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Everything posted by PWNED

  1. Well; when he was still alive I was a huge fan of Eddie Guerrero so when He died I decided to change my Custom Title to the title of Eddies DVD. You might say that I'm addicted to the Heat?
  2. OMFG, I love TEH Muppets. They ROX my Sox. LOL. Now with all joking aside; I abosutely loved the muppets and used to watch it whenever I could. Unfortunatly I was born a little before they were taken off of Normal TV over in Australia. Which was Unfortunate indeed but my mum and dad had tons of tapes of it so I was sufficed with that. My favourite Muppet as no doubt either the Sweedish Chef, Animal or the Saxophone guy. I loved all three of them.
  3. No in betweens about it; This thread is about the shoddy and I mean really Shoddy Television shows. You see; Right now Channel 10 are showing Braniac.... Supposedly Britians answer to Mythbusters but in reality just a Preteens way of getting both explosions and T and A. I swear, It is one of the worst shows I hav eever seen because it is mindless drivel. Before I start Ranting; It is just amazingly bad. So what are your worst shows? Now just remember, Don't flame anyone on their choices if you don't agree with them, OK.
  4. I bought the game on Boxing Day and I have to admit it is quite impressive considering how little room they had for improvement. Well on to my new favourite characters. I found Tira to be very meh as a chacracter but Setsuka, Zalasamiel and Abyss are quite great while Siegfried is quite great. However, My new favourite character is either Lizardman or Kiliik. I wasn't paricullary fond of either in SC2 but now they seem to be a lot better to play as. Kiliik is very Newb friendly while Lizardman is just really cool to play as. BTW, Talim is definetly less cheap in this one. Night Terror however is a real ***** to beat.
  5. The perfect name for any weapon with a blade would be Fenrir. Why do you ask? Well; Wouldn't the name of The Nordic Wolf inspire fear in your enemies? Another cool one for a stave type weapon would be 'Heaven Fang' because It is very cool sounding. It could also be substituted fpr any other type of weapon. Of cause Heaven Fang is a fairly Generic sounding name for a Priest-like character. For Dual weapons; The cool ones would be Tranquility and Anarchy or Sun and Moon because pairs need to have similar names when it comes to weapons.
  6. Not bad Kuroshin13, You have a fairly detailed character there. I'm going to be away for the next few days camping so I won't be able to check peoples characters for a while. ------------------------------------------------ Name: Jacques Mandour II Age: 24 Alignment: Sinner- He has found that the Religion has grown corrupt and false so he wishes to do anything to stop it from corrupting anyting else. Class: Former Arms Salesman; Now Terrorist Weapon: Jacques uses a pair of Colt Magnums that he carries within his jacket (Not shown in the picture but he does wear it) Appearence: [URL=http://www.anythingforyou.co.nz/products/photos/Scribe%20the%20crusader.jpg]Jacques Mondour[/URL] (He usually wears a Black Hoodie as well) Personality: Jacques is and odd fellow to say the least; He was once one of the most devout people you would meet but for some unexplained reason he changed to become Cruel, bitter and cold as ice. he is obsessed over his goals and will do anything to get them which makes him among the most dangerous people living out in the slums. Biography: Growing up from a very Devout family; Jacques had a very Religous upbringing and therefore he didn't have a lot to live with. His family owned an Arms and Mutitions store where he worked as a teenager besides his schooling. When Jacques turned 20, his father died and he was given the family store to run. However one day he mouthed off to a Priest and as an aftereffect when he came home with his friend after a night out they were both jumped and his friend was murdered by some lackeys of the church. The Church offered to forgive Jacques and forget that he had ever been rude to a Priest for a large fee and that was what sparked his spiral into becoming an atheist. ----What happened there---- "I'm sure you know quite well why you are here Mandour?" The Church official asked inside of the confessional booth that Jacques had come to. Jacques nodded and replied "Forgive me for I have sinned" but before he could state how long it had been since he had confessed the Priest interrerupted by saying " Quiet Boy, It is your time to listen not mine" "When you were rude to that Priest you deeply upset the church: Stated the Priest then he continued "The Church is prepared to allow you to repent for your sins for a.... Small Donation". jacques began to frown and asked "You expect me to pay money for something that the church caused and think it will be fine? You never really evolved from the dark ages did you?" The Official gasped and yelled angrily "Is that how you're going to be you Arrogant little Bastard? Guards grab this man!" as the muscled arms of the Church Thugs reached through a false wall and dragged him along a dark corridor into what appeared to be an operating theatre. Oe thug injected him with a liquid and the lights went out for Jacques. --------------------------------------------- After a few hours Jacques woke up but his face had been marked with the brand of a Sinner and in the outskirts of the city which were only known as the slums. Setting off for his home and his shop after night fall he found that his shop had been razed and his house without any human life within its walls. Searching desperatly Jacques found his personal stash of weapons, tucked them into his jacket and vowed that he would change the seemingly false religion.
  7. [INDENT][COLOR=DarkOrange]Whenever there is Light; There is Darkness Wherever there is Control; There will be Anarchy Whenever there is Warmth of safety; There is cold biting Danger Wherever there is the Flame of Life; There is the Water of Death And whenever there is an Idol; There will always be Sinners[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]These very words, words of the Balance of Forces; have been passed down for a millenia by the Preachers of the Religous Tome, The Book of Storms. These Preachers have kept the people of the world underheel by using the deep fear of a higher being against the people and by performing 'Miracles' for the people from time to time. Those that do not obey the orders given by the Church backed goverment are considered Anarchists and those that disobey The Book of Storms are Athiests or 'Sinnerz'. These people are considered Outcasts because of their beliefs and are branded then expelled to live in the slums with the rest of the Outlaws. Recently however; Certain research has been found by a Scientist in the Badlands n the middle of Nowhere proving that there is no god up above. Now Sinner and Anarchist are working to get this research before the Church backed bounty hunters are able to; Sinners to bring down the Relgion while Anarchist to cause Chaos. It is a race against time and each other to find the reasearch so that the people can be saved from themselves and each other[/COLOR].[/INDENT] Rules: Thats the general Jist of the Story but here are some rules. 1) Godmodding is not allowed 2) This is not a Fantasy RPG; This is a Serious Modern RPG so no magic. 3) Sinnerz and Anarchists do not get along so do not try to get them to. Character Generation Name: (Go Wild) Age: (Go Wild) Class: (Nothing like Mage or Cleric or whatever. Think of it more as Occupation) Alignment: What your characters role in the story is and who he is aligned with. Anarchist: Finding the research to prove that the Religion is false and to bring the goverment crashing down around them so that there can be Anarchy. Sinner: Finding the Research to make things right and stop the Religion having absolute power. Church Backed- Finding the research to destroy it and stop the atheists from bringing their world down around their ears. Wanderer: Finding the research to sell for money or on a previous obligation Private Organisation- Finding the research for own personal reasons. Weapons: (Nothing Ultra powerful and nothing really too primative. This is a modern day RPG so no laser weapons or Clubs) Personality: (What your character is like) Appearence: Biography: (Your characters life previously and how they got bought into the conflict) OOC: I am damn aware that at every turn I spelt Sinners, Sinnerz so don't tell me.
  8. I would have to say that a decent choice in the way of RPGs would have to be, If you can find it Cheap, Suikoden 2. Now I know that If I said this at a different forum I would be flamed bigtime but It is the best RPG ever, period. Since the game is rare then I have to suggest that you get Virua Fighter 4 if you are into a deep fighting game (ie: not a button basher) then you would enjoy it but since Dead or Alive is present then I am guessing that no you don't. If you like a shooter then go XIII; The game is wicked fun to play (although tough for Newbs to it) and has a gripping storyline.
  9. Name: Hix Escaran Age: 21 Sex: Male Race: Huma Alignment: Revolutionary Class: Hunter Appearence: [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/h/hix02.gif[/IMG] Weapon of Choice: A Short Stumpy Broadsword with the Escaran Clans emblem carved into the hilt of the blade. Weapon Style: Forgiver-Blade Style. Hix is a relativly poor swordsman because his style is improvised on the spot at times. He is good enouigh to get by but thats all. Personality: Hix is a very sad case; Emotionally fragile and quick to pick a fight after the stress of his clan being destroyed because of his arrogance. He has become quick to anger and very dark and bitter because he blames himself for the deaths of his people. Biography: Hix Escaran was the leader of his clan for a short time before they were wiped off of the face of the lands, while he was on a Diplomatic mission, by an unknown force. His clan had always obeyed the orders of the Goverment-led mandate although only half-heartadly because the mandate called for things such as the gathering all of the Runes in the avaliable and giving them to the Goverment. Escaran openly denied the Mandate and his Clan paid for his arrogance. In his fury against the Goverment for the deaths of his Escaran Kin He took up his sword and begun to fight against them whlie forever bearing his clans rune which was hidden within the hilt within his Broadsword. So far he has revealed nothing else about his past to the group of people he has aligned himself with but it is fair because everyone else in the group are tightlipped about heir past also.
  10. Classic Web Comic Debresko, Can anyone be greater than Gabe and Tycho (Not sure what there real names are so whatever) at poking fun at such a subject?
  11. *COOL* Original Name: Unknown Adopted Name: Jack Bordano Aliases: Vampyre Type of Hero: Genetically Altered Human Alignment: Good Group Affliction: Vigilantie Powers: When Vampyre makes contact with Human flesh, He causes the flesh to split open and begin to bleed uncontrollably until he breaks contact when the wounds heal over almost instantaniously . However, It doesn't matter if the flesh has healed over if they being died of a severe lack of Blood. Unlike his namesake, Vampyre is not immortal but possess a Healing factor on par with the X-Man known as Wolverine; However, Vampyre has to have skin contact with another Human for his Healing Factor to work. He also possess a Superhuman Strength level but it is unknown where it caps off because it spawns from using his primary power. Character Description: Height: 5'6 Weight: 140 pounds Hair Style+Color: Cropped short and Brown. Eyes: Grey, No visible Pupils. This lead to the belief that Vampyre is blind which is untrue. Costume: Wears a specially designed costume which acts as both a second skin and as Chameleonic suit. Under this he wears a full body Kevlar suit. Vampyre also wears specially designed gloves which open up on the palm and fingers by applying pressure to any of the pressure points inside of the gloves. Weapons and Equipment: Vampyre uses a knife as normal weapons when he doesn't wish to use his powers as well as to leave his Trademark ( Two pinholes in the neck). On the equipment side of things, He uses a Grappling Hook to get between the rooftops and the ground. Bio: The being known as Vampyre is one that is surrounded in mystery and darkness; The first memories that Vampyre is remember is of being in a top-secret underground institution as the Prize Experiment in the project known as Darkwind, Backed by Senator Kelly, in their pursuit of creating the perfect assasian. The scientists injected a serem into the bloodstream of the man which was supposed to grant heightened abilities but instead gave the man deadly powers. Weeks passed and each attempt to purge the powers failed and made it more violent then ever but these experiments also affected its mind and gave it a Human mind and consience. Days after the last experiment was performed; Vampyre escaped and reeked havoc on the scientists before its brain stopped what it was doing . Clothed in the specially designed Chamelionec suit with a scientists clothes worn over it; He took up the name of one of the people he butchered and took his fight against such a corporation to the streets of New York city as a vigilante while on the side being a homicide detective for the NY Police Department. Character Snippet: Will get back to.
  12. Maybe we should lay off of using Weird Al as much for this topic, I know he is awesome at parodising songs but jeesh. Anyway, I'm going to used a talented person in his own rights It's non-other that Richard Cheese and Lounge against the Machine who peform Jazz versions of songs which don't suit the Jazz style. Just have a listen to their cover of Chop Suey or Down with the Sickness and you'll see how funny it is to listen to. Here is the Star Wars Phantom Medley which is a good laugh by Richard Cheese and L.A.T.M. Well A long time ago in a galaxy far far away This guy in black was on the track of the rebels led by Leia Hey! Luke Skywalker, they fried your uncle and aunt So he left Tatooine with light saber in his pants You can bet I wanna be a jedi, there is no try only a do Use use use the force, trust me Luke its neato Listen to Ben, he'll tell you when to launch your torpido It's a ship that is flown by that Indiana Jones And the Falcon goes flying along He is Darth Vador, he's a Jedi hater, He dies much later, in Episode 6 Obi Wan Kenobi, all covered in brown, He may cut your arm off, if you screw around Ba la la la la la bamba, he's the bounty hunter After Han under that armor he's got nuthin on Jar Jar Binks, Jar Jar Binks, his floppy ears are giant They rendered him with a Pentium lets hope he's watchin can't complyin Watch Pod Races in heat, Kaboom, Kaboom Anakin needs a booster seat oh the Tatooine day They'll be flying around Naboo when they come They'll be fightin' Battle Droids of the federation Hey those light saber sounds just like electric razors They'll be flyin' around Naboo when they... Come all ye forceful, join the team ancient speeder Queen Amidala, Amidala, Amidala She's a hott tamala, Natalie marry me Shut-up the movie has begun PS: I hope people noticed the joke of a name which he goes by.
  13. [quote name='Gavin][SIZE=1']Fifteen hundred dollars ? Well that honestly just shows the desperation of people when it comes to acquiring these new systems, despite the fact that they should still be available when Christmas rolls along. Still it is deplorable that people would take advantage of such desperation by making people pay such obscene amounts of money. [/SIZE][/quote] Well, Desperation can cause various things. I find it funny that people out there cannot wait an extra fortnight or so for a console when people out there haven't even owned last generations consoles let alone this generations. I myself will laugh if all he stole were Core packs or whatever they call the $299 ones.
  14. Well, I haven't exactly completed many games 100% because of loss of interest so I'll have to post about bosses which I found to be at the height of awesome. Yuber (Final Encounter)- Suikoden 3 All I can say is that Yuber is the most dominating character that you'll encounter in a Good RPG, period. It felt damn satisfying to defeat him even though he is a personal favourite villian of mine. His Eightfold Rune was not just deadly, it was damn-near fatal and when a guy as powerful as he is has a move which nearly kills a character then you know you will have troubles. Ok, so he only has 2500 HP but when only every 7th or 8th physical attack connects against this guy then he doesn't need HP. The Monsters rate of Awesome- 4.5 out of 5 (Originally 4 but he gained .5 becasue of his coolness factor) Darth Plucky- Buster Busts Loose I have to say that Lady Katana is right with Darth Plucky from Buster Busts Loose. Because, to tell you the truth, it was the first platformer that I beat 100% and in reality it was one of my personal favourite Platformer Bosses. The Monsters rate of Awesome- 3.9 out of 5 Tio Clone- Grandia II Another personal favourite of mine because I couldn't really stand Tio as a character so the chance to beat her down came and gave me about 5-10 minutes of happiness. More fairly standard RPG battle fare played with the Godlike Grandia engine. The Monsters rate of Awesome- 3 out of 5 ------- The Monster---
  15. Well, I use Wikipedia regularly and am currently using it and I have to say that it has seriously effected my faith in some of the volunteers that post there. I am so annoyed that someone would pull a prank and joke about being involved with the assassination of two people.
  16. Idea the First- Worms- World Wide Warriors Backstory- Years ago there were tournaments that pitted Worms against Worms for the ultimate title but they began to close after an evil plan hatched by the Evil *Cough*Genius *Cough* Boggy B. As usual, His evil plan was defeated but the damage to the tournament was done and it was closed. 5 years later and the once defunct Worm World Warriors tournament has restarted and over two dozen teams from everywhere across the Worms World. During the first rounds of the tournament, The evil Boggy B has returned with an evil plot to scorch the world with a gigantic Magnifying Glass with assisstance from his two grandsons Chuck E and Bruce E. It is up to the members of the Worms teams to take down this incompotent foe before his "Incredible" Plan can go into action. Idea the Second- Schoolies Backstory- When someone completes school it is up to that person to make a name for him/her self. But as everyone knows, the first thing to do when you cap off 13 years of school is to celebrate and how else to do that then by celebrating at the biggest party of your life- Schoolies. 1,000 000 bottles of Beer, 10,000 inches of Latex and 100,000 Horny Schoolies- They will get their by Car, By Bus, By Train, By limo and by Foot. It's the greatest party of their lives- The biggest step is getting there. These are the two ideas that I have come up with, Just post what you think about them and about how I could improve them.
  17. [I]Before Ash arrived[/I] Hallden awoke to hear a tapping noise on the bricks outside of his cell; He did not even have to look to realize that it was a prison escape attempt. "Hallden" said the muffled voice of the person on the outside and he realized that it was indeed his friend Xsuyoh. Hallden pulled himself off the floor, stumbled over to the wall, and started to pull on one of the loose stones. He heard a gruff voice asking what Xsuyoh was doing and Xsuyoh explaniation before Xsuyoh and the other person set to work freeing Hallden. Once the hole was large enough Hallden pulled himself through the small hole and dusted himself off. Hallden was aware of the dwarf that was looking him up and down while Xsuyoh was soaking up his own talent. "What are you doing here?" Hallden questioned Xsuyoh, it was incredibly dangerous to wander around this area because of the pirates that occasionaly attacked. Xsuyoh rolled his eyes and muttered to the Dwarf next to him " He's a bit thick for a strategiest isn't he?, which bought an amused snort from the Dwarf. Hallden glared at the two then introduced himself to the dwarf while the dwarf introduced itself as Ash Kilnsmoke. The trio set off for the coast where they could stowaway on a ship away from the island but Hallden realised one thing, He had left his sword and a set of expensive Runic scrolls up at his room in the military academy. The three argued but the promise of how much the scrolls could be sold for persuaded Ash and Xsuyoh and the three set off sneakily to the Military academy that was on the other side of the town.
  18. [QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Well personally I'd love to see a great Star Wars game set outside the RPG genre, I mean there's no denying that KOTOR and it's sequel are great games but I'd just love to get a little more direct control over the action. I suppose basically I'd love to see a Star Wars game set over the game mechanics developed by Lionhead with Fable. I mean the Jedi Knight series is probably the best non-RPG there is out there and while it's good, it's not great or at least it could have been much better. In the same manner that KOTOR feels constricting, JK feels too open and obvious, i.e. kill the bad guys and reach the end level. What you need is an entire world or more favourable several worlds to explore and get your Jedi backside involved in. In Fable you have the opportunity to really feel like a part of a world without it seeming too RPG in nature, a very pleasant mix of the fast-paced combat of an action game and the wonderful rich storytelling and character development of an RPG. The ability to go from being a Padawan to eventually becoming a Jedi Master and actually influencing the Galaxy for the better, or the worse given the opportunity.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Nice idea Gavin, I found KOTOR to be an entertaining play but I agree that it felt a bit linear for an RPG so the combination of Fable and KOTOR would work out well.
  19. I've found the lyrics to a classic song by an Australian Comedian called John Saffron which was made for one of his shows "John Saffrons- Musical Jamboree" called Jew Town. It is offensive to people but it isn't full on insulting Jews just using thm for humour. Verse 1 People often ask me What's that cap up on your skull I say the bible said to put one there So I won't got to hell And people step up to me And they tell me 'Eat this pig' But if the hooves aren't split, Then it ain't legit And that's how I choose to live In a world of non-believers Who drive on Saturday Don't forget, It's our day of rest So when they ride past just look away I'm not some big old Rabbi In a black hat and a gown But we are the youth We can make a change It's time to get on down Chorus I'm going down down down Down to Jew'Town What I gotta do now Get down to Jew'Town Verse 2 People frount and ask me Why you read from right to left? I say it's not that complicated It's the Hebrew alphabet And Christians want to ask me How you different from our people? I say I like Bible number one But I will not touch the sequel In this crazy mixed up world Where sin is all the rage You gotta take that Torah off the shelf And read every page Take what you learn in Synagogue And spread the word down town We're Jews from the streets And we're kicking out beats And it's time to get on down Chorus I'm going down down down Down to Jew'Town (On passover week be carefull with wheat) Down down down Down to Jew'Town (It's bread unleavened Twenty-four seven) Down down down, down to Jew'Town
  20. PWNED

    Xbox 360

    Well according to an article I read on IGN.com, Microsoft are losing 150 bucks or so for each X-box 360 sold because of the insane production prices on the consoles. When I am saying losing, They're not turning a profit like Microsoft would have wanted.
  21. The Battle Royale movies are some personal favourites of mine but the two which edge these two out are 'Guitar Wolf: Wild Zero' and 'My Wife is a Gangster' which are both hilarious in their own ways. Guitar Wolf is similar to 'Shaun of the Dead' with being Rom-Zom-Com but takes it further by adding Aliens and Rock n' Roll. The Captian is the ultimate Villian because he is the first villian I've ever seen which can wear Tight, Short-Shorts which matches with a badbowl cut and still be awesome. And it has some classic quotes........ Guitar Wolf: "Love has no borders, nationalities, or genders! ". That damn quote, It always cracks me up. Crapfully Crap - The Monster
  22. Well, I feel that I have to agree with a lot of people here wehen saying that the reason people don't like Anime is that it is childish or idiotic. Granted, it is rare that you will be able to see the best Animated shows without seeing them Hacked up, swallowed, digested and spat out by the Censors. That is why so many of the now Childish anime are for kids even though if it didn't get censored it would most likely be a PG or M. The other side is that Anime Fans are stereotyped as either Eccentric Asian geeks, Wierd Fan-Boys or Freaks. I'm one of the few non-asian Anime fans at my school but I'm looked down at because they think that means I look at Hentai. Which I don't, because I'm not desperate. [I]Crapfully Crap[/I] The Monster
  23. Have you ever had an idea that made you think; Wow, Now that would make an awesome game? I know that I have so I've decided to start a thread about what would make awesome games. A perfect example of a great game idea would be another version of Suikogaiden which would focus on the backstory of either Flik or Viktor from Suikodens 1 and 2. The two were personal favourites of mine but their stories are practicully shrouded with mystery to a certain extent. Who else wants to see what happened between Suikodens 1 and 2 for these two characters. My other one would probably be a little minigame on the explaned game which would be similar to the Duel system in the Suikodens but improved by adjusting where abouts the attack is targeted or how much stamina is used. Yes, I know that these are not exactly my made-up games but they would be nice for someone else to make.
  24. PWNED

    Family Guy Trivia!

    A. Will Ferrel was the Voice actor for the Black Knight. Q. What well known identities did 'Jacky Chan' mistake Meg, Chris and Peter for in the episode 'Breaking out is hard to do? Bonus. In the stated episode, where does my question take place?
  25. [COLOR=DimGray]The young strategiest lay on the hard bed in the cramped prison cell as he stared at the roof moodily; He was yet to even be out of his teens and here he was, Accused of murdering a family of nobles even though he didn't do it. [/COLOR][I][COLOR=DarkRed]As if they'd believe me[/COLOR][/I],[COLOR=DimGray] Hallden thought as he looked at the rune on his right hand which had appeared a month ago. This Rune was nothing but trouble yet he couldn't get rid of it.[/COLOR] [I][COLOR=DarkRed]It all started when this... thing appeared[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=DimGray]He found himself thinking and for damn good reason too. Ever since those pirates had attacked that long ago his life had taken a turn for the worst because of what happened. Hallden dismissed these thoughts and concentrated on the matter at hand, Just before he saw the Nobles killed by a dark figure they were demanding to know where the bearer of the Massacre Rune was.[/COLOR] [I][COLOR=DarkRed]I don't even know if what I bear is the Massacre Rune[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=DimGray]He was jarred back to his senses when two people entered through the door of his cell, he recognized them as the commander of the knights of Southport and his very own mother Dailon or Dailo Schluden. "Stand to attention" Ordered the Knight as Hallden pulled himself off of the bed and stood to face his mother. "Is that anyway for a strategiest to act?" questioned his mother as they stared at each other. Hallden cocked an eyebrow as he thought of this [/COLOR][I][COLOR=DarkRed]You can't talk, You were accused of High Treason[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=DimGray]then shook his head. "So" said Dailo as she observed his silence "You think that you are above the law by murdering a group of innocent nobles?" "No" whispered Hallden as his face burned with anger, his own mother thought that he did it; " It was another person wearing all black" Dailo snorted as she heard this and answered "Yes, Always someone wearing full black clothing, hmm? Halldens fist clenched as he slid off the glove on his right hand and raised it so that the back of his hand faced towards his mother while she gasped in horror at what he bore. "The Massacre Rune....." Dailo whispered as she looked at the markings before recoiling when the Rune pulsed which brought her son to his knees. She thought for a moment then leant down towards her son and whispered to him " I'll see that you will be exiled instead of executed" before getting to her feet and leaving along with the knight. Hallden looked up through bleary eyes as his mother left him in the dark again and muttered sarcastically "And Exile is that much better then getting executed before he blacked out from the pain in his hand.[/COLOR]
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