guess it doesn't really matter because really her post was short.[/size][/color]
  11. [size=1][color=chocolate]Loves...the...background... That is a very good background, but as Ryu_Sakura and Conna_da_fox had mentioned, the image is out of place. I'd say to keep the background, just change it's color to match with the image. The animation needs to be slowed down a bit too. But very, very nice banner. I especially love the background.[/size][/color]
  12. [size=1][color=chocolate]I feel the same as Haze really. I don't like the fuzzy effect of the image, and the font is fuzzy too. The font is hard to read for my eyes, and it doesn't look good with the fuzzy effect of the picture. If it was straight and clean (the image), the banner would look much better. As for the font, clear it up a little, but still have a little fuzzy effect to it.[/size][/color]
  13. [size=1][color=chocolate]Heh, purty purty. I really like the blue effect, and I can see how the image is very beautiful, I like it too. Though the banner is a little empty, maybe adding text that is white and is in cursive would do the trick.[/size][/color]
  14. [size=1][color=chocolate]Indeed, sadly scary movies are getting worse. [quote]Freddy vs. Jason, I didn't actually go see that film however several of my classmates did and they said it was utter garabge.[/quote] Heh, trust me. It is. [quote]however, I will say that one film that did have me genuiny scared was The Ring but an aweful lot of that was just shock horror[/quote] I really didn't find it scary, but yes the shocking moments did surprise me a little. Especially after you saw Katie's face look up, and her face is all dark and stuff. Wow, and to think I found that pretty cool. Horror movies are getting worse as more as they are made, but for some reason, the comedy/horror movies always freak me out. O.o *Insert Scary Movie 4 here* It wasn't all [i]that[/i] scary, but I got a little freaked out a times.[/size][/color]
  15. [size=1][color=chocolate]You love cats don't you? Very good pose, and like Kinetic had said, a black and white image would probably look better, but coloring is very good too. Good work.[/size][/color]
  16. [size=1][color=chocolate]Ooh, very nice banners. I think all of your banners are beautiful, and I think the Random Banner is the best in my opinion. The wallpaper is nice, but it does seem empty to me with that blank white big space. Very nice though. The bird picture is great, but the one of Zaku is a little crooked. (meaning by a little squiggly, but hey not everything is perfect) Good job anyways.[/size][/color]
  17. [size=1][color=chocolate]This is really good for you just drawing it in study hall. I think this picture is beautiful; in my opinion it has a darkness to it (the color), but it also doesn't have a darkness to it. A depressing mood. The 'skinny' arms look great from what I see. The right leg is a little off though, and you can draw hands. I can never draw hands...[/size][/color]
  18. [size=1][color=chocolate]Dark banner, cool. I'm really not a big fan of grids, but if they were removed, this banner would look a little plain. So grids in this banner looks great. The font is also good too, but it's hard to tell the 'p' in pain is actually a 'p'. I thought it was a 'b'.[/size][/color]
  19. [size=1][color=chocolate]Oh man, The Fairly Odd Parents are silly, and I enjoy it a lot. My favorite is Cosmo, god he's so stupid, it makes me laugh so much. My favorite episode is when he got his nickel named 'Phillip', and 'Phillip' was a girl. This episode wasn't all about Cosmo though, that was just a little detail. Then 'Phillip' got lost. O.o Poor Phillip.[/size][/color]
  20. [size=1][color=chocolate]Hm, looks pretty good and interesting to me. I have no idea what this banner is supposed to mean, but it's okay. I really like the background though, though I have no idea how am I supposed to comment it with the right words. Something bothers me about the font. The Z's how they are put is bugging me of how spaced apart they are. Well that's just me. At least whenever you see one of Baron's banners, there's usually a border. Yay. I have a question, is the little 'B' in the corner supposed to be there, or does it just stand for 'Baron?' O.o [b]EDIT:[/b] I can't believe I missed that white space...yeah, fill it up.[/size][/color]
  21. [size=1][color=chocolate]How...many...times...do...I...have...to...say....the HAMMER OF DOOM IS MINES!!!!! Not Yuki's! MINES!!!!! *pulls hair with frustration* I am not adding the hammer of doom with Yuki, she just has her weapon. *pulls hair more* ---------------------- The middle schoolers began attacking with their weapons at the bandits, not knowing one bandit was hiding their bandit leader in the back of the hut. "Stupid bandits..." Katana muttered. "You people can't turn this place into darkness!" Kurumi and Yuka frowned, and yelled, "YES THEY CAN!!!" "Then why are you fighting us?" a bandit said. Kurumi and Yuka were now pissed. "BECAUSE WE WANNA KICK BANDIT ASS!" they said together, each at the same time kicking the bandit in the face. "My my aren't we grouchy today," Yuki said. Kurumi and Yuka's heads were about to blow up now. "Just...ignore them..." Kurumi whispered to Yuka. Yuka nodded. "Gotcha. If they say something drastic, we're killing them." Kurumi nodded, and then the two began focusing more on fighting. "Mmf!" the village leader yelled, his mouth cupped by a sweaty, big hand. "Shut up you bastard!" the bandit yelled. "The boss is gonna kill ya if you don't." Then anoher bandit beside him snickered. "He's gonna get killed anyway. We just need him for a minute..." the other bandit said. The bandit chuckled, then dragged the village leader behind a curtain. "We're done," Kit said, looking at the unconsious bodies around them. "Thankfully. They were starting to get on my nerves," Amaya sat to Kit, smiling. Kit smiled at her. Yuka and Katana made little 'oohs', met with a *whack* *whack* "Hmph...bastard..." Katana muttered. "Yeah," Yuka topped off. "I have a feeling we're not done here," Sanosuke said. "I agree with Sanosuke, that I do," Kenshin added. "There are more rooms in this hut," Yuki said. "If there are, we need to check them out. The village leader isn't in here. And we broke the doors and we could see if they could escape there." Kaz crossed his arms across his chest. "Then the leader of the bandits probably took the village leader in one of the rooms and is planning to kill him or something." "Yeah, exactly," Kurumi said. "We have to find him." "Yeppers," Yuka said. "Come on!" Amaya exclaimed. Then the middle schoolers, and Kenshin and Sanosuke began running through the hut, looking for the remaining bandits.[/size][/color]
  22. [size=1][color=chocolate]The first one is my favorite out of the three; I like it how you have an original outift and have the wings as a mix. Creative. Also, the wings remind me of chibiness. O.o The second one is good too. What I like most is the little jacket you added with the outfit, it looks great. The third one is out of proportion, but like Mimmi said, looking at it more you realize it suits the character with it's naughty look.[/size][/color]
  23. [size=1][color=chocolate]I didn't expect the ending... --------------------- "Whaddoyawant?!?!" Yuka yelled. "You two are fuss too much; we're gonna kill you two first!" a bandit said. "So much for us; we actually liked the darkness..." Kurumi whispered. Yuka nodded, and both prepared their weapons. 6 bandits came straight at the two, fists ready. "Just their fists?" Yuka asked. "Come on this ain't gonna be fun.." Kurumi muttered. Suddenly, out of their fists came sharp needles, probably from a material attached to their hands. "Well, we could have expected that..." Kurumi said. Yuka nodded, and the two began clashing weapon after another to the bandits. They knocked one down, until Yuka stood in her spot, and made a disk. "Yuka..." Kenshin muttered. "I DUN CARE!!!" she yelled, throwing the disk, chopping a bandit's head off, leaving the rest of his body to fall to the ground. The other bandits looked in surprise, and backed way into the hut. "OH NO YOU DON'T!!!" Kurumi yelled. Suddenly, she put her hands in front of her, and a darkness came out of her hand, and she blew the bandits away, crashing into houses, killing them. "Kurumi..." Kenshin muttered. "Well that's taken care of," Yuka muttered. "Yeah," Kurumi said. "That was awful. You two should be ashamed of yourselves..." Sanosuke said. The two girls looked back to Kenshin, Sanosuke, Kit, Amaya, Yuki, Kaz, and Katana. Katana was apparently trying to hide her laugh. "Why?" Yuka asked. Kurumi nodded. "You two or more dumb then we actually thought..." Sanosuke said, walking to the entrance of the hut, along with Kenshin. The others followed, and Kurumi and Yuka stared at them. "Well we sure blew it," Kurumi said. "Yeah...wanna go?" Yuka asked. "Where?" "Leaving. I'm living to go back to my right era." "So soon?" "Yeah." "Bye," Kurumi said. Yuka nodded, then began walking off, avoiding crazy villagers and eventually appearing in the darkness. Kurumi nodded, and then ran into the hut. --------------------------- Don't worry, that's not the end of Yuka.[/size][/color]
  24. [size=1][color=chocolate]Well, for now I guess I have to cover my ears when the manager's voice comes up. (She just comes in now) Her voice is sooooooo high-pitched I could go deaf. Hope she doesn't appear too much in the series really.[/size][/color]
  25. [size=1][color=chocolate]Guy Next to Fainted Guy: Why'd he faint? Other guy next to fainted guy: I dunno. The guy on the horse might just look like Freddy Cougar, the horse might look like a retarded Black Beauty, or he just suffocated from his uniform.[/size][/color]
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