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Everything posted by PWNED
I think that might be associated that you were hunted by Nemesis in 3. He popped up when you least wanted after you first encountered him. Once he jumped through the window in the Police Station at me started to run after me. If that isn't actiony then I don't know what is.
I'm not familiar with this, have you tried searching Google using paramaters like Anime Character Generation?
Years ago, The Adversary returned to wage war in his own little game against the goddess of the Solar System and her champions, those that she had selected being a special group of mutants known as the X-Men. The X-men, along with the mutant known as Forge fought and drove away the Adversary using ancient Magic?s and their own special abilities but when confronting the rift that the Adversary had created to shift his demonic hordes between planes, discovered that nine had to die in order for the rift to be closed. The 8 X-Men and Madelyne Pryor (who had accompanied them) allowed themselves to be consumed by the rift and killed, while Forge weaved ancient Indian magic and sealed the gate before being sent back to earth by the goddess Roma who proceeded to Reincarnate the X-Men in their previous forms. But there was a shortcoming, The rest of the world believed the X-Men to be dead and thus could not know about the survival of the X-Men. Magneto, having heard of the deaths of the X-Men, began recruiting young mutants to reform the X-Men and have another force defend Earth when need be. He'll have to be quick in their reformation because there is one slight problem.... The Adversary wasn?t defeated as some would believe and he's not very nice at all. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In case No one is familiar with this, This RP is taking place after the events of the Fall of the Mutants saga in the X-Men saga (Going to keep as far away from X-Factor and New Mutants until I?ve read all of them) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character Name: Age: Gender: Powers: (One, maybe two. But nothing extreme) Appearance: (Picture or a Nice written description) Equipment: (Equipment that your character carries around to compliment powers) Biography: (Information regarding you getting found and your background) Additional Info: (Any other information that you feel like you need to include)
[quote name='Avenged666fold']Who was being hateful? What did I miss? Well w/e Imo oppinoin Re4 is one of the best games of all time it was fun,had cool graphics,and had my favorite Re character Mr.Kennedy. I can't wait until Re5. Hopefully they will keep the working camera. All they need to do is STOP ASKING ME IF I WANT THE FRIGGIN BULLETS.[/quote] Well dude, No need to try and get you REALLY angry but Resident Evil 4 was not in the least bit Frightening. Now don't get me wrong, I loved the first 3 and still play no. 2 on my PC but at no point in 4 were there moments that had me dreading what was hidden around the corner/ The static camera added to the atmosphere as you never knew what was coming. And as what Ziggy has been saying, There is really no explanation to the reason that the Villiagers should have ammo for guns that they would never know about or would have used before. If They had ammo then they should of used them with the guns.
Quite a good idea, as expected from you Gavin. I could really see an idea such as this working as it would cause others to up their game to get one of said user titles. I don't think I can say much else about this, It's a really good idea.
It would actually be kind of fun having those titles back, When v6 ended, I had barely begun my member phase and was prepared to slaughter millions for not being able to get to the somewhat coveted Extreme Otaku title. It was such a shame that it happened. However, as another dude said. Tons of people will spam to get away from the Dreaded 'New Member' phase. [spoiler]And, whoohoo; I have the 152nd highest amounts of posts on the boards.[/spoiler]
Well, personally the whole Feral Child buisness gives rise to the Nature vs Nurture argument. I'm not absolutely sure since i'm only in year 11 Psych but Speech is a function that we must learn when we are young, otherwise we may never master it for years to come. The thing is, I have no idea whether acting like an animal is within our nature or if we have to be taught it also. Quite an interesting conversation piece though, wouldn't you say.
Ok, In Psychology recently I have been learning about early childhood development and one of the things that I'm currently looking at is Feral Children. They're children that have lived on their own for many years after being going missing/ being abandoned as a child. For more info just click [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feral_children]here[/URL] Personally I find it a really interesting topic to cover and I started this topic to ask about your thoughts and opinions on Feral Children.
I've noticed the declining standard of Posts here also, Back in 2003 the threads that Doukeshi listed would more likely than not be closed as, quite honestly, they are spam. I don't understand that threads like those still exist. However. as The Boss said. Threads with relativly short replys are common in the Play It forum as it is less required for drawn-out and indepth posts.
[QUOTE=John] [quote name=' Prick Wizard']Dinosaurs are nice and I think that to have a zoo would be nice for everyone. I don't see why there can't be one.[/quote] Then go back and actually read my post, lol. I listed far more reasons than necessary why it won't happen for a long, long, long time.[/QUOTE] Hug me please,John. [QUOTE= Prick Wizard] Dinosaurs are nice and I think that to have a zoo would be nice for everyone. I don't see why there can't be one. Perhaps somewhere in this universe. [/QUOTE] Prick Wizard mi laddo; you really need to lighten up and think straight. I think that James summed it up quite precisly earlier in saying that the DNA strands would be incorrect. It would be near impossible to extarct enough DNA from a fossilised specimen to ressurect a dead species and even moreso considering how long ago they died out. There is the tiniest possiblity that by splicing an Ostrich (Or something similar) with something like a Monitor Lizard than you may ,on a rare occassion, get an aftermath of what would be like a deformed Raptor. And even that scenario is near impossible with our sciene. And onto the subject of Human Zoos; The British Empire actually set some up in the mid 19th century where they would take subjects from far off lands and study them while letting the public view them.
Hooh-Hah! PWNED mad skills go! Ziggy Stardust is now a lvl 36 dragon slayer. Unknown to you, There is sitll no such thing as dragons except for Komodo Dragons that you campaign to exterminate. The first one you meet tears off your sword arm and tears off the other for good measure. I wish that I was the leader of Strongbadia.
[SIZE=1][I]'No, No, Make them stop, Make the voices stop' her voice pleaded in the darkness as thousands of faces surrounded Jade and whispered almost silently. Another voice slowly grew louder, shouting out 'Miss Daniels'[/I] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'Wake up Miss Daniels' shouted her Teacher as the rest of the class snickered loudly at their classmates embarrasment. She sat up quickly back in her seat and muttered quietly 'Excuse me Sir, I'm sorry for losing track' Jade could already feel her powers coming into effect again as she heard the teacher silently think [I]Losing track, you say? If i wasn't so nice then you'd be in the office right now [/I] She quickly looked away as her face burnt, she still had no control over her power and would randomly hear voices. Often she would hear offensive ones, other times quiet ones. As she looked away, she heard another voice think [I]She's a total dumbass; going to sleep then acting all embarrassed by it?[/I] Jade decided to have a quick look around, she had came from Homeroom straight away and was the first in class so she obviously didn't see anyone that she recognised. A kid that looked like a clown caught her eye and motioned for her to keep on looking. She told herself that they looked too normal and that none of them could have thought that. She settled back into her chair and made herself comfortable and streched. Midway through her stretch she began to hear the voices again and began to massage her temples. She raised her hand and asked the teacher if she could be excused. He gave her the go ahead and she forced herself to her feet, still craddling her head between her temples. As she staggered out the door, everyone could hear her saying to herself"The voices, Make the voices stop, Please" and once out of sight from the class fell to her knees and cried quietly to herself. [/SIZE] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Sorry if the quailty isn't the best, The keyboard that I'm using is pretty shoddy.
Basic schedule 1. Homeroom 2. English 3. Psychology 4. Meditation 5. History 6. Math 7. Tae Kwon Dao Name: Jade Daniels Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: [IMG]http://gallery.anipike.com/data/500/Minako_-_Artistica.jpg[/IMG] Her hair is dyed-Green and she wears a black and red t-shirt with grey jeans and boots. Personality: Jade is a relativly friendly and polite woman with just a few differences, One of these differences is that she is a spot crazy, the second is that many believe that she is a Schitzo although her hearing voices is on account of lack of training with her powers. Bio: Jade Daniels was born in an upper class family in New York city and lived the high life for her first decade of life. However, after she turned 12 she began to claim that she began to hear voices. Unknown to nearly everyone, her mutant powers had begun to mainfest at a very young age and the voices were caused by them. She underwent Psychological treatment and was able to block out the voices through medication but ran away from home when her parents died in an accident when she was 15. After a year on the run from authroities that wanted to place her in a mental hospital, she was found by people from Serenity View and was transported thare. Power: Jade is a Telepath, able to use her mental powers to change things around her and as such can read minds and lift things with her mind. However, because of her lack of formal training she is known to lose control of her powers. A notable thing is that she can read minds from up to 5 miles away which is a fact that she could become one of the most powerful mutants ever.
Hooh-Hah! PWNED mad skills go. YOur Nail Polish doesn't sparkle as much anymore. however, in doing so you accidently made it stop using acid. Can you guess what happens next? I wish that I was Strong Bads stunt double in Dangeresque One: Dangeresque Too?
You unbolt ye FLASK and hold it aloft. A great shaking begins. The dungeon ceiling collapses down on you, crushing you in twain. Apparently, this was a load-bearing FLASK. I wish Trogdor the BurniNator existed.
Ok then, I've decided to ressurect an RPG that I created around 7 months that I found to be one of my best but no one really paid attention to it because there were a few big RPGs on the boards at the time. So first of all I'll post it here to get general feedback to it. [I]Hill overlooking Village of Kenai Clan, Japan. Day 1 of Siege The Warlord surveyed the beseiged villiage from atop a high Hilltop to the north and laughed as he watched his forces move to cut off all passes into the valley which the villiage was located. He had always hated the Clan Chieftian so when the man fell out of favour with the Emperor he jumped at the chance to eliminate this pest. This was the third leader which he had attacked the hometown of and each victory only added to his private militia and his territory. He spun around angrily as one of his Generals approached his viewing point to report that the passes were blocked and there was no chance of any of the scum escaping. The Warlord waved this off and ordered the troops to hold positions, A Starved man cannot fight as well as a Healthy man so they would wait until there would be signs of scuffling inside, then they would attack. Village of Kenai Clan, Japan. Day 2 of Siege As Lady Shun Kenai walked down one of the major streets of the Villiage, She could already sense some unease between her kin and other villiagers. The siege was nearing the peak of the second day of the siege and she was already fearful of her clans survival. "Milady" A voice said behind her which drew her attention away from her people. "Yes Hui?" She asked, wanting something to think about other than her people. "Your Brother has sent for you, He requires assistance devising a way out of this predicerment." 'That is what he would ask,' Shun thought to herself,' I am the most accomplished Strategiest in the villiage after all.' As the servant guided her away, she never saw the fistfight breaking out in a stall down the street, and never noticed the people pouring into the fight. Half an Hour Later in the Villiage centre; Shun stood alongside her two brothers and her father standing over a table covered with a map of the region. They could define no easy escape from the villiage which wouldn't result in a fight and considering their foes superiour numbers then that wouldn't work too well. But before they could come up with a strategy, they were called away to stop the brawl that had erupted earlier. Midnight, Village of Kenai Clan, Japan. Day 3 of Siege Under cover of Darkness The attack begun; At first there was no signs of attack until the first catapult shots struck the Fortifications. This assult continued until the morning where there were large breachs in the walls, At a command from a General the army charged. The soldiers went through the breachs and started their slaughter, Torching buildings and killing the inhabitants. A litlle way off the bells sounded but it was too late, No one could prepare for battle and no one had a prayer. Back in the home of the Villiage head, Lady Shun was making preperations but she knew that she couldn't fight and knowing that their enemy wanted the Villiage Head alive she knew that they wouldn't torch her home. Instead she chose to hide, shifting a few wooden planks on the ceiling and crawled through into the space between the roof and the ceiling of her room. Her Sword hung loosely at her side and even though she couldn't weild it well she wouldn't leave it. As she crawled between another narrow space to the roof she could finally see who it was that was responsible for the attack. The Warlord Don Zhu, The highest ranking man in the surrounding regions and The Emperors personally Lap Dog. Although she couldn't hear what was being said between Zhu and her father she could guess that it was about her father being accused of treason. Her father didn't get time to blink however as Zhu beheaded him with one slash of his sword. Shun knew to keep quiet, No matter how sick she wanted to be she couldn't die until Zhu was dead. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the same story around the country, Don Zhu whispers lies of Treason to the Emperor and the emperor commands Zhu to eliminate these foes. Dozens of Clans have been destroyed... no one has the numbers to beat this for on their own. The main characters of the RPG are those that are victims of Zhus evil or those that fight against the emperor already. Don Zhu must be stopped before he becomes too powerful for anyone to stop and can seize the reins of a nation. [/I] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, thats the backstory of the RP. I need feedback and depending on the feedback I'll set it up in a few weeks.
The Tales saga is alright, even if I've only played a Japanese version on SNES (ToP, that is) at my friends house with him doing the general translation of it. I really enjoyed it and now wait for it's translated release in Australia (From what I've heard, They cut out a fair bit of dialogue).
Loaded Pistol= Play Guitar Unfortunatly for you and everyone in your general surroundings, You never specified how well you wanted to be able to play. You therefore suck so much that, after days of constant play, a riot breaks out and your guitar is taken and burnt alive. I wish that Assault of Pimps was legal.
Name: Vito Sanchez Age: 15 Gender: Male Appearance: Please refer to attached Picture. Trainer ID Number: 29781 Personality: How to describe my personality? Well, I'm very bright, quick thinking and effecient when I need to be. Problem is though, I lose interest in things quicker that what I would like if I am not fond of what I have to do. If I enjoy what it is that I must do then I am both brutally effecient and pull it off excellently. I am, however, very boring to be aorund and I am very dull to converse with. I don't see what else I could say about me because that sums me up quite well. Personal History: My Personal History? Very Dull. My mother is a retired Pokemon trainer who dropped out of the Belrie league after injuiring her knee so severly that she couldn't walk anymore and my father ran a Pokecenter in my hometown so as a child I was always exposed to Pokemon. I would often talk with trainers coming through town and I was somewhat persuaded to take part in the Berlie League. I realised that, as a trainer, I could get to heights that I never knew existed which is why I applied. Equipment: The gear that I carry around on my person is fairly basic Pokemon care equipment with the essential survival gear for myself that I carry around in my Rucksack. Preferred Starter Choice: The starting Pokemon I would wish to begin with would have to be Mudkip. A pokemon with a double weakness to anything requires a trainer that knows about strategy and can think on their toes. I know a lot about both of these so I believe that Mudkip would make the perfect Pokemon to compliment my mind.
bebo= Liking youtube videos (Whatever those are) Unfortunatly, bebo likes the videos so much that it refuses to give them back. ou go see bebo one night and find out that it has committed suicide along with the tapes. I wish that John Howard got PWNED.
Katana Violet: Like a Bird Hooray, you can now fly. Unfortunatly, one day while you're experimenting with your flight powers you fly into a Jet Carbine and are chopped to pieces. Have fun I wish that I was allowed to give horrible stabby death to my little sister
Name: Stevie Jay Age: 22 Side: Team Snag 'em Appearence: [URL=http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/k/killey01.gif]Stevie in all his Bad-*** glory[/URL] Because of Good Service, Stevie doesn't have to wear the required uniform. Personality: Stevie is, in his own opinion, the ultimate Bad-***. This is the perfect example of his arrogance and how cocky he is in and out of fights. He believes himself to be the ultimate theif and orders everyone to call him the king of Snag. He is also very bitter with how he reacts to people who disagree with his lifestyle. History: A young man from Newbark town, He was the symbol for everyone to be like; Young, Strong, Charismatic, Bright and skilled as a trainer. But something odd happened one day when he was travelling in the Dragon Cave which he has not spoken of. It is even rumoured that, after falling asleep, he saw a massive Dragonite stolen from a trainer by a man dressed in a dark outfit in his dream. He had gotten a glimpse of the mans face and was shocked to see that it was actually him. Stevie came back from the caves a changed man and, after days of contemplation, broke into the local Pokemon Center and stole a handful of Pokeballs from there. After weeks of avoiding the roads and stealing to survive he was found by members of Team Snag' em. They were impressed by his talent for theft and his personality and offered him a position within the organisation. And that's where he is today Starting Pokemon: Zangoose Pokemon nickname: Ripper Pokemon attacks: Slash, Fury Swipes, Enrage (Self made move (Causes all active pokemon to lose control and just keep attacking whatever moves until attack wears off)), Roar Discription: Your average Zangoose except it has a long scar running along it's nose.
[quote name='Desert Wolf']I hate thos show because they nomally spolid the game p.s. i cant spell today :alcohol: :alcohol: :alcohol: :alcohol: :cussing: :cussing: :cussing: i love diding that :sleep:[/quote] Whoa, Lay off the smilies man, We get the message with just one or two. Now on to the topic at hand.... I have to agree with The Boss and Diablo on the account of the majority of Anime-Videogames sucking like a Hoover compared to a lot of other games. Reviewers set a standard for games (ex: RPGs being on par with FF7 (Not that hard in my opinion), Shooters being on par with Halo (again, not too difficult) yadda, yadda, yadda) and often the standards are too great for them to top. They're not nessecarily bad games (Tenchi Muyo on SNES is a good example and is a fine strategy RPG) but they cannot compare to the non-anime based ones. This also applies to non Anime-Games; About half of the review websites gave True Crime: New York City below 5 out of ten. Did it stop it from being alright? Hell no. Just cause a game has gotten a bad review doesn't technically mean that it sucks, alright?
?Fat Pizza Pizzas, They're Big and they're Cheesy" Down in Sydney Australia, In the dodgiest suburb named Hashville, There is a small pizza shop run by a MR. Bobo titled Fat Pizza. Unfortunatly, the neighbourhood is very dodgy with Bogans, Hobos, Asian Wangsters and rampant Wogs. Worst of all are the shops rivals, The Burger Joint named Mc 'Doggles and the Indian run rip off of Fat Pizza, Phat Pizza: They are Big and we also have Small. Employed by the Cheap Bastard Bobo, take the rolls of staff of Fat Pizza who are just as dodgy as those that live in the area. And in the words of Bobo, "You're not getting paid three bucks an hour to sit on your ***" so try to do your job. OOC: As you can tell; This RPG is not a very complicated one, That's why it doesn't have a long Backstory. It's also a comedic RP. So for example, a character in it could be an Alchoholic, Bogan, Drug Addict. Characters are ones employed by the shop but as whatever role you wish for them to be. Character Creation Name: (Any name) Age: (16+) Gender: Natio: (Just pick anywhere) Appearance: (Pic or Description) Background: (A general overlook at your characters life and why they are working for Bobo) Other Info: (Other Info that you might want to state concerning your character)
Lord Dante= God Unfortunatly for you; There are already multiple gods that are in existance at this time. The God that leads Christianity smites you good.... And you die.... Very much so I wish I was eviler