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Everything posted by PWNED

  1. Name: Jaxar (or Jax) Blackmoon Age: 19 Gender: Male Race: Half Breed (Human-Elf. quarter Elven blood) Class: Rogue Weapon: [IMG]http://www.oriental-arms.co.il/photos/items/09/001609/ph-0.jpg[/IMG] Armour: [IMG]http://www.whiterosearmoury.co.uk/New%20Folder/adult%20and%20child%20breast%20plates.JPG[/IMG] Personalty: Jaxar is a very carefree man to be around, reflecting his friendly and outgoing personality. He is like this outside of battle but when he is in a fight his shady and nervous side is shown. He is a cautios fighter but one that can make himself useful easier than others because of his knack at adapting to situations. Biography: Jaxar is indeed the theif that is talked about in the story at the top of the story and was the eldest of four children that were born to a poor family. As a child he was a bit of bully but he considered himself a rebel, Bully was an ugly word after all. After he turned 15, His mother revealed that she was half-elven although that side of her didn't show so Jaxar decided to embrace this Elven side of himself. He began training in the ways of a rogue as a theif that knew about nature, His parents didn't agree with this career change but this did not matter to them in a few months time after they were murdered by bandits, leaving Jaxar to care for his younger siblings. On his 19th birthday he received his theives lisence and entered into the Theives Guild. The rest is history. Appearence: [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/k/keneth01.jpg[/IMG]
  2. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24403[/IMG] The young theif shifted uncomftorbly in his seat, He was not even a proper member of the theives guild and he was called to the Guild Masters office. 'This could only be trouble,' He told himself as the second-in-command read through the formalities which caused even more unease with the youth. Once the speech finished, The Guild Master began to talk about Honour amongst theives and about his inpending entry into the guild. "Now, I'm sure that you'll want to just get onto assignments and the such but this is important" The Guild master said with a sly edge to his voice, this seemed to be how the Guild Master seemed to start a lot. When the Guild Master told him of his first assignment, His jaw nearly dropped; He was told that he was to rob the mansion of the most powerful man in the city so he could be seen as a true Theif. Once he was dismissed, The youth nearly ran out of the room to prepare for what would happen tonight.... Not knowing that this job would change his life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- His relative inexperience was showing later that night when he scaled the back wall of the target mansion, His boots were not getting enough leverage on the loose mortar and if not for the rope being tied around his waist then he would have plunged to his death already. Nevertheless, he was able to get over the wall and be able to climb through a second floor window. Luckily, The building was relativly well set out and he was able to locate the treasury easily. At first he was overwhelmed by the Treasure and artifacts like a child in a candy shop but he quickly regained his presence of mind because it was likely that he had set off a dozen wards by now. The theif grabbed objects at random and shoved them into his swag bag but there was one thing that caught his eye. This object was a strange looking amulet fit with a Silvery Crystal, it went against all of his senses but he grabbed it anyway and ran out the door when he started to hear a shrill noise. During his mad rush out of the building and an unfortunate run into a wall when he lost his balance, The jewel seemed to crack but he didn't care enough about it to stop his escape. Just as he was climbing back over the wall, his rope snapped and he began to fall. With the wind cracking past him and the stone comeing a bit too close, The fall began to slow then stop but before he could splatter The ground began a silvery colour which began to come at him even faster. At the same time, The Amulet slipped from the pocket that he had tucked it into and Silvery light seeped from it. After what felt like an eternity of falling, He hit the ground but it was different to what it was earlier. Somewhat softer but It might have been because he didn't splatter on impact but still he was in no need to be picky and had fainted before he could check his surroundings. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The theif reappears in a city that is full of vagabonds, outcasts and other people who were bought here by accident or design. While he is Unconcious from the pain of Dimension Travelling, The amulet is stolen so he is forced to enlist help to find the amulet which was given as a gift to a local Overlord who just happens to command powerful magic and a large army. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character Generation Name: Age: (Nothing Extreme,not too young and not too old ) Gender: (Male or Female) Race: Human- Your Everyday humanoid. They have no weaknesses or strengths. Their appearence varies greatly unlike other races. Elf- An Uncommon Humanoid race found mostly in woodlands and forests. They are tall and vary in height between 5'0 to the rare 7'0. Major features include pointy ears and pointy features. Dwarf- Short Stocky Humanoids that are found in the mountains and undergroud. They vary between 3'0 to 4 and a half. Major features include being incredibly Hairy and often have large noses and such. Katiano- Effectivly just humans with Cat-Like features, No one knows how they originated and its anyones guess. Major Features include a tail, Being covered with a soft fur though this varies depending on individuals and various other cat like features. Canino- Similar to the Katiano but only with Dog-Like features. Major Features include a tail, Being covered with a slightly coarser fur then the Katiano although this varies depending on individuals and various other dog like features. Half Breed- A cross breed created through a union between two different races. They possess features of both races. Class--- [SIZE=1]Warrior- Your basic fighter class, They are not nesseceraly formally trained but are still good fighters. Knight- A Slightly stronger and more skilled version of a warrior. They should not touch magic but their weapon skills are more than good enough to make up for these minor setbacks. Paladin- A Paladin is a warrior that has been formally trained by the Priest warriors. They weild white magic but not really as good as a proper priest but are good warriors. Elementalist- A Magic User that focuses more on the magic that is related to a specific element. They are good at that specific element but not as good at the other elements. Rogue- A general bad guy that even though they may ben on the side of the good guys are just out to help themselves. A Rogue can cover anything from a Thug to an assassian. Archer- A Warrior that focuses more on Ranged Combat than anything else. They are not the best at hand to hand combat. Priest/Priestess- A Magic User which focuses on Holy Magic (Holy meaning Magic that comes from a Diety). They are better fighters than normal mages but lack offensive spells. Monk- Warriors that fight hand-to-hand as opposed to weapons. They also weild weak magic but are the most skilled in fights compared to most other classes. Ranger- Practicully a beefed up Archer which can fight with weapons almost as well as a normal warrior. They aren't as good at Ranged combat Mage- Magic Users that cover all types of magic except for Holy magic. They don't focuse on a specific element or type of magic so they are no as good at those elements as Elementalists. [/SIZE] Weapon: Not too overly powerful. Keep it to what your class would use. Armour: Think about what the classes would wear. Mages would opt for robes instead of traditional armour to be better at focusing their magic. Same as a Warrior would prefer chain or plate mail to robes. Personality- (How your character acts in battle and out of battle) Biography- (Optional. How your character got involved in all of this. Include how your character grew up) Appearence- (Pic or Description)
  3. I will be setting up a Recruiting thread for this RPG but It will proberbly be sometime during this week. I'm scripting the Game which this is in conjunction with on RPG Maker 2003 as well as being out of school with Lyrengitis and Pheryngitis.
  4. Story The young theif shifted uncomftorbly in his seat, He was not even a proper member of the theives guild and he was called to the Guild Masters office. 'This could only be trouble,' He told himself as the second-in-command read through the formalities which caused even more unease with the youth. Once the speech finished, The Guild Master began to talk about Honour amongst theives and about his inpending entry into the guild. "Now, I'm sure that you'll want to just get onto assignments and the such but this is important" The Guild master said with a sly edge to his voice. When the Guild Master told him of his first assignment, His jaw nearly dropped; He was told that he was to rob the mansion of the most powerful man in the city so he could be seen as a true Theif. Once he was dismissed, The youth nearly ran out of the room to prepare for what would happen tonight.... Not knowing that this job would change his life. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the mansion the theif will find an amulet of Dimension Warping which causes him to dissapear then reappear in another world when he accidentaly activates it. The theif reappears in a city that is full of vagabonds, outcasts and other people who were bought here by accident or design. While he is Unconcious from the pain of Dimension Travelling, The amulet is stolen so he is forced to enlist help to find the amulet which was given as a gift to a local Overlord who just happens to command powerful magic and a large army. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, That is the story behind it and it is an odd storyline to say the least. This thread is just to say what you think of it.
  5. Lunar cannot go onto the DS, It's just against all rules of nature. The machine that is impossible to use, More impossible then the really weird version of the Game Boy. I'm also not sure what to think about the remake of Final Fantasy 3 on DS but whatever.
  6. I agree with Sage on this one 100%, Violent crimes happen all the time all over the world but Bush can't seem to pull his finger out and do something about it. But remember, George Bush appeals to the Right-Wing Christians who think that Sexual things that are not said are good in the bible are wrong. Puh-leaz; That is the way which people in the middle ages thought unlike in the Present day. Well, that was Satisfying. Now to my proper argument.... Drugs, Guns and Violence kill people while things like Same Sex marriages and Pornography are harmless. Unless the Same Sex people are psycho killers or the Pornography is Snuff Porn, Then people are getting hurt. But that isn't often at all.
  7. [SIZE=1]Name: Damien O'Hallehahn Age: 16 Gender: Male Nationality: Irish/ Australian Appearence: Damien is just barely topping 5'7 so he is not short but not tall either. He is heavily built though so he is slightly intimidating. he has dull blue eyes and dirty blond hair which is clipped moderatly short and is slicked back. He has a very fine goatee which is unfortunatly not very neat. He is usually dressed in a pair of grey jeans with red strips down the side, A black Metallica T-Shirt, a leather jacket and a pair of grey of runners. He holds his pokeballs in a hidden section of his jacket but ir should also be noted that he rarely gets the pokeball that he is looking for. Pokemon: 1) Sandslash 2) Zangoose. 3) Sharpedo Biography: Damien was born into an average Irish family that was living in Darwin, Australia and was the second of four siblings. He was always overshadowed by his older brother even though he was better at school however, his brother always was better at sport even though he was shockingly bad at school and late ron in battling. When he was 14, Damien captured Zangoose in the Kakadu park and a month later he captured Sandslash at Uluru (Ayers Rock). Thinking that he had the edge on his sibling, He immediatly challenged his brother to a 2 on 2 battle but he lost humiliatingly to his older and more experienced sibling. After this defeat, His older brother left on a journey to find rarer and stronger pokemon. Damien, not wanting to fall behind his brother, set off on to enter the Pokemon Fighting League to just maybe be seen as better than his brother. Damien used up all of his money, even the money from his own bank account to get a trip to a place where he could sign up. His first stop on his trip was to Sydney where he actually signed up for the League and during this stop over went fishing in search of a water pokemon to improve his team. He actually got lucky and hooked Sharpedo but in its fury, It ripped a hole in the side of the Dinghy that he was using and nearly drowned him. Luckily, Damien wasn't too far out so after battling with Sharpdeo using Zangoose and captured it, then swam back to shore. Afterwards, He boarded a flight to Japan to be able to qualify there. [/SIZE] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well done, Lady Katana. I've been looking for a decent Pokemon RPG for ages.
  8. When a friend of mine was in America recently he bought back a few games on Game Boy Advance. One of these games was Fire Pro Wrestling 2. He was no good at it and gave me the game as a gift and I must say that I was hooked. So I have decided to create a topic on your thoughts on the Series. ---------------------------------------------------- My thoughts Okay, So the game is not the best looking game on the GBA and the sounds will make you want to tear your ears off but you can get round these problems. What you have left is a wrestling game with a roster of 200 +. Now right now It sounds like I am doing a review of the game (Not so) but I am just pointing out some big things with the game. Gameplay is hit or miss, depending on how patient you are ( Suprising that my GBA works still). (Will continue) -------------- Those are my thought now how bout yours>
  9. Name: Sylava Whitehammer Age: 23 Gender: Female Race: Half Breed (Human 3/4,Elf 1/4) Weapons: Sylvana uses a Long Sword that all Knights in Training are given. Class: Knight of Tyr, 3rd class Trainee Appearence: [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/c/chris01.jpg[/IMG] Sylvana already wears the traditional armour and garb of a Knight even though she should wear the Tunic and leggings. She does not look Elven except for her eyes. Biography: Sylvana was born into a Family of Soldiers who lived in the walled city of Sulon Dhalis and was trained to fight since she was 12. Until her 21st birthday, Everything happened smothly and without trouble until she was accepted into the Knighthood of Tyr which was past the Plains of Death. Nevertheless, Sylvana attempted to cross the plains and nearly lost her life if not some Desert Dwelling Half breed Outcasts. They cared for her and aided her in her travels but did not leave the Plains of Death because they were the scum of society, Those of mixed blood who were not accepted anywhere. After more travelling, Sylvana found Tyr and finally began her formal training as a Knight in defense of the Human Capital city of Tyr. Her small world was turned upside down when she was intoduced to a way of living where Honour and Loyalty was everything. She is nearing her completon of training as a Knight and was told that if she could help defeat Soulblighter then she would be accepted as a fully fledged Knight, First Class.
  10. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20709[/IMG] Many will not remember the great War from over sixty years ago where the Legions of the Light destroyed the dark and soulless that was lead by Balor the Leveller. The King Alric, who at that time was just a powerful mage tricked Balor into revealling himself where Alric then severed the head of Balor and cast it into the great chasm while avoiding The Soulblighter. Now 60 years have passed since the war and Alric has been crowned king but the darkness is found to be rising once more when a small child is found to have his eyes torn out and tells a story of a man whose chest was heavily scarred and had a frightening grin on his face who carried a huge halberd. The man was surounded by a flock of crows who were even darker than the darkness around him. The scarred man spoke into his mind " The world has fallen into chaos, And from the chaos the greatest fallen lord will arise, Slay the king who stopped me from taking the power of the leveller and bring the dark into the world once more. The figure then turned and walked back into the dark, leaving the crows to attack the boy. The elves have withdrawn from their once great citys to flee eastwards from the coming darkness and the trow are retreating southwards from the maruding undead and mercenarys. Now the nearly decimated legion are beginning to reform to fight the darkness that is arising to conquer the once great world and seal the peoples fate. A handful of the soldiers of the light have taken up arms to stop the darkness by severing the leader from his warriors and doing what Alric had done long ago. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now many of you will think that this RP will be the same as the original but I am making a few changes. First of all I am broadening the Classes, Specifically the Mage classes allowing the people who join to align their magic with an Element and become a Elemental Adept. I am also allowing Multiclassing between certain classes, You will have the strengths of the two classes but also their combinded weaknesses Name: Age: Weapon: (Nothing futuristic or modern) Race: Human- No class restrictions, No special skills Dwarf- Can not choose Warlock, Shaman, Archer or Paladin, Can go beserk and possess infravision Elf- Cannot become an Alchemist or a Paladin, possess powerful infravision and are able to charm animals. Half Breed- Cannot become a Paladin, Possess weak Racial Abilities and are shunned by purebreeds. Gnome- Cannot become an Archer, Ranger, Shaman, Knight or Paladin. Can mix potions quite well, also possess uncanny dodging ability Trow- Cannot become Any type of Mage, Paladin, Ranger, Knight or Archer, Are werewolves Old Classes- Archer- A Ranged unit, Weilds a ranged weapon and a secondary weapon Paladin- A mix between a cleric and a Warrior, Can carry two weapons Warrior- A warrior, Can weild any weapon with aptitude. Can Multiclass Ranger- A mix between a Druid and a Archer, Can weild bows and other weapons adeptly Shaman- A spellcaster whose magic is deprived from nature Mage- A spellcaster whose magic comes from anything other than nature. Can Multiclass. Rogue- A person with no allegiance to anyone can include assassians, spys and theives. Can Multiclass Cleric- A healer, Their magic is deprived from the gods. Can Multiclass New Classes- Soldier- Take a Warrior and make him or her formally trained. Knight- Think a beefed up Paladin without the magic. Mage Trainee- A person traing to be a mage. Are not powerful but can multiclass without as big a weakness. Blaze Adept- A Mage training in the use of Fire magic. Cannot use water magic but can use wind magic well. Rain Adept- A Mage training in the use of Water and Ice Magic. Cannot use Fire Magic but can use thunder magic well. Storm Adept- A Mage training in the use of Lightning Magic. Cannot use Earth magic but can use air and water magic. Air Adept- A Mage training in the use of Air and wind magic. Cannot use Earth magic. Light Adept- A Mage training to use Light magic. Cannot use Darkness magic. Dark Adept- A Mage training to use Dark magic. Cannot use Light Magic. Earth Adept- A Mage training to use Earth magic. Cannot use Water magic but can use Fire magic well. Appearence: Picture or Detailed description. Biography: Just have it on how your character got involved in this.
  11. In my opinion, Gwen Stefani has lost her mind. She was excellent in No Doubt and actually had talent, Now she is utter crap.
  12. Antonio woke up heavily by falling out of his bed. As he pulled himself off of the ground he grasped around to find his alarm clock and the reason why it didn't go off. Then when he knocked a tableworth of clock parts when he remembered that he had destroyed the previous day so that he could sleep. "Oh shitty death" He whispered, His Australian accent sounding too quiet for his build. He couldn't believe this, in his first day of his second year he had slept in. As he changed he just happened to look out the window and saw that some people were out on their lunch break . "OH FUCKING HELL" Antonios voice erupted from his dorm which was coupled by a lot of cluttering and muttered swearing then the door swinging open and Tony running out of the room. In a matter of minutes he had crashed into a familiar face, this being Loki who was standing over the unconcious body of a student called Bob. "Oh" Antonio said as he picked up Loki who had tumbled a foot backwards or so. They knew each other from the previous year and Tony did this to Loki often. He then motioned to Bob who lay on the floor and asked "What happened to him?"
  13. [I]Hill overlooking Village of Kenai Clan, Japan. Day 1 of Siege [/I] The Warlord surveyed the besieged villiage from atop a high Hilltop to the north and laughed as he watched his forces move to cut off all passes into the valley which the villiage was located. He had always hated the Clan Chieftian so when the man fell out of favour with the Emperor he jumped at the chance to eliminate this pest. This was the third leader which he had attacked the hometown of and each victory only added to his private militia and his territory. He spun around angrily as one of his Generals approached his viewing point to report that the passes were blocked and there was no chance of any of the scum escaping. The Warlord waved this off and ordered the troops to hold positions, A Starved man cannot fight as well as a Healthy man so they would wait until there would be signs of scuffling inside, then they would attack. [I]Village of Kenai Clan, Japan. Day 2 of Siege[/I] As Lady Shun Kenai walked down one of the major streets of the Villiage, She could already sense some unease between her kin and other villiagers. The siege was nearing the peak of the second day of the siege and she was already fearful of her clans survival. "Milady" A voice said behind her which drew her attention away from her people. "Yes Hui?" She asked, wanting something to think about other than her people. "Your Brother has sent for you, He requires assistance devising a way out of this predicerment." 'That is what he would ask,' Shun thought to herself,' I am the most accomplished Strategiest in the villiage after all.' As the servant guided her away, she never saw the fistfight breaking out in a stall down the street, and never noticed the people pouring into the fight. Half an Hour Later in the Villiage centre; Shun stood alongside her two brothers and her father standing over a table covered with a map of the region. They could define no easy escape from the villiage which wouldn't result in a fight and considering their foes superiour numbers then that wouldn't work too well. But before they could come up with a strategy, they were called away to stop the brawl that had erupted earlier. [I] Midnight, Village of Kenai Clan, Japan. Day 3 of Siege[/I] Under cover of Darkness The attack begun; At first there was no signs of attack until the first catapult shots struck the Fortifications. This assult continued until the morning where there were large breachs in the walls, At a command from a General the army charged. The soldiers went through the breachs and started their slaughter, Torching buildings and killing the inhabitants. A litlle way off the bells sounded but it was too late, No one could prepare for battle and no one had a prayer. Back in the home of the Villiage head, Lady Shun was making preperations but she knew that she couldn't fight and knowing that their enemy wanted the Villiage Head alive she knew that they wouldn't torch her home. Instead she chose to hide, shifting a few wooden planks on the ceiling and crawled through into the space between the roof and the ceiling of her room. Her Sword hung loosely at her side and even though she couldn't weild it well she wouldn't leave it. As she crawled between another narrow space to the roof she could finally see who it was that was responsible for the attack. The Warlord Don Zhu, The highest ranking man in the surrounding regions and The Emperors personally Lap Dog. Although she couldn't hear what was being said between Zhu and her father she could guess that it was about her father being accused of treason. Her father didn't get time to blink however as Zhu beheaded him with one slash of his sword. Shun knew to keep quiet, No matter how sick she wanted to be she couldn't die until Zhu was dead. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the same story around the country, Don Zhu whispers lies of Treason to the Emperor and the emperor commands Zhu to eliminate these foes. Dozens of Clans have been destroyed... no one has the numbers to beat this for on their own. The main characters of the RPG are those that are victims of Zhus evil or those that fight against the emperor already. Don Zhu must be stopped before he becomes too powerful for anyone to stop and can seize the reins of a nation. Thats the backstory of the RPG and now to the rules. The RPG is set in fuedal Japan so try and have your character act like its from that period, No Magical Powers, No Modern weapons and No God-Modding. Guns are limited to Single Shot Flinters so don't get sneaky. ~~~~~~~~~~Character Generation~~~~~~~~ Name: Please, try and keep it Eastern. Age: 14 + Gender: Do I have to explain this? Character Class: Warrior- Your basic fighter class, No glaring weaknessess although not exactly too bright. No Weapon restrictions. Sniper- Your basic long ranged character. Restricted to One handed Swords, Maces + Clubs, Daggers, Staves, Flinters, Bows and Crossbows. Are more likely to hit a Vital Spot with bows and arrows. Rogue- A Robber, Quick on their feet and can disable traps easily. Can only weild One Handed Swords, Daggers, Maces + Clubs, Small Bows and Crossbows. Priest- A Holy Man, They are Diplomatic and incredibly intelligent. Cannot weild bladed or Pointed weapons. Samurai- Honourable Warriors, They are bound by a strict code and cannot break it on pain of death. Cannot weild Long Ranged weapons. Ronin- A Samurai that has broken the code but has not commited Ritual Suicide. They can weild all weapons now that they are free from their code. Ninja aka Assassisn- A Rogue that has been trained in the arts of Infilatraion, Stealth and murder. They are limited to smallish weapons and Smoke Bombs. They will also use things like Poisons, throwing daggers, Shuriukens. You know, Typical Ninja stuff. I am open for suggestions about other character classes. Weapon(s): Up to two, Keep it in mind with your class. Personality: What your character is like in battle and outside of battle. Appearence: Picture or Detailed Written Desctiption. See the emphasis of Detailed. Biography: How your character got caught up in all of this and there lives up to this point.
  14. Well, I think It is time to post my two cents on the topic. As a whole I have always liked the more teenage orientered animes although I am more psychologically stronger then others my age. The thing is that my dad was the one who got me interested in the older (Age Group) animes so If it wasn't for him then I would still like Pokemon and that. But I agree with a few people here, Anime isn't designed for one specific age group but for multiple. It's just that because of all of these Butchered anmes such as Dragonball which are being named as kids animes so people who hear something like "I enjoy Japanese Animation" think that the person who says this are just interested in little kiddy animes. ~~The Monster~~
  15. I must admit, I am suprised that anyone could beat Rei in a popularity battle so Cheers to Lucy/ Nyuu. I'm still going to have to vote for Asuka before because of the reasons stated by Bloodseeker.
  16. I myself have been really interested in UIrban Legends lately and was wondering what other people on Otakuboards' favourite Urban Myths. This thread will revolve around trying to figure out if other members Urban Myths are true or false. One of my favourites is this one about Seventh graders in California being subjected to an intense three-week course in Islam in which they are required to pray to Allah and memorize Koran verses. According to the web site I found it on It hasn't been proven and I don't know what to think. Course has 7th-graders memorizing Koran verses, praying to Allah In the wake of Sept. 11, an increasing number of California public school students must attend an intensive three-week course on Islam, reports ASSIST News Service. The course mandates that seventh-graders learn the tenets of Islam, study the important figures of the faith, wear a robe, adopt a Muslim name and stage their own jihad. Adding to this apparent hypocrisy, reports ANS, students must memorize many verses in the Koran, are taught to pray "in the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful" and are instructed to chant, "Praise to Allah, Lord of Creation." "We could never teach Christianity like this," one outraged parent told ANS. Elizabeth Christina Lemings, a teacher in the Byron, Calif., Union School District, was unaware of the course until her seventh-grade son brought home the handouts. Obtained by ANS, the handouts include a history of Islam and the life of Muhammad, its founder. There are 25 Islamic terms that must be memorized, six Islamic (Arabic) phrases, 20 Islamic proverbs to learn along with the Five Pillars of Faith and 10 key Islamic prophets and disciples to be studied. Do you think it is true or False? As I stated I don't know what to think but I am leaning towards the false side.
  17. Here is my Mock schedule 1. Homeroom 2. English 3. Technology 4. Weight Lifting 5. History 6. Math 7. Track
  18. Well, rumours have been going around for quite a while now and finally I have discovered some news. First Suikoden news here so if it seems off then don't blame me. Apparently this Strategic Role Playing Game is to be titled Rhapsodia and has surfaced on many Suikoden fan sites both in Japan and Overseas. It is belevied to be the Suikogaiden for Suikoden 4 and is set after the events of said Suikoden game. Here is the information I have been able to gather from trusted sources. Console: PS2 Genre: SRPG Release Date US: November 8, 2005 Japan: September 22, 2005 Time frame: around Suikoden 4 (the heroes are traveling and chasing after the "rune cannon", which is a threat to the world) Comfirmed Suikoden 4 characters: Lino, Kika, Akagi, Mizuki, Keneth, Harvey Game system: Combos are available by arranging and positioning the characters Techniques, such as swing and paring, can be upgraded by experience points Rune system is the same as the other Suikodens [IMG]http://ps2media.ign.com/ps2/image/article/638/638339/rhapsodia-20050802104024784.jpg[/IMG] I pinched the information off of MyOTAKU, Brilliant. Am I the only one that is pumped, Come on ARE YOU PUMPED.
  19. Name: Antonio Libbatore Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: Antonio, or Tony as he likes to be called by his mates, stands close to 6' and even with this height the majority of his 220 pounds is muscle. He wears his Dark Brown hair cut relativly short to match with his short brown goatee. His skin is fairly tanned and freckled in a few places although there is also the odd pimple. His eyes are the only thing that isn't brown about his face, being a clear blue colour. One thing to note aobut him is that he has a short scar across his Jaw from when he had to have surgery to fix up a burn. He usually wears a dark grey Tank Top underneath a Dark Red vest which he rarely removes. His black jeans are also nearly a nesseciaty because he refuses to wear a lot of other types of pants. Last on the list of clothing that he wears is his military boots although hedoes also wear a pair of red runners if he wants. Accessory wise, he wears a silver necklace and a gold wrist watch. Personality: Antonio is, well, Antonio. There is no way of describing him without going through an entire Paragraph so I'll keep this short. He is good natured for the most part, enjoying Bawdy humour and Sarcasm. He is coompetitive and also incredibly noisy but what are you going to do. He has been seen hanging around with Loki Grit so that must mean something. He has also been seen trying to get to know Alatariel but he has not been succesful at all. Biography: Antonio is originally from Carlton, Australia and was a full-on athlete until he was 15 when for no particular reason his parents stopped him from entering Cross Country. A month later they left Melbourne and went to Darwin. One day when he was out on a walk after school, Antonio took a walk into the overgrown areas where he was attacked out of nowhere by an Salt Water Crocodile. Antonio knew not to do any sudden movements but he turned and sprinted, out of a seconds mind lapse. He was actually moving faster than he ever had, even though he hadn't had a reason to run for ages, but his foot caught on a root and down he went facefirst into the mud. The Croc moved towards his prone body and Antonio foolishly lashed out with his leg which sent it rolling. He took the few seconds time to run off out of the swamps. Once at home he realized what had happened, Being strong but not having worked out and fast without training for ages, and discovered that these may be powers. Two years later of contemplating of telling his parents about his powers his parents read about a school called Serenity View which was supposed to be prestigous so that they decided to send him there Powers: Antonio has almost Superhuman speed and Strength although It might be because his powers haven't fully matured yet.
  20. You guys are in. I'm going to give up on the RPG but someone can take over for me.
  21. Name: Kyle James Gang Name: High Gunner Age: 27 Gender: Male Gang: Leader of the Blue Dragons Personality- Kyle is an easily angered but cautious man, He is a suspicous man although with what he has done you cannot blame him. He is obsessed with fighting with others just to satisfy his temper. Appearence: [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/c/clive02.gif[/IMG] Weapon: Kyle uses what looks like an old version of a Shotgun, One that looks old but is customized so that it is more than good enough to take down a group of people. He also uses a Desert Eagle on the side although it is more to look dangerous. Biography- Kyle was raised on the streets after his parents were killed when he wasn't even seven so he knows nearly everyone on the streets so he got into the Blue Dragons by knowing their second in command who died shortly after his entrance into the gang. At first Kyle was suspected but the kid barely knew how to weild a knife, let alone a shotgun. He decided to learn how to use this type of weapon tp defend himself just in case. This continued over the next three years, with Kyle becoming an Ace Sharpshooter with the shotgun which made him a driving force behind operations. When he was 25, he was made third in Command, taking charge of operations. Yet this was not good enough and within two months he had murdered the Second in Command, secretly, and dumped the body at the docks. Kyle was content with this role but soon began to tire of it, he had plans of killing the leader but before he could he had died. So, in order of rank, Kyle was made leader to his pleasure.
  22. Daergar was exhausted. He had ran for what seemed like hours, from the caverns underneath the mountain all the way to the town of Lonelywodd, running bearing half a dozen minor wounds suffered from multiple encounters with Goblins. He hadn't had enough time to dress his wounds so by the time he had stopped at the Inn his blood was mixing in with his sweat but he couldn't stop, Milianas life was in danger so he couldn't take long. Daergar smashed through the door of the Inn and hit the stairs at a run, ignoring the angry shouts of the man on duty. He stopped at the top of the stairs and kicked down the door into Milianas room, being shocked to find what he found. Milana was just hanging from the roof, held up by what seemed like nothingness. "Milana!" Daergar cried, "Milana wake up" but there was no answer from her, It was as if Milana had died but was still alive. He was furious that this had happened to her and was full of rage when a voice said from behind him "She will not survive" Daergar spun around, a snarl on his face and weapons drawn, to face this new foe. This served little more to amuse this entity, bringing a smile to the face of it. This was not a pleseant sight because of the large fangs that jutted out of its upper jaw. "What fell beast of the Abyss are you?" The only human in the room asked, feeling a sense of ancient power from this thing. "I am...... Power, Terror Incarnate" The creature rasped loudly, causing Daergar to flinch as each word was spoken. Daergar considered his options, His rapier and daggers were no weapons against a fiend but there was little chance of escape. He still hefted a dagger with one hand and hurled it straight into its mouth then rushed foward with his rapier flashing. The thrust did nothing because before the blade could connect the fiend had summoned magical energy and blasted him all the way across the room. The creature stomped across the room and grabbed him around the midsection and began to squeeze. Daergars one free arm swung the rapier like a madman then slashed right across the throat of the creature. The thing hurled the thief across the room, heavily into the wall and reached up to grab its wound. Daergar was in trouble however, His rapier had snapped cleanly when it exited the flesh of the demon leaving him with only a dagger. As he backed towards the mantle piece; searching for anything to use as a weapon his hand closed on the hilt of the sword that Milana used to wield, drew it and swung it wildly, The sword slashed through the midsection of his foe. Daergar didn't know that the sword had been charmed by some of the greatest mages of the realms so it had certain powers that he was not sure about, As the sword cleaved through the fiend, the magic shot up and down his spine as the wound that it inflicted froze up. The fiend howled as its lifeblood spilled and its form faded into nothingness. But this power was too much for him to take and Daergar tubled foward, unconcious before he even hit the ground. "So" He told himself as he began to fal,l "This is how it feels to die." OOC: I've decided to leave this RPG for a while, I'll probably repost when I have time for it.
  23. "I don't see why I need to keep on letting you get by without paying the Rent", Nathan Francesco snapped at one of the folks staying at the Daminoru Apartments, a short skinny Japanese fellow that had been staying for the past month without paying up the rent. "I'll get it for you" The man said nervously, obviously unnerved by Nathan who stood a good half a foot taller than him. Nathan scoffed at this, he had heard the same excuse too many times to fall for it, Too many times within one month to fall for it. "And when might that be? Hmmm?" He questioned sarcastically, Being manager meant he could give people the boot if they failed to supply a good reason.The other man shrunk backwards as he knew what was coming, He had seen a couple of people kicked out because of failure to pay up. He still mumbled a reply of 'soon' and backed away through the door. Nathan stuck his head out the door of the office and shouted after him in a threating tone, "Either your Rent on my desk or you will need surgery to remove my foot from your ass." As he watched the mans retreating back he muttered to himself "Skiving Bastard" and took a seat at his desk to review some forms. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well, The RP has started so lets get cracking.
  24. Jack spun around quickly and focused on Raynes retreating form, It was stupid enough to distract a zombie but a zombie lion. As he drew his revolver and aimed at the lion, he hesitated. "I don't see why I should," He told himself as he considered his remaining ammo, There was a zombie elephant on the loose so he would need all of his shots to take it down. But Rayne was a member of the police so he couldn't let her die. The revolver exploded two times, both shots thudding into the neck of the lion effectivly drawing attention from Rayne to him. "Oh Shit!" He whispered as he fell back against the wall as the lion approached him, It looked like he was officialy fucked.
  25. Don't worry. I won't start the RPG until the end of the weekend. Bowling Tournament is on.
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