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Lady Saiya-jin

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Everything posted by Lady Saiya-jin

  1. Share the joke I might find it funny too...:mad:
  2. CN cannot afford to let go of a series on a block(5-7) that is popular with the crowd they try to reach....if they drop DBGT, they'll lose a huge fan base for the prime time slot, that's from an ad perspective..plus the episodes have been already purchased and are being marketed in the US and gradually released..until DBZ is over..the defiite answer will come in 2003 or 2004
  3. From what I know, from people that work in the industry..all the episodes of DBZ have been purchased, but GT is still pending..I think it's go in the years I posted above..if you can't wait get the vids..only available..through underground or hook-ups..lol
  4. [COLOR=limegreen]Jade Ryu Productions is my dream of conquering the barriers of animation and taking it to the next level. The name Jade Ryu originates from "Jade Dragon". This in fact was going to be the name of my daughter but god changed the cables and blessed me with a son. :eek: I currently am producing a game called Samurai Knights 2199 pending a distributor. I put an offer in the old otaku boards for anyone that could give me a name. SSJ2 Gohu was the one that put 2 & 2 together. I hope to have offices here and in Japan..but if you guys want to know more post here or send me a message.....Later:cool: [/COLOR] This is the banner from the boards that we had, but it's down now..enjoy...
  5. I think it's great, it's well drawn and yes mushy, it's more of an adult theme..Tenchi was like a 10 on the mush meter in comparison....I can't wait for Cowboy Bebop..it's on the adult swim..yeah!!!
  6. [FONT=arial]As much as I love Vegeta..to the death baby..lol..I say no....aww gawd I can't believe I said that...[/FONT] :(
  7. Name:Gotina (Gohu's sister) Height:5'7 Sex: Female Age:23 Bio: After her father is killed at age 19, her good nature is turned into one of hatred and vengeance. Not knowing she is a descendent of Gohan,or even less a Saiyan..she has reached SSJ2 with her brother, Gohu, who at a young age harnessed this power like his sister.She is driven by her anger of not being there to help her father. Gotina and her brother have turned into ruthless bounty hunters/mercenaries for sport and money. They travel around the galaxy looking to avenge their father's death,carrying out contract killings and shipping illegal cargo on their father's ship. The ship's name is "REVENGE".Gotina and her brother have returned to earth to bring an illegal cargo, and hence meet the new Z fighters and discover who they really are. Weapons/Power:Gotina is beautiful, yet deadly. She carries a sword called "Silver Death", that can cut through anything and a caster gun ala Outlaw Star. She can do all the same moves as her brother (Kamehameha,Masenko,Instant Trans..etc..)She can fly and is super fast. Her special move is "Dragon Fire" a ball of energy that resembles a massive fireball and is hard to block or hold because of the temp.If powered enough, it can destroy a planet.Gotina extends her arms up similar to the Spirit bomb..and as she powers up she repeats Dragon fire.. REVENGE IS BEST SAVORED LIKE A FINE WINE!!!!
  8. I got all my DVD's in Chinatown here in NYC, my son(he's 4) watches them..I really don't see the problem with the un-cut..
  9. I had around 170-175..thanks Adam ^-^
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