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Lady Saiya-jin

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Everything posted by Lady Saiya-jin

  1. Be yourself, and be assertive Actually look interested in what she has to say Make an impression that will last Pull her to the side,or talk to her when she's alone You'll be ok...baby......good luck and if the chick is stupid and don't want ya....fugg her and get a flyer one.....k...baby...good luck.... :love: :laugh:
  2. Here some more that I have actually heard.......pathetic ain't it.... Do you got black in you No Want some??? Were your parent's theives, cuz they stole the stars and put em in you eyes ***Spanish one...k Tu nombre es Santa Barbara Santa por adelante y Barbara por detra suck me baby Do you go to church...you look heavenly You are made for sex Wanna ride the Love Train... How many licks does it take to get to the center of your Tootsie Roll
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Will2x [/i] [B] hehehe, and ill be going on all night to come. more laughs! [/B][/QUOTE] Do your thing baby....LOL!!!:laugh:
  4. ROTFL........Thank you Will ya made my day baby........LOL!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  6. LM, we gotta chill one day girl, your off the hook...LOL Love ya...lol:love: :laugh:
  7. I think I'm gonna check it out...I need to get out...LOL I loved the old one....so let's see what's up.....Seph..I'll let you know if it's worth it...k:D
  8. I use to skateboard and blade like Whoa......umm that was like 6-7 years ago...I don't remeber any tricks now except Ollies,Frontsides&Backsides (180,50-50), and Kick and Heel Flips....I messed my leg up doing an Ollie down the steps at what use to be the WTC....We use to film videos....One day I got so mad, I fell in the street and just sat there...there were cars coming dude, but when a skater is pissed beware.....LOL
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]why do we get so much sh*t for lusting after dbz characters? i mean, they're the sexiest cartoon characters ever. h*ll, i think they're sexier than most men! [/B][/QUOTE] I said the same thing before I met my Toby-chan.....it's all a matter of finding someone that has what you want......and it's all yours...for real...not no fantasy, ya know........Like I said earlier I always said my hubby was Vegeta trapped in Derek Jeter's body....I done did good....:laugh:
  10. Rock it mama, nuttin' but love!!!:love: :love:
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B] she pussywhipped vegeta. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue]That's exactly why I give her props, when you get a guy like that to do what you want when you want you the Bi@tch...hehehehehe[/COLOR] I know...............:devil:
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]no matter how old you are, most mothers will always treat you that way, they will also always see you as their little baby who needs to be protected from everything,which in turn, can be very annoying, particularly when your 18+.... [/B][/QUOTE] I don't think I'm bad...and I'm a mommy.......hehehehe:laugh: As long as there is no hentai going on, my son basically watches mostly everything...when it comes to DBZ, it's uncut....It's all of matter of reminding them....it's fake.....and if I hear you cursing it's on....my son is a good boy, and I'm not just saying that cuz he's mine.......he's the kid you love to babysit......I mean at 3 years old I took him to see the Mummy and he recently saw Jurassic Park 3.....slept through the night...no prob... I think when you nuture your kids and show them love, they give it back....you have to listen to them, cuz they got minds too, and we compromise alot....but when I say no, he doesn't get mad or anything...it's a matter of listening.... Not for nothing I think now a days kids get away with a h3ll of alot more than my generation did......If I even considered talking back or disrespecting anyone...I got my a$$ kicked.....Kids now a days have no respect...and that's the truth...I've seen kids hitting and cursing out their moms...it's not cute.....Love and listen, but let your kids know that as long as they are in your house there are rules to be followed, you don't like it pay rent...LOL..I understand that concept now, and I use to gig on my mom for it...but really in life all you want is the best for your kids...
  13. Cell and Gohan...hands down is one of the best fights.....I like Cell , he conceited but comes through...lol:laugh:
  14. I won't go there cuz, my life is TOO interesting to talk about.....not intended for the weak...AHHHHH...LOL:laugh:
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]She can't go Super Saiya-jin cause she doesn't have enough power and she is a she... granted it could have happened, but in all the DB Universe, no female Saiya-jin ever went SS-J [/B][/QUOTE] Except me right Transtic...hehehehehe:laugh:
  16. If it's a movie I REALLY wanna see...I'll go to the movies But lately they are so expensive, and I like to stay home with the Fama-lama and relax:babble:
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B] I dont know, i haven't seen her on recently. Probably taking care of her kid, the old fart [/B][/QUOTE] Don't play a player, baby...LMAOO.....OL'FART IS BACK.....
  18. First of all, there ain't no fight if there ain't no competition......and I don't even feel threatened......When I look in the mirror...GOD knew what he did.....OOOOoooooooo.....I'm from THe PJ's ya'll....:flaming: :flaming: I'm joking I LOVE you knuckleheads....anyways......BRING IT!!!!!!:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: LM, Love you MA!!!!!hehehehehe...shall we play....:devil:
  19. My hubby is jealous of Vegeta and he has every reason to be....I made an airbrush on a tanktop of me and Vegeta up on a wall ...kinda...:devil: :devil: anyways it's all good.... it's fun....and as long as you DO OTHER THINGS..........Mind Your Neck(Business)......CAN I get an AMEN!!!!:angel: :babble: :babble:
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Subzeroice [/i] [B]Who has the strength to nail Lady M, not me, she is too much for me to handle. Perhaps Lady SJ. They're the best ladies in this board. [/B][/QUOTE] :blush: :blush: :blush: [COLOR=crimson][FONT=courier new]AWWWWWWWWWWW...Dang...why you had to go there...LOL[/FONT] [/COLOR] :blush: :blush: :blush: NOBODY up in here nailing me....you got to get by my Toby-Chan and he jealous...........LMAOOOO Ummm...but I still love ya'll....:love: :love:
  21. :love: [COLOR=red][FONT=courier new]VEGETA[/FONT] [/COLOR] :love:
  22. Doing Hapy Dance....lalalalalalala:smirk: :devil: :devil:
  23. Just wondering if anyone has seen the new Vampire Hunter D....And what did you think about it???:love:
  24. Goku did his thing when he instant tranmissioned ( is that a word...LOL) Cell off Earth...OHHH but poor King Kai, Bubbles and Gregory......:(
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