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Everything posted by PWNED

  1. [quote name='Charles]See, this is what I'm talking about. If an anime aficionado goes off like this in real life they're only opening themselves up to people who just want to get a rise out of them. And honestly, if I were making fun of you and you called me a [I]scoundrel[/I'] I would die laughing and you'd really never hear the end of it. A lot of teasing starts off as passing and good-natured. It's only when people become animated and over-react that an open invitation to keep at it is dealt.[/quote] And people like Saruyi-Sama who define people that dislike Japanese Animation are just as bad who stereotype anime as s*it. The whole world isn't black and white people; There are different reasons that people dislike anime and different people who dislike anime besides Preps/ Jocks and people who are racist.
  2. Meaning of Life= Known Unfortunatly, The Meaning of Life is so incredibly astounding that your head pops off and you survive. Therefore you are in constant pain and cannot tell anyone else what you have found out cause if you did then they're heads would pop off also. Just like you are currently. I wish that Monkeys flung feces more often.
  3. [quote name='Charles][CENTER][IMG]http://photos.imageevent.com/debdoob/randompics/forgaf/websize/Shadow%20Run_001.jpg[/IMG'][/CENTER][/quote] [QUOTE]Originally Posted by Master of Death totally dude. i totally agree and i hate it when people point out the mistakes of others. it makes me so pissed and i can't stand it. anyway, ROCK ON!!!!!![/QUOTE] I think you hit a nerve with Charles, I gess I should book a Grave plot under the name of Master of Death. Joking aside; I don't really find it that bad for Mods to point out the mistakes. Sure it's annoying but it's nessecary so that other members that may make the same mistake are told about the cock up that the person did. I'm sure that most memberss (Excluding Charles, James and Adam) have benefited from not making the mistakes that others have. Embarrasing, Yes. Nessecary, Very Yes.
  4. "I am the Slime oozin' out From your TV set" Artist Name: Frank Zappa Song Title: I'm the Slime New Word: Evil
  5. Snakes plan didn't work as well as he hoped. getting his butt handed to him might be the reason.
  6. anime_dark= HOT Matter of fact; You've become so hot that you collapsed into a smouldering pile of Ash. I wish that Australia conquered the World.
  7. Granted; Chuck Norris (aka The Boss) is now more of a boss then ever. Unfortunatly; The people who you are boss over have rebelled and you know lie dead like I currently do. I wish It wasn't illegal to commit Arson.
  8. Granted; You are now rich of of your latest novel that you also Publicised and Released. Unfortunatly, You have been sued on charges of Plagarism, Again. I wish that I knew Kung Fu.
  9. Ah Hayao Miyazaki, What would I and the legions of Anime fans do without you? A hell of a lot more than usual but I'll keep that to myself. That said, Princess Mononoke was probably my first ever Full length Anime and also my favourite as well as the multitude of excellent ones he has produced. To tell you the truth, I only need to see one or two more Miyazaki flick and I'll have seen them all (It's like Pokemon) Now Chabochu; You are quite correct in saying that the original Japanese versions of his movies don't sound as epic and ..... well..... good as they do when they get the excellent dubbing that they get. I myself blame this on the fact that; Their doesn't seem to be as much emotion to someone when they are listening to something unless they speak the language fluently. I don't speak Japanese so I can't feel the emotion as much as someone who speaks it fluently. Simple as that
  10. The Boss= Chuck Norrised You now kick loads more Arse then you ever have in your life. You do however, Star in Walker Texas Ranger and beat up a WWF wrestler on Pay-Per-View but whatever. You are also oftened Parodised by idiotic TV people. [SIZE=2][COLOR=Red][B]I wish that all the Samurai around my town would piss off![/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] Edit: Sorry Raiyuu, I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing.
  11. PWNED


    Pah, A very dissapointing 'Mania if I should say so. The only matches that were standout ones were the Triple Threat, The Money in the Bank and Mickie James vs Trish. The hardcore match was alright if you haven't seen many big matches from ECW and don't get me started on Cena vs HHH. It was possibly the worst idea for the E to have Cena keep the title even though he was openly booed. And yes; CM Punk technically had his WWE PPV debut there as one of the Gangsters.
  12. I'm quite a fan of it since it's initial run in Australia also. It was part of a show titled Happy Tree Friends and Friends which also had Angry Kid, Petey and Jaydee and Harvey Birdman: Attorney at law. Personally I watched it for Angry Kid but I enjoyed most of the other bits also.
  13. "Consider this fair warning" Riven said coldly to the woman as he moved in front of Sin "A Wraith and a Dragon Knight are two foes that you do not wish to have angered" before signalling to Sin to follow him out the door before shutting it on their captive. "You do realize what this means?" Sin inquired as soon as the door was closed. Riven nodded and replied "We were finally able to get a grasp on an area and now we have to leave because a bloody Valkiria bitch may decide to reveal our location to the whole Bloody world" "That mean we should kill her?" Sin asked again which earned a glare and a shake of the head from Riven who stated "We should keep her captive for a while until we can think of something to do with her" who turned away from the door leaving Sin staring at his back.
  14. I echo all the sentiments from the senior members that have posted on this thread. An Analyst to give a prediction on so big a subject with so long to go before it is either Psychic or full of crap (And considering that I don't believe in stuff like Psychics) so I would be cautiouc indeed. BTW on your Gamecube remake Debresko; It's not going to be really difficult to top the Gamecube.
  15. Well, for those that know anything concerning Webcomics then they would know that my Siggie is of Black Mage, ala 8 Bit Theatre, using his ultimate attack ( The Hadoken) courtest of myself. The writing is a whole bunch of crap that I decided to chuck on concerning my Username.
  16. The pair of soldiers patrolled the walls of the fortress uneasily and kept an eye on the horizon, the stories that Lord Morcar was soon to march off to war again had unnerved the two. Five months had passed since Arnhem was forcibly conquered by their lord and a resistance group had recently begun to cause trouble to them by raiding caravans and slaughtering patrols. "Clear" called out another soldier down the wall as they reported their findings, the senior officer was about to report in when he noted an incoming source of light. He redied his crossbow and took careful aim down the sights. At the last moment he realised what it was and start shouting to the men to move it. By then it was too late. --------------------------------------------------------- The Resistance Fighters returned to the caverns in the Dark Spire Mountains on the outskirts of Arnhem and celebrated their success; all that is, except for Riven Sharvi who was in his usual sour mood over raids and such. Deciding to avoid those 'fighting for a greater good', he walked to his usual place to brood at and begun to contemplate things. After an hour of just silently sitting there, he pulled off his right glove, glanced at his clawed hand and whispered to himself "It's only a matter of time before I become a Dragon Knight" befoer heading back to the caverns and those he had sworn to help. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let's begin; Sign Ups are still open for people that want to join but you'll have to PM me to tell me if you want to join.
  17. Knock yourself out Nefertimon, I was actually hoping that some people would be villians but... eh, more power to you if you want to also have an evil character.
  18. I personally love every single Suikoden game released, even 4 which is probably the worst out of them. I also like Squaresofts RPGs on the SNES (aka Chrono Trigger and Bahamut Lagoon) as they were some of the best I ever played. Thing is though, I have a preference to PC RPGs than to Console which explains my love of any Dungeons and Dragons game. inclduing (but not limited to) Baldurs Gate, Planescape: Torment, Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights and Eye of the Beholder. I guess you could say I was raised on PC RPGs.
  19. I actually found that the most memorable scenes in Recent memory that I found memorable was in Slayers Try [spoiler]when Fillia found out about the true story between hers and Valgadisis races. I could see the emotional anguish on her Face when she was told that the Golden Dragons murdered the Ancient Dragon race out of fear.[/spoiler]
  20. We are owning all on going into Day 6. For those that don't have a Medal tally handy, here it is. For space reasons I am only going to do the countries that hav ewon Golds Country- G- S- B [SIZE=1][COLOR=YellowGreen]AUSTRALIA [/COLOR] 42 38 32 [COLOR=Red]ENGLAND[/COLOR] 18 21 15 [COLOR=Sienna]INDIA [/COLOR] 12 8 3 [COLOR=Blue]SCOTLAND [/COLOR] 8 5 6 [COLOR=Red]CANADA[/COLOR] 7 16 14 [COLOR=Blue]SOUTH AFRICA 6 4 7[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]MALAYSIA 3 3 4[/COLOR] [COLOR=Black]NEW ZEALAND 2 4 9[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]NIGERIA 2 2 2[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]JAMAICA 2 1 1[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]KENYA 1 2 1[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]SINGAPORE 1 1 3[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]CYPRUS 1 1 1[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]P.N.G 1 1 0[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]WALES 1 0 5[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]ISLE OF MAN 1 0 1[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]PAKISTAN 1 0 0 [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]GHANA 1 0 0[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]SRI LANKA 1 0 0[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]TANZANIA 1 0 0[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  21. Well, there is really only two games that have freaked me out while I was playing it and they were.... Silent Hill 3 and Forbidden Siren. Silent Hill 3 was expected as it is so atmospheric especially when one of those weird Dog things that dripped flesh or something, those definetly freaked me out. Forbidden Siren is also one of those games that rely less on cheap scares and more on scaring you slowly. The first Shinjuuko that you face in it creeped me out because it is pretty dark and you can't see jack without your torch. You hear some Gunshots and so you would hide behind something. After a while you might creep out from where your hiding and you'll see a Zombie shambling towards you (Mind you, The Zombies/ Shinjuuko are pretty smart which makes it creepy.). Scary stuff man.
  22. Sakura- No, no. Bad Kitty. Bad Kitty. You can't kill Santa. Come on, Stop flying after me. Bit of a Toughie, eh.
  23. Looking good so far; Just need two, mebbe 3 more sign ups and I'll start it up.
  24. I could help depending on what Genre of RPG it is, If it is Fantasy the ncount on me as that is my speciality.
  25. This is a good thing; They can Playtest it and do the proverbial "Ironing out the Wrinkles" before it's released. People may complain cause they think it'll mean that the 360 will ahve the edge but there is one thing........ "THEY'RE TRYING TO MAKE SURE THAT THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH IT!!!"
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