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Everything posted by PWNED

  1. PWNED

    Xbox 360

    [quote name='persocomblues'] It should be considered that perhaps the system was released too soon.[/quote] I'd say that that is a rational explanation, Whe nthe PS2 was first released it had quite a few problems but was eventually fixed up in a few months or so. Microsoft did seem to have rushed the 360 a bit to release by Christmas, huh?
  2. [QUOTE=Desbreko][color=#4B0082]Seeing that before the start of the first race, I thought, "Hey, this guy must be pretty good." Wrong; he sucked ***. Which makes me think the only way he could've gotten a record like that is through lots of disconnecting, which doesn't affect your record in any way. [/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DimGray]That's the problem these days. A lot of Game Players will have a tendency to be arrogant and will not accept being beaten and stop it by any means nessercary. Now I know that this is a very biased view of mine and may apply to a minority but unfortunatly it is very true. I know that I will prevent losing by anyway possible except exiting the game because; It may be inevitable that I will lose but I will also accept it for what it means. That I need to practice to get better is how I'll treat it. But I also find that I myself have a sense of honour, I won't do anything overly harsh like scamming someone or turning on my teammates even though I will use low-ish tactics to get my way in a game but I don't stoop low enough to take advantage of a N00B or anything. Thing is, The person that Debresko used as an example of a classic wanker. It pisses me off to say this but people have a distinct lack of morals when a Win-Lose streak is involved with the situation. [/COLOR] Crapfully Crap - [FONT=Impact]The Monster[/FONT]
  3. [COLOR=DimGray]I have a tendency to stay neutral through a game that allows you to make choices that effect the story because of the type of person that I am. Alright, So i have a tendency to embrance Anarchy when I get the chance in a game but from Anarchy rises a greater power. Staying Neutral in games like 'Baldurs Gate', 'Neverwinter Nights', 'KOTOR' and others allow me to change my sides when It benefits me the most.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Example:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray] In Baldurs Gate you meet a guy in Nashkel who mistakes you for a famous Bouty Hunter and offers to give you about 200 Gold Pieces or so. Do you choose to accept it and forfiet all Bounty jobs that you can get off of him or Vice Versa? The thing is, is that this occurs early in the game when you need all the gold that you can get so then what do you do? Moments like those will really frustrate someone like me because I refuse to be a good guy and will only do evil things when I am forced to. [/COLOR] Crapfully Crap -[FONT=Impact] The Monster[/FONT]
  4. [quote name='renayiiq']Like the dude above me said, if it's an adult video game, why shouldn't it have adult themes in it? .[/quote] Um, One thing; Charles isn't a Dude, He's a former Site Administrator, Should just clear that up. Anyway, Even if people did allow it there are just some things that cannot get past the censors, if coupled with multiple other things, because The Censors are paranoid about sexual things in games because they find that it is against family morals even though there are games with Violence, Drugs, Extreme Coarse Language and the like and a game will be considered for Mature Audiences only but a thing like a Sex mini game is more than enough to bump up the rating at least two things. Hot Coffee, anyone? -[FONT=Impact]The Monster[/FONT]
  5. Nice characters so far from everyone; I will start the RPG up in a week from now at latest.
  6. Yeah, I have to agree with a few people on some of their choices. I viewed the first few episodes of Inuyasha and found it to be VERY mediocre. I don't know but I just found it to be overhyped. Dragon Ball (Any type) is just to difficult to not say anything about without feeling like a moron. It is not even Mediocre, It feels too slow paced for a kids anime so I just find it weird that I have seen a few seasons of it even though it is so dull. Beyblade, Hamtaro, Yu-Gi-Oh (American Dub) and Duel Masters are all self explanatory.
  7. Name: [COLOR=SlateGray]Hallden Schulen[/COLOR] Age: [COLOR=SlateGray]17[/COLOR] Gender: [COLOR=SlateGray]Male[/COLOR] Race: [COLOR=SlateGray]Human[/COLOR] Class: [COLOR=SlateGray]Military Strategiest/ Trainee Swordsman [/COLOR] Special skills:[COLOR=SlateGray] He is the wielder of the Massacre Rune but he doesn't use its power because he understands that its usage will result in his death. He is an average fighter but is acknowledged as the next Master Strategiest because of his firm grasp of tactics and being from the Schulen family of Tacticians. [/COLOR] Weapons: [COLOR=SlateGray]Hallden wields a long, thin sword competently although he will rarely fight as he is a thinker rather than a warrior. [/COLOR] Appearence: [URL=http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/t/trishtan01.jpg]Hallden[/URL] Magic: [COLOR=SlateGray]Hallden uses magic deprived from minor elemental runes to heal wounds or injure foes by analysing a foe than using the corresponding elemental magic.[/COLOR] Biography: [COLOR=SlateGray]Coming from a secluded background; Hallden has always lived a sheltered life as the second child of the great strategiest Dailo Schulden and as the only son of her. As a child he was obsessed with reading his mothers old war journals and studying old strategic maps which was why he was named heir to the name of Master Strategiest when he would be able to prove himself. At the age of fourteen; he was sent to the Military Academy in Southport to refine his skills as a strategiest and as a swordsman. As he grew older and became better known as a strategiest he began to drift away from his intense studies as a warrior and begun to both study and collect runes and runic weapons. As a result; He was named the captian of a small patrol ship which, after a series of unfortunate events, was attacked by a pirate group who were led by the bearer of the Massacre Rune. After the pirates attacked; Hallden put his knowledge of strategies to good use and defeated the pirates by using the smaller ships superiour weapons by causing the ship to catch fire. However; The Rune bearer and his elite guard boarded Halldens ship and Hallden engaged the Rune Bearer in a duel where clever tactics once again prevailed. The death of the Bearer released the rune and a huge flare of light occured with Hallden being targeted by it; He was the new bearer of the Massacre Rune. While his crippled ship limped back to Southport, A Dark vessel had arrived at the scene of the battle after observing the light and following the Pirates that had attacked. Although Hallden didn't know it, These were Death Stalkers and now he was their prey. After arriving back in Southport and being reprimanded for not taking the advice of his second in command to retreat; Hallden was put on patrol duty in the town of Southport until his graduation from the academy in a few weeks. During his final week; Hallden saw a handful of shady looking people entering the home of the town leader. He knew that they couldn't be the people that lived there and investigated the house. In there he found the corpses of the two children of the family while the town lord was held by the throat in the middle of the room; The figure holding him demanding to know where Hallden was. The figure noticed Halldens approach, dropped the leader to the ground and slit his throat in one movemet while turning to face Hallden. Before the two faced off; a disturbance was occuring downstairs and town guards entered the house forcefully which drew Halldens attention away from the figure one moment then his foe was gone. The guards entered the room to see a bloody dagger lying on the ground at Halldens feet while being surrounded by corpses which were covered with cuts. Hallden was taken into custody and is now awaiting his trial.[/COLOR] *Sorry this has taken so long; I've been distracted a lot.*
  8. Ummm, No. You have to be more specific with an answer to questions like this. No character can master all styles of Martial Arts (Not even Jacky Chan or Bruce Lee) and I kind of find the ability to use Light Magic weird since I never stated that the fighters would be over the top.
  9. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For more information on the Island Nations, [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=691950#post691950]Click Here[/URL] --------------------------------------------------------------------- Story- The Runes of Power. Such things are craven by the rich and powerful because of their unseen ability to cause people to flock to their banners like Seagulls. Those that weild such objects of immense power are those that alter history and the course of the world. But Death is what awaits those that weild their awesome power. There are people that track these Runes known as Rune Hunters; those that track them for moral or immoral reasons. A certain group of them; The Death Stalkers who are obsessed with finding the rune that is colorfully referred to as the Massacre Rune which is said to have destroyed a whole island city. Rune Hunters like the Death Stalkers are hated by the people of the Island States, which is known to the east as the Forgotten Nations, because of their often unorthodox methods of finding what they seek by means of Torture, Blackmail or worse. Enter the bearers of such powerful magic; Those that are hunted for what they possess and are forced to keep the runes sealed inside of their bodies until it either frees itself or it is used. When the rune is released it will consume everything in its path until it finds a new bearer or it returns to its former bearer. Take on the role of a group of people that are forced into this underground war; People that are cast out for defending a friend who is found to be a bearer of the Massacre Rune after bearing named the murderer of a prestigous family. They are now constantly hounded by mercenaries and the shadowy Death Stalkers. Their fate is in your hands; Only you can defend the defenders of the Massacre Rune from those that would exploit it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Generation Name: (Not restricting your choice) Age: (I've said it before and I'll say it again; Nothing Extreme) Gender: Race: (Human- Your basic bipedal Humanoid; Their height and features will vary greatly between individuals. They inhabit all of the major islands. Elf- A slimmer variation of the Human; They have sharp (Almost pointy) features and their hair is commonly blonde or brown. They inhabit a valley deep within the Nation of Belvolic and have strained diplomacies with humans. It is uncommon to see Elves away from the valley but those that have parted with the valley are usually friendlier than normal. Beastman- A medium-sized humanoid creature; They have features which are very animallike but walk and talk like Humans. Their height will vary but it is common for Beastmen to stand around 5'5 to a whopping 8'0 depending on the type of beast that they are crossed with. They are found on the islands of Southport and Dunai primarily but you will find them anywhere also. Dwarf-A race of short Humanoids which are proud of their brute strength, Drinking ability and their long beards. They are constantly inventing new materials at their stronghold Thunderhelm but it is not unknown to see them practising their craft in large cities.) Half Breed- The result of a mixing of blood between people of two different races. Class: You can use any class that you wish; as long as it is feasable. Special Skills: (What special skills does your character possess; Are they good Military Thinkers? Do they have access to minor elemental runes? Do they have any Uncanny abilites? etc) Weapon(s): (Preferred Weapons to use) Appearence: (Detailed Description or Picture) Magic: (For magic using characters) (What type of magic is it that they use? Elemental, Necromongary, Divintaion and Illusion are some examples) Biography: (How your character got envolved in the incident. Past history and what they have done with their life before meeting the main character. It has to be enough to get by and nothing less) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thats the entire sign up sheet- The story begins on the island of Southport and I will explain more in depth when others join. I will be taking the role of the character that bears the Massacre Rune, if anyone wants to know.
  10. ------------------------------------------- The HIstory of the Island Nations ------------------------------------------- History of the Island States- The Island States are a recently set up series of small island Nations which was formed shortly after a truly destructive war which was ended when the Massacre Rune was expelled from its bearers body; laying waste to the surrounding countryside and the fleets of two warring nations. 73 years have passed since then and the Island Nations have become a respected region because of the dangerous seas and monsters inland. ------------------------------------------------------ The Island Nations- A Guide ------------------------------------------------------ The Island of Naskiel is the largest of the Islands and also features the largest range of shops avaliable; Its Rune Shop alone features enough minor runes to outfit an entire army with enough magical power to destroy an entire nation. It is, however, not the capital as it was expelled from the Islands Counci but was later reaccepted because of its supplies and strategic ability. The Nation of Belvolic is the second largest of the Islands and is noted for being the island which a family of well-known strategists call home. It is also the only place where you will find Elves in their natural homes. Other notable landmarks are the Academy of Military Strategy and Godshammer mountain. The tiny Island of Dunai was originally a trading capital of the Island Nations which is also the home of a Dog-strand of Beastmen. The island has lately fallen on hard times. Southport is the capital of the Island Nations and is widely acknoledged as the strongest island militarily because of a training academy and of the fierce Beastmen which defend their island fanatically. Thunderhelm is the Dwarven Stronghold on an unnamed island and is home to the best blacksmithes in the islands; They are reported to be researching strange weapons called 'Flinters' but it is unknown what these weapons are and their capabilities. Nashiel, The twin Island of Naskiel, is well known for its armouries which produce the armour that the graduates from the Southport Military Academy bear; and of its high quality brews which is why a secondary Dwarven villiage has been set up there recently. Lundai is the final of the notable islands and is not a pretty sight, recently getting wracked with a huge explosion that resulted in the main city getting destroyed and the surviving inhabitants being forced to flee into the Darkwind woods. -------------------------------------------- An Example Character -------------------------------------------- Name: Dailo Age: 23 Gender: Male Race: Rumoured to be Half breed (Human + Beastman (Dog Breed) (Uncomfirmed) Class: Ninja Special Skills: (He possesses an individual rune which is known as the Warp Rune which allows him to teleport to any location which he has seen and knows) Weapon(s): Small throwing daggers and a pair of small thin stilletos. Appearence: (Unneeded in an Example) Magic: Teleport Magic Bio: (Unneeded)
  11. Well I have to agree mostly with Peties reply; If the game is the companies first shot at the genre or console it is on then they will include enough things to make it seem like a new game without wasting a lot of money. Deus Ex on Playstation 2 was a direct port from PC so it had nothing new but they removed Multiplayer from it because they were not sure how well it would sell on console. Square also did he same thing; on their first shot onto the PS1 they created the first 3D RPG but it was just incredibly Ho-Hum. Tons of other companies have done the same thing when they do first release; They just make a really average game with something that has never been seen before. Oh yeah Petie, theres just one small problem with what you said about Halo 1 not having online capabilites; Sega were the only ones which had a console with online capabilites and were rather tight-lipped about it. The X-Box also didn't have X-Box live at the time of release.
  12. Alright, I know this is a really N00B-ish topic title (I accept it if Shinmaru closes it) but it is a bit more complicated than that. The full title is 'If you were a character in a fighting game then what fighting style and tactics would you use and why? What standout moves would you use?' and it can actually reveal a lot about fighting styles that people use on games. Would your character use a style that is focused on blocking or Reversing attacks or would you go all out? If in a weapon based fighter than how would you fight and what would weapon would you use? What key attacks could you use during battle to swing the battle in your direction? Initially could everyone please keep it to the three categories that I have used; Fast paced brawler, Slow paced Fighter and Weapon based fighter. For me it depends on the game which is in question, In a fast paced Brawler like Tekken I would go for a speedier style like Jeet-Kune-Do or Shoot fighting opposed to a style that packs a lot of power behind its attacks. My tactics would be of an all out offense with little to no blocking because, since Brawlers rely more on Button Mashing, I would require little to no skill. Some key moves would be long kicking combos for Jeet-Kune-Do while Shoot Fighting would contain chained throws and the like. In a slower paced Fighter such as Virtua Fighter, I would use a more Reversal or Blocking style since the better players will not just use an offense which leaves you open. The tactic is self explanitory, keep on blocking and countering until you find an opening. Key moves would include chain counter moves and high impact throws. In a weapon based fighter like Soul Calibur then I would use two smallish weapons (Preferably Knives, Tonfa or Short Swords) for speed as opposed to power.The tactic that would have to be employed would be of a hit and run style against a larger foe and of a countering style against a speedier fighter. I would guess that Key moves could include quick one,two attacks and fast combos.
  13. Goodbye to a great wrestler and entertainer, He was one of the few superstars that kept me interested in wrestling and brought me back into it. My sincerities go out to his wife, children and family. I just bet that he is lieing, cheating and stealing up their in heaven right now and theres nothing they can do about it because that was what everyone loved about Eddie. RIP- Eduardo Gory Guerrero 1967-2005
  14. Not nesserceraly, People don't demand 100% closeness to the source, They want somewhere around 70 or 80% because too much makes it the story feel forced while too little will have people wondering which... Resident Evil or Final Fantasy it was based on. I personally want it to be close to the material it is based on but with enough room to allow people to enjoy it without having to view or play the original source.
  15. Name: Alan-Madden Mann Age: 17- Has been playing for three years with a signed permission note. Gender: Male Username: Madman Appearence: [IMG]http://www.auswrestling.com/images/shows/PCWJULY/images/PHOTOSROWVILLE%20024.jpg[/IMG] Remove the Elbow Pads and you have him. Partner Digimon: Rookie-Burgemon Type: Food Attribute: Vaccine Level: Rookie Attacks: Delicious Patty, Spicy Onion Champion- Burgemon Adult Type: Food Attribute: Vaccine Level: Champion Attacks: Delicious Patty, Spicy Onion Ultimate- Digitammamon Type: Perfect Attribute: Data Level: Ultimate Attacks: Nightmare Syndrome, Hyper Flashing Mega- HolyDigitamamon Type: Angel Attribute: Data Level: Mega Attack: Holy dream Befriended Digimon- Gladimon (Champion)- A good buddy of Burgemon since the beginnings of their lives. He goes where Burgemon goes. Gladimon is just there for support, he is a terrible fighter and is always hungry. Knightmon (Ultimate)- The second of Burgemons buddies and the only one of the two which can fight. Originally didn't travel with Madman but recently had a change of heart which Madman didn't understand. Still doesn't speak with Madman for an unknown reason. OOC: Hope this is good enough. Edit: Yep, I got rid of Kotemon.
  16. I don't see how the Insane Clown Posse song above was humerous. Is Violent J trying to say the word ******* more than Fred Durst did in Starfish? [QUOTE]**** It All [Violent J] ****. **** this ****. **** givin it to me. [Chorus:] If I only could I'd set the world on fire If I only could I'd set the world on fire If I only could I'd set the world on fire Sya **** the world! (**** the world!) If I only could I'd set the world on fire **** em all! (**** em all!) [Violent J] **** you, **** me, **** us **** Tom, **** Mary, **** Gus **** Darius **** the west coast, and **** everybody on the east Eat **** and die, or **** off at least **** pre-schoolers, **** rulers Kings and Queens and gold jewelers **** wine coolers **** chickens, **** ducks Everybody in your crew sucks, punk mother fucks **** critics, **** your review Even if you like me, **** you **** your mom, **** your mom's momma **** the Beastie Boys and the Dali Llama **** the rain forest, **** a Forrest Gump You probably like it in the rump **** a shoe pump, **** the real deal and **** all the fakes **** all fifty two states! Oooo, and **** you [Chorus X 2] [Violent J] **** Oprah, **** opera, **** a soap opera **** a pop locker and a cock blocker **** your girlfriend, I probably did her already **** Kyle and his brother Tom Petty, Jump Steady My homie, **** him, what are you gonna do? (**** that *****, **** you!) Yeah well **** you too Don't bother tryin to analyze these rhymes In this song I say **** ninety three times **** the president, **** your welfare **** your government and **** Fred Bear **** Nugent, like anybody gives a **** You like to hunt a lot, so ****** what?! **** disco, Count of Monte Crisco **** Cisco, and Jack and Jerry Brisco And **** everyone who went down with the Titanic, in a panic I'm like **** you, AHHHHH!!!! [Chorus X 2] [Violent J] **** Celine Dion and **** Dionne Warwick You both make me sick, suck my dick **** the Berlin Wall, both sides of it And **** Lyle Lovett, whoever the **** that is **** everybody in the hemisphere **** them across the world, and **** them right here You know the guy that operates the Rouge River draw bridge in Delray on Jefferson? **** HIM! **** your idea, **** your gonnoreha **** your diarrhea, Rocky Maivia **** your wife, your homie did, he's ****** you **** the police and the 5-0 too **** Spin, Rolling Stone, and **** Vibe **** everybody inside Whoever's on the cover, **** his mother **** your little brother's homie from around the way And **** Violent J![/QUOTE] Oh how damn Hilarious.
  17. [B]Name:[/B] Alan-Jones Kelly [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Nationality:[/B] Australian-American. *Dad is Aussie while mum is American.* [B]Occupation:[/B] Full time Student, Part Time worker at a Cinema. (Just what you do for a living if others don't know) [B]Appearence:[/B] [IMG]http://www.mook-e.com/gallery/samw2.jpg[/IMG] He looks older than what he is which was why he beat out a few other people to get his job. [B]Personality:[/B] Alan is naturally quiet and rarely says anything that isn't worth listening to. He has a sense of humour which is so pointed it can cause fatalities but despite this he will rarely laugh at anything which he doesn't consider humorus even if everyone else are. He socialises quite well for the life that he has lived but it isn't what he would have wanted. Sometimes he will just recede into his room with his prize possessions (His Sandman graphic novels) and not come out for ages which makes some people believe he only cares about those but that isn't true. He just doesn't care for much else at the time.
  18. [COLOR=SlateGray]1st entry into the diary of Jeffrey Kelly [/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray] [I]Why do you keep on trying to run my life?[/I] [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]It's a question which I had asked so many years ago when I was living back in Australia; It's simple to ask but almost impossible to answer. My parents were always trying to order me around and were suffocating me. I don't know what compelled me to say it but it felt damn good to let it off my chest...... At least it did twenty years ago. Now I'm divorced with two kids, a morgage and a bloody cramped house. I have a feeling that my kids will ask me that very same question soon and I would be unable to answer like my parents were twenty years ago.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]I am doing the same to my son and daughter; I'm not doing it on purpose but it seems that whenever they consider doing something I bring em down. [I]Get a Job[/I], [I]Keep away from Raves[/I] and all that crap. I feel that I should let them go but I can't...... [/COLOR] [COLOR=Gray]2nd entry into the Diary of Jeffrey Kelly[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Well, It's final; My son will never go into the outside world because of me. I've decided to let him make his own way through life.... with help of course. It's time for him and his sister to live the lives that normal teenagers should live....... And I think I have figured out how[/COLOR] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Background Story overview: The story is about two teenage twins who have lived a life of being suffocated by their dads strict rules and regulations when out of nowhere their father purchases them an apatment in Los Angeles for no particular reason for the two to live there. When they arrive they are given a life forth of opportunities which they must balance with school life and working. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I will be taking on the role of the male of the twins while the girl is open. The other people are just inhabitants of LA that the two get to know. Character Creation: Name- Age: (Nothing extreme) Gender: Nationality: Occupation- (If a student then put it down) Physical Description: (What your character looks like) Attire- (What your character wears) Personality: (What your character is like) Biography: *Optional* (Just talk about your characters life) Extra Informartion: (Anything else that should be mentioned)
  19. Wrestlers Real Name: Morgan Williams Nick Name: Human Suplex Machine MK.2 Wrestlers Height: 6'3 Wrestlers Weight" 230 pounds Sex: Male Wrestlers Signiatures/Finishers: Ura-Nage: The wrestler stands face to face with the opponent, slighly to their side. The wrestler tucks his head under the opponent's near arm, and reaches across the opponent's chest and around their neck with his near arm. The wrestler then simultaneously lifts the opponent up, turns 180°, and falls backwards, bringing the opponent over him and slamming them down to the mat back first. Exploder: This is a variant of a belly-to-belly suplex. Rather then crossing the opponent's arms around his/her own, the wrestler performing the Exploder Suplex wraps one of the opponent's arms behind his/her back and throws him/her overhead in the same motion as a belly-to-belly. Another way of finishing this grapple is during the belly-to-belly like motion of throwing the opponent is for the wrestler to catch him/her and fall backward like a fallaway slam. Machine Suplex (Finisher): The same as an Exploder but it ends in a pin. Face/Heel: Heel Wrestler Appearence: [IMG]http://www.obsessedwithwrestling.com/pictures/j/johnnythebull/10.jpg[/IMG] Stats: Strength:5 Charisma: 8 Technique: 6 Submission: 3 Hardcore:5 Endurance: 3
  20. [I]He really seems like an unpleasant type[/I] Jaxar thought quietly after Achilles had grabbed the menu off of the waitress; Jaxar had always disliked Knights because they were always so arrogant and had looked down on him and his family. "So" Catrina said "You never told me about who you really are" "Oh......" Jaxar muttered quietly "How impolite" He breathed quietly twice and started to talk "I am from a small town called Valeria which is on the coast of the isle of Nether Storm. My father and mother were both farmers when I was growing up but when I was 14 they were traveling to Dashiki to sell some crops when bandits attacked them. I know because I traveled to Dashiki a few days later in search of them when I saw their corpses with the looted wagons. Catrina reached out a placed a hand on Jaxars shoulder, It obviously still hurt him deeply but he shrugged it away before continuing. ?My friend Yesinia was always looking out for me for a couple of years while my siblings and I tried to get the farm running properly again. It?s just that a few years later a drought hit and the farm was finished. Yesinia was a member of the thieves? guild so she offered to get me into the guild. My first assignment was to knock off a famed merchant-mage called Manos Almandine. I can?t remember much since then but I remember an amulet with a shining stone set in the centre of it but I couldn?t find it anywhere when I awoke.? ?Valeria? Dashiki? How come I?ve never heard of those places?? Achilles asked in a confused tone; Jaxar finally released that he was taken away from his home but he couldn?t do anything at all. He decided to bang his head against the table a few times in a way to release his anger and sadness that had built up with that thought.
  21. PWNED

    Make a Band

    Cool, Cool Vocals: Mike Shinoda (Linkin Park) or Bon Scott (Acca Dacca or AC-DC) Guitar+Back up Vocals: Randy Bachman (Bachman-Turner Overdrive Bass+Back Up Vocals: Tobin Esperance (Papa Roach) Guitar 2: Angus Young (AC-DC) Drums+Back up Vocals: Dave Buckner (Papa Roach) Saxophone and Third Guitar: Kirk Pengilly (INXS) I myself think that mine is a fairly strong line up also. Mike Shinoda and Bon Scott were two of my choices for vocalists because Mike Shinoda is multi-talented, He can play piano well, rap and sing while who the hell can say no to Bon Scott. I have the same reason behind picking Randy Bachman as Illium and also because he is awesome. The two Papa Roach guys I chose because Tobin Esperance he writes the music for Papa Roach and also because the two are awesome. Angus Young and Kirk Pengilly are also choices because they play on some of my favourite songs around so no dissapointment there. Crapfully Crap The Monster
  22. PWNED

    Ideas Thread

    I quite like the looks of the X-Men ish RPG, It sounds interesting but there are just a few things that could be done with it. You could also have the Maruders as a selectable group who just hunt muties on behalf of Mr Sinister and that may add a bit because the Maruders saga spanned so many Marvel comics.
  23. [quote name='Burori']all good for me. Good thing about being canadian is that with this kind of predictament. Bush can't touch this! *struts it off*[/quote] Same as being Aussie would be a good thing if not for Bushs hound, John Howard. Now to stick it to the man; I may have to join in on this Kinky Otaku pornography but whatever.
  24. A small question is what is the point of FFVI on GBA when III which is almost exactly the same (VI has added material) and is coming out on DS. Now that my stupid question is out of the way I have to say something, Square-Enix is re-releasing its RPGs because now that it has a larger fan base than It can sell a Re-Packaged version of it for more money than it would have earlier. Worst of all is that the games themselves are exactly the same with no major differences given. Another Rant: Thank God that that FF7 Tech Demo was just a Tech Demo and not a remake then I would have to put up with all the hype for it.
  25. [QUOTE=SunfallE] And porn sites love making sites were their address closely matches popular sites like Disneyland so if you mistype by one character you end up at a porn site instead. So it's not a case of it's your fault for visiting the site as lots of people end up there by accident.[/QUOTE] And what letter might you have to put in to get something like that happening? Only Kidding about that because I just couldn't let myself pass by an opportunity to be a jackarse. Anyways, Charles' idea is a good one but disturbed (Only because I tend to think of members here as decent people) but what will stop George Bush from pretending to hate it then sending out his Porn squad to hunt you down Charles (And Co-Stars), You don't want that now do you?
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