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Everything posted by PWNED

  1. I am starting to lose my voice but worst of all is that I am getting migranes all the time. A Migrane, In summer. It ain't natural at all because of the fact that I actually do stuff during the holidays. I also was a sick baby, I was hospitalized with a nasty case of Bronchitis.
  2. I am not even going to begin listing my PS1 games because of the fact that I have at least sixty so i'll list a few of my best ones ( And my PS2 games, Damn my poor PS2 collection) PS1 Grandia An excellent RPG except for the names of characters and the storyline. (Gensou-)Suikoden/ (Gensou-)Suikoden 2 An excellent RPG series and are some of the last great RPGS in 2D. Suikoden was released in 1996 and was crowned one of the first wanted RPGS. Suikoden 2 was released 2 weeks before FF8 and missed on the big time. Crash Series I technically own all the games of Crash on PS1 except I never play them except for Crash team Racing and Crash Bash. My sister plays all of them. FF6/7 In my opinion two of the greatest FF RPGs. They both have killer storylines. Metal Gear Solid/ VR Missions Two more excellent games by Konami. I don't play this too often anymore becasue of the fact that I'm usually playing a PS2 game. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PS2 Worms 3D I got this fairly recently ( Bought with gift cards) and can I tell you that I was not dissapointed. The humour isn't as obvious but I can find something funny a mile away. And my sister wanted me to get Crash Twinsanity but I am grateful that I didn't. IUt also has killer multiplayer. WWE Smackdown 4 I've had this for a while but I don't really play it now that I have gotten Smackdown versus RaW. It's still good for multiplayer WWE SMACKDOWN VERSUS RAW Pure wrestling goodness is what this game is all about. My mates and I partner up as the Legion of Doom and destroy everyone. Excellence in multiplayer. Got it for christmas and am not dissapointed. Evil Dead This is my first PS2 game and it is actually fairly good a bargin Title. IT is good for hack and slash but it is also fairly funny. Gran Turismo 3- A-Spec Second game. My sister got it for me but I never play it because It is too lifelike. Tony Hawks Underground I got this fairly recently too and I also play it from time to time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thas about all for my PS2 Games and PS1 Favourites.
  3. WILL BE RATED PG FOR VIOLENCE This story is going to be based on the first series of Deltora Quest created by Emily Rodda. The basic outline of the storyline is mentioned below but if some differences can be made into the stroy to accomodate extra characters and bad guys. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Story Begins On his sixteenth birthday, Lief, the son of a blacksmith, faces the greatest challenge of his life. He must venture into the darkest and most terrible places in all of Deltora to find the seven magical gems stolen from the Belt of Deltora. When reunited in the Belt, these gems?an amethyst, a topaz, a diamond, a ruby, an opal, a lapis lazuli, and an emerald?will empower the heir to the throne of Deltora and free the people from the evil tyranny of the Shadow Lord. The First Gem - The Forests of Silence Sixteen-year-old Lief learns his parents' deepest secret, and sets out to find the seven gems that will save his land. With only a hand-drawn map to guide them, Lief and his unlikely companions struggle towards their first goal?the sinister Forests of Silence. The gem found here is the Amethyst. The Second Gem- The Lake of Tears To find the second stone, the heroes must travel through territory ruled by the monster-sorceress Thaegan and is guarded by her 12 children. Their journey is filled with treachery, trickery, and danger, and at its end they must face the hideous guardian of the enchanted Lake of Tears which is guarded by a mystical Dragon and magics unknown. The gem that is found here is the Topaz. The Third Gem- The City of Rats The power of the two recovered gems has strengthened the heroes and given them the courage to continue their quest for the third stone. But first they must find their way to the forbidden City of the Rats, and conquer its evil warden. And now that Thaegan has been destroyed, her children now run the plains in search of the murderer of their mother. And what of the mysteroius underground movement against the Shadowlord? The Gem found here is the Diamond. The Fourth Gem- The Shifting Sands The travellers have found three gems. But they cannot rest. The fourth gem is hidden in a shimmering, barren waste, kept jealously by an unknown guardian. Separation, confusion, and strange, terrible enemies await Lief, Barda, and Jasmine in the harsh landscape of the Shifting Sands. Now that three gems are missing, the Shadowlord has begun to get supspicious of the lack of communication from his guardians. But the heroes have fallen into a cunning trap in the city of Rithmere where they have entered themselves into the Rithmere games. The gem found here is the ruby The Fifth Gem- Dread Mountain Four gems have been found. Now, though grave news reaches Lief from home, and he longs to return, the quest must continue. To find the fifth stone the heroes must venture almost to the border of the Shadowlands, and plunge into the darkness and terror of the realm of the monstrous toad Gellick and his Dread Gnomes slaves ?Dread Mountain. The Gem found here is the Opal. The Sixth Gem- The Maze of the Beast The Belt around Lief's waist now has four gems. The next stone lies hidden in the underwater lair of the hideous and ferocious Glus. Already exhausted, pursued by the servants of the Shadow Lord and pursuing Pirates to find their missing companion Dain, the three companions will need all their strength and courage to face the Maze of the Beast. The Gem found here is the Lapis Lazuri. The Seventh Gem- The Valley of the Lost The companions have faced many terrors with strength and courage. Now they are about to meet dark mysteries that strength and courage alone cannot defeat. If they fail, their quest will be lost, and they will remain forever trapped in the swirling mists of The Valley of the Lost. The Gem found here is the Diamond and is the last gem that needs to be found. The Quests End- The Return to Del The seven lost gems have been restored to the Belt of Deltora. Now Lief, Barda and Jasmine must find the heir to the kingdom's throne. But the heir has been in deepest hiding from birth, and only the Belt can reveal the hiding place. Shock follows shock as the fury and power of the Shadow Lord himself threatens to destroy the three heroes and everything they love. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am ready to accept your suggestions for slight changes to the story or characters like names or character classes. The characters in this story are as follows but these are just the main characters. LIEF ( I will take the role of Lief because the story focuses on him mostly) Character Class- Fighter The son of Jarred and Anna, Lief was born just after the Shadow Lord took over Deltora. He grew up on the streets of Del City, breaking curfew and evading the Grey Guards. When Lief turned sixteen, his father told him the story of his friendship with King Endon, and gave him the Belt of Deltora. Lief then set out on a quest he would never have dreamed possible, armed with a magic cloak sewn by his mother, and a fine sword crafted by his father. JASMINE Character Class- Rogue An orphan, Jasmine was stranded in the Forests of Silence at age 7 when her parents were taken by Grey Guards. Jasmine is used to living by her wits, and she has a very strong connection to trees and animals. Her constant companions are Kree, a raven, and Filli, a small, furred creature. Jasmine joined Barda and Lief on their quest when they came to the Forests of Silence to find the first gem. BARDA Character Class- Fighter The son of Jarred and Endon's nursemaid Min, Barda was a Palace Guard when the Shadow Lord's evil plans began to hatch. He escaped the Palace, and found safety disguised as a beggar, living outside Jarred's home. Throughout Lief's childhood, Barda secretly acted as his protector, saving Lief from capture by the Grey Guards again and again. Barda would have preferred to search for the gems on his own, but as the two companions venture on their quest, he quickly comes to appreciate the aid and companionship of young Lief. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE BAD GUYS THE SHADOW LORD Several generations ago, a mysterious evil force appeared from the Shadowlands bordering the land of Deltora. A strong blacksmith named Adin, wearing the magical Belt of Deltora, and supported by the seven tribes of Deltora, defeated the evil. But the Shadow Lord waited, and his minions served him secretly in the Palace of Deltora. Over time, the Kings and Queens of Deltora became distant from the power of the Belt and the people of Deltora. Finally, the Shadow Lord returned to destroy the Belt that Adin had crafted, and vanquish the land he had saved. Guardian of the Forest A Knight who entered the forests of Silence a Generation ago with two allies when he encountered the fabled nectar of Silence which would grow only every 150 years. He slew his two friends but was not quick enough to capture the nectar. He waited for the nectar to regrowbut died from old age. Somehow The Guardian has risen from the dead as a Spirit in his armour. He wishes to reclaim the nectar to give him life.. Guardian of the Lake The guardian of the lake is really an elf that was transformed into a dragon by the sorceress Thaegan. His lover was transformed into the lake of tears and when Thaegan was killed they are transformed into their normal form. The Lord of Rats A gigantic Snake that presides over the city of Rats, It is greedy and consumes all that passes into the city. His rats steal all of the money and gems from victims of the river of rats. The Guardians of the Sands The Guardian is actually part of a hive of gigantic Insects that infest the sands. They horde gold because it is shiny. They will ambush anything that wanders around the desert Gellick The guardian of the fifth gem, Gellick is a monstorus toad which lords it over the Dread Gnomes. He has poisonious saliva and has mild psychic abilities. The Guardian of the Maze The Guardian is a massive slug which traverses the tunnels of the maze of the beast. It is blind yet it has incredibly good sense of smell and hearing. It's spit can paralyze whoever it touchesand when roused it will pursue the prey for hours on end. The Shadowmage The guardian of the final gem, This man is a former citizen of Tor. He is a skilled mage and delights in riddles and tests of wit and inteligence. HE is the reason behind the disserpearence of the Torites because he has convinced them to hide from the world. He is actually a good man but is just taken in by the diamond. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That is the story and main characters and bad dudes. TtAKING SUGGESTIONS FROM NOW.
  4. [QUOTE=Moonrise] . In Phuket, a missing Australian footballer (Melbourne Demons) he swept out by water after saving his wife, who were on their honeymoon after getting married in Dec 18. Still not found.[/QUOTE] He just plays for Melbourne but that does not matter ( It doesn't stop me hating his team) but it is sad that he was on his honeymoon but what was even sadder about the girl whose brother that had down syndrome was swept away from her and their father. His family are starting to lose hope for him coming back but they wouldn't give up on him at first. Their father was also hospitalized for a while because of being pinned to a wall by furniture. This is getting terrible.
  5. [QUOTE=Dark Serena][size=1][color=royalblue]Uh.....o,0 Anyways, what also occured to me is the villain cliche. Gyarck! I hate it all! Villains should be more casual like Kuja (FFIX) and indirectly sick, like Kefka (FFVI--[spoiler]when Kefka poisoned the river[/spoiler]). And they need to lose the "Bwahahaha!!" God, it irritates me. Villains don't need to LOOK evil...deceit is always a good thing. When I think of RPG villains I think of darkness, cackling, and random dominance and destruction. I dunno...like I mentioned before, cliches can make for a good basis, but they shouldn't be that and nothing else. ^_^[/color][/size][/QUOTE] That is why I prefer The Suikoden Bad Guys because they are different from the really evil looking guys ( Save Yuber & Neclord, very Evil) And Luca ( Or Ruka if you have the japanese version of it) is not evil looking because of the white armour but he is a sick Bastard. They need to use the evil sick guy as a cliche more often.
  6. Name: Rove Mc'Manus Age: 29 Nationality: Irish- Australian Appearence: Has short black hair, a tuft ( The beard where it is right under the lips and nowhere else) and nasty sideburns. He stands about 5'6, weighs 176 pounds and has a strong build. Class: Marine/Mercenary Weaponry: Standard Issue Entry-Shotgun, A customized Desert Eagle and a fair amount of C-4 plastic explosives. He also has a fair supply of shrapnel Grenades. Biography: Ever since he left school when he was 16, Rove has had a one-sided way at looking at life and there are two rules that he believes in, 1' Do unto others that you wish to be done to you and do it first' and 'Loyalty is only as deep as someones wallet'. He decided to become a mercenary after he came to america when he was 21 and took weaponry lessons. he knows how to fight and how to use tactics but the others seriously doubt his loyalty. Rove knows more about strategy then most others which makes him so wanted by the goverment and is practically master of the offensive retreat which all you have to do is retreat while shooting enemys.
  7. Thank you Dagger for clearing that up for me ( I'm hopeless at simplifying), Send money to any charity that is helping out to get this disaster under control by helping clear wreckage and help survivors. I myself have donated all my avalible money to the red cross because they are helping the survivors. I am third generation Anglo-Indian so I am still kind of affected because I have family living on the coast of India so it was a shock when i heard of it. NEW DEATH TOLL UP-DATE : CLOSE TO SIXTY THOUSAND HAVE DIED BECAUSE OF THE TSUNAMIS NOW.
  8. PWNED

    Red Dwarf

    I own four seasons of this show and I freaking love it esoecially ole Curry Stains or the Cat though there was a minor character that i loved in the form of the Polymorph because when you first see it they put the scary horror music then you see it and you think " THe bloody hell is that". It has many likeable characters but most memorable is Hitler in the WaX World episode.
  9. On boxing Day ( Christmas Day if in America) there was a particually nasty earthquake in the ocean near Thailand which caused massive Tsunamis which hit Sri Lanka, India, Thailand and southeren Asia and the shockwave was felt lightly in Perth and Western Africa. It was the biggest earthquake in 40 years, measuring 8.9 on the rictor but what was terrible is that it created up to 10 meter tall tsunamis. According to news reports this morning the death toll overall is 23,000 deaths and it is still growing by the hour. 18 million Aussie dollars or so will have to be paid ( Not by Australia but we will pay part of it) by the goverment to get all the reapirs because in Sri Lanka whole villiages were destroyed which means this is the biggest recent tradgedy. I am asking Otakuboardes to donate towards the programs that are helping the people and places that have been affected.
  10. PWNED

    Little Britain

    Yeah I watched it also but one thing you didn't note is that it stars the dude from Doctor Who ( I know cause my dad told me) and Anthony Stewart Head (Giles from Buffy the Vampire Slayer). My favourite bits were probrably the only Gay in the villiage sketches because he gets so competitive about it (His clothes are funny too) or The Crap Hypnotist bits because he is just really shoddy and a bit of a git. I was shown in Australia from about August to late october and received excellent reviews.
  11. It sounds interesting but a small suggestion is that somehow they do something bad when they arrive there which makes them on the run from the law and bounty hunters?
  12. [quote name='Kane][SIZE=1']Interesting, most interesting.[/SIZE][/quote] I agree that It could be very interesting but you would have to possibly make different alterations of the characters eg: Boromirs equivalent would still be a gondorian but he could be changed to be a cleric or holy warrior or something like that.
  13. I have an actual Santa theory.... Santa is really my parents who break into everyones house and put presents everywhere the world. [B]I first found this out when I noticed that I didn't have a chimney[/B], One christmas I made a scientific hypothesis that Santa did not exist so I stayed up all night and saw my parents putting the presents under the tree. So at the first Show and Tell I decided to tell my class my studies. I crusahed so many spirits that day that It was funny.
  14. I know how you feel. I just wish the brought out a game which let you develop character relationships until you get to the point where they would try to gouge the eyes out of each other. I know that the sims let you do this but they should release a game which counters the lovy-dovy cliche. I also agree with the Winning in the end cliche, If you have an open ending then you will create chances for Fan-Fics and direct sequels. But if you have a closed ending cliche where the world is saved then it just seems like such a piece of dirt that it's gravel like. The last cliche i have time to agree with is the bad-*** cliche. It seems to hgappen all the time, Well..... either the badass cliche or the loser cliche.
  15. [quote name='Shinmaru'] Play It remains my forum of choice, because I'm a huge gamer, and it's a forum where I actually know my stuff quite well :P[/quote] Because you are moderator there? I must confess, I am really 15 and a half now. I have reasons behind lying about my age mostly because of people that look down on me. But I am still a massive anime fan and am in yr 10.
  16. In Socom 2, I was having a complete free for all against some of my mates online except we were short one person so we decided to let in another bloke. BNig mistake with that cause he was the biggest bastard you have ever seen. Every single time I got a kill on him "Oh you ******** n00b, you got lucky" and when he got someone " How do you like that *****, I can kick all your *****". ******** like these guys are not needed in a game because they seem to kill all friendly banter between everyone.
  17. I live in Melbourne Australia where I live on the same street where a guy works on his demo derby cars and my bloody neighbours play bloody doof-doof music all night long. I don't care about the Aussie christmas weather but I do care about the rest of the bloody weather. I have a new Melburnian postcard for all of you. It goes ' Melbourne, The city of the four in one seasons of weather. I am of course referring to the **** as weather down here.
  18. cliche? My most hated cliche seems to be the two people falling in love one, The Guys a loser, Girls a Hot Chick. They fall in love. They Fight. They make up then somehow save the world from impending doom. And worst of all is the fact that this appears in nearly every single Final Fantasy. Another disliked one is the fact that the people try to stop a monster but after they kill/banish/stop it another more powerful monster is released. What is your least liked
  19. Story- Announcer: 'Hello Las Angelas, Welcome to the SK8 World Tour. Sign Ups will now begin for Ams and Rookies but be sure to sign up quick because we have a very limited amount of spots.' And now a small word from our sponsors, Birdhouse!' Bucky Lasek- ' Welcome everyone. Each entrant will recieve a free skate kit which includes a free set of a deck, trucks and a pair of pads' Whoever wins this can also enter the team of their choice.' A young man stood in the crowd thinking " This is my chance, I can finally get some cash AND leave this burg". His friend poked him in the shoulder and motioned towards the sign-up desks. The bloke nodded and smiled. After a hell of a lot of cursing, stomping and pushing the two finally made it to the front of the line to sign up. The woman at the desk looked at them for a second then pushed foward two sign up sheets and said," please state your personal details and sponsor" The second guy pushed in front of his friend and looked down at the sheet then at his mate and said "I dunno why they bother signing up others. You know we'll win" The two filled out the forms and were sent into a waiting room where they waited for the other entrants into the compitition. Guy 2- Aren't you psyched, We are finally going to leave this burg behind and skate. Guy 1- Yeah, A free tour. I guess I should be more excited but I don't know about this. Guy 2- Look on the bright side, You do whatcha like. You know another reason behind my joining? Guy 1- Chicks? Guy 2- Damn, You're good. ----------------------------------------------------------- Your sign up sheets should include the following Name: Age: Gender: Nationality: Appearence: Sponsor/team: ( Can put none) Personality: Reason for joining: Signiature Manouveres- ------------------------------------------------------- And Mine Name: Morgan Williams Age: 19 Gender: Male Nationality: Australian Appearence: Sponsor/Team: Morgan is sposored by a small town Skateshop in LA where he works. He gets all the free gear he wants from the shop but the place does not have a good pair of trucks at all. Personality: Morgan has a bit of a free personality because of living nearly everywhere across the pacific.. He is very withdrawn from most people except for his mates and his girlfriend. He listens to rock and punk all the time so half the time you will find him listening to Bad Religion or Alkaline Trio or anything else. He only has time for skating, working and partying so he does not have a lot of friends besides workmates and partiers. He has a specific way of looking at life.... 'Life is like a box of choclates, Remarkably similar to frozen turds' because that is what life is like to him,A gigantic pile of ****. The only time he doesn't think like this is when he skates because that is when he is calm and carefree. Reasons for joining- Morgan joined the tour because he is sick and tired of living in LA. So when he saw the AD for the tour he decided that touring would help him see the world and be free of the chains of life. Signiature Manouveres- (Up to three) Inverted Gymnast Plant ( Lip trick where he performs a Gymnast Plant but puts a bit of an invert at the end). Indy Mctwist ( An Aerial move where he does a flip but holds onto the board during the flip.) Heelflip Darkslide ( A grind move where he heelflips onto the the rail and lands the board upside down on the rail)
  20. I've heard of them. I really like Firefly and their other song on the Smackdown versus Raw Soundtrack.
  21. I quite often re-watch either Cowboy Bebop or my collection of Ranma 1/2 OAVs. I also watch Furi-Kuri (FlCl) a lot because sometimes I have nothing to watch or I have finished all my work/ games/anything. I watch Cowboy Bebop quite often because of the fact that It is a very cool anime and am thinking of picking up a manga of it (If there is one). FLCL, I watch because I am trying to catch the hidden gags in episodes which there are quite a lot. Ranma 1/2, I watch cause I'm just bored is all.
  22. I have no religion, not because I am an athesist but because I come from a naturally non-religous family. I veiw religion with skeptecism although I am starting to express intrest in Buddhism ( My grandma is Buddhist).
  23. Recently in Australia, The goverment has been laying down increased Training for P-Platers after a series of Accidents involving P-Platers. So to counter the amount of accidents, the goverment have layed down an extra training program. I know that this doesn't apply to me , being 16 and all but They fail to recognize one thing....... There will always be accidents, especially with the street racing fad around and the usuall just act like an idiot. They have created a bit of a curfew, meaning that P-Platers coulding go out driving after 10pm. For chrissake, they are out of school and are old enough to drink and drive. P-Platers have also been banned from high powered cars ( All for this one because nearly all of the accidents i hear about involve some bastard P-Plater in a Skyline and such. [QUOTE][SIZE=4]Calls to ban P-platers at night[/SIZE] MORE than half of NSW and ACT drivers support a curfew banning P-platers from driving at night and believe learners shouldn't carry passengers, a new survey shows. A survey of 400 residents found 53 per cent thought teenage provisional drivers should not be allowed behind the wheel between 10pm and 5am. And 54 per cent believed they should only carry fully-licensed passengers aged over 20. Both of these conditions are in effect in New Zealand. The Pedestrian Council of Australia, which commissioned the report, said the results supported its call to urgently review the states' P-plate laws. "There has been no decline whatsoever in the number of deaths on NSW roads over the past five years, particularly in the area of young P-plate drivers and their passengers," council chairman Harold Scruby said today. "In spite of a government commitment to save 820 lives by the end of this year, not one life has been saved and the NSW death toll on our roads continues unabated." The survey, conducted this month, involved drivers aged 17 and over. Results showed women and older people were more likely to support the restrictions. But drivers aged 40-49 ? a likely age for parents with teenagers ? were more negative about the proposal than drivers aged 30 years and over. The George Institute for International Health this month called for P-plate licence holders to be banned from driving overnight in the first six months in a bid to reduce road accidents. The idea was condemned by youth groups which claim the move was unwarranted and could place novice drivers in grave danger. NSW Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) said the idea had already been thoroughly investigated and would impact on people working and studying. But Mr Scruby said special exemptions allowing travel only to and from the permitted destinations could be introduced. He called on NSW Roads Minister Carl Scully to consider emulating Victoria by lifting the age P-platers can get their license from 17 to 18, and restricting them from driving high powered cars. "If it has worked in Victoria, it can work throughout Australia," Mr Scruby said in a statement. "It is utterly absurd that the law in NSW allows children to drive, unsupervised, with a car-load of teenage passengers, in a turbo-charged V8." [/QUOTE]
  24. [QUOTE=Lunai][font=georiga][color=blue][i]I cannot think of a least favorite female villan right now. I'll come back to it. My least favorite male villains from anime are: Pegasys (did I spell that right?) from YuGiOh. Because I didn't really understand why someone didn't just order a hit out on the man, for crying out loud. A good sniper and no more of that high flung idiot. He worked my nerves so much when I first watched YuGiOh. There didn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to his actions...he would suck people's souls into cards because he could. That purple guy - you know, Vegeta's boss - from Dragon Ball Z. Granted, I view DBZ as an anime soap opera and tend to avoid it like the plague. but this guy....well, let's just say that for the first 7 episodes I saw him in, I though he was a she.[/color][/font][/i][/QUOTE] I so agree with you on both counts. I despise Pegasus fully so I'll just create a little list about him that I hate - The hair ( What is he, some dude with terrible scars. Not a artifact instead of an eye) - His Voice ( He needs a voicebox job. It is waaaay too high Pitched and girly) -His way of Talking ( My god he has to get better pet names for the characters - Him not having a life ( He is a grown man, about 40 and he is playing with cards. Not Poker Cards but actual kiddy crap.) - HIs 'Secret' Weapons ( How bloody many secret cards did he create?) -His part in the storylines( Could they chose a crappier villian. One reason why i hate this crap) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And to make things short about Freiza, I belive he is a girl for christsakes, And I am not changing my opinion. ( I also avoid DBZ like the Plague, Kiddy Crap)
  25. Well, I am 16 and a quarter years old. I have been a member from August last year and I have a half-alright amount of posts though I find iit is quite insulting that someone that has just passed hal a century of posts is a member now when I had to post nearly 100 replies to be a member. I actually new about theotaku.com when I was in grade six ( Different system in Queensland in the 90's) That means I have known about theotaku.com since 2001. I am quite an aime fan ( Own 13 full seasons of Cowboy Bebop, Bubblegum Crisis(Both types), Dirty Pair Flash, and more) I am also one of the first people in my ENTIRE SCHOOL that has seens more than half of the Studio Ghibli films. ( I'll tell you this, I own one of the best collections in Werribee). I came to here because I was in search for a good forum site. I have been banned from MSN which leaves me only a few things left to chat on RPG Dreamers.com and here.
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