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Everything posted by PWNED

  1. Name: James Dai Long Age: 29 Appearence: Gender: Male Appearence: James wears his short brown hair clipped short to his ears for unknown purposes although some believe it might be a tradition in his family. He rarely takes off his neat uniform and is even less likely to remove his shoulder holster which is worn underneath his coat that he wears. Some noteable things to his appearence is his scar across the back of his right hand although no one knows why it is there. He sports a neat goatee just to look cool. Bio: James was born on the Space Station from a union between the Ships Arms Officer and a Guard so James had to live around weapons and responsibility since he was a kid. He started training as a guard when he was seventeen and graduated near the top of the class. Being the son of one the most decorated officers on the ship, it meant that he had a lot expected of him and he didn't hesitate in showing what he could do. At the age of 27 he was promoted to head drill sargeant although he isn't fond of taking care of Snot nosed little brats. Position: Guard
  2. I can't say that I am proud about this, Game based movies have ahabit of being, well, crap and this movie is what I think will also be crap, although this is because I am not fond of Halo. It won't stop it from being a Box Office smash because of the fact that it is Halo.
  3. Not bad everyone, I was thinking that this one might flop but now you guys have changed my mind. Name: Nathan Francesco Age: 24 Gender: Male Nationality: Italian/ American Appearence: [IMG]http://www.wwe.com/content/media/images/Superstars/29272/coach.jpg[/IMG] Personality: Nathan is Arrogant,Annoying, Loud but for the most part level headed. He is smart although not smart enough to keep out of the way of other people. Occupation: Pub Musician & Apartment manager Biography: Nathan is not a Japan native and was born in New York, America where he lived for several years before moving to Roma where he lived happily for 10 years before his parents decided to move again, This time to Japan. It seemed that his family had finally found a place to stay when they decided to move once more. This time however Nathan chose to stay in Tokyo because he had gotten a few mates there and he was old enough to move out. So Nathan decided to pack it all up and head to the Daminoru apartments which his friends father had reopened. At first Nathan was allowed to bum around but he had to get a job so that was when he took up his guitar and played, Originally as a busker. When his friends dad died of mysterious circumstances there was no one else that would run it from the outside because of the reputation it had earned. Since no one else stepped up for the task Nathan took the job, and thats what he has been doing. Character Interests: Playing Guitar loudly at night when he and everyone else should be getting to bed, Getting Money Room Number: 1 (Managers Room)
  4. Story- Daminoru is a small city in Japan located to the north of Tokyo which is both peaceful and nearly on the brink of collapse because of the insecurity between youth and adults. Our scene is a large Apatrment building, unoriginally, called the Daminoru Apartments which is the equivalent of hell; The inhabitants are loud and seem to fight a lot while the building is almost just as bad as those that live there. Its up to the new manager to get the building back in shape and to turn a profit before the end of the two months otherwise it is chopping time for the Daminoru Apartments. This is where the new people come in, some have a decent amount of money while others have little while some are delinquents and others are normal. It doesn't matter who you are but how much money you have. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you haven't noticed, I have taken a lot of inspiration from Love HIna on this RPG although not too far. ____________________________________________________________________ Character Creation ____________________________________________________________________ Name: (Anything normal, Asian names are preferred) Age: (Make your character as old or as young as you like. Just don't be too idiotic when it comes down to it) Gender: Nationality: Appearence: Personality: Occupation: Biography: Characters Intrests: Room number:
  5. [QUOTE=Lord Dante]Nomination for sephiroth!!! A) he has silver hair :D 2) some random reason why he's cool. D) it'll annoy bloodseeker :naughty: heh heh heh[/QUOTE] You have not noticed that you have mae three nominations already, You'll either have to remove it or change one of your previous ones. You also forgot to put what game he is from as well as with Robotnik.
  6. "I'm leaving," Daergar stated flatly as he thought about this, It is definetly not a dream then. He felt that the fiend had said that it would be watching from the shadows when Daergar had woken up. "Can you save her by youself though" Shea'ann said to Daergar even though he knew the likely answer so he ignored the cleric, he didn't want to accept what may happen to Milana. They left it at that as Daergar barged through the door and out of the Inn as quickly as possible, mounting one of the avaliable horses and setting off fulll speed for Lonelywood. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As he neared the base of the mountain he and the others had to cross he had a bit of a problem, He could either take the warmer route underneath the mountain or the quicker route around it and since he had little time to make decisions he ducked into the dark hole that he had seen Ky and the Drow emerge from and plunged headlong into the darkness. At first Daergar was a little confused, I twas exceptionally dark but his infravision could counter that problem, It was just the fact that it was so enclosed. All of a sudden a loud guttural voice could be heard barking orders which prompted Daergar to press tightly against the wall and calm, his breathing so not to stand out on the wall, Infravision was a fickle thing because it could save your life or end it. Moments later a few Orcs came by followed by a small troop of Goblins who were all carrying wooden beams for some unknown reason. Daergar understood a few scraps of Orc and Goblin so he understood just four words "Weapon, Chimera, Kill, City" were all in one sentence so Daergar tryed to piece together. Weapon for Chimera to kill people in City, was what it seemed like which meaned that maybe it was a Siege Engine. If he wasn't low on time then he would have checked this out but Milanas safety was important to him. With one final look around the cave to see if there were any scragglers then dashed across the cave without making a sound, Such was the rouges way.
  7. Snappy the Crocodile is an absolutly awful song, I'm not sure of the name in German but trust me, It is terrible.
  8. Well, on suggestion from Bloodseeker, I am changing the contest to best Video Game Villian so that there can be a more widespread list of characters.
  9. [FONT=Impact][SIZE=4]GOT VILLIANS?[/SIZE] [/FONT] After the couple of months, I have been looking at the Best Anime Girl contest run by Bloodseeker and have decided to do a Video game villian version of it. I know that many fan boys/girls will nominate Sephiroth but I won't hold that against them. Its in the form of a Knock Out Tournament, alright?. There are jsut two major rules to get down 1) Give a reason for nominating a villian, No one line answer will sway me. 2) State what the character is from, I cannot stress how important this rule is. I cannot register your nomination if I don't know what the character is from (Yes and that includes even if the character is well known) I'm using Bloodseekers introduction to the rules, just changing them to be in my favor. Don't sue This is how its going to work. You can nominate up to 3 Villians to take part in the tournament. This is to make sure that you only nominate your favorites. Be sure to clarify what RPG they're from. You can include pics if you want (thus the 56K warning thing), but try to keep to one or two pics per character. I'll start on a draw and make sure that a character like Sepiroth will not be matched up against someone from a little known series because otherwise the scales will tip entirely in the favor of the better known villian. LET THE NOMINATIONS BEGIN My three nominations are all from earlier games but are also all despicable. Luca Blight from Suikoden 2- Damn, This guy is a Villian with a capital V. Take Sephiroth and add a little bit of Sadism, very difficult to take down and not from a massivly popular game and you get Luca Blight, Possibly the most psychotic villian I have ever seen although Kefka is in the same area. He also wears a very visible cup which is cool. [IMG]http://www.rpgdreamers.com/rpgworld/suik2/suik222.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/l/lucablight01.gif[/IMG] Kefka from Final Fantasy 3/6- Yet another purely evil character who puts up quite a fight. He is abso-frickin-lutely 100% messed up in the head. And he has a funny laugh but he is psychotic to the extreme and would sooner destroy the world then help another person. My one minor problem is how he dressess but maybe he could plead insanity [IMG]http://www.icybrian.com/fanart/nessaroze/kefkapoison.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.squareuniverse.net/ff6/images/ff6kefka08.jpeg[/IMG] And one other thing, LET THERE BE NOMINATIONS
  10. Daergar lay sweating in his bed in fear of falling asleep, That dream seemed a little bit too Prophetic to him but he didn't know what he could do. "Maybe the Drow will know about this?" He asked himself thinking that Shea'ann would either be behind this or be able to make out what happened. A Cleric should be able to use her Divine powers to tell him what happened and if she couldn't or wouldn't then his suspicions may have proven correct. "I'll tell her tomorrow," He decided even though he couildn't fall asleep so he decided to just watch out the window even though there wasn't much point, the towns of Icewind Dale were among the best defended on Faerun. He wouldn't be caught by the Darkness when he could still fight.
  11. Yes, lets take a look at at the depleting wrestling divisions of the WWE since 2003 Cruiserweight Title First sign of depleting was when Matt Hardy changed to RAW Sakoda and Ultimate Dragon leaving the WWE after Wrestlemania Tajiri changing shows to RAW Technically speaking Sheltion Benjamin counted as a Light Heavyweight which meant he could go for the Cruiserweight title Not giving title shots to other cruiserweights Jamie Noble being fired Spike, Akio, Shannon Moore, Billy Kidman and Charlie Haas (He was the right weight to challenge for the title) all getting fired Womans Title Gail Kim, Molly Holly and Nidia all getting fired Diva search being held Tag Team Division Angle and Benoit breaking up Los Guerrores breaking up Hardy and Moore breaking up as well as Crash Holly dying Breaking up Christian and Jericho Faarooq being fired Shelton Benjamin going to RAW Sending Jindrak to Smackdown Firing Rikishi Turning EDGE into a heel Not giving a shot to Rhyno and Tajiri Doug Basham being traded to RAW Dudleys getting released Thats all I can be bothered on saying at the moment but I'll get some more together
  12. [QUOTE=JimiWiggy11][COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1]I'm very suprised to see that there is no thread about World Wrestling Entertainment and the many going-ons within it. Unless of course there already is .. but I checked and could not find one. Anyway .. I guess the most recent topic would be the WWE firing 18 of their superstars, which I will list and talk about individually. [U]Bubba Dudley and D-Von Dudley[/U]- I'm suprised that the Dudley Boyz got the can from Vince, but I've read that the Dudleys couldn't come to a money agreement with Vince. A shame to .. they were one of my favorite tag teams. [U]Joy Giovanni[/U]- I hadn't really seen Joy in a while anyway, except for that show on G4TV. I thought she was one of the better looking Divas to ... [U]Kenzo Suzuki[/U]- I'm not going to lie .. I wasn't a big fan of old Kenso. His wrestling was below average, but I also feel bad because I heard he had developed some kind of cancer recently. [U]Hiroko[/U]- Is she really Kenso's wife? [U]Matt Morgan[/U]- Matt's release suprised me because he had actually appeared recently on SmackDown, but I guess the stuttering giant wasn't what the WWE was looking for. [U]Charlie Haas[/U]- I thougt that Hass was one of the better technical wrestlers on SmackDown, and his recent marriage to Miss Jackie made me think that the both of them would be back soon on SmackDown. Guess not. [U]Jackie Gayda[/U]- Umm .. yah. [U]Marty Jannetty[/U]- He was contracted to the WWE? I heard he was fired due to a recent arrest for a D.U.I. [U]Dawn Marie[/U]- The WWE wanted some younger divas, ala the Diva Search Contest. Dawn was pushing 33 .. put two and two together. [U]Mark Jindrak[/U]- Jindrak could not get over with the crowds .. so I guess the "Reflection of Perfection" was canned. [U]Maven[/U]- I hated Maven. He was a crappy wrestler. End of story. [U]Shannon Moore[/U]- The Prince of Punk is no more. I wasn't really a fan of Shannon Moore, but I feel bad he was released. [U]James Yun[/U]- Akio is another one of the many Cruiserweights that have been canned in the last week, what a shame. [U]Gangrel[/U]- Gangrel disappeared for a few months again after a one day stint .. not much to say about him. [U]Billy Kidman[/U]- Billy's release must be hard on his wife, Torrie Wilson. Now she won't get to see her husband very often .. I hope she doesn't quit too. :( [U]Spike Dudley[/U]- Spike was also gone from the main Cruiserweight scene for quite awhile, so I guess it was inevitable. No love for the Dudleys? [U]Kevin Fertig[/U]- Mordecai is his wrestling name .. hasn't been on in almost a year. don't care really .. Anyway .. SmackDown is on right now, so I'll be back on later. Please .. reply back about how you feel about the recent firings or any other WWE related thing.[/SIZE] [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Yeah, all of these superstars are getting bumped so that the WWE can rehire Brock Lesnar who is asking for a massive salary. It's crap that the Dudleys are gone because they are my second favourite tag team of all time (Behind the Road Warriors) and have a large fan base. Its terrible that the crusierweights are gone because Kidman has a huge fan base everywhere and Akio can be quite entertaining also. Sad that Hass is gone because I really enjoyed watching him wrestle, Its a shame they made him a jobber. Who do you think is next on the chopping block?
  13. Alchemy is just fooling over people by saying that you can change one thing into another, simple as that. It is impossible to even do so you're wasting your time.
  14. Daergar laid down on the crude bed that was left over in the dumpy room that he had to stay in, He couldn't believe that he was the one left with the crap such as this room. As he pulled himself into a ball, He reached down the front of his tunic and pulled out his small Heartstone and whispered a small prayer and kissed it before he fell into the grasp of sleep. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daergars eyes flashed open as he found himself lying in the middle of a strange cavern in a strange armour and holding a strange weapon. He scrambled to his feet as his Chainmail clinked as he turned around to find out more of his surroundings. A scratching sound could be heard somewhere in the darkness which caused Daergars hand to wrap around the hilt of the unfamiliar rapier and spun to face the source of the noise. "Do you raise a weapon against me, Human?" A Voice suddenly rattled, sounding more like a gust of wind through the grasslands than an actual voice. "Who are you?" Daergar questioned the darkness and continued 'What are you?". "Who am I?" The voice replied in an almost amused voice, "I am Terror itself" as a black wave of darkness swept over Daergar, Submerging the thief in a terror so great it was almost tangible. A bloodcurling scream erupted from Daergar as he swung his arms wildly to attempt to wave off the terror. "You're all alone little man," The voice mocked as it viewed the spectacle then dispelled the shadows with an unseen gesture. "Oh, wait! I am incorrect," The unseen being said as a small trickle of light seeped through the top to reveal a face which caused Daergar to gasp and struggle even more. Daergar shouted loudly at the person hovering high above him but there was no answer because the captive was close to unconciousness because of pain to give recognition to him. It was when the person shifted that Daergar could tell who it was, It was Miliana. Daergar spun in anger and drew the strange weapons and ran towards where he knew this thing was. "You Bastard," He screamed, a primeval sound which drew morelaughter from the shadows as well as a warning of, "If you attack me then your lover will die". He stopped in midrun as he heard Miliana started to scream in pain. "I do not warn you for nothing," The voice said once more and at last came from the shadows to reveal its true form to Daergar. The form was both Skeletal and Demonic as it seemed to be an Undead fiend if it could ever be possible. The fiend laughed once more but it seemed to be deeper than earlier and said "You will be the cause of the elfs death." At that moment the fiend dispelled whatever magic held up Miliana and caused her to fall. Daergar screamed in anger and rushed once more at the fiend but as he could have struck the demon, the scene faded and Daergar awoke screaming and sweating. Daergar sat up and cradled his head in his hands and whispered to himself "Gods, Oh gods."
  15. Yep, all those runes are fine to use but also ones such as the Sword Related ones in Suikoden 3. Also Weapon related runes like the Viper Rune, Titan Rune, Shrike runes and everything.
  16. Not a bad character by you, That is the average of what I'll accept. Now my character ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Dai Yonamaru Age: 22 Gender: Male Weapon(s): Dai weilds a pair of Shortswords he has named Crimson and Flash. Rune: Lightning Rune Physical Description: Dai is a fairly small man but he is actually very muscular for his height. His Harmonian Army uniform is in unusually neat for his being in so many skirmishes. He wears his bonde clipped short at the front and has a ponytail at the back. Personality: Dai is a calm soldier but the only reason why he is like this is because of Disciplince. He is a firm follower of Hikusaaks cause but he wishes to come into possession of one of these runes so that he could become powerful. History: Dai was bought up in a relativly poor family but lived a decent life until his parents died when he was 12. He was sent to live with some rich relatives but he ran away when he found out how his parents died, They had been killed when some brigands attacked their home. Ever since that day Dai has vowed to slay the murderers who did this and what better way than to enlist in th Harmonian Armies to find them. They didn't allow him to enlist at such a young age but when he was Fifteen and had trained for years they allowed him to join. After 4 years of fighting in border skirmishes with the growing Scarlet Moon Empire he came across a Lightning Rune that lay buried underneath his tent and soon got it joined to his left hand to help him survive. Other: Oddly enough he was taught how to use the magic by a soldier called Geddoe who said he was a scout but was actually a fugitive although Dai didn't know that. (Geddoe received the true lightning at about this time for those thinking that I don't have the right idea.
  17. [quote name='JimiWiggy11][COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1]Sounds pretty cool to me, i've always wanted to try a Suikoden Rpg. Great backround story, it has a lot of history behind it. Iwas wondering which runes we can have .. true runes or just support runes?[/COLOR'][/SIZE][/quote] I'll let people use True Runes under certain circumstances and if they ask. I'm looking for more minor runes like Fire and Water runes.
  18. [quote name='Anime Doll']I'm sorry. I will reread the rules.[/quote] Just trying to look out for the new people.
  19. In the beginning, there was "darkness." Then, the "darkness" shed a "tear." From that "tear," the brothers Sword and Shield were born. Shield claimed it could defend against any attack. Sword claimed it could slice through anything. The brothers began a legendary battle. At the end, both Sword and Shield shattered. Sword became the sky, Shield became the earth, and the sparks from the battle became the stars. As for the jewels, they fell to the ground and became the True Runes--The runes that all other runes were born from. . . . There is one man, corrupted by greed, who has the desire all of the twenty-seven True Runes, supports of all that exist. This man was once a hero. He unified a country and installed a goverment of peace, a teocracy. This man's name is Hikusaak. However, peace cannot last forever when you go stray, forgetting the purpose... The high priest, commander of the Holy Kingdom of Harmonia, owner of the Circle Rune, eventually began to use the Kingdom's military supremacy to try and gather all other True Runes. That was his downfall, for while he focused on that quest, insatisfaction steadly grew among the population, mainly among third class citizens. At first, the High Priest ignored the rebellions, letting some of his minor underlings supress it. But the scenario changed drastically with the ascension of a rebel group that nominated themselves as the Returners. The Returners possessed some kind of ower that could easily match that of the army, a power that allowed them to distort the thin time and space and bring forth might warriors from the past. That started a huge civil war on the country. People suffered on the hands of both sides. Death. Unlike it was thought at first, the Returners were not a group that sought only to take Hikusaak and his teocracy down... They sought to completely cleanse humanity of its sins and start everything again from nothingness. But even with the power of those warriors, the Returners had no power to completely overpower the Harmonian army, for some of the people who were brought to the present refused to fight and joined other causes. That created an equilibrium in the war. Each side had its own wins and losses. It seemed that the war could just go on forever, prolonging the suffering of the people. The balance was, however, broken down by the ascension of another rebel group, that sought to end the war and overthrow Hikusaak, implanting a Republic during the process... Destiny is something uncertain. It is of each one responsibility to create his own and help to write down History... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is the story behind an RPG that I and a friend are creating which is based in the Suikoden universe. Before you have a go at me for using Suikoden locations for an unrelated story he is more details. It is set shortly after the Scarlet Moon empire aka Toran Republic is formed. By incident a tear in the timeline occurs and so characters from the games are plucked from history and taken to this time. And thats all there is to it. I need some time to set up a character sign up sheet but feel free to check out the story and comment on it. Character Generation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Age: Gender: Weapon(s): Rune(s): Physical Description: Personality: History: Other: (anything else you find necessary to insert) Other: What you think of the Sign Up? Does it allow room for strong customization?
  20. Allow me to welcome you have broken, Introduction threads are considered spam so just don't chuck stuff like this on. I'm not trying to be a moderator alright.
  21. So, you're practicully saying that Nintendo is White, Plastic and dangerous for kids to play with? I agree with Chaos on the fact that you're just talking crap.
  22. Once more I am going to vote for Kei because she is just a really enjoyable character. I didn't quite enjoy Ceras because, okay so she is alright looking, I found her to be a bit annoying.
  23. A: Excel Excel was voiced by Mitsuishi Kotono who others might better know as Usagi (Serena) from Sailor Moon or Misato from Excel Saga. Q: Who performed the majority of the songs on the soundtrack of FLCL?
  24. [QUOTE=grecords]Name: Adam Age: 22 Gender: Male Weapon(s): Nunchucks (Nunchaku) Rune(s): Flowing Rune Physical Description: Short and hairy. Rough Beard and messy unmanaged hair. Wears an off-white GI. Personality: Normally quite and to himself. Until he starts drinking then he can turn out to be pretty lively and knows how to have a good time. History: His home was ravaged by rogues and he was left for dead after his family left him behind. He was taken in by a traveling martial artist and was trained how to fight bare-handed and with weapons. His weapon of choice became the nuchucks and when he completed his training he was given the Flowing Rune as a reward. Shortly after his master died of old age. Adam now walks alone searching for a new life. Other: None.[/QUOTE] You do know that this isn't a sign up thread don't you. Will this be your character for the RPG or is it just a try out?
  25. Xiahou Dun could be incredibly annoying when you were trying to run away from him and he would constantly use his 1st Chrage. He could be very dangerous at any difficulty level on Hard mode.
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