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Everything posted by PWNED

  1. Oh well; I'm the middle child of 3 and have two sisters, two Teenage sisters that make it their buisness to give me grief. My younger sister who is now 14 used to pick fights with me all the time back when she was younger and dare me to hit her. If I put her in one bearhug she would go crying to our Mum. She now procedes to sign annoying themes all the time and get over emotional when she is proven wrong. My older sister is better, somewhat. We get along for most of the time but she is abit clumsy and is responsible for the majority of anything getting damaged or lost. She then proceeds to try and tell me that it itsn't her fault. e.g- I had my PS2 in my bag with a copy of Legend of Drunken Master on Cideo on top of it. She hooks my PS2 up to my Dads TV and I leave her alone for a couple of hours and she proceeds to lose Legend of Drunken Master. She still continues to proclaim her innocence a month after we found it. She is also pretty terrible with Technology, She needs help with pracically anything although it isn't nessecarily her fault.
  2. (Some people might have seen this before. It's an old one I did which I quite liked but didn't get off the ground.) [I]Hill overlooking Village of Shun Clan, Japan. Day 1 of Siege [/I][SIZE=1] The Warlord surveyed the beseiged villiage from atop a high Hilltop to the north and laughed as he watched his forces move to cut off all passes into the valley which the villiage was located. He had always hated the Clan Chieftian so when the man fell out of favour with the Emperor he jumped at the chance to eliminate this pest. This was the third leader which he had attacked the hometown of and each victory only added to his private militia and his territory. He spun around angrily as one of his Generals approached his viewing point to report that the passes were blocked and there was no chance of any of the scum escaping. The Warlord waved this off and ordered the troops to hold positions, A Starved man cannot fight as well as a Healthy man so they would wait until there would be signs of scuffling inside, then they would attack.[/SIZE] [I]Village of Shun Clan, Japan. Day 2 of Siege[/I] [SIZE=1] As Lady Shun Kenai walked down one of the major streets of the Villiage, She could already sense some unease between her kin and other villiagers. The siege was nearing the peak of the second day of the siege and she was already fearful of her clans survival. "Milady" A voice said behind her which drew her attention away from her people. "Yes Hui?" She asked, wanting something to think about other than her people. "Your Brother has sent for you, He requires assistance devising a way out of this predicerment." 'That is what he would ask,' Kenai thought to herself,' I am the most accomplished Strategiest in the villiage after all.' As the servant guided her away, she never saw the fistfight breaking out in a stall down the street, and never noticed the people pouring into the fight. Half an Hour Later in the Villiage centre; Kenaistood alongside her two brothers and her father standing over a table covered with a map of the region. They could define no easy escape from the villiage which wouldn't result in a fight and considering their foes superiour numbers then that wouldn't work too well. But before they could come up with a strategy, they were called away to stop the brawl that had erupted[/SIZE] earlier. [I] Midnight, Village of Shun Clan, Japan. Day 3 of Siege[/I] [SIZE=1]Under cover of Darkness The attack begun; At first there was no signs of assault until the first catapult shots struck the Fortifications. This assault continued until the morning where there were large breachs in the walls, At a command from the Warlord, the army charged. The soldiers went through the breachs and started their slaughter, Torching buildings and killing the inhabitants. A litlle way off the bells sounded but it was too late, No one could prepare for battle and no one had a prayer. Back in the home of the Villiage head, Lady Kenai was making preperations but she knew that she couldn't fight and knowing that their enemy wanted the Villiage Head alive she knew that they wouldn't torch her home. Instead she chose to hide, shifting a few wooden planks on the ceiling and crawled through into the space between the roof and the ceiling of her room. Her Sword hung loosely at her side and even though she couldn't weild it well she wouldn't leave it. As she crawled between another narrow space to the roof she could finally see who it was that was responsible for the attack. The Warlord Don Zhu, The highest ranking man in the surrounding regions and The Emperors personally Lap Dog. Although she couldn't hear what was being said between Zhu and her father she could guess that it was about her father being accused of treason. Her father didn't get time to blink however as Zhu beheaded him with one slash of his sword. Shun knew to keep quiet, No matter how sick she wanted to be she couldn't die until Zhu was dead.[/SIZE] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [SIZE=1]This is the same story around the country, Don Zhu whispers lies of Treason to the Emperor and the emperor commands Zhu to eliminate these foes. Dozens of Clans have been destroyed... no one has the numbers to beat this for on their own. The main characters of the RPG are those that are victims of Zhus evil or those that fight against the emperor already. Don Zhu must be stopped before he becomes too powerful for anyone to stop and can seize the reins of a nation.[/SIZE] Thats the backstory of the RPG and now to the rules. The RPG is set in fuedal Japan so try and have your character act like its from that period, No Magical Powers, No Modern weapons and No God-Modding. Guns are limited to Single Shot Flinters so don't get sneaky. ~~~~~~~~~~Character Generation~~~~~~~~ Name: Please, try and keep it Eastern. Age: 14 + Gender: Do I have to explain this? Character Class: Keep this as open as you want but keep in mind of the setting. Weapon(s): Up to two, Keep it in mind with the setting. Personality: What your character is like in battle and outside of battle. Appearence: Picture or [U]Detailed[/U] Written Desctiption. See the emphasis of Detailed. Biography: How your character got caught up in all of this and there lives up to this point.
  3. Yeah, I'm familiar with the show; It was (or is) shown on Toasted TV and Cartoon Network in Australia but I'm not sure if it garnerd much interest here. I caught a bit of it and enjoyed it although it is another hackjob of a dub from what I've seen of the original (My Italian being not as good as it was two years ago). It's alright but it could be a lot better, I guess. Of course, I'm also familiar with your enjoyment of the show (This being the second or third thread from you concerning it)
  4. Diary Entry 2: June 30th, 2006 [SIZE=1] [I]'Enjoy your time in New York.' That's what I was told when I got here last month, and it's far from what I've done. My Apartment sucks, My jobs crap and I still get lost on my way to the supermarket , or as they call them on this side of the Pacific "General Stores" Big difference here and in Melbourne, the only similarities are that they're both cities and there's a high chance of getting shot or stabbed I was mugged again today; no suprise really. It's summer here so more people are out and about so it makes sense. College is enjoyable though, the only thing that made coming out here worthwhile. It might finally be able to start that band I'm always writing about. With my mad skills at shredding the guitar I could take over the music of the city. I didn't come from effing Woop-Woop to sit around, I came from Woop-Woop to be the 'King of Awesome' as I often put it. Pretty damn late right now, so I'll just make this quick. I've been a lot of better places although Sydney barely beats New York.[/I][/SIZE] Wayde Hahn looked up from his diary and stared blankly out his window into the New York night,various yells of rage were audible in the late night fog. He bet that one of the yellers was old-Tony, the Homeless person that lived on the steps of hte apartment building. The self-proclaimed 'King of Awesome' could never sleep well while staying in a city and he didn't know enough people to feel safe while going out. As he turned away from the window, his gaze lingered on his guitar for a moment before he got up and prepared to go to sleep. "I have the skills" He whispered to himself "Now I just need an outlet for them." as he fell down onto the matress and fell asleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: This RP is telling the story of an Australian Musician that has come to New York both for study and to make it big as a peformer. It's all about his struggle to do well in school and get famous. It's intended as a bit of a humourus rpg and might contain romantic elements to it. Edit: Characters in this RPG can fall under any role; From fellow student, to everyday passerbyer to even a drug-crazed Mugger. The only limit for this is your own imagination. Sign Ups- Can be done in Snippet form or standard form. Name: Age: Occupation: Gender: Appearance: Basic Background: Personality: That's all, It's different to what I usually do so feel free to criticise it if I stuffed stuff up. Additional Edit: I apologise Blayze, My computer doesn't even have Word on it (It's ancient) so I don't have access to a Spell check program. My keyboard is also somewhat unresponsive, I could get a better version up tomorrow from my mums house so just bare with me.
  5. Name: Joe Game: Viewtiful Joe Appearance: [IMG]http://www.dignews.com/admin/screenshoot/viewtiful_joe_vfx_art_05.jpg[/IMG] Standard Carried Item: Bob-omb Smashes: Red Hot One Hundred: A series of rapid fire punches that may send the opponent flying horizontally after just three blows. Voomerang (Fowards): Joe pulls the emblem off of his head and throws it like a boomerang. The move can be charged to deal more damage and to go further but Joe is quite helpless after throwing it since he cannot move. Viewtiful Vortex (Up) :A raging fire lead by a massive dragon head engulfs Joe as he rises upwards, sending any enemies into the sky. Red Hot Kick (Down): A sliding (or aerial) fiery kick. It engulfs Joe in an inferno as he slides (Or Dives) to attack. OOC: This is pretty wicked idea Talon, I just hope it gets off the ground.
  6. Well, Well, Well. I knoiw that I always joke about having f'ng Ninja skills when I play video games but overall I'm a bit of a clutz, so I would have to be a pirate. It's the Puffy shirts and Leather Leggings that sold it for me but I'd also just love to nick everything not nailed down (And then nick everything that is).
  7. Yep; Australia drew with Croatia the other day, putting us through to the next round. But I've got to say this, the standard of refereeing has been pretty dodgy in the matches that I''ve watched. I am also somewhat pessimistic about our chances getting through to the end, We got lucky against Croatia and are going to play against Italy, who are a top notch team. We have some good players but little else.
  8. Voices accompanied Axel as he was lowered down the deep shaft into the ruins of Home but he was nervous. Even if he had done this dozens of times during the past five years, There were still things that had not been found and had lain dormant for years. "Ryja oui vuiht yhodrehk? [Have you found anything?]" One of his partners yelled down the pit which prompted Axel to yell about not even being at the bottom yet. After what felt like ages, the rope reached the bottom and Axel hopped off. A group had recently excavated an ancient Machina weapon that seemed to be in good shape and pretty nasty. He found it quickly and easily hooked up the rope to it but as he was adding the final ties he noticed an oddity against a surface near it. He shifted it slight and a bluish orb fell out. He inspected it carefully and muttered to himself " Ed'c y sasuno cbrana [It's a memory sphere]" making a general assumption at the identity of the orb. He pocketed the orb before fully preparing. He ran to the base of the pit and shouted out "Cdynd ed ib [Start it up]" While on his way up while holding onto the Machina, Axel began to think about his find..... There was something odd about the Machina they had excavated and it seemed to emenate power while off. He dismissed it as superstitious crap and began to think of how everyone would think of the find before his thoughts accidentaly strayed on Rikku and what she would think. He'd known her for only Sin knew and could guess what she thought, he blushed at this and also dismissed it, wanting to look normal by the time he got back to the surface. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Introductory post for my character, It contains things that will be useful later on.
  9. My favourite Mystical creature is God. Only kidding, although Personally my favourite Mystical creature are Dwarves or to be specific, The cliche hairy Scottish ones, I think it might be a personal attack on the Scots with their portrayl though.
  10. [SIZE=1]Name: Axel Level= 1 Weapon: Storm, A Flintlock invented by himself. It fires balls of iron at high velocties and has been improved to be able to fire more balls quicker. He also carries another Flintlock nicknamed Thrash but it is experimental so he avoids using it. [URL=http://www.cr.nps.gov/museum/exhibits/revwar/image_gal/vafoimg/web_exhibit/VAFO5281_2dragoonpistols_exb.jpg]For both, Click here[/URL] Ability: Axel uses a combination of his gun, explosives and Machina when using abilites to attack. Level 1: Sharpshoot- Axel aims carefully and fires, having more chance of getting a fatal hit. Level 10: Scorched Earth- Axel throws a flame explosive. Level 20: Desperado- Axel leaps into the air and begins firing shots wildly. Level 30: Assault ? Axel throws a small Machina which then attacks the opponent(s). Level 40: Havoc- Axel fires a volley of explosive shots. Level 50: Cave In! - Axel hurls one of his many handmade explosives onto the ground and causes a massive split in the ground. Level 60: Mortar- Axel sets up a trio of small Machina that run at the enemies and explode. Level 70: Flare- Axel hurls a massivly upgraded Flame Explosive. Level 80: Al Bhed Storm- Axel throws about a dozen or so Grenades of various elements at the enemies. Level 90: Fire at Will- Axel summons a giant Machina and orders it to fire at will. Overdrive: Blitzkrieg- Axel draws a second guns and fires rapidly at the enemies. He then throws a pair of Flame Explosives to finish.[/SIZE]
  11. Ah yes; The easiest way for the people to get real violence. It's a shame however that UFC hasn't been shown in Australia for at least 3-4 years. My personal favourite, as he has been for years, was/ is Ken Shamrock. I loved watching him because whenever I watched him brawl it reminded me of his Sports Entertainment career.
  12. [QUOTE=Hunter DX][COLOR=DarkGreen]Snake stared in Twin Snakes for the GC.[/COLOR] [/QUOTE] What I mean is that Metal Gear Solid has not had a Nintendo exclusive for quite a while (PS2 got both Twin Snakes and Substance) and he isn't a Nintendo owned character. That is why I was suprised by his inclusion.
  13. [QUOTE=White][color=#555555][FONT=Tahoma]I think Nintendo has a nack for going from 16-bit to... whatever they are now [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I refer to their current bit level as a hell of a lot. I for one was amazed at the level of detail on some characters and was actually suprised that they included Snake who has never had a Nintendo exclusive game (Maybe the original Metal Gear series{Not entirely sure of their console} and the 2D game on Game Boy Color but that one sucked) It would make more sense if they included someone like Diddy Kong since the rights to the Kongs were bought by Nintendo. Does anyone else think that since Link is going with the look in his upcoming gane, DO you think that Young Link might actually get the 'Cel-da' look?
  14. [QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1] Personally I think if Marvel is interested in changing the line up, they might be better off to focus the next movie on the younger X-Men seen in Last Stand, characters like Shadowcat, Angel, Rogue, Colossus and Iceman, that way you keep the continuity but cut costs by hiring younger actors. At least that seems the most logical step to me.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] That seems likely to me as Kitty was mentioned in the first two and had a minor role in 3. I can see the Director actually aiming for something similar to the New Mutants or Generation neXt with it. If they keep the movie away from established characters then it could leave a lot of room for development. I don't see a movie that doesn't have Wolverine in it doing as well as one with him. Might be on account of his General awesomeness.
  15. I would maybe meet some one like Baron Samedi if he didn't live over in Western Australia. Being from Victoria, such distances are above me. I am however interested in meeting James who also lives in Melbourne (Australia also) but I don't even know what he does or how old he is. I am very scared of those crazy Pedophiles.
  16. I think that might be this one 'Do you like Mexican Food? Can I put some beef in your Taco? (Thank you Nutty Professor) But there is a terrible one that I know of "The word is legs. Let's go back to my place and spread the word" If you ever use that one then you should be shot many times
  17. Can you imagine how he'd fight? He'd moonwalk all over your butt.
  18. Well I read your 'Sign-Up thread' and afterwards I was thinking WTF. You didn't contain anything concerning sign-ups, a foe (besides Michael Jackson) or even standard Grammar. Unless it was all planned I would suggest redoing the thread in the Adventure Inn.
  19. [QUOTE=Retribution] In any event, you read my mind. How exactly did seven cows fit into a Dodge Neon? Even calves would be difficult, as a Neon is extremely small.[/size][/QUOTE] You're quite correct, A Dodge Neon is a puny car and can bearly fit in like 3 average Adult Males let alone several calves. I've got to say this; His boot/trunk must have been massive
  20. Yah; It's most likely a concussion caused by Head Trauma caused by smashing her head really hard into something e.g- Windshield. When you have a concussion you don't know anything at all that happens and are likely to do or say things that you'd never do. Retribution explained it well enough. Still, I don't want to know how I'd react if I heard that my kid died before hearing weeks later that she really survived and her friend died. The other way around is pretty much overjoyed at first then uber broken-up later.
  21. Name: Axel Tribe: Al Bhed Age: 22 Birthplace: Home, Bikanel Island Appearance: [URL=http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/b/beechum01.jpg]Here[/URL] Axel is a lot older looking nthen what he is and not even he is sure what is the reason behind that. Personality: Axel is quite the opposite of his long-time friend Rikku; He is cool and collected while also having a mean streak a mile long. He is incredibly smart which he acknowledges often and has developed quite an ego over the past 10 years. It has diminished since he first began to develop although it doesn't say much. He is also an expert when it comes to scams and often exploits Rikkus gulliblity although it is all in good fun. Story: Axel is a long time friend of Rikku, son of a good friend of Cid, He was tutored by Cid in the crafting and working of Machina and was soon to surpass Cid in his crafting when Home was attacked and razed by the Guado. He boarded the airship and spent a lot of time observing the Engines and how they worked, observing how they were powered and helping with maintance when needed. After the Spiral of Death ceased, he began assisting with the reconstruction of Home and when Rikku came back after her second adventure with lady Yuna he was overjoyed, eventually shifting back to his old personality. After three years of sodding hard work; Rikku told Axel of Cids plan and without even waiting for an answer from him, dragged (Conscripted if you will) Axel with her on this new journey. Weapon: Storm, A Flintlock invented by himself. It fires balls of iron at high velocties and has been improved to be able to fire more balls quicker. He also carries another Flintlock nicknamed Thrash but it is experimental so he avoids using it. [URL=http://www.cr.nps.gov/museum/exhibits/revwar/image_gal/vafoimg/web_exhibit/VAFO5281_2dragoonpistols_exb.jpg]For both, Click here[/URL] Ability: Axel uses a combination of his gun, explosives and Machina when using abilites to attack. Level 1: Sharpshoot- Axel aims carefully and fires, having more chance of getting a fatal hit. Level 10: Scorched Earth- Axel throws a flame explosive. Level 20: Desperado- Axel leaps into the air and begins firing shots wildly. Level 30: Assault ? Axel throws a small Machina which then attacks the opponent(s). Level 40: Havoc- Axel fires a volley of explosive shots. Level 50: Cave In! - Axel hurls one of his many handmade explosives onto the ground and causes a massive split in the ground. Level 60: Mortar- Axel sets up a trio of small Machina that run at the enemies and explode. Level 70: Flare- Axel hurls a massivly upgraded Flame Explosive. Level 80: Al Bhed Storm- Axel throws about a dozen or so Grenades of various elements at the enemies. Level 90: Fire at Will- Axel summons a giant Machina and orders it to fire at will. Overdrive: Blitzkrieg- Axel draws a second guns and fires rapidly at the enemies. He then throws a pair of Flame Explosives to finish.
  22. [QUOTE=Cygnus X-1][COLOR=Sienna]Oh, I just remembered one particular story. Ok, let me get something across to you people. Me and my computer are TIGHT. If my computer was a woman, I would make sweet, sweet love to it with Barry White music and wine and a kinky butler and everything, on one of those heart-shaped beds.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I'd just love to be a guest at your house; I would really pay to see someone attempt that. And what I do? I read; I admit I'm a bit of a nerd with books and comics so I catch up on whatever I've hired out from the Library.
  23. [QUOTE=Cygnus X-1][COLOR=Sienna]I'd also like to add Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd is one of the greatest songs ever. From the incredible vocals to awesome triple-guitar solo to the meaning of the song, it, quite simply, RIPS. [B] Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd If I leave here tomorrow Would you still remember me? For I must be travelling on, now, There's too many places I haven't seen And if I stayed here with you, now Things just wouldn't be the same Well I'm as free as a bird now, And a bird you can not change. And a bird you can not change. And a bird you can not change. Lord knows I can't change Bye, bye, its been a sweet love. And though this feeling I can't change. Please don't take it badly, The Lord knows I'm to blame. And, if I stayed here with you now Things just wouldn't be the same. For I'm as free as a bird now, And this bird you'll never change. And the bird you can not change. And the bird you can not change. Lord knows, I can't change. Lord help me, I can't change.[/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE] You are so right man; Free Bird is currently my favourite song mostly because of everything you had mentioned. The even more awesome thing is that the Triple-Guitar solo goes for 5 minutes!!!! Mmm-hmmm; THat's my crazy moment of the day gone. The only set back for the song is that it clocks in as just about 10:04. That includes the 5 min solo which means its a bugger for memory (takes up 9,584 kb) so I don't really see myself putting it on my MP3 player.
  24. PWNED


    [QUOTE=Grace][SIZE=1] And my grandmother was part of them I guess. She thought that because we were Chinese, that we ruled the whole Eastern Asia continent. Which is kind of ironic because Chinese people can be found on any Eastern Asian country..[/SIZE][/QUOTE] I do believe that includes Australia also. In all honestly, I detest Racism in all of it's forms of foulness. If some people remember the Cronulla Race Riots of 2005 (If I remember correctly the French media did a lot of insight on it alongside thier own ones ([URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2005_Cronulla_race_riots]If you don't then click here[/URL] )) On that day I felt disgusted to be an Australian and was actually afraid to go out anywhere. I'm not Muslim or of Middle Eastern descent (They were the targeted people during the riots) but there are a large percentage of them in Hoppers Crossing and I felt that there was a possibility that more would erupt. And also in response to your earlier question at the start of the thread; No, Racism will never stop. It may become more subtle than usual but it'll never go away.
  25. I have a personal favourite one 'If not found out then a Lie becomes the Truth' which I heard from Suikoden 2 and was said by Captian Rowd. It's such at true saying even though I don't personally live by it. I thought it's so true as when lied to enough and not discovering it's a lie then we consider it the truth. I do however believe in this quote, by someone whose name escapes me "Even at his most powerless, Man's existence is never without meaning." If you cannot understand this then you should smack yourself around the head.
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