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[SIZE=1][I]For all that are wondering what the worms would look like then heres an image [IMG]http://www.planetgamers.com/img/games/XBOX/W/Worms_3D/title.jpg[/IMG] Yeah, I think that I have figured out a scheme for Boggy Pete but Dragon Warriors one may be a bit better but this is a shot at one. Boggy Pete has found a weapon of vast destructive power ( And it is rather retarded weapon also....Just need an idea for it) and has "accidently" destroyed a few monuments of Worm society.... or lack of because it always seems to destroy itself. And he just so happens to destroy the stadium that the tournament is held at so the teams retaliate by sending their best dudes after him and his cronies[/I][/SIZE] I know it could use some work but It is just an original one.
In my opinion, This site is a bit strict depending on the type of posts that are in trouble. At this other Forum Website, that is lenietly moderated which is why there is such poor post quality there. I think that the way to keep Introductions away is to create a Forum just for Introduction threads except they have to be detailed posts saying your likes, dislikes and where you are from.
[quote name='Galvatron']It's been to long since I have seen a WWE topic, as for predictions go for Wrestle Mania 21.[/quote] Yeah, I have been a bit off over the last half year right. I have ment to post topics for the PPVs but I didn't have time. Anyway to my predictions. Batista vs HHH- I see HHH walking out with the title and sice batista is an excellent Heel they are going to keep Batista Titleless for a while. JBL vs Cena- JBL is getting sent to RAW where he will feud with HHH after the next Draft. And since they are giving Cena the push then they are going to let him win. Trish vs Christy- I don't care. This match is pure eye candy only. Angle vs Micheals- I don't know who will win but I am hoping it will be Angle. Orton vs Taker- Orton will not beet the Phenom and since he will be out for a while then sent to Smackdown they will want to get this running for as long as possible. Money in the Bank- Edge will win this then fight HHH at Backlash Big Show vs Akebono- Piss break for me. Akebono will win because he is the Yokozuna ( Sumo Grand Champion). Eddie vs Rey- Eddie and Rey won the best match of 1998 award for WCW. This one will be a classic.
My favourite swordsman character is either Flik or Viktor who are both from Suikoden 1 & 2 because they both have awesome personalitys but they are also awesome warriors and really cool looking. They are both awesome characters because they have excellent Art, Cool Weapons (Viktor gets a sword which is broken off of a true rune while Flik has a really powerful weapon), They do an awesome Combination move in Suiko 2 and They are both funny as hell. Below is official art from Suikosource.com and you can tell hat the characters aged. Viktor from Suikoden 1 [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/v/viktor01.gif[/IMG] Viktor from Suikoden 2 [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/v/viktor02.gif[/IMG] Flik from Suikoden 1 [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/f/flik01.gif[/IMG] Flik from Suikoden 2 [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/f/flik02.gif[/IMG]
Lo again, This question is in regards to a recent idea that I had while playing WORMS 3D. I want to know if anyone would actually join it. I won't flesh out a storyline unless some people express intrest. If you have suggestons for part of the storyline then you can also post here but here is a basic one. -------------------------------------------------------------- There is a Worms World Tournament going on and knowing the worms then something bad is going to happen when just as the opening bout is about to start, Boggy Pete hatches another evil scheme! So each tean decide to do something about this and send a representative to stop Pete and his cronies from commiting a terrible crime. So far this is what I have decided on so others can make suggestions about this.
I have found out more information on Soul Calibur 3 on [url]http://playstation2.joystiq.com/entry/1234000337030927/[/url] and apparently Dante may appear in the lineup. It has also been revealed that it might just be PS2 exclusive at first. Well, Fingers crossed for all of the GCN and X-Box owners. [QUOTE] Taken from [url]http://playstation2.joystiq.com/entry/1234000337030927/[/url] According to a recent interview with Namco producer, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Devil May Cry?s leading man, Dante, could wind up in Soul Calibur 3 for the PS2. Reportedly, Capcom borrowed the Soul Calibur 2 engine for a boss fight in the upcoming Devil May Cry 3. In return, Namco requested the rights to use Dante in the next Soul Calibur sequel to ?appease? fans.[/QUOTE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Red]Hey, nothing you can say (say), nothing's gonna change what you've done to me Now it's time to shine (shine), I'm gonna take what's mine Take what's mine Hey, nothing you can say (say), nothing's gonne change what you've done to me Now it's time to shine (shine), I'm gonna take what's mine You're gonna burn in my light They tried so hard to follow, but no-one cared Inside you're all so hollow, you understand Hey, nothing you can say (say), nothing gonna change what you've done to me Now it's time to shine (shine), I'm gonna take what's mine While you're burning inside my light I gave and you take And I waited for you but I made a mistake It's clear that you're fearing so near me 'Cause I see the look on you're face You tried to hold me under, I held my breath Alone and now you wonder, what I possess Hey, nothing you can say (say), nothing's gonna change what you've done to me Now it's time to shine (shine), you're gonna burn in my light Hey, nothing you can say, nothing's gonna change what you've done to me Now it's time to shine, I'm gonna take what's mine While you're burning inside my light[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Alec and his Band were on fire and would have won any competition if it wasn't for the fact that they were practising and not playing at a live competition. He was practically a Drumming God as far as he was concerned." You're really tearing up that guitar Bro" Alec said to his friend James who was absolutely ripping it up on his guitar. "Thanks, Alec" James replied "I think we're really ready for our Music Assignment" The word Assignment put a jump intoAlec as he remembered what was going to happen last period Today. HIS BIOLOGY ASSIGNMENT WAS DUE IN AND HE HADN'T DONE ANYTHING TOWARDS IT ( See the capitals, That's how bad it is) " Oh Christ in a Bucket" he muttered, " Can you pack up my kit for me?" He asked his friends and before they could awnser he tore out the door and towards the Library.[/SIZE] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This was just a starting post for the RPG. The Sign-Ups are still open for people so don't fear. Current Characters The Monster- Alec Proteto Blanko- Tao Lee Innocent- Lee Himura alchemist2120- Kite Laosen sesshomaru 3- Sesshomaru/ Sess Kitty- Rebecca J. Lier/ RJ/ Spike And one more thing.......... Sign Ups are still open
[QUOTE=r2vq]First, don't say "japs" that's derogatory. Even if you're too lazy to write "Japanese" type something else like Jpn. Second, (and I don't mean to be rude with my ignorance) what do you mean Darwin? Who/What's Darwin and what did the Nazi's do?[/QUOTE] Sorry for saying Japs, I'm used to saying Japs around my friends (Two are Japanese). Darwin is a city in Northern Australia that was bombed at least Half-a-Dozen times by the Japanese Air Forces during WW2. I am betting that they were receiving orders from either the Nazis or the Japanese Prime Minister. As for the Nazism in Anime, They are using the Nazis to portray evil and heartlessness.
I suggest waiting until it appears on IGN.COM before you crack a spaz. I usually don't trust Gamepro when it comes to games as they are usually wrong about a few games. A Create A Character mode would be the equivalent of a Smackdown game hopefully so the Animation of a created character is always not going to be on par with a Default character. They also need to get their facts straight with Soul Caliber 2, It was on of the biggest selling games over the last year. IMyself am going to be wary until more details are released.
I was wondering if someone could resize an avatar for me, The current Dimensions are 100 by 100 but could someone make it 150 by 80? I have it as an attachment so could someone please resize it?
[quote name='Alchemist']though i seriuosly doubt japanese culture is racist against jews. there are many animes wih ties to nazi thing. Example, Gundam Wing Endless Waltz, the uniform style chosen by the Bartlet foundation is the exact style of the hitler youth uniforms. Also in FLCL there is that one episode with the even more excessive random violence than the other ones, well Kamon is wearing that nazi unifor and firing a luger(funny scene :rotflmao:) I think it has to do with the WW2 Axis Alliance and the fact that Asia did not suffer at the hands of the Nazis. Anyway how much do you think it is revered in anime.[/quote] Okay first of all, I am fairly sure it is spelt Looming instead of Luming. and as for Kamon dressed as a Nazi and using the Luger, well Kamon is all Bollocks no Brains. I don't think that the Japs have anything with the Nazis, even though they were part of the Third Reich. And also r2vq, I see you have never seen what they did to Darwin so many Aussies proberbly share your grandmothers feelings about them. And yes, it is true that the Swatstika was used everywhere up to thousands of years ago, It's just that the Nazis were most famous for it. I'll be back [FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4]THE MONSTER[/SIZE][/FONT]
I'm not sure at the moment because I haven't heard enough of the evidence to decide. I mysekf think he should be in trouble because of the Illegal Skin Bleaching but I am not sure about the Pedophilia charges.
[QUOTE=Blanko]For one... the name is blanko not blamko And for two... I have a picture already... which is her appearance[/QUOTE] Sorry about that, It's just that it didn't show up. I'll give this until the end of the week for Sign Ups.
[quote name='shadowmatrix']Casual Gamers are what keep the industry afloat. Casual gamers have the money instead of you hobbit nerds who buy one game, spend 6 months on it and be no better at it than day 1.i hate hardcore hobbits who think theyre so great just cause they made an arcade machine. i took my game boy apart and parted the oceans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its because of smart people like us who buy the hyped games. we buy hype games. they make money. we get more hype games. and if i had an online connection or something, i'd kick anyone's *** who disagrees with me in a hardcore game of Tekken 5. now deal![/quote] Now that I think of myself I am a moderatly harcore gamer instead of Light Hardcore, I hire new games and try them out and if they are alright I'll buy them. I own a few Hyped games ( Killzone and GTA SA) but It doesn't mean that I don't play the minor games. I own Suikoden 2, have beaten it 4 times and still have not beaten one of the Side Quests which spans through the entire game. Anyway to my point Someone that buys mainstream games is not the grain of the world. And Hardcore Hobbits? If someone takes their time in a game to unlock everything, Pays attention to whats happening and beats the game perfectly, does that make them people that think they can perform Miracles? A Hardcore gamer trys to beat their previous scores in a game to prove that they do better the second time around. Can a Casual gamer beat GTA: SA perfectly within 50 hours then beat it a second time within 43 hours then come back a third time? Could a casual gamer make full flash games on the PC? I myself have never heard of a casual gamer doing stuff like this. I'll be back [SIZE=4][FONT=Century Gothic]THE MONSTER[/FONT] [/SIZE]
You guys have got fairly good sign Ups so far but First: Innocent, It is very rare that you will get 16 year old in year 9. You will have to finish off your sign up. And Blamko, I'll need your appearence. I'll quite a few more people but by the time that I have 7 people ( Including Myself) I'll start the RP.
[QUOTE]Originally Posted by Shinmaru I hope that this doesn't apply to those who don't want their old (and embarrassing) user names to become public knowledge. Ahem.
Yes it is a bit of a bugger when they include more than enough Unwanted Characters into the game alla FF6 but the characters are usefull in many situations if you think about it. I mean, one of the things you could do in FF6 is obtain every rage for Gau. But with the Suikoden games are there are 108 RECRUITABLE characters but about 70 Party Characters. The thing is that in Suikoden 2 is that each character should be used differently to others. The thing is that in FF8, Quistis and Selphie seem to play the same except with different Weapons and Limit Breaks. Crono Cross does have a good amount, especially for a Snes Game ( Fairly Sure this one was the SNES one) and It seems to have fleshed out the background for the Major Characters but like other games, THE CHARACTERS THAT ARE NOT MAJOR JUST FEEL LIKE THEY ARE THERE FOR FUN. One thing that should be there in more games is a character like Richmond from Suikoden 2, he could give you Background information about Various Characters. I found that was a good idea.
Thanks Blanko, for clearing that up. We call High School Grades Year Levels over here in Australia. Name: Alec Proteto Gender: Male Year Level: 12 Character Age: 18 Description: Alec stands about 5'7 and weighs 180 pounds, meaning he is about Average in Build. He has Dirty Blonde hair about halfway down his neck. He has Deep blue Eyes and often wears Grey Jeans, a Metallica T-Shirt, Nikes and a Black Duster. Extra Bio and Information: Alec is a fairly loud and rude bloke, no strings attached and is in his Second year of VCE(last year). Granted, He is a Rock fan and refers to himself as the Godly One to give himself a sense of superiority. Personality Wise he is a bit of a wanker but he also has a deep side to his personality. He has an incredibly short temper so he will shake your hand just as quickly as he'll kick youir Nads. He takes advanced Trap Magic (Only thing he excells in besides Music) in School but he uses it in assorted Pranks on other VCE Students. He plays Drums in a band with two of his mates and has been trying to chat to a certain girl at the school. (Anyone, THAT WILL RP AS A GIRL, can ask if they can be that character. If none ask then the character can be an NPC)
In order of oldest to newest Game Boy- This is real Old School, The big bloody Bulky one. I have it lying around somewhere at my Dads house but I haven't used it for years. Sega Genesis: This would be my third favourite System because It had games I absolutely adored on it. My favourites were Jungle Strike and Road Rash 2. I can't have it connected so I have it stashed away in its case. It could be worth a lot of money. Gameboy Pocket- I actually lost this and I have no idea where it is. I used to play Pokemon Yellow and Blue on this and that was about it. PSX- I adore this which ranks as my second favourite System. I have lent it to my sister who Is not giving it back to me. It is chipped and my three favourite games on it are Suikoden 2, Hogs of War and Crash Bash. PS2- I adore this also which is why It sits head anmd shoulders above everything else on my list. My favourite Games on it are GTA: SA, WWE: SVR and FFX. Then there is also the PC but I am not going into detail about it.
I found that any version of Dragon Ball was dissapointing like hell, It is judged as the Ultimate Series by a fair few people but in my opinion it seems rather repetitive. Fight Scenes can go for episodes in it which seems to stretch it rather far. The characters seemed to be almost exactly the same and if the entire Saiyan Race was destroyed than how the hell are there so many of them. It do not want to go into further details on how dissapointing this series is so I won't but It definetly not something that you would pay for the boxed sets. Dissapointing Anime Two would have to be Steel Angel Kurumi only because of how short each episode is, You don't get drawn in enough to it( It's still a good series) which is why it is at number two.
I don't think that I can be bought [COLOR=Red][U][B]Easily[/B][/U][/COLOR] but I still could be bought because Morals are fairly weak when you tink about it. I think that I will depend on how what is asked or how much I am paid. It is an interesting topic of discussion because some people will have different Morals to myself.
Every school district has their own share of schools. Each rivaling each other in a certain way. Some may rival each other through sports, such as football or basketball. Some Schools also rival each other with the Magic Studies. But there is no way to explain the sheer fun and joy of beating the crap out of other students from your rival school. Unfortunatly it is Genami High that gets the worst out of all the rivalry. Every other School wish that they were like it because it was well funded, The Students were, on average, Behaved ( At Times) and they got the biggest cut of funding for the schools. And don't you know that it will be hell on Earth when certain students arrive to study at Genami High. Pranksters, Geniuses and Gits galore are at Genami High so why aren't you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, Heres the deal. The Story is set in a slightly Alternate World with magic and such but on the whole it is mostly like our world. I will have a few teachers but not too many otherwise it gets fairly hectic after a while. And the School also has Dormitorys If you were wondering. Character's Name: (Simple, Your character can be of any Nationality) Character's Gender: Easy Character's Year in School: From year 7 to 12, Including Teachers. Characters Age: Keep to your characters Year Level Description of Character: Eitehr a Picture or a Detailed Description Additional Character Background Info: You don't need to go far into your characters background but do tell us about the Personality and Classes and Extra Cirricular things that your Character does.
I myself have a very short temper, I will practically go off at the drop of a hat. It is usually caused by my sisters but I am not sure if they do by accident or on purpose. I actually nearly bite their head off when the person who pisses me off is older than 12. If they are younger than twelve then i just bite my tongue and try to hold it in.
I think the first film I saw at the cinemas was a Disney film, Either Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid or the Lion King. I still don't fully remem,ber it but I am sure It was a Disney One.