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About Cerah
- Birthday 08/09/1991
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I'm a female...um....I think...
Feeding my Cats! Cats!! Cat!!! *whew* Just had to let that out....again....*shifts eyes*....tehe^_^
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Your always a cool character Nefertimon:D I can't beleive my sister joined, that really worries me!:worried: And yes your dinosaurs can have a different personality. Vicky where did you find that Spinojiptagus, or Spinosaurus, i've been looking for that pic...please. Umm...err...not to be rude or anything but how do you pronounce your name Taki Ebina?:bluesweat And I'm thinking on letting us speak the Dinosaurs Language if you want to. To let you see if its complicating or not I'll show it to you:(I got it off of Star Fox Adventures) B C D F G H J K L M N P Q R S T V W X Y Z R S T V W X Z B C M D F G H J K L N P O Q (Vowels) A E I O U U O A E I You see their is no Y and M is M their soposed to be that way.
Isn't that a...cat? Well I know its a really a Panther but this is what they can't defeat??? Oh I think I get the point its able to eat your face off:tasty: Oh yeah Vicky I've been trying to figure this out but are you a girl or a boy.:therock:
Okay you can pick your own dinosaur. But I just have to say YOUR PICTURE IS SCARY VICKY!!!:eek: I have to include: Put just a little more modesty please. Atleast a shirt or two Vicky it makes me feel uneasy:( If thats okay with you:D Whoops I forgot to right down my dinosaurs age and gender:whoops:
Man this sounds cool:devil: My,my I think i'll join if its okay...hehe:angel: Name: Standtall Age: 58(Thats still pertty young, they live up to 102 years old) Timeline: Medevil, but from a different planet also called: Cerinia Weapon: Staff with magic markings, and herself. Race: Struthiomimith(It's a dinosaur I hope that race is availible) Spells: Cypher Bloom, it comes out the small part of the staff makes a round blue electric light then shoots. Healing this she can do with a little triangle imprented in her hand. Bio/Personality: She can't help it people say dinosaurs don't exist anymore it makes her so mad she begins to twitch:twitch: And may after she can't take it any more she'll yell and:modrod: you. She can be slow at getting things also.:idea: Before...She lived her life as a tourist of her planets wonderful sites and has been dying for adventure.:angel: I hope I get in:excited:
Maybe these will do. -When you walk through the Grand Canyon contanly looking up for Arodactle. -When you paint every round object red, white, and black(:ball: ) -When you yell "LADYBA" whenever you see a ladybug. -When you nickname your ferret Furret. -When you nickname the racoon in your backyard Sentret. -When you go out in the desert and see a hyena and start saying, "Here little Mightyena, Mightyena, here little... While you friends are running away. I hope those are good:cool:
On the planet Nutana Forces of evil and good are fighting each other and the dinosaurs as our gardians are competeing for their friendship and their life. Zadawn the evil giganotosaurus had secretly made an army of humans, elfs, werewolves, ect. and dinosaurs. Zadawn then tricked the king Farcore(A human)by asking him out for a walk(It took a lot of convincing to lure the king out for that walk since Farcore new Zadawn was evil I bet) As soon as they were far away from the gaurds eyesite he ambushed Farcore and killed him. And now Zadawn has ambushed the castle and is now ruleing the land Zadawn has destoyed many villages, and has not stopped yet. Now with a odd clan of different races they fight for freedom!!! ~The End~ Rules ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Basics: Every human, elf, dwarf, werewolf, mages ect. ect. ect. Has their own dinosaur guardian or partner should I say. P.s. oh yeah you can't be a dinosaur. Big nonos: Can't be evil. You have to have a dinosaur partner. no cussing. No sucky little posts like: "Okay" Zander said. then cut. No "Hahaha Im punch proof you can't hurt me(gets punched)HARHARHAR that tickles"! None of that stuff okay be realistic please. Oh uh sorry forgot to right down who I was hehe. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ~This is me~ Name: Cabria Race: High Elf Hair: Long and blond Eyes: Amber Gender: Female Clothing: Vanilla baggy pants with werewolf hide vest. Items: Horn, food pack, water jugs, and sleeping material. Weapons: Sword, 2 little daggers, and a walking stick. Dinosaur: Apatosaur. A long neck. Dinosaurs Name: Cloudhead Dinosaurs Gender: Female Persanality: (With this I will see witch dinosaur you should have) Serious, Bossy at times, and a bit of a prankster, and loves to pick fights. and loves the treetops. And is a bit slow at getting things :therock: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- P.s.Thanks to those who told me this goes in recruitment!:)
Sign Up Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Cerah replied to Shikaku Kitoku's topic in Theater
Name: Katie Mifflin Age: 11 Sex: Female Eye: Brown Hair: Brown(And long) Wand: Unicorn Hair 12 inches mahogany House: Year: first Pet: Cat named Shelby Personality: She can be scared to not be modest, but loves to be in the woods by herself with only the animals, and bugs as her friends. She likes to pick fights, and fight. She hates to study and may doze off at anything that doesn't enterest her:sleep: If she see's a dead or an animal in a cage she'll cry:bawl: so her parents don't take her to the zoo anymore. She loves to do dareing stuff. And always seems to hear everything on the play ground to hear if anythings being told about her:grumble: :grumble: :shifty: Biography: For her being a mud-blood as Malfoy called it, haveing lived a normal muggle life. Besides the fact that everyone called me witch cause I could levitate blocks in the air with my eye's when I was sad...my parents just thought I was speical to be able to do that. She tried out for Gymnastics, and soccer. Then she got a letter... -
For me I'm scared of...Deep water. And sharks(Hint: Jaws) And SHOTS!!! except I don't faint. It's tense just watching the needle dissapear into your ARM!!! *faints, then recovers* I mean last time I felt like giveing the docter a black eye.:blackeye: