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Everything posted by PWNED
[B]Deregond, Brother of Beregond, Guard of Minas Tirith[/B] [SIZE=1]Forced into this menial position of importance did little to improve the temper of Deregond; He wished to be known as a Great Warrior who eventually lost his life fighting in battle against Goblins or Trolls, Not as a Gate Guard of Minas Tirith. He hated the knights who got to fight in battle after battle as a way of life, of bandits that fought to live or die or even a footman serving as a guard out near the tower of Isildur, which was now known as Minas Morgul. [I]Anywhere but here, I deserve to fight and die in huge battles[/I] ?Damn their hides? He cursed underneath his breath while yet another contingent of Soldiers in their perfect armour marched past. They were going off to prove themselves in battle while he remained here as the Inferior younger brother of Beregond who would live out his life as a lowly guard. His Superior shifted uncomfortably in his armour as Deregond seethed, the youth had often come to blows with his fellow guards, which may have explained why Deregond still remained a lowly guard. ?So his Lordships son leaves on a mighty quest soon, I have heard?? The other guard that stood along side them said, vainly attempting to break the tension that his youth could not cope. ?Bah? The superior spat angrily, ?Just a Diplomatic mission, To Elves none the less.? ?I do not see why they are worth the effort, those Elves,? The younger guard said back. ?Apparently, It is because they wish to form an alliance with us. Elves and Men of all things? The Superior replied once more, feeling the tension that he felt emanating from Deregond was lowering. Suddenly Deregond stormed forwards and turned to face the two and began to launch a bitter tirade. ?Do you two not see that we are going to war?? He questioned with the two answering with nods before he continued ?I?m not sure if you haven?t noticed but the reports that have been coming back have reported much more Orc and Goblin activity then usual. Darkness will march and I hate to think an alliance with the Elves is what we need most? before lifting his Halberd that had clattered to the ground and returning to his position against the gate. ?Do you take me for a fool? I know that war is approaching but we have enough arms and armour to equip the entire population of Gondor three times over. If we fight then we will be victorious,? The younger guard stated arrogantly which bought an answer of a fist to jaw of the youths unhelmeted head; Deregond smiled as his Gauntleted fist cracked into the jaw before, for good measure, swinging around and planting in the face of his superior whom he never really cared for. As he stood over the crumpled bodies of the two, Deregond smiled and crouched low to whisper into the ear of the near unconscious guard ?If anyone comes to check what all this noise was about. Say a minor scuffle broke out between you two while I was on patrol up near the cliffs or else? The guard looked up blankly to where he believed Deregond stood and mouthed what Deregond believed to be ?Or what, you spoilt brat? Deregond suppressed a laugh and whispered to him once more ?Or else I?ll cause wounds in places that you will wish you had armoured? Before standing up and setting off for the stables to set up a believable alibi. When he returned from his ?Patrol?, he found none other than Beregond, captain of the guards standing there with a message in hand while with a fierce scowl on his face. ?Must you continue to fight wherever you go? The furious man stated more than asked as he handed the message to Deregond. Smiling in an almost deranged way, Deregond reached for the letter and said in his usual half aggressive, half arrogant way ?I do what must be done? Brother? before opening up the letter right there and reading the summons before the Steward of Gondor himself. ?I would say Fortune smiles upon you my brother but I?m afraid I am not a believer in fortune.? Beregond said proudly before heading up to the gatehouse, Leaving Deregond standing with an official summons. [I]Perhaps the fights I always have, have finally reached the ears of the Steward[/I] He put the thought out of his head for now and considered ascending what might be a staircase to a great opportunity or condemnation to the gates for the rest of his natural life. Keeping his blade 'Oathbreaker' at his side at all times, He began the long walk up the hill. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/SIZE] Sorry about the stuff up earlier, I wasn't really paying attention then. Hope you like my new character (Is about 762 words, so is good length)
Kero- And it is time for the next exciting episode of 'Pimp my Sakura' with me Kero and Tomoyo. Tomoyo- Well; I went for Crazy Neons for that really cool look and the bell so that you can hear her coming because I couldn't fit Sub-Woofas anywhere. Sakura- I bought The Stick here. Kero- Good for you; here's a cookie. Tomoyo- You should check out the Hydraulics that I've installed.
Gaming Video Game Picture Caption Game!!! YAY!!!
PWNED replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in Noosphere
Unknown- Yo Biatch, You be treading on Crips Turf, Unknown Style. Sora- No way boy; This be Bloods and if you don't think so then I turn you into a cripple with my giant blade... thats a key. Unknown- Look a the cgains boy; No one gets as many as me by being a pushover. -
Well; Ask anyone that knows me and they will tell you that I am a serious Atheist and I dislike People who take Religous texts word for word, yet I also despise those which pick what they want with Religion. If they claim to follow a Religion then they should follow it entirely or drop the thing entirely. Simple as that though some would be offended by what I think.One shouldn't be allowed to say that they believe in something yet only believe in a few parts of it, it is just not on.
Gaming Video Game Picture Caption Game!!! YAY!!!
PWNED replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in Noosphere
While Bowser is the type who will wake up next to anyone; Mario seriously begins to hate his Hard Partying Lifestyle. -
Hmmmmmm, Is such a topic worth my Awesomness? I believe so [quote name='Endymion][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]My favorite video game theme song would probably have to be the opening to Suikoden III. I believe it's titled [B]Exceeding Love[/B]. It works well with the beginning animation, and earned itself the #1 spot on my video game theme song music cd in my car.[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] Ah yes; Also my favourite Video Game song outside of the soundtracks from Suikodens 1 and 2. I especially love Retrospection from Suikoden 2 because it is so sad though that might be the occasion that it plays in it.
Hmmmmmmmm, Is such an Idea worth my Awesomeness? I believe yes. It sounds very individual and looks well put together. Just don't let DW get too caught up in a role, I bet he'll eventually become his character in real life. Wouldn't it be fun to eventually hear of an insanely depressed Assassin in the newspapers?
The OtakuBoards Nifty Fifty of 2005 (Nominations Thread)
PWNED replied to Shy's topic in General Discussion
Well; Since theres no chance of me making it then as a joke I'll nominate myself for being awesome. However; since this is a serious thread then I have serious nominations. Gavin- That crazy Irishman; Gavin has, over the years of my membership, been one of the standout posters on the Boards. No offense to Dragon Warrior or Tony but Gavin is my Nifty vote for having the most annoying but addictive line in OB history "Interesting, Most Interesting" The Newbs of 2005- Much as I hate to admit it; The 2005 batch of New Members is probably the best I have seen on a forum, period. End of Story. These guys have earned the right not to have people being knobs to them. And I hate myself for saying this but They made more of an Impact than I did when I came here. James and his Sexy Accent- Alright, so I may be guessing how sexy his accent is but it is Aussie so therefore it is sexy. Joking aside, James is the king of OB with his many changing avatars and banners. I feel a lot of respect for the guy and his workrate, so there is another Nifty vote from me. The Quality of Adventures in the Adventure Arena- Alright, so what if this year is essentially equal to last year? It is the matter of fact that the board has gone through change and has still been able to keep the Stories on a rise. I say that is definetly Nifty. I know I missed out on a lot of things, and I apologise but I'm kind of sleepy and I don't like sleepy. -
Hello; yet another Avatar Request from me, The Monster for one of my favourite Flash Cartoon characters, Trogdor the Burninator. Here is the Template that I'd lke to use for my Avatar [IMG]http://blog.erdener.org/archives/images/20041012-trogdor.jpg[/IMG] Obviously it will have to be minimised to fit but I'd like my username up in the top right hand corner. The one I want to use for my banner is the same one but with Burninated written inn red words at the bottom. Please help.
Bush- God commanded me to take over Iraq and I did. I'd just love to see what in gods name is going on. Soldier- Sir, The Lense Cap is still on. Bush- Presidents don't remove Lense Caps.
Gaming Video Game Picture Caption Game!!! YAY!!!
PWNED replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in Noosphere
Narrator: The time has come for TOTAL BURNINATION! -
[I]Yeah, the Night Rune bit actually makes sense because any of the wielders are always pestered by the Zodiac Sword and Viktor left the sword inside of a Cave because he found it really annoying then somewhere between Suikodens 2 and 3 gave the sword to Edge. I think it is safe to say that Edge migh thave disposed of it also.[/I] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My character ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [U]Name:[/U] Lei Yanamoto [U]Age:[/U] 22 [U]Gender:[/U] Male [U]Race:[/U] Human [U]Weapon:[/U]Naginata (For those who don't know what one is then click [URL=http://www.dragonscavern.com/shop/files/spears/d_82.jpg]here[/URL] ) [U]Weapon Name:[/U] Yanma Spear Magic: Lei bears the Soul Eater until the day he dies yet the rune itself is incredibly powerful. It gives him the ability to use Magical attacks to consume the souls of his enemies yet he rarely uses it out of fear that it would consume him. Appearance: [URL=http://www.ecruelty.com/mastercko/gallery/new_gallery/images/drawings/flaming-halberd.jpg]Lei[/URL] Bio: Lei was born in Radat in the City State of Jowston and was the grandson of two heroes of the War inbetween Jowston and Highland as well as his mother serving in the Grasslands Conflict. He lived a carefree life while being tutored on how to use the naginata by his mother and eventually started working in the Radat Inn. Late one night a young man who was carrying a staff appeared and was dreadfully sick. While he rested in the bed, the man told Lei that he was Tir Mc'Dhol who was once leader of the Toran Liberation Army. The man proved this by removing his right glove and showed the 'Souleater'. Lei reeled back in shock buut not before a blinding light began to emit from Tirs right hand and eventually on Leis. Lei watched in both horror and fascination as the tatoo on the back of Tirs hand faded and appeared on his tatto. Tir then told Lei that he was being chased by some people while on his way to Harmonia when he was poisoned by something. They both knew that he was dieing and Tir told Lei that he had to keep it from Harmonia while keep Harmonia from destorying True Runes. Later that night; Lei Yanamoto almost dissapeared off of the face of the earth with the only thing saying where he was going is that "Harmonia wanted a Rune and I am brining it to them". Extra Info: Lei is the Grandson of Freedy and Yoshino Yanamoto from Suikoden 2 and the son of Sanae Yanamoto from Suikoden 3 and an unknown father. He is an compotent wielder of the Naginata and average in the usage of magic yet seems to hold back a lot of potential.
The Myth of Creation [I] In the beginning, there was only "darkness." Living in its dark chasm it finally shed a "tear" out of lonliness. From that "tear," the brothers Sword and Shield were born. Sword claimed it could slice through everything Shield claimed it could defend against any attack The brothers began a legendary battle. At the end, Sword pierced Shield and Shield shattered sword Sword became the sky, Shield became the earth, and the sparks from the battle became the stars. As for the 27 jewels adorning the brothers, they fell to the ground and became the True Runes--The runes that all other runes were born from.[/I] [INDENT] All True Runes represent a certain power, and bring both benefits and curses to its bearer, such as immortality, which could be a great benefit and a great curse. Furthermore, a True Rune's sentience, or ego, could often overwhelm novice bearers who do not know how to dominate True Runes. This often results in the reversal of the "master-servant" relationship, reducing a True Rune's bearer into a mere vessel that the True Rune controls to achieve its own purposes. [/INDENT] Recently the holy nation of Harmonia have been taking quite an interest in the 27 true runes, even moreso than usual. The constant wars over the true runes may be a minor annoyance to their expansive military but the High Bishop is tired of the constant losses and has devised a fool-proof plan to get all the rest of the 27 Runes. In an attempt to draw the Rune Bearers to Harmonia, the High Priest stages a ritual where he threatens to destroy their collected runes to destroy everything. Now, People everywhere are realizing what this oculd do an gather to stop the ritual and the destruction of runes. And for the first time, Many True Rune bearers have come together to prevent Harmonia from causing destruction. Avaliable True Runes- Read the attached file. Those are the true runes that I am going to be including on the side of the good guys. More True Runes will be featured on the side of the villians. Normal runes will also be avaliable and to see them then click [URL=http://www.suikosource.com/games/gs2/guides/runes.php]here[/URL] Character Creation Name: (Simple, keep serious with it) Age: (Ditto. However, Bearers of the True Rune will be older than they look ) Gender: (Male or Female) Race: Human- Your basic humans. Nothing spectaculary notable about them, just run-of-the-mill humans. Kobold- There are two different versions of a Kobold. One is of a Bipedal Dog which is a normal Kobold while the other is the Nay Kobold which is a Bipedal Cat which is usually only found in the Island Nations. Dwarf- A race of inventors and warriors. Very aggresive and short of stature, they will often deny help to non-dwarves out of their arrogance. Lizardman- Another race of warriors; Skilled as Blacksmiths and soldiers. Their average height is over 7 feet. Their scales will usually be Brown or Green. Weapon: (What ype of weapon your character uses. Keep in mind that it can be made better through the story) Weapon Name: (Just the name your character gives the weapon. Entirely optional.) Magic: (If your character uses a Rune then what is it. Also state if the rune is a true rune or not) Appearence: (Picture or Detailed description) Bio: (Just how your character came to enter the conflict. Also include how the character gained the True Rune if he bears one) Extra Info: (Just anything else you think should be added)
The battle of the century Guy with an Evil Eye and a Spazz eye vs A happy face
Gaming Video Game Picture Caption Game!!! YAY!!!
PWNED replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in Noosphere
Okay then; Now it is time to pick the top three quotes.... and here they are The Winner is Vampire_Fox [Quote] Originally Posted by Vampire_Fox This add brought to you by the alternative sustainable fuels of the future foundation We dare you to 'pass wind' near a naked flame… Beans-The worlds foremost natural gas propellant.... [/Quote] So Random, yet so funny 2nd Place goes to Dodeca [Quote]Originally Posted by Dodeca "20 years and 200 pies later, a middle-aged Chucky resumes his killing spree with a belly flop." [/Quote] Evil Doll plus Pies equals Funny. 3rd Place goes to xliquidousx [Quote]Originally Posted by xliquidousx Hang on Gohan! I'm coming! [/Quote] Once more random. yet still funny And the honourable mention goes to the Swedish Chef for taking note of his flawed attempt at flight. [Quote]Originally Posted by Swedish Chef It was until this point he saw the flaw in this idea of flying.[/Quote] Anyways, congrats to Vampire_fox who gets the honors of giving the next screenshot. -
[QUOTE=DeathKnight][color=crimson]Errr, if I remember right the best ending of Suikoden 2 had [spoiler]Jowy, the Hero and Nanami running off on a journey together that was implied to still be going on by the time of Suikoden 3.[/spoiler] The other endings were less.. picturesque than that, lol. [/color][/QUOTE] I mean the events that lead into the perfect ending. I believe I should have been more precise with what I said.
Hmmm; Well one of he most annoying enemies I've fought in a games are the Azzoddesses in Suikoden 3. The things are quick and srrong and will always perform this move which targets the entire party. Thank god that the thunder spell it casts isn't full strength or otherwise you would be wiped out by it. However; Non RPG then I must say that any Jedi in Star Wars Battlefront are that tight. Its nothing much but I believe that they are invincible as well as being able to kill anything in one hit. Oh yeah, and the toughest of them all. TROGDOR!!! for Peasents Quest.
I know this topic has probably been done at least a dozen times or so in the ast here but I wish to keep this straight. Have you evr played one of those games which is supposed to be Godlike and they turn out to be pretty much Bog-standard? That is what I shall rant about. Well then; The game I shall accuse of being overrated is Final Fantasy 7. Now I know that it was groundbreaking in the Video Game industry but there are some key problems with it in my opinion. First things firs and I'll be blunt, It is far from the RPG epic that I am told about. It is incredibly easy I lost interest in it after the first disk because it was getting on my nerves because of the characters were nearly all stereotypical; [INDENT]Cloud- The Badass spiky-haired mercenary that opens up to the world after a key event. Barret- The slightly thick Black man who mostly swears and shoots stuff but has a heart of gold. Tifa- The childhood friend who is more likeable than the main character. Seiproth- The Villian that destroys everyting for what seems to be no reason because of plot holes. Red- The only truly awesome character who gets his screen time cut after a few scenes. Plus a truckload of boring characters that you wouldn't care about even one which kicks the bucket. I believe one of the moderators laughed at what happened after the character died. [/INDENT] Mediocre gameplay (Come on; ATBs again?), Shockingly average Soundtrack (No truly standout ones) and a poor translation. So you might be asking me why do I have a problem against possibly the most popular RPG of all time then I'll just say "Because it is very shockingly mediocre" The only reason why it was so popular was beause the press sang praise on it being the first 3D RPG even though Squares 2 previos RPGs were far superior (I never played The Japanese version of FF6 so I wouldn't know) and they wern't Final Fantasies. Chrono Trigger which has earned the right to be kown as what could be as best RPG ever while Super Mario RPG was a fun little RPG that didn't get great media coverage. It was just something that they never saw before. Well, I feel better now. If I did this at a place other then OB then I would be flamed big time. So what does everone else reckon the most overrated game ever?
Gaming Video Game Picture Caption Game!!! YAY!!!
PWNED replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in Noosphere
Wow; I actually won something? What has thi world come to an end or something? Anyways; my screenshot comes from Suikoden 4. [IMG]http://www.rpgdreamers.com/rpgworld/suik4/suik4-54.jpg[/IMG] CANNONBALL!!!! -
Gaming Video Game Picture Caption Game!!! YAY!!!
PWNED replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in Noosphere
Onlooker 1- Is it just me or does that seem a little unbalanced? That dude has a huge wicked Sword and that runt has a key. Onlooker 2- It's not unbalanced; The kids using a keyblade- Its a big Key but its a blade. Onlooker 1- Hmmph; I'm sure that makes all the difference. Key Blades. Someone smoked some crazy stuff when they made that. -
Gaming What do you think the best next gen system will be?
PWNED replied to hitokiri battosai's topic in Noosphere
I eally couldn't care less about the Next-Gen consoles as a whole because in every gaming preview I've seen there are no innovative ideas and all that has been done is Style over Substance. That said; I am interested with how the Nintendo Revolution will work out what with the crazy contoller and all. I especially find the backwards compatablity to be quite a nice idea considering the Revolution appears to be taking the Proerbial back seat to the 360 and the PS3. -
Worst gaming ending; hmmmm Halo 2. It just really felt half-arsed and bog standard. Best Ending is a different story however; I loved the endings of Suikodens 1 and 2 because of the pure emotion conveyed [spoiler]when Riou duels with Jowy at Tenzan Pass and Jowy begs Riou to kill him so that The Black Sword rune will leave him.[/spoiler] It's sad because [spoiler]These two friends were forced onto opposing sides because the Rune of Beginning forced them to. [/spoiler]
Name: Aidan Bermillion Age: 20 From: Born in Versaille, France Weapon: Quarterstaff Weapon Name: Tranquil Weapon Style: Gyulkus Polefighting Family: Adoptive Father- Louis Bermillion Adoptive Sister- Rochelle Bermillion Appearence: [URL=http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/f/flamechamp01.jpg]Clickie here[/URL] Background: Aidan had never known much about his life before he was found on the streets of Versaille by a Nobleman by the surname of Bermillion who took him in at the age of 12 and taught him how to fence after seing potential after seeing the boy fight of an older guy with a pole in the same way as a polefighter would. Now a Bermillion; everything seemed fine for Aidan as for the first time in what felt like a lifetime he had a famly and was living well. He was taught how to fight and he trained for years while cmpetng for year until he turned 19 and things started to change His adoptive father was starting to change for the worst; he bean to distance himself from his daughter and Aidan while he started to ramble about something called the ultimate sword. Every month his adoptive father would dissapear for days on end and would come back covered with cuts and dry blood. After one of these ventures Louis Bermillion ended up dead in a ditch. Trying to find out a reason behind her fathers insanity; Rochelle began to examine the volumes in her fathers private study and unearthed some information about the Ultimate Sword Soul Edge. Realizing what damage it did to people; Aidan took his fathers Staff and set off on what little information that he had to find Soul Edge and destroy it.
15 years have passed since the last quest undertaken by warriors around the world to destroy the Evil Sword known as Soul Edge. However like with the previous attempts to destroy or seal the sword they only got it half-right. When Sophitia, wielding Soul Calibur, destroyed Soul Edge she did not permanetly destroy it and when Siegfried tried to seal it the sword shattered its bonds and dissapeared into the world once more. Fifteen years of uneventful times and no word of the Evil Sword have happened except for the occasional tall-tale of the Azure Knight, Nightmare. But when the former dwelling of the Azure Knight is destroyed but what was rumoured to be a giant sword. It is time for people to take up their weapons to fight wheather they have fought for it or if they are no less than pups on their first journey. [INDENT]Rules [list] 1) No Godmodding- You will inveriably get bettered in a fight although characters may show mercy. 2) No Ultimate Weapons- No Soul Edge and No Soul Calibur. These weapons are off limits unless the weapon in question was created by Soul Edge/ Calibur. 3) No Modernish weapons. The games are set somewhere around 1600 AD. [/list] [/INDENT] Characters that are certain to have a role in it (Either NPC or PC) Sophitia Cassandra Cervantes Siegfried Ivy Valentine (Reserved by Vampire_Fox) For profiles of characters from the Soul Calibur series then click [URL=http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/gamecube/file/soul_calibur_ii_story.txt]here[/URL] -------------------------------------------------- Character Generation -------------------------------------------------- Name: (Keep it to where your character is from) Age: (Be rational with it) From: (Anywhere on Earth) Weapon Name: Weapon Type: Fighting Style: Family (Optional): Background: Appearence: [INDENT] I'll include an example; Keep in mind it is the Profile of a Character Name: Sophitia Alexandra Age: 25 (At time of Soul Calibur 3) Birthplace: Athens, Ottoman Empire (Turkey) Weapon: Short Sword & Small Shield Weapon Name: Omega Sword & Elk Shield Discipline: Athenian Style Family: Husband/Rothion Daughter/Pyrrha Son/Patroklos In order to save her children, Sophitia embarked on a journey once again. Following the rumors of Nightmare, she arrived on the bank of the Rhine river, overlooking Ostrheinsburg Castle. Breaking the silence, a small girl in dark green clothes suddenly appeared from the mist and spoke to her with an innocent smile. Sophitia remained on guard and drew her weapon. She could tell that the unusually large ring the girl carried was a weapon. "Soul Edge isn't in that castle anymore. Say, I'd really like to play with your children." the girl said. Sophitia attacked without a word, but the girl dodged the blow, disappearing into the mist with a twisted giggle. Sophitia hurried home and was relieved to find her family safe. She could not relax, however, for she did not know what she should do. Feeling uncertain, Sophitia headed to the temple of Hephaestus, God of the forge. But what awaited her at the temple was none other than the girl in green. Sophitia quickly picked up her sword and shield. "Ahaha! You want to fight me? Sounds like fun!" The girl in green beamed. Blocking the girl's attack, Sophitia looked into her eyes and saw the emptiness the girl held in her heart. "Poor child. You've never known happiness..." Sophitia murmured. The girl froze. Her expression changed from her previous fake smile to a look of extreme hatred. She knocked back the surprised Sophitia and took her distance. "You're annoying... when the time comes, I'll come for your children." For the sake of protecting the ones she loved, Sophitia steeled her resolve to eliminate the threat at the source. She announced her intentions to Rothion and once again put on her traveling clothes. "You be careful..." Rothion softly said to her. In the eyes of this woman, who believed in herself and fought her those she must protect, shone a light of hope that would illuminate the future.[/INDENT] ----------------------------- And that's a basic one except for the Background. Fairly Easy to get the hang of.
15 years have passed since the last quest undertaken by warriors around the world to destroy the Evil Sword known as Soul Edge. However like with the previous attempts to destroy or seal the sword they only got it half-right. When Sophitia, wielding Soul Calibur, destroyed Soul Edge she did not permanetly destroy it and when Siegfried tried to seal it the sword shattered its bonds and dissapeared into the world once more. Fifteen years of uneventful times and no word of the Evil Sword have happened except for the occasional tall-tale of the Azure Knight, Nightmare. But when the former dwelling of the Azure Knight is destroyed but what was rumoured to be a giant sword. It is time for people to take up their weapons to fight wheather they have fought for it or if they are no less than pups on their first journey.