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Everything posted by Blindchild02

  1. its ok. i dont like the background tho....
  2. hm, looks alrite i like the pic in the middle the best...
  3. yum! i love it, very very good :D
  4. hm.... looks alrite cept i dont think u should make the link rollover black.... make it a light red color...
  5. i actually dont read the announcements :p
  6. I suggest making some more styles... like better ones, the one u have is nice, but i think you should make some better ones :X
  7. Looks awesome! [COLOR=orangered][size=1]Please put more effort into your posts. -Sara[/size][/COLOR]
  8. huh? the text has a little _ that blinks on and off yes, but other than that nothing else should blink...
  9. thanks, yea im only asking for things to fix...
  10. Hello Friends, Xamira is up and running!! [url]http://www.xamira.net/[/url] Can i get Comments/Suggestions on it plz!
  11. [IMG]http://www.xamira.net/images/experimentalV2.jpg[/IMG] C&C Plz
  12. thanks for the comments, any more?
  13. Blindchild02


    its messy, doesnt seem like much thought put behind it... its just alot of airbrushing... but i would rate it 8/10
  14. mmkay. sure w/e and thnx for whoever likes my art
  15. otaku is like other boards, its a fuggin Vbulletin... like other boards -.-
  16. ok, whoever edited my post : i thought that it would be too many images in one post.... some boards have it so u can only have a certain amount in one post..
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