The trouble with magic is that there's too much it just can't fix. When things go wrong, glimpsing junkyard faerie and crows that can turn into girls and back again doesn't help much. The useful magic's never at hand. The three wishes and the genies in bottles, seven-league boots, invisible cloaks and all. They stay in the stories, while out here in the wide world we have to muddle through as best we can on our own.
The realm of magic and that of the mortals has always possessed a fragile link; any drastic occurrences in one realm would have an equal effect on that of the other world and they exist as somewhat of a symbiotic relationship. They exist parallel to one another and this balance is kept by the Order of Magus, an ancient order of Magic Users who have the ability to move between the two realms. This bond would last until the end of time or until the death of the order. However, such an event may be sooner than any had hoped.
The two worlds have started to fuse, breaching the barriers that existed between the worlds and somehow draining the natural magic of the mortal realm. And with this breach comes something even more sinister, creatures known as Forgotten Beasts and Titans have begun to pass into our world and wreak havoc upon the unsuspecting mortals. The cause for the breaches has to be discovered before the two realms can fully merge as it is theorized that it could result in a massive backlash that could consume both worlds.
[i]Simpson Desert, South Australia 2016
It was unknown why the Order had sent Kyle here, an isolated desert in the middle of nowhere. He was more suited to places that were a bit more populated, as opposed to the empty desert. All the field study had concluded five years ago, not long after the first Forgotten Beast had breached the mortal world. A gigantic two headed dragon had headed straight for Adelaide and had razed it before the Order could intercept it. A million people were killed in its rampage before it was destroyed and it reminded the order that it had to be forever vigilant.
"The barrier may have been repaired but it's fragile" he muttered to himself as he remembered something that he had overhead back at the center of operations. The Archmagus had assigned mages to each of the breaches in an effort to buy some time while they continued researching the cause behind the breaches. Each of them was to guard and observe the breach and to report back if anything occurred.
"Are you still there magus?" a voice rumbled in his head, the familiar voice of his mentor Konrad. The old man had been the one to train him and to introduce him to the order although the old man had been quite tough on him
"Aye and there is absolutely nothing happening" Kyle grumbled to himself and the voice within his head. He had neither the temperament nor the patience to act as a guard, he was more of an enforcer than anything else but the order was growing quite stretched and he was more than competent enough to act in this role.
Konrad began to lecture Kyle about being patient and alert because the world could end if constant vigilance wasn't employed. He had heard this a thousand times before and knew how to seem like he was listening. After all, the link connecting them wasn't mental so there was no chance of Konrad hearing his surface thoughts. Time began to pass and a storm began to rise; Kyle began making his preparations to depart when he noticed a shimmering at the edge of his line of sight. He knew this all to well, the shimmering meant that something was passing between realms or that the barrier was being breached.
"Konrad, I'm heading back home" Kyle yelled as he activated a rune stone that would transport him home "things are about to go to hell in a handbasket."[/i]
Character Creation
Keep in mind that this is a story set in the real world, just that there is magic in it. Think of it like the Harry Potter novels, magic is kept hidden so that the populace don't find out about it. You can throw around magic but a gunshot to the chest is still as deadly as ever. Also, magic is not infallible. One cannot just click their fingers and make a problem simply cease to exist. It would probably be based upon Equivalent Exchange or that "Magic is consistent. Magic is functional. Magic is not free."
This should keep any story breaking powers from occurring and should result in some form of drama although I will not reveal what this could be.
Name: (Something relatively normal. This is still a real world story, just with a heavy magic influence on it)
Age: (Something reasonable. I'd accept 15 at a minimum if your character was either a prodigy or an apprentice)
Background: Go wild with this. This world has magic but the general populace have no idea of its existence so your character could have anything (not including anything science fiction or sword and sorcery based) as their background.
Abilities & Equipment:
Character Snippet: (Not essential but it gives a good idea of the character.
I'll have something up later today.