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Everything posted by ShadowLord

  1. Umm...I kinda get what you're saying. Yeah. OK. I can get those cards easily. Thanks. BTW, what other cards would you recommend I add or should I just keep it how you just said I should?
  2. what does bad reaction do? what type of deck do i have? im a newbie to yugioh so i have no idea how to build a balanced deck.
  3. I don't know what type of deck I have. I also need help fixing it because its not that good. Tell me what cards i should take out and put in. monsters: 1 labyrinth wall 1 relinquished 1 kiseitai 1 penguin soldier 1 sonic bird 1 giant soldier of stone 1 invader of the throne 2 harpie's brother 1 steel ogre grotto #2 1 des lacooda 1 ryu-kinshin clown 1 hayabusa knight 1 spear cretin 2 twin-headed fire dragons 1 mask of darkness 1 b.e.w.d. 1 trap master 1 zombyra the dark 1 gravekeeper's guard 1 prevent rat 1 goblin attack force 1 wall of illusion 1 mystical elf magics: 1 fissure 2 de-spells 2 swords of deep-seated 1 remove trap 1 dian keto 1 horn of unicorn 1 rush recklessey 1 monster reborn 1 black illusion ritual 1 heart of clear water 1 soul exchange 2 malevolent nuzzler 1 dark hole 1 pot of greed 1 dark snake syndrome traps: 1 enchanted javelin 1 solemn wishes 1 gift of the mystical elf 1 forced requsition 1 pharaoh's treasure 1 waboku 2 trap holes
  4. It's Kafei and Anju. If I get it right I'll edit this with a question. Edit: Yay! I actually got one right. I'll make it easy, I guess. Okay then, time for the question. In what game do you find the Platform Map and where do you get it? And when I mean "where do you get it?" I mean where is the exact spot. Edit: I already asked a question! Its above this one.
  5. I think he uses them in ocarina of time, a link to the past, windwaker, legend of zelda, and link's adventure. I don't remember the loz and la that much but I think that its right.
  6. I agree with Matto. With Link in Soul Caliber 2, Zelda's popularity would most likely sky-rocket off the chart. Think of all the people who are starting to get into Zelda and multiply it 2 or 3 fold. Thats alot of people.
  7. Thats cool. I think this is a glitch but one time on MM I entered Sakon's hideout before he got there on the 3rd day and I was able to wear the Fierce Deity's Mask for the remainder of the day, although wwhen I entered Clock Town I couldn't get out, and I also got Epona into the city once too.
  8. That would be awesome! Oh! You know how on the 4 Swords Link needs the 4 sword in order to get 3 other copies of himself? Well, how about if all the Link's (Oot, ALTtP, LoZ, and WW versions) got together by traveling thru time and helping each other like on 4 swords except you have to fight Ganon and you don't need the 4 sword. You get what I'm sayng?
  9. Heh heh. Oh well. You have your theories and I have mine. I hope my theories helped your theories.
  10. Were just discussing possiblities for the game is all
  11. Then how would you explain the traces of the Triforce in Termina?
  12. Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you Desbreko. Someone finally got it.I'm not really good at explaining things but you actually got. Anyway, like I said, Link going to the future is the only thing that I could think of besides that parallel world thing. Besides, if it was really a parallel world, then how come the didn't worship the Triforce and the 3 goddess but the 4 other gods?
  13. OK. You know what. Forget all thisbecause you all don't understand what I'm trying to say. Again and for the last time, I know that MM follows OoT and I know that WW takes place 100 years after OoT. What I was trying to say was that in theory MM supposedly takes place after WW because I think that when the sea level started dropping after WW, the land of Hyrule was exposed to the sun. Since the people had forgotten about Hyrule, they renamed the land into Termina and built Clock Town and worshipped new gods since nobody remembered the Triforce gods. So, that must mean that MM takes place after WW. But, when Link entered Termina he actually stepped into the future. What I'm saying is that in a timeline, MM would take place after WW and in the game order, MM would come after OoT. OK!
  14. The cel shading was all right I guess, but the game would've looked cooler if they had made it look like they did in OoT. Over all, the game was too short. The only thing that made it seem longer was the 2nd quest and having to ride around in KoRL to get anywhere.
  15. Listen to me. I know that MM takes place after Oot. What I am saying is that the year it takes place in is the future! Oot, MM , L'A, LTtP, LoZ, L's Adventure, and WW is the supposed game order right? Well, it doesn't make sense to me because I think that some of the games are seperated by 100's of years. Now remember, this is a timeline ok. 1st comes Oot, then 100 years later comes WW. Some people think that L's A comes after MM but I don't think thats true. When the game starts, hes on a boat and Epona never shows up during the game. L's A is supposed to come after MM but that doesn't make sense because that means that: a. he left Epona somewhere or b. that is a different Link because OoT Link would never leave his horse. Anyway, its Oot, WW, MM, LoZ, L's Adventure, LTtP, then L's A. If you read it carefully, you might understand it because it doesn't make sense to me the way I wrote it.
  16. I konw that it takes place in a parallel world, but what I'm going by is the years. You can put MM before or after WW but anyway you do it, MM still takes place after WW. Although my theory is incomplete, its all most done and when it is I'll let anyone interested know. Click[url=www.tmsword.com/chapters/theory_3links.shtml]here[/url] for an interesting theory.
  17. Its like this: I think that Majora's Mask comes after WindWaker because I think that MM is in the future. Now don't laugh until you have thought about this. The ocean goes down after WW and the people start build cities and empires and what have you. Anyway, if you have played MM, then you know about Stone Tower and how you have to "flip" it right? Well, if you look at the "flipped" blocks carefully, you can see the Triforce. I think that King Ikana is the last member in the Royal Family's lineage and since everyone had forgotten about Hyrule during WW, nobody believed in the Triforce or the 3 goddesses anymore so the people went on to bulid Clock Town and other cities.
  18. OoT is 1st then LA then ALTtP then LoZ then L'sA then WW then MM. Check out the timeline and other stuff. Mine is a bit different. You wanna know why? Ask me.[URL=www.tmsword.com/cube/ganonzeldacelda.shtml][link=http://www.tmsword.com]tmsword.com[/link]tmsword.com/cube/ganonzeldacelda.shtml[/URL]
  19. People say that there is going to be a WW sequel, right? Well, my question is: If you could design Link and choose what weapons he should have, what would they be?
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