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Everything posted by Kyoober

  1. *is on the comp*This site is boring.*looks up.hh what is that.A pop up flashes in front of me.whah.Cliks.It says"get you digmon here. then i hear a voice, and says Voice:Its your destiney. Me huh.*clicks on pop up. * the screen flashes with a blinding light. And faint.I wake up And see some kind of monster and a digital man. the monster;Hello.Hi there. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alright what do i do now.introduce me into the story a bit.like say what jenia says and stuff.
  2. Name:Kyoober Age: 16 Personality: Queit yet talks alot kinda like the one guy from seoson four and is serious. Description: Looks like kogi but his clothes are all black and blue. Digivice Color: Black Crest: Strength within Partner: Calumon Digimon: Fresh:Unkown for now In-Training:Unkown for now. Rookie:I think it is calumon. Champion:Unkown for now Crest Ultimate:Unkown for now Warp Mega:Unkown for now
  3. Name: Whenua Element:Earth District: Onu-Metru Appearance: I dont know how to take the pic bit its the black one. Kanohi Mask/Power:Great Mask of Night Vision Tools/Ability: twin earth shock drills Biography: Toa Metru of earth and guardian of Onu-Metru, Whenua spends much of his time in the vast Archives beneath the city. When danger threatens, he relies on his twin earth shock drills and his Great Mask of Night Vision. Some say he spends too much time in the past, mainly Nuju, but he says he learns from his mistakes that way.
  4. ok buy im leaving hope you come and meat me in the digital world.
  5. *logs in to computer* Clyod:wow what is this place. *falls over somthing round* me:huh whats this?*picks up egg*whats this. veemon: its called a digiegg. Me:oh whats happening. egg haches*wow!!what my cell phone.its a device thing it just changed. veemon:i guess this digimon is yours. your a digi destend. me : a digi destend .geuss this means im stuck here well thanks i take this...thing and head off.bye.*goes away from the village..
  6. :ball: first you start off at your com puter and then your off get ready. name:cloyd Digimon:patamon attacks:Boom Bubble, Slamming Attack, Rapid Ear,Wing Attack, Head Butt/Slam, Rap Attack. digivoloustions:??????????????
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