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Everything posted by PWNED
Lynx shimmied down the pipe to get back onto ground. He hated heights, It was jut amazing that he didn't drop dead of fright while he was up there. 'I guess it was just the adrenaline' He thought to himself.as he finally touched sweet ground. Lynx walked over to the unpleseant sight of a soldier with chunks of flesh torn off. "Was that absolutely nessecery?", He asked to the odd pair that appeared to have done most of this slaughter. "Yeah, If they could do this than would they have held back?" The one which appeared to be part wolf awnsered with another question. Lynx didn't even bother to awnser this question because healready knew the awnser to it. Instead he focused his attention on the two other apparently normal humanoids there instead . He asked both their names and got a breif awnser of 'Latharix' and 'Aieldail'. Lynx lef tit at that than motioned them to follow to see what they were really facing. He led them to the half changed corpse of Valen. Aieldail once more clutched her stomach at the sight and smell of it while Latharix looked away in disgust. Harlan and Shenlong crept closer to the corpse and took a look at it from a better angle. Lynx nodded his head towards the corpse and said "That was what was betraying our movements to the Agathans, It looks like some sort of fiend." Latharix nodded to this and continued " The emperor must have summoned it using the Bloodstone. I think that the stone can summon thousands of others like this and fight us" Lynx nodded his agreement and added " I was hard pressed to beat it when it was in a human form, What do we do when they are in their Demons forms?" "I vote we just get going to Ciperess Town and meet up with the others to get some form of organization," Lynx summed up impatiently then turned to leave the burning city.
I am a fan of the forever popular 'Best and worst anime or Manga charatcers to have as roommates' threads so I have decided to create a Music, Movies and TV version of it. All you have to do is state the Musician, Actor, TV or Movie personality/ Character that you would like or not like to have as a roommate. A word of warning though, There will be none of that 'I want ______ because He/She is hot!!' crap. Anyway to my choices The get the hell out People Jamie and Adam from Mythbusters- Even though they are cool and like big kids I have seen what they have done. And what if there is no Buster avaliable? Who will be next then? Gollum from Lord of the Rings- I have nothing against Gollum personally but his cough is damn annoying. Plus if you ever saw the MTV 2002 Movie Awards then you will know my other reason. He is also evil but I can deal with that. Eminem- I prefer not to have a no talent loser in my house. Paris Hilton- I don't care that she is hot and rich. I no like her, She is releasing her own song, She is being called a crediable actress but bloody hell, I hate her. Cartman from South Park- I know that he is an animated character but it is not in my best intrests to be called a god damn Aussie. You can stay people Craig Charles- Better known as Lister from Red Dwarf, It'll be battle of the funnies plus the fact that he is the host of one of the most swesome shows around. Steve Williams aka Stone Cold Steve Austin from the WWE- He seems like a great guy to hang around with. Not to mention the fact that we can have Beer bashes Jacoby Shaddix from Papa Roach- He also seems like a great bloke. He wrote all the Papa Roach songs (Which I like) and he has a sense of humour. The new Doctor Who character- He actually is funny, he actually is friggin funny. Matthew Lucas- He is one of the guys that made and starred in Little Britian. You have to have an awesome sense of humour to make that show. If you don't know which character he was then he was Andy and the Only Gay in the Villiage. Jason Mewes & Kevin Smith- Also known as Jay and Silent Bob. They have the worst language I have ever heard but they are funny as. Smith can actually direct and act.
Anime Best Anime Girl Tournament R1 M11: Winry (FMA) vs. Chi (Chobits)
PWNED replied to Bloodseeker's topic in Otaku Central
Unfortunatly I have never seen FMA so I have to go for the one I know about. Chi royally ticks me off but I can't pick a character that I have no knowledge of. -
The first FF game that I played was FF8 which I was incredibly dissapointed with which rates it nowhere near my top though I think that it was a combination of Overkill on Cutscenes, Uninteresting Characters and a stryline with so many holes it is like one of my tank tops. The second one that I played was FF 9 which was easily more enjoyable than 8 because it had better characters and a more interesting storyline. The third FF was 6 which rates at number 1 on my list because of reasons given by others, It actually had a truly hateable villian in the form of Kefka. FF 7 was the next game that I played and I found it to be slightly overrated because of mostly the storyline (Around this time I was used to higher quality stories now). Next came FF X,FF 5 and FF 2 (I downloaded it onto my computer. Truly excellent game). In my order of FF preference, I have included what I thought about various aspects of the game: 1) FF 6 (Interesting Characters, Hateable Villians, Strong Storyline, Balanced Boss battles) 2) FF 9 (Entertaning Characters, Wasn't very fond of the Villians, Fun Storyline, Strong Fights) 3) FF X (A few good characters, Unpleasent Enemies but not truly hateable, Hole ridden Story, Amazing battle system) 4) FF 7 (Excellent characters, Strong battle system, Villians were a bit meh, Decent though predictable story, Unbalanced boss battles) 5) FF 2 ( Interesting characters, Not far enough through to comment on Villians or story) 6) FF 5 (Didn't play for long enough but it had good character classes) 7) FF 8 (Hated it absolutely, Predictable Story, Despisable Characters yet not even hate inspiring villians, Boring Junctioning and Boss battles)
I agree with Delacroix on his or her account. I do not have the best post quality even if I have been around here for the better part of around two years (515 is low for this time but I also have a life) but when I first joined I used to accidently break the rules all the time. After a while I picked up the rules and grew to be a good member. Most New Members are like this at the begining but You have to give time for Improvements before you judge them. Oh yes and, [QUOTE]Originally Posted by Baron Samedi OH EM GEE SO U LYKE, JOYND ONE!!1111 [1!!] RPG LYKE U NO AGES AGO AN IT WUZ LYKE GUDD AND LYKE NOW U THINK ALL TEH RPGS ARE CRAPEY!?!?! LYKE D00D DAT WUZ LYKE ONE [1!!!!] RPG AN THERE HAS ALWAYZ BIN LYKE G00D RPGS AN LYKE BADD ONEZ HEY SO LYKE BROWZE THRU TEH, Y NO, ARKIVEZ AND COMPARE THE LYKE, RATIOS AN ALL. HAHA FLAM SPAM SPAM. [/QUOTE] I expected so much from a Western Australian.
(This story is set 350 years after the events involving the Omega Shenron and Goku. The story involves DBZ and GT) Story: After 150 years after the battle between the Omega Shenron and Goku, peace finally began to reign. The power levels finally began to drop back to normal human power levels and the World Tournaments finally began to not become one sided. 199 years late, There is one problem that occurs however. A powerful warrior appeared claiming that in 3 years an evil creature while destroy the earth because of incidents that happened in the past. The majority of the people thought that this was foolishness but a few thought that this was truth and so they went about creating a series of devices that would help them go back in time and stop these events from happening. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Creation: Name: (You can use nearly any name that you want for this) Age: (The characters probarbly won't be very old at all) Race: (I won't take many saiyans but the races are Human, Sayain, Namekian or any other race that you want to use that appears through the shows) Abilities: ( Use moves that are regualr moves that you use regularly. Such as Kamahamaha Wave, Masenko, Destruction Wave yadda yadda yadda) Ultimate Technique: (This is your characters powerful move that is used to finish opponents off. Moves count as the Spirit Bomb, Dragon Punch, Death Ball yadda yadda yadaa) Power Level: (Keep it really low at first, Your power Level will increase but it will increase like how the power levels in the show do) Appearence: Bio: (Why this character is involved int this) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thats about it from me. I'll post my character when people join.
Lynx sprung over the low wall with half a dozen soldiers on his tail, He hadn't a prayer in fighting of all of them at the same time but he could take them down one on one. He sprinted ahead of them with one last burst of adrenaline and rounded a corner and hid. He heard the soldiers crash to a halt and their angry assorted usage of the words 'Resistance Bastard', 'Little Cunt' and 'Resistance Fucker'. Lynx smiled at their small vocabulary then when they walked off climbed out of the small hole which he had taken a very uncomftorable refugee then took off in the opposite direction. He practicully scrambled up the vertical wall in front of him and climbded onto the roof ,then a higher roof, and took in his surroundings. Then all of a sudden Lynxs eyes widened, The city was burning. "Lynx?"A familiar voice said behind him, Lynx spun around and nearly lost his balance although he regained it. "Why are you here?" Valen(Thats the name of the second in command) asked him and before Lynx could awnser he asked "Are you hurt?" "I'm fine" Lynx muttered that he asked "Whay are you here?". Valen smiled then drew his sword slowly and awnsered "So I can kill you of course!" Lynx hopped back in alarm and drew his sword also. The two tensed for a moment then leapt at each other, swords ringing constantly. Lynx ducked under a wild slash and kicked Valen in the gut but the manouver did nothing more than aggravate him. Valen responded in kind but batting hiim to the side so that Lynx hung over the edge dangerously. Valen, Sensing an easy victory attempted to jump right on top of his foe but Lynx planted his foot right in Valens stomach and used his momentum to launch him over the edge. Lynx climbed to his feet but before he could secure his footing a clawed hand grabbed him on his foot. Lynx lased out at the misshapen face that he saw just after he was grabbed. The face was like a cruel parody of Human/Demon halfbreed, Red and scaly like a demons but with Valens major features. He pulled himself into a sitting position, grabbed a knife from his belt and slashed at the hand. It was severed at the wrist which left the beast dangling in midair before it plunged two and a half stories to the ground. Lynx stared over the edge just to make sure it was dead then collapsed back onto the roof.
I have mixed opinions over bringing the Battle Arena back, On the one hand It was a place where we could have a bit of fun without worrying about the high quality RPGs that we could do but on the other hand, As it has been mentioned The BA was a Spam Fest. I think it could be bought back just keep it moderated strictly to stop spam. What I wouldn't give to have a go at a rap battle again.
I would have killed to go to E3 but unfortunatly I am on the wrong continent for it. Anyway to my point, I don't really think too much about the 360 either. Even if there is so much coverage on it at E3 you won't catch me looking at the Chunky Sunna-ma-*****. I am dissapointed by the lack of Info on the Revolution which I am really looking foward to.
Lynx didn't like the current amount of resistance fighters that were here at the moment but there wasn't enough time to be picky about the attendance. They were running out of time and would have to abandon the temporary HQ like the previous ones and anyway, The ones that wern't here could be told by others. "My fellow warriors, We are all fighting to get the same goal yet not all of us may like each other" Lynx started " We all have to buckle down on the Algathan forces and take them out" His second In command took over the speech and they got a fair way through the formalities. "We have created a battle plan that will help us, But we must follow it" Lynx yelled. " We shall defeat them at ......." But before He could finish a sentry yelled out "Algathan forces Sir,We are under attack! Lynx yelled "Why the hell would the bastards know that we are here?" But Lynx got nothing in response so he once more yelled out " We have to retreat, We have to rendevous back at Ciperres Town! Tell the others"
Shin is right, You can find quite a few Mario DVDs and Videos all the time. The videos I remember were the Super Mario Brothers 3 series. They came from a sohow hosted by a former wrestler and both Zelda and Mario were shown. DVDs of that show came out 2 or 3 years ago if I'm correct.
Gaming What upcoming game are you most looking forward to?
PWNED replied to Bloodseeker's topic in Noosphere
The game I am looking foward to most is Destroy All Humans on PS2. I am a big fan of B Grade Movies because I can laugh at them for being so dodgy but the most awesome thing about it is the fact that you are put in the shoes of a single bad tempered, idiotic alien. I also think that the psychic powers could add a certain measure of idiocity to it. I am also looking foward to Ratchet & Clank 4 because I am addicted to 2 & 3. -
I myself hate proms & Dances for the same reason as Corey. I find that things like these feature people that go just for the sake of going. I don't see what is wrong about wearing a dress or suit from the year before if it still fits but spening a few hundred just for one night. I mean, My sister is wore my Mums wedding dress for her Deb but with a few minor differences and I am sure that my little sister has that also. I have an excellent suit that I rarely wear except for formal occasions and will wear until it won't fit. I'll have to go to a Deb next year and so I'll wear my suit, It's as simple as that.
Any Jesse Mchartney song- Christ almighty, He looks like a rat, cannot act to save his life, starred on a peice of dirt show and cannot sing. Over than that whats the deal with him? Rave music- I need not get specific because it is all crap. Are you gonna be my girl by Jet- I cannot believe that this song was so popular. They have less talent than a performer on an Idol show as well as their songs be repetitive as hell. PS: You have caught me in a bad mood thats why I seem so majorly ticked off.
The young man sprinted down the series of avenues in an attempt to find the rendezvous point, he was lost and didn't know where anything was but if he was late then he would have dishonored the resistance by not briefing them on the situation. He ducked around the corner into the closest alleyway where the factory region started. As he ducked around the corner he slammed into an opening door. Lynx?s head collided with it and he knew no more. 15 minutes later he woke up to see his second in command staring down at him. He smiled awkwardly and drew himself to his feet and greeted his good friend. After a little while of friendly banter they set off for the temporary headquarters at the other end of the district. After thirty minutes they arrived and waited for all members of the resistance to file in. Lynx hated this bit, because there were so few members he couldn't spare a single member to track down the slow people. "The only way he got here on time was because his mate went out to find him" He thought bitterly to himself and so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't hear the sentries calling down to him about some resistance fighters coming their way.
Ah, sorry. Here is my question. Q: In the episode, Kiss Seen Round the World What famous KISS Song does LOIS attempt to sing to? Bonus: In this episode we find out what is Gene Simmons real name. What is it?
It is a bit sub par for a Black Eyed Peas song but it does have a humourus video. They seem to change the lyrics folr the BEP songs a few times so that they aren't offense ( Phunk sounding like ******* and changing Retarded to It Started
Here is the Create sheet for the Emperor, Anyone can pick him if they want but that means they will be on the side of the enemy. Name: Emperor Barbarossa Deuzanhok Age: 37 Race: Human Class: Emperor of the Algathan forces, Warrior/ Necromancer. Magic: He wields nearly all the poweers of darkness that can be found using the Bloodstone. Weapon: The Emperor weilds a massive two handed sword. Appearence: [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/b/barbarossarugner01.gif[/IMG] Bio:
[quote name='AnimeJunkie00][COLOR=Red][FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif][B]so can we start? :animesmil [/B] [/FONT'] [/COLOR][/quote] I'll leave the sign ups open for another couple of days and then we can start.
Fairly good posts so far everyone, but Inuyasha Fandom... i just need a bio and appearence from you.
[quote name='killsberry']oh, i know this one...ahh...its the one when peter wants a jewish guy to handle his money and then wants to turn chris jewish, but i cant remeber the name! ah! i see that on Tv on adult swim, but on my dvd it says it was banned form tv. strange[/quote] The episodes name was "When you wish upon a Weinstein" but you got the gist of the episode right so I guess I can give you that.
Yeah, I had doubts that Non-Australians would have heard of the trials but we do have more Aussies here than I thought. I know that Indonesia and Australia have never seen straight and this trial is almost the final naail in the coffin. I am also fairly sure that Bali 9 will be executed. My dad also gave the fact that Indonesia usually has better Drugs then Australia which I found not so welcoming. I don't think that Indonesia have the right to intrude on trials in Australia either.
Classes are your character type, like in the D & D games which have Paladins and such. Name: Lynx Olaiha Age: 23 Race: Human Class: Guardian Magic: Being a Guardian, Lynx weilds minor curate magic. Weapon: Lynx weilds a long sword strapped in between his shoulder blades, he also carries multiple daggers with are strapped around his person. Appearence: [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/e/edge01.jpg[/IMG] Bio: Lynx was born into a poor family in one of the first cities that was destroyed by the Emperor. Up until that day he was enjoying training as a Guardian which he earned by defeating a member in a duel. It was on the day before the slaughter that he found out that the member had let him win. The very next day he set off to reapply for entry into the brotherhood but when he reached the outer rim of the city that he saw the attack from the Emperor and his fiendish allies. Within minutes the town was nearly razed and thousands of the inhabitants died. Lynx was buried under some rubble for hours and when he was able to free himself, everthing was destroyed.and a dream was taken away. When he searched around the city for survivors he came across the corpse of his brother, quite cold and quite dead. He reached down and took up his brothers sword and made a vow that the Emperor would fall by one of the protectors of the people. And so the resistance was born....
Kiss Seen Round the World. and I have no idea what the ladies name was. Question: What was the name of the episode from the second season which never screened on TV? Bonus: How does Lois get to Vegas?