Lady Saiya-jin
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Everything posted by Lady Saiya-jin
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] heh, no problem, it's not that I don't like son gokou, it's just that he's so stupid sometimes its unbelievable, I could understand him being stupid in the original dragonball series, after all, he was just a kid, but to still be that stupid when he is as old as he is in dragonball z is slightly worrying.... [/B][/QUOTE] You're right I agree, I hate how he let's everyone go, "Oh sorry I know you killed my friend...but you can use your power for good"PULEEEEEEZZZZZZZ....Even when he's pissed he's nice..it just makes me love Vegeta more..LOL
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B]I have some running shoes from Reebok that're pretty comfy I'd like a pair of 10-in. pumps though:D [/B][/QUOTE] Girl, the Stiletto club is to the death ya know.....I had a pair of stilettos...my hubby loves em'..I hate em... they will murder your feet...I'm a boot person.....I have thigh highs...for those hoochie mama days.....LMAO and regular ones but I love my boots with my low-cut boot jeans....
I hate scubbing the bathtub and the toilet...even though they are not dirty...(I'm a neat freak)....The Clorox and Ajax get in my nose then I get a migraine and then I get mad...end of story....:flaming: :mad: :flaming: :mad: :flaming:
Nasty flavored jelly beans and fear factor!
Lady Saiya-jin replied to ArcticLynx's topic in General Discussion
Well in Puerto Rico we have something called a Blood Sausage, It's pig's intestines stuffed with rice and blood...you freeze em and fry em..they are actually delicious.....OMG..everyone is turning green..LOL:eek: -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Too late Lady, they lost .... to US! ::laughs evily:: 8 to 2.... final score..... [/B][/QUOTE] Ugh, how mean...LOL...oh well we still got the Yankees..hehehehe....I'm dying for another Subway Series....that was like party week here in NYC, But how I do long to see another 86' when the Mets kicked a$$...oh well:tasty: I thought the game was tomorrow..must watch more TV...LOL
Sorry Guys..Transtic, you know I love you man...but I gotta root for the guys from my home NYC......Da Boogie Down...for those not familiar with the term...it means the BRONX.......( a little slang lesson..hehehehehe)......Go Baby Bombers!!!!!!!!!!! Woo-Hoo!!!
when does everyone go back to school?
Lady Saiya-jin replied to ArcticLynx's topic in General Discussion
Hey guys, I hope you all do good in school.....and take it easy....when you're done....It is such a rush to hold a degree....:babble: I'm scared for the simple fact I have not been to school in 2 years and i'm going up against people from Ivy League schools and stuff...."Oi Vey"!!!!!:eek: -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Exactly why I can't stand some Americans.... They think censoring crap will make us act civil and normal, but it does only the opposite.... yet they can't seem to realize this yet.... all you have to do is compare the US to Japan... Japan doesn't censor everything and they act 800 times more civil and respectful to everyone... but no, Americans and America in general are to stuck up in their stupid ideals to care, thus ruining everything.... and you wonder why i can't stand the US.... it may be "free"... which is BS in itself.... but the stupidity freedom brings along is horendous.... ugh.. it's sickening to watch George Bush talk.... it's sickining to realize morons actually voted for his stupid @ss.... thats the worst part.... well it essentially is democracy... stupid people vote for other stupid people... which goes again to proove my point, that only thing stupid people are good at is making themselves look more stupid.... And Mystic, i guess that cleared it up.... i still don't see how the word "pimpin" is, in anyway, associated with nice.... but whatever.... slang now-a-days just gets worse and worse.... "phat" ... "tight/tite"..... ugh it's so stupid to hear people talk like that.... esspecially internet talk.. thats the worst.... is it that hard to type out "you" instead of "u" or... any instead of ne?.... people are so fµcking lazy it's almost saddening.... [/B][/QUOTE] Whoa..Transtic got deep....you go..LOL....Slang is dumb and it's makes you sound dumb.....be unique and impress people with your own stuff...don't glorify crap is what I say...My bro tried pulling that slang crap on me and I smacked the hell out of him...and my mom did too...(ahhh the abuse..tough love)... Mind you I was in a gang (Latin Kings), did lots of weed, for what...did it get me anywhere...no...I was as "Thugged out" as they come...where are my friends now, in jail, strung out or dead......Talking like that won't get you no where and I'm just being real and not trying to make anyone feel crappy or low-life...We always complain about stereotypes and how we don't want to be labeled as such....if you are a minority believe me you got a lot of shi+ to deal with already, so I say impress people by showing them you're better than what they think you are... I went did good in school and graduated.....Yeah I had my son at 18, but I never went on welfare or nothing like that, I worked 2 jobs and kept a 4.0 at NYU....So just give respect to the ladies, some of us deserve it...:love:
when does everyone go back to school?
Lady Saiya-jin replied to ArcticLynx's topic in General Discussion
Dancing around....I still got one more month...Woo-hoo...hey wait I got to go to work Monday...nevermind..party over:smirk: Hey guys, my Lil' boy is starting Kindergarten on September 6th...awwwwwww:blush: -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Roxy89 [/i] [B]**** right!!! (I'm a nyc/pr gurl):smirk: ~:devil:~ [/B][/QUOTE] You know how we are Roxy, no crap from no one....LOL [QUOTE][I]originally posted by Will2X[/I] you know what your talkin bout. i wouldnt mind dating a portarican(bad speller) they most likely have a phat @$$ [/QUOTE] Sorry baby, we all don't look like J-Lo if that's what your saying, I've seen Ogres and I have seen Divas, flat , big, all sizes...LOL
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MysticGohan [/i] [B] Japan must have not gotten the "american" concept of "pimping" yet! I am not talking about the prostitutes and sluts man. I mean just like pimping a girl.. Hmm... how may i put this is simply.. Do you understand what "macin" means? Hmm.. I bet you don't.. eh.. ah well.. I have had girlfriends too..and treated them with the utmost respect.. never did i refer to them as my "hoes". And so on.... I refer to the word "pimpin" as that of sweet talking a girl.. listening to her needs and everything else... Sorry for the misconfusion about this whole cherade and everything. Hopefully I cleared up everything in my post here! [/B][/QUOTE] All I know is that if you say 'pimpin" in my neighborhood you'll get the only smackdown from your ol' lady, that's what guys call their girls around here..if it's long enough your "wifey", Whatever i always hated slang anyway...it makes a person sound ignorant....If a guy wants me he gotta have a "HFIL"(hehehe) of a wit and etiquette.....plus be a bad boy, with book and street smarts...But those days are gone...I'm a married lady...hehehe..I got my Baby........and a cutie he is...LOL
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sasami-san [/i] [B]WOO-HOO! Thanks a lot for sending those pictures, I always enjoy watching the ending credits because of the song and seeing the pictures, so now I can see the pictures whenever I want! This may sound stupid, but what do those pictures have to do with Outlaw star? Or does anyone know? I mean, I don't think that I've ever seen any of those girls in those pictures in any of the shows?? But I always wonder what those pictures have to do with the show.....if anyone knows, please inform me :) [/B][/QUOTE] From what I read at the OLS site, they are just paintings made by the man who created OLS and have nothing to do with the story...I'll find out the name for you if no one beats me to it..LOL
New Balance are great for running and not expensive either figuring they last a long time...I can't get cheap shoes.....My feet are bad enough as is from Baseball..I need something to contour my feet well, cuz if not I'm in pain all night.....I wear mostly heels though for work and they are Easy Spirit..they cost me like 100 bucks but I've had em for a year and they are so comfy....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]In order of strength at the end of dragonball z.... Son Gokou Vegita-sama Son Gohan Piccoro Son Goten/Trunks Kuruirin Tenshinhan Yamucha Chiaotzu there you go, that idiot Son Gokou is the strongest.... [/B][/QUOTE] Wow, Seph, you got vindiction against Gokou...LoL...Thanks hon, appreciate the feedback
Adidas..has a really good combat(Martial Arts) shoe....my son has a pair...they are a bit expensive.....For sneakers, I recommend Nike's and New Balance..they are comfortable and look good too..
Ahhh.... I had failed to mention my certification as a Patient Aide.....LOL...anyways what you could have is a case of Vertigo, that usually caused by some kind of inner ear infection....You should go to a doctor as soon as possible...and if you drive don't do it until you see a doctor.....I use to have fainting spells caused by drops in my blood pressure due to Anemia....But go to the Dr, honey ok...and I hope you feel better:love:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i] [B]if you ppl are looking for those pics that is shown at the end with da credits, i have em all. i could put them all in a zip file, but it was too big. if you want them, just post your email address and ill send it to you. [/B][/QUOTE] That's real sweet of you, I got mine off of OutlawStar.org....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Goku-SSJ4 [/i] [B]If you want accurate power level readings go on some DBZ sites, sorry I can't be more of a help but I want to know the answer to this question too. Hope you succeed. :) [/B][/QUOTE] Don't worry bout' it honey, believe me there are people on this board that know..they just have not waken up yet...LOL...WAKE UP!!!!!!hehehehehe......:sleep:
Anime Neko_cat gave me an idea, come an c!
Lady Saiya-jin replied to Goku-SSJ4's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gohan [/i] [B]I don't really lik Gokuu that much, probably because he was made to b the main character. I prefer myself. Hey, if anyone liks me, we could start a Gohan clan! Sweet, thatnx 4 the idea dude. [/B][/QUOTE] Aww, come on Dude that's your dad they are talking about....LOL Nope sorry Love, Veggie-Chan for me.....muahzz -
Hey guys, I apologize if this was a previous topic, but I didn't see it, so I figure I ask my DBZ experts out there....can you guys give me the accurate list of the Z-fighters.....in order of strength..... I'd appreciate it...Thank you:love:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by WarGreymon01 [/i] [B]I like both Vegeta and Gohan because of their major charater developments throughout DBZ. 1. You have Vegeta a self centered egomaniac who went insanly mad when he saw the one person who looked up to him and trusted him no matter what die and after that he started to treat Chibi Trunks better. 2. Gohan started as a cowardly crybaby. As he developed he showed Piccolo that there is more to life than fighting and vengence and became the most powerful warrior in the universe but still he was driven by emotions, the one thing that showed his hidden power to everyone, which allowed him to become stronger than a Super Saiyan. Its Yamucha if you want to spell it right [/B][/QUOTE] Thank you sweetheart..I realized my mistake like today.....ahhh more coffee...LOL
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJ2K1 4 Life [/i] [B]Gladiators ok, I guess. But RMD better! :D (No offense buuuut) wha can be better than 2 gangs fightin it out for a waterfront? I mean, (plz no [b]offense meant[/b]) chinese an blacks in an all-out war, with guns an kicks, an broken bone tricks. It made by the producers of Matrix. It got [b]Jet Li[/b] in it....enough ta make my eyes water.... *eyes water* *_* [/B][/QUOTE] Romeo Must Die..is a great movie..I agree...Have you seen any of Jet Li's Chinese movies..they are awesome..
******crawls in******Still recovering from Desert's party......too many crackers......Congrats Warlock, pick a nice avatar ...k:babble:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B] [SIZE=1]I still have yet to see both of those :( :( :([/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] They are both a must see..excellent films....Russell Crowe..Grrrr..LOL