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Everything posted by PWNED
[QUOTE=Shippoe]:catgirl: (RULES) :catgirl: 1) Choose to either be a real character or make one up. 2)Have fun here thats all I ask of you ppl.[/QUOTE] Can you maybe explain this in more depth? I don't know what you mean by this because it sounds suspiciosly like what would go in the Arena.
I consider myself a light Hardcore Gamer because I am not new to gaming life. I will collect games but I will trade them in if they had a rather poor Multiplayer or Singleplayer and I have unlocked everything. I mean for example, A year ago or so I was playing the old SSI Pc Games and Eye of the Beholder 1 & 2 because I had never fully completed them fully. And a true Hardcore Gamer will spend as much money as possible to buy one of the Rare games out there so that they can update their collection (I just consider myself lucky that I got Suikoden 2 before It became Ultra Rare). Graphics Wise, Casual Gamers just adore games with Good Graphics and these people also care about if it is part of a big name series. But there is an upside, It's because of the Casual Gamers that we can buy the Hidden Gems easier, So you think about it.
Lee ducked into the garage where he was working on the Van that he had found in there. He had been able to fix it up well after he found it but there were peices missing from it that were major. "Fuck,Fuck, Fuck, Fuck" He whispered as he Fitted the latest part of the engine and tightening it, He needed to get this done quickly so that he could get out of this Crazy Ass Town. He was bought back to earth when he heard one of the freaks shambling around outside. "OH SHIT" He muttered and kept completly still except for his hand which was edgind towards the lead pipe that he carried in beforehand. When it came around the corner he brought the pole smashing vertically into the jaw, Bringing it clear off of its shoulders. Lee staggered backwards after the hit, He'd never knocked ones head clear off of its shoulders, then shrugged because it was fine as long as it was dead. He was then aware of a tugging at his leg, So he looked down then blanched with horror as the arms of the corpse closed around his leg and attempted to rip him off of his feet. He tore his leg free and bought his foot crashing into the torso again and again; Breathing Heavily He picked up his pipe,walked over to the head of the corpse and said " Fuck you, You Mother Fucking Freakshow" Then bought the Pipe right through the skull. "Bloody Hell" He growled " Where the hell are the freaky Motherfuckers coming from". He was then aware of more groans and other assorted noises, So he muttered his trademark "FuckShitCrapDamn" then took of through the adjacent door to him. He sprung over the fence and sprinted onto the road. He suffered a near miss from a Taxi. Lee reacted to this in his usual fashion, Swearing and Yelling. OOC: My guy has veeery Lovely Language so if you use him in your posts then keep to the language i gave him.
I kind of agree with you but remember, The Tasmanian Tiger was hunted to Extinction mostly due to sport hunting. An entire species was killed off in Tasmania because they found that it was a pest but you must remember that hunting and feeding is an Animals basic instics so we can't change them when they attack or consume a Farmers Property. And don't forget Entire Tribes of Aboriginals were killed off in Tasmania for the hell of it. Killing off a Species seems to be our way of establishing that We are Top dog. I guess it is Human nature to do stuff like this but I still personally think that Sport Hunting is wrong.
This is a question that my friend and I were assigned for Debating and we both decided that It should be made Illegal but I want to hear about your Opinions. Down here in Australia, Thousands of Kangaroos are killed every Half-year but according to some Statistics that say that more than half of these numbers are killed for Sport. Don't you find it terrible that wil Animals are being killed for Fun? I know that some Animals are killed because they are pests but they are still wild Animals and we have no control over their habits. What are your views on this Topic, We really could do with the Opinions of others.
My Favourite RPG would definetly have to be Gensou Suikoden 1 or its Sequel, Gensou Suikoden 2. Sure in the graphics department they are no FF 10 and seeing that Suikoden 1 was possibly the first RPG that was worth buying on the PSX does mean something. its just that the games are victims of the FF Hype. The FF Hype is when the games fall victim of being released around the same time as the FF Games. Suikoden 2 , Argubaly having one of the greatest strorylines I have ever seen in an RPG, was released one week before FF 8. Konami really needs to get it straight that not only do they create the best stealth and horror games (Metal gear Solid and Silent Hill respectivly) as well as one of the best Side Scroller Series (Castlevania) but they have the RPG series that have the most characters you can have on your side on Average (At Least 108 minus the Extra Stars of Destiny), A Fun Old School Battle System ( No ATB, Purely Character Speed-Based with Up to Six a Side) and It doesn't overdo it with the frickin Cut Scenes (Sorry Natchan but I have to use FF8 as the base of this point, So bloody many unnescersary Cutscenes in one game). Suikoden 1+2 are both RPGing Goodness that stack up to the greats like FFs 6+7, Grandia and Baldurs Gate(I know, PC RPG, So sue me).
Name: Lee Wallins Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearence:[IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/c/caesar01.jpg[/IMG] Strengths: Lee is an apprentice Mechanic so he spends a lot of time fixing up cars which means he is good at what he does. His only really other good point is how much *** He can kick with him being someone that fights with nearly everyone. Bio: Lee used to work in a small company in a small mechanics until he was offered a job in the small town Silent Hill. Now, He hadn't heard of it but there was a hell of a cut in for it. So he decided to go for it since he required as much money that he could get his hands on.When he got there he found that there was no company that he was told about and that the town was deserted. Unfortunatly however he couldn't leave the town so now he is trapped.
OTAKUHEIST The figure stood in front of the monitor examining the payout from the last job which was just a small payout from a small-time n00b thread in the Anime lounge but he wasn?t satisfied. Sure he would always get the biggest cut from each job because of him being the boss but for some reason he didn?t get enough respect from everyone else. But he had a plan to fix this, oh yes he did. He?d pull off the biggest heist the Boards had ever seen and then some. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?Alright boys? Said the boss? We have multiple targets, One of the Big-*** Threads in Play It or one of the Grand Daddies of them all, Kill Adam in the Square? ?But Boss? Said his partner ?These targets are almost as well protected as the entire friggin boards? His Boss just cocked an eyebrow and muttered ? You don?t get given respect, you take it and if we rip off places like these then we will be as respected as any bloody Mod can get? His partner nodded in acknowledgment but then added? We need a decent group though cause just two people aren?t enough to knock off these targets? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- People who sign up will have to have their sign ups checked because I need half decent sign ups for this. Username: (Simple, Just use your username from this site) Nickname: (What you are called or your codename) Gender: Age: (No little kids or old men) Role in Gang: (Simple also, Demolitions, Surveilance, Muscle, infiltration, Go wild with this) Appearance: (Either Picture or description) Biography: (Just Paragraph long or so on how you came to Otakuboards and what you do) Main Equipment: (Just main stuff you carry about like weapons or equipment)
Gaming The Otakuboards Video Game Awards, 2001-2005
PWNED replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in Noosphere
PS2 Action Game 1) GTA San Andreas- This game is just pure gaming goodliness. It is one of the longest ever and fun as hell. 2) Dynasty Warriors 4- I just love this game, Killing tons of Asians makes my day. 3) Ratchet & Clank: Goning Commando- I also love this game because it is fun as although a little hard sometimes. PS2 Strategy Game- WORMS 3D- I like Worms games, Plain and simple. This is a multiplayer classic although I am yet to try Forts: Under Seige PS2 RPG- 1) Suikoden 3- Everyone knows that I like the Suikoden games and although it wasn't as good as the last outing it is still just as fun. 2) FF 10- Came Second only because of the Dubbing. Aaargh, my bleeding ears. PS2 Driving Game- Burnout 3: Takedown because it is so Destructive. They reward you for taking out over people. Reward for Destruction!!!!!!!! PS2 Adventure Game- I guess Soul Reaver 2 because I like the funb of the original and it captures the spirit of the original. -
Gaming The Otakuboards Video Game Awards, 2001-2005
PWNED replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in Noosphere
Best action game on Gamecube: Viewtiful Joe- Some may scoff at the 2.5 D look but it is insanly addictive and actually a bit tough. Runner Up- Super Smash Bros Melee- Pure Gaming goodness. It is an excellent game even 3 years after its release. 2nd Runner Up- XIII- This game is shooting godliness and hard to pass up. Best Gamecube Strategy Game- ?????????- I haven't played any Gamecube Strategy games. Best Gamecube RPG: Phantasy Star Online Episodes 1-2: I chose this for the RPG catergory because it is addictive as hell. Does't help that it is fun with Multiplayer. Runner Up- Lord of the Rings: The Third Age which is second because even though it is a clone of FF10 it works well because you can see all changes in the characters equipment. Best Gamecube Driving Game- Crazy Taxi- Its just because it is Crazy Taxi ok, What Simpsons Road Rage tryed to copy and failed. BestGamecube Puzzle Game- I guess Mario Party 4. It is my favourite Mario Party and I haven't played Wario Ware yet. -
Joei thought about what had happened in the Library and how he started to bleed. He immediatly let his soul leave his body to a Paraplane where unbound souls roam. The five souls that usually inhabited his body immediatly appeared before him and so the interogation started. Spirit 3 AKA Hei Taramanya- What the Fuck happened before? You were nearly killed somehow. Joei- I have no idea. Some bloody Bastard snuck into my head. Spirit 5 AKA Dylan Williams- You piss off a Broad Lately? A Broad that knows Voodoo? Joei- Nice attempt at a Joke man. But I nearly Died out there and something trying to get into my mind. It ain't a laughing matter. Spirit 6 AKA Mark James II- It was a cowards attempt at your life. They will not dare to try and attack like that again now that you know what they can do. Spirit 4 AKA James Cini- But we don't know who is behind this assault on Joei.(Then turns to face Joei) Joei, You are going to have to go back to our original plane and try and scrape up some details. We await your return. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ When Joei's soul returned to himself he found himself lying on the ground in front of the bench with a few people looking at him. He had no idea about how he fell off andjust sat there resting.
Joei stood in the corner thinking about the Ghosts that were hosted within his body throughout the years, For Gods sake he even hosted his dead brothers soul although he disliked thinking about it. He then smiled about what the others probrably thought Ghosts were because, Well They didn't look like they had seen a ghost before. Then all of a sudden Joei felt a force tugging at his mind, At first he took it to be one of the spirits and sent a mental message to them to stop. His Brother grumpily awnsered " But we didn't do anything" This was then followed up by another Brutal strike to his mind whcih sent him falling to his knees. The other two rushed other to his side then pulled back when they saw Blood dripping from his mouth. Joei waved them away like it happened all the time, Then stood up, A little Shakily at first and left. When he was a good distance he collapsed on a bench and began to think about why this could keep on happening. OOC: Joei is being attacked by Rogue Spirits that are angry that he is hosting spirits. None of the others know this though.
Joei stood Behind the Library and watched the encounter between the two unfold from the safety of behind Glass, He had seen the two around the school a few times but he didn't know their names and this was the first time he saw these two together. 'I don't like the look of those two' Said the Spirit of his Elder brother that died 5 years ago. "Those two have an unsavoury look to them" "You got to be kidding right" Joei Said, "Do you even know what Unsavoury means?" Judging from the silence of his Brother he assumed that he didn't. One of the other spirits chose this time to voice its opinion " Their names are Maya & Jordan and they are quite interested in ghosts" Joei was puzzled at this and questioned him on why he knew, The Spirit awnsered Smugly "I am not bound to you, I am free to leave at will but I cannot leave you for long, I reached in and plucked information" "Well, Whatever I'm gonna say hi to them" Joei awnsered and thought silently " Don't comment on tits, Don't comment on Tits. OOC: Sorry for the short post, Don't have long.
Oh come on Morpheus, Dynasty Warriors isn't that bad. Point taken that you ar running around slashing at powerful enemies but it is Addictive like hell. Grabted that these are my thoughts on the game but still. How can something make a game as crapper then Superman 64 and make Said Superman game look like Super Marion 64. Now that you mention It Bubsy the Bobcat 3D would fit that mould. It has been said before by a Moderator but I cannot remember which. It tryed to jump on the Band Wagon of Mario 64, Slipped and Crippled itself for life. Bubsy 3D was not even a Ho-Hum Platformer, It was a *Blows Raspberry in the face of Game owner* Piece of Crap that no one even paid attention to. Its predecsors were crap and, guess what, it didn't break the mould.
Name: Joei (Pronounced Joey)Taramanya Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearence: [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/c/caesar01.jpg[/IMG] First Encounter: Joeis first encounter with a supernatural Being was a week after his thrid birthday. He was sent to hospital with a deadly illness and was going to dying. When he awoke he found a trio of Spirites hovering over him. They just hovered there staring at him then one of them asked in his mind who he was. He was unable to awnser them so one of them reached his hand within his mind and removed his knowledge and searched through it. This progress nearly finished Joei off but somehow the kid survived , The ghost reinserted his knowledge and for some reason chose to enter his body as well as the other two ghosts. Since then he has had numerous encounters since his body is now the host of half a dozen spirits. Personality: Joei has Multiple Personality Syndrome so It is incredibly difficult to explain his personality. His most Possessed Personality is his Natural Personality which is Rude and Obnoxius and just a little bit Sexist. His second personality which is of the ghost that plucked his knowledge from his mind, This ghost is Honourable and often outspoken by his Brothers Spirit which is Loud and also Obnoxious. His third Personality is quiet and will think for the longest amount of time because It likes to go through the steps slowly. His Fourth Spirit is the most intelligent and also the most Serious. Spirirt 5 is the joker of the lot and also the most cowardly. Spirit 6 is also Honourable and the spirit that gets him into fights the most. All of the spirits conflict with each other so It is unknown how they can bear to be in the general vicinity of each other.
The most overhyped game I have ever played would have to be the Halo games. They are good shooting games but they have nicked elements from earlier games and are SOMEHOW praised to be the greatest games ever. Overhyped game 2 is Warcraft 3. It is somewhat lacking as a Multiplayer game when compared to one of the most innovative strategy games ever (Dugeon Keeper +DK 2) or the Total War series yet it is acknowledged as the greatest Strategy/ Multiplayer ever. These are just two overhyped games but there are more.
Name: Daermon Nashabe Nickname: Nash Personality: Nash is in all ways, A git and he is proud of it. He is rather arrogant and talks out of his butt alot because he finds himself to be superior to everyone on the Boards which leads to him being disliked by a fair few other Boarders. He is also very disorganized and has to get help in filing his posts and threads which leaves him to look like a moron. He curses a lot and is rumoured to have the worst language on the boards although he denys that it is true (He's more like the 3rd worst language). He is an indoors type of person and spends a lot of his time bragging about the latest worms, viruses and Hacks that he has made although everyone knows it is bull. Nash is also a coward and will run before he will fight which leaves other members questioning his Morals. He carrys a book bag around which is actually filled with assorted objects that he can use to improve upon his braging rights. Those things are also what makes him feel so superior because it contains stolen data from assorted Boards that were sold to him by real hackers. He is sometimes actually serious about life and work but that is sometimes, Other than that he is a Git. Short Bio: Nash came to the boards about a year and a quarter ago and was instantly disliked. No suprise because he has always made a habit out of making powerful enemys. His main chillout places are the Adventure Arena and Harwired although he is fairly closed to getting himself taken out of those areas because these are where his main enemys live. He lives on the outskirts of the Adventure Inn and still makes it a habit to annoy others although he is more accepted here than anywhere else. Starting Weapon: A book Bag which he clubs people to death with.
Man 1: I wonder if these spring loaded shoes really work like they do in cartoons. Man 2: Here's what we'll do, I'll run at you and you jump over me, Ok? Man 1: Right. Here we go. Man 2: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Man 2: Relax man, From what I've seen in stuff you won't get hurt when you fall off of the building. Man 1: AAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Man 2: Ooooooookay then, I'll just walk away now.
Name: James Colins Age: 17 Type: Human Weapon: Balider Assault Rifle model IV, Balider Assault Pistol model II Family: None,Orphaned at a young age. Appearence: James looks like any kid would if he had lived on the streets for 5 years, He wears he wears a pair of raggady pants and the only things that are in good condition are his boots which he will regularly nick from others and his top which he also nicks. He has a particually nasty scar above his left eye which clashes with his broken nose and tan skin. His most spectacular appearence though are his eyes, one of them a cybernetic eye and the other being a very pale blue. Biography: James is a young orpan who suffered an injury to his right eye when he was blinded in it at the age of 10 because of an accident involving his Computer and an electrical surge. He was struck blind in his right eye and had his vision cut down severly in his left eye so his parents took him to a doctor. The doctor removed the blinded eye and replaced it with a cybernetic one. Two years later however, his parents were murdered and he was left with no one and nothing. He avenged his parents deaths when he was 15 by choking the life from their murderer and nicking his guns. He has been living on the streets of Mitsiru as a thief and con Artist ever since.
My favourite album of 2004 was easily [IMG]http://www.rockdetector.com/assets/img/covers/184507.jpg[/IMG] Album Name: Getting Away With Murder Artist: Papa Roach Why I say Papa Roach: Papa Roach is one of my favourite Rock bands of all time so when I find out a new album comes out by them I have to get. Now, when most people begin an explanation like this you will expect the mto say that It is bad. This is not the case for Hard Rock fans and now that the band has removed the Rap-Rock angle from "Infest"(2000) they are now even cooler than ever. Tracks to try: getting Away With murder although wrestling fans would have heard this by now. Blood is also an awesome track.
I'm not a big beliver in the supernatural because I find that since Apparently Ghosts and Spirits are vengeful spirits like they are depicted in a lot of things then would'nt there be a few deaths or someone suffering deep shock? I do however believe in Extraterrestrials because the universe is massive and we do not know about what is out there. I share these same beliefs about the Yeti, Kraken, and Loch Ness because there is evidence (Although maybe it is false) that they existed and I find these types of things fascinating. This Chupacabra monster is also rather interesting sounding although It is probarbly like a cult of sickos that are doing it.
Another dissapointment game is The Simpsons Hit and Run, Why do people love it so much? I found that it was massivly overrated and wasn't even worth the 70% it has been given. Don't they know it is just one of those Grand Theft Auto clones that doesn't even attempt to become different to that excellent game. It is practicully a PG-Rated Grand Theft Auto minus killing, weapons and repetitive as hell missions. It is actually not even good for 1 and a half to two hours of gameplay because once you beat the first three levels it is no fun anymore because the only reason you would want to continue is to get to the actually well-designed seventh level but that is all.
I was wondering if anyone could make me a new banner? I would like it to say RKO and say..... Daermon Nashabe- over quicker than you can say RKO. I have the pictures that I would like to be in the picture they will just have to be cropped to size. The first attachment is one that I want to fit in with my Avatar and Profile Picture and here is one of the other two that you can use but I would like it to be either one or the other. They are the other two attachments.
I think that this idea should work only for specific areas like the Arena and Tokyo 3 because I find that is where there is usually these problems with the Spam Threads. ind you, Quite a lot of people would start to ***** aboutnot being able to create forums which would end up with spam posts. I myself think that this idea is a good one though.
[QUOTE=kaisha](It starts with) One thing / I don?t know why It doesn?t even matter how hard you try Keep that in mind / I designed this rhyme And got so far I had to fall................ [/QUOTE] Was there a reason why you chose In The End? I don't really want people just posting songs and lyrics without even explaining why it has beautiful lyrics. Kapesh? Another update to my list of songs is Good Riddance (Time of your life) by Green Day. I sang this song for my Graduation from Primary School and I nearly broke down after singing it because I love that song. "Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life)" Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go So make the best of this test, and don't ask why It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right. I hope you had the time of your life. So take the photographs, and still frames in your mind Hang it on a shelf in good health and good time Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial For what it's worth it was worth all the while It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right. I hope you had the time of your life. It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right. I hope you had the time of your life. It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right. I hope you had the time of your life.