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Everything posted by Blindchild02

  1. [b]Aids[/b] - Photomanipulation of my face for an Aids ad. * I DO NOT HAVE AIDS* [IMG]http://www.xamira.net/images/Aids.jpg[/IMG] [b]Fear[/b] - Photomanipulation of my face [IMG]http://www.xamira.net/images/Fear.jpg[/IMG] [b]Clouded Thoughts[/b] - A lil space graphic [IMG]http://www.xamira.net/images/cloudedthoughts.jpg[/IMG] [b]Experimental[/b] - A lil bryce + photoshop graphic [IMG]http://www.xamira.net/images/experimental.jpg[/IMG] [b]Face of Evil[/b] - Photomanipulation of my face [IMG]http://www.xamira.net/images/faceofevil.jpg[/IMG] [b]Inhuman Creation[/b] - Photomanipulation of my face AGAIN [IMG]http://www.xamira.net/images/inhumancreation.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=orangered][size=1]Plese do not double post. If you have something more you wish to add, use the EDIT button, or wait till another person has posted. Thank you. -Sara[/size][/COLOR]
  2. looks alrite, u seem to be a newb at gfx right? i guess its fine, text looks too plain for this image, and the stitches are meh..
  3. Hey, im new i didnt know where to post this :p so im postin it here... im blindchild owner of Xamira.net i like video games, and graphics and other crap lol. hi
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