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Everything posted by PWNED

  1. When I say Proper Rock Band I mean a band that plays full rock music, not a hybrid of Rap and Rock or Pop and Rock but real rock. Real Rock also counts as Metal or Punk (Usually) It's just that sometimes it is hard to tell which is which. Short Example- Papa Roach's earlier music- Not Proper Rock (Rap-Metal) Limp Bizkit- Not Proper Rock. ( Rap-Metal) Good Charlotte- Close to proper Rock but it is a hybrid of Pop and Punk. AC-DC- Proper Rock ( One of the best rock groups around) Most eighties rock- Not at all rock ( So many are pop-rock) Silverchair- Proper Rock Maroon 5- Not Proper Rock (Pop Rock) Linkin Park- Hell No ( Rap-Metal) I could create a list as long as I am tall ( 6') but I do not have the time or the patience to create said list. Just state what you think is the proper choice and why.
  2. I have to say INXS or Midnight Oil on this one because of the sheer fact that neither band are afraid about expressing their opinion weither it is Racial Harmony ( INXS) or Life itself (Oilses). Add your thoughts on your bands nd if you can add some lyrics from one(Or two) of their best songs. i have contained lyrics from some of their best songs. "Original Sin" by INXS You might know of the original sin And you might know how to play with fire But did you know of the murder committed In the name of love - yeah You thought what a pity Dream on white boy Dream on black girl And wake up to a brand new day To find your dreams have washed away There was a time when I did not care And there was a time when the facts did stare There is a dream and it's held by many Well I'm sure you had to see It's open arms Dream on white boy Dream on black girl And wake up to a brand new day To find your dreams have washed away You might know of the original sin And you might know how to play with fire But did you know of the murder committed In the name of love - yeah You thought what a pity Dream on white boy Dream on black girl Then wake up to a brand new day Dream on black boy Dream on white girl And waked up to a brand new day To find your dreams have washed away Dream on black boy Dream on white girl And wake up to a brand new day To find your dreams are washed away Dream on, play with fire White boy, black girl Dream on, in the name of love Black boy, white girl Dream on, white boy, black girl Black boy, white girl Dream on, the name of love - yeah You thought what a pity Original Sin Put Down That Weapon by Midnight Oil Under the waterline No place to retire To another time The eyes of the world now turn And if we think about it And if we talk about it And if the skies go dark with rain Can you tell me does our freedom remain Put down that weapon or we'll all be gone You can't hide nowhere with the torchlight on And it happens to be an emergency Some things aren't meant to be Some things don't come for free Above the waterline Point the finger yeah point the bone It's the harbour towns That the grey metal ships call home And if we think about it And if we talk about it And if the sea goes boiling black Can you tell me what you'll do about that Put down that weapon or we'll all be gone I must know something to know it's so wrong And if happens to be an emergency Some things aren't meant to be Some things don't come for free They keep talking about it They keep talking... Put down that weapon or we'll all be gone You must be crazy if you think you're strong Beds Are Burning by Midnight Oil Out where the river broke The bloodwood and the desert oak Holden wrecks and boiling diesels Steam in forty five degrees The time has come To say fair's fair To pay the rent To pay our share The time has come A fact's a fact It belongs to them Let's give it back How can we dance when our earth is turning How do we sleep while our beds are burning How can we dance when our earth is turning How do we sleep while our beds are burning The time has come to say fairs fair to pay the rent, now to pay our share Four wheels scare the cockatoos From Kintore East to Yuendemu The western desert lives and breathes In forty five degrees The time has come To say fair's fair To pay the rent To pay our share The time has come A fact's a fact It belongs to them Let's give it back How can we dance when our earth is turning How do we sleep while our beds are burning How can we dance when our earth is turning How do we sleep while our beds are burning The time has come to say fair's fair To pay the rent, now to pay our share The time has come, a fact's a fact It belongs to them, we're gonna give it back How can we dance when our earth is turning How do we sleep while our beds are burning
  3. I would have to say I am very dissapointed by this because of the fact that Halo 2 or Half-Life 2 are the three Best game nominees when I feel that it should either be Burnout 3 ( Funnest racing game ever)or Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas although I have to agree on the nomination for the new Thief........ Excellent Sound Score on it.
  4. Warning- This RPG may contain sex scenes, If you are easily offended by this than don't not read. All credit for this goes to Methusalah who created the RPG that I am kinda borrowing from the storyline. :sweat:*Big Clap* :sweat: Story: Li's parents rolled up to the gates of Quan Point boarding school in their crappy Toyota. Li was silently sitting in the backseat wishing that no-one could see him. "Well Kid" Mr Nyugen said " Finally back here!" Li rolled his eyes impatiently and muttered sarcastically " What a lovely way to spend the year". Mrs Nyugen smiled and said " Well at least you're happy". A few hours later and finished with his registration and chose his classes for the new year he was bought to his room 14, His new dorm room (Obviously shared), where he set up his stuff including his guitar, TV and amps. All he had to do was wait for tomorrows classes and meet his new roomate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Li is just one of many students at the Quan Point Secondary Boarding School ( A mix of Junior and senior high). Who knows what is in store for both the old students and the new students this year and what experiences are in for the students. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I will be taking the role as Li Nyugen while I need 1 person to be an exchange student and Anyone can be anyone. I will only let a few people take the role as a teacher (They can't be younger than 20). Name: Gender: Nationality: Age:(7,8,9= 12-15) (10,11,12= 16-19) ( Teacher= 21-up) Appearence: Description of Personality: (AT LEAST three sentences long) Favourite and least favourite Class: Friends and lovers:
  5. This thread is about your Favourite RPG Main character. Don't be shy with your responses, they can be anyone from Aribeth (Most major NPC in Neverwinter Nights),Squall or Tir Mc'Dhol to Ryudo, JC Denton ( Deus Ex is a FPS/RPG) or even Dink Smallwood. Who is your favourite choice for this topic? None is judged for their choice. My nomination is Dink Smallwood from the game Dink Smallwood which is Shareware. I chose him because of his wicked sense of humour ( I don't know which is funnier Dink or the actual game. Very Funny). His best quote in the game ( My favourite ever in fact from a game character) is when he punches this girl-that-he-likes bed and says " Better Get ready for Me Bed". favourite video game quote ever.
  6. Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone could create a banner and Avatar for me? I have the tHREE pictures that serve as design templates. Thank you.
  7. I know how you feel. THat it one of the best things about going to a sporting event, Being able to shout obcsenities at the referee although it is frownded upon at little league or something.
  8. This sounds interesting to say the least, Count me in. Name: Nei Yanamoto Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearence: [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/f/flamechamp01.jpg[/IMG] Personality: Nei is quite often the life of the party when he goes out to Dorm parties and the like although quite often he makes such an ***** out of himself that it isn't funny which stops girls from getting to know him. Outside of parties however he becomes a complete and utter bookworm who pays to much attention to his studies and not enough to other people. What they do not know is that he is secretly studying people to see if they are what he would find friendly. He enjoys his own company most of the time although he craves to become popular. He has quite a shy and depressed personality but when one sees him at home or with some friends they would find that he is a good man. Extra Notes: He quite enjoys nearly every single type of subject that he takes but he does not like swordsman classes, He prefers to study trap-work or summoning over blades and bows. He is scared of not very much at all except for the paranormal and wimpy crap. He is also afraid of pyromaniacs and just majorly pissed off by idiots. LOVE?: ( Will get back to this) (If someone wants to make me theirs then go ahead)
  9. I have to say I was 5 or 6 years old when I started watching anime, It was mostly the little kid crap like DBZ, Sailor Moon and little kiddy crap. I also watched Transformers, Astro boy and Beast Wars. Those were the days that I thought that all anime was good.
  10. I have dropped a message to the two other people stating that they may have two characters instead of one. Just try to keep them different to each other. And now my second one Name: Hugo Latkge Age:16 Class: Thief Race: Human Weapons: Hugo weilds a small schimitar which was a gift from his mother which he recieved when he was 11, just shortly before she died and a short sword although he chooses to use the latter. Appearence: [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/h/hugo01.jpg[/IMG] Personality: Hugo has a fairly carefree attitude even though He had to live through his mother and fathers deaths he manages to think clearly about things. However, 5 years of traveling and living off of what he had to steal has turned him into a man of harsh judgement and an attitude of " Me number one". Bigraphy: Hugo was born into a wealthy family in a small villiage called Mikain Villiage where he lived a nearly normal life until he was 11. A powerful vampire attacked his villiage while he and his elder sister Lucia were away on an errand to collect supplies from the nearest city. Everyone were slaughtered in the vampires search for magicial items, his own mother who was a good mage and his father, who was a mighty cleric were obliterated trying to guard thier home from his servants. Hugo and Lucia arrived half a day too late, finding the corpses of their friends and family lying upon the ground. They made a funeral pyre and piled the bodies onto it and for the last five years Hugo has been on a quest for retribution
  11. Feathers Mc'Graw-"Ah-ha-ha-ha, Now the tables turned mister dog" Gromit- " But Wallace us the one addicted to eggs!" Mc'Graw- "Really" ( Walks out of the room, shoots the crap out of wallace and comes back) Mc'Graw- " Now I shall plug your Clay *** and Poultry kind will rule the world" Ah-ha-ha.
  12. Yes i have seen this movie and I have to say that I found this to be equal funniest Monty Python movie, Mostly because I go to a christian school and this take on the life of JESUS. Easily my favourite bits are done by Pochius Pilate because of his Lisp, "Woderwick, Bwian, Wudolp the Wed Nosed Weindeer" It is just hilarious with the bit when Brian meets Pilate and their coversation. I just found myself cracking up with all the Biggus Dickus jokes although I cannot remember the name of his wife. If you can help me out with that bit then I will be happy. Another classic bit is the scene with the suicide squad or the colliseum bit.
  13. Name: Gabocha-Kolemn Gon Age: 23 Race: Kojintora Class: Fighter Weapon: Gabocha-Kolemn wields a small sword that was granted to him when three years before he began his coming of age trial for his villiage. After his villiage was attacked by Goblins he slew five with his sword which he came to call it "Goblins-Bane". After a while he went to get it enchanted with fire but the mage screwed up and left him with a sword with an interesting shape. Appearence: [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/g/gengen01.gif[/IMG] Personality: Due to his apparent cuteness to humans he is quite popular although if any one calles him cute he will attempt to sever the legs off due to his short height and anger problems. He loves nothing more than a warm fire, a nice meal and a good ale. He has been arrested on no fewer than 12 401s which is running at a person,intoxicated while trying to hack off thier legs although he will quickly denie that it has been that many times. Bio: Gabocha-Kolemn (Or just Gab to his friends) comes from a small Kojintora villiage to the north of the tower of the Arcane, His father being the Captian of the local militia while his mother being a beautiful kojintora woman of unknown heiracy. When he was 15 he joined the militia and fought in the Rebellion of the Imperials. During the rebellion, his villiage was partially destroyed in the conclusive battle between the rebels and the National Alliance. In fact, it was during the final battle that he renamed his blade. Three years later he left on his manhood trials. First he had to assist in quenching a large rebellion which was started by the remaining rebels from the Imperial rebellion. This took him quite some time to complete due to lack of troops and resources although he was able to accomplish it. Second of all he had to recover a holy artifact from an underground temple of Baer. He was able to do this a bit easier although he once more nearly died. Last of all he was to find a mystic sword called the dagger of chaos. At the moment he is on this quest because he does not know where it is located. He has gone to the city of Shadows-Edge (The main city) so that he can find where he can find the blade.
  14. Prolugue- The Old mage sat at his desk pouring over an old tome which he had founf through exstensive searching of his tower. He smiled and thught " The demon portals secrets are mine now". The mage drew himself out of his chair and walked over to his scrying bowl, He began the incarnation to provide himself with the location of the Portal but when he began he felt a foul force tugging at his mind. "No" He shouted, " I shall take your power and add it to my own". He began to mutter a string of words of magic but before he could finish them he felt his soul torn from his body leaving the petrified shell where it stood, its mouth open in a permanent scream. The shadowy force smiled at its handiwork while adding the old mages powers to his gate of souls. "Soon", he whispered" Soon I shall return from this abyss and the sky will rain fire". Now it needed two more powerful souls to unlock the gates of hell and bring forth a new age of darkness. Story- This shadowy force is none other than Kranosios the Foul who ravaged the realms hundreds of years ago, leaving scars upon the earth that would never recover. He was a fallen god, great in power and wit but weak in control which led him to lose control of his magic and banish himself by accident. However he has discovered a means of returning to the realms with some friends. The world would know a new age of darkness and despair with none short of another god being able to stop him. Now only one soul is left for him to collect after an immensly powerful priest was found dead in his temple. A group of people have been hired to protect the final one but he knows that he will soon die too. If the last is taken then the portal shall open and the realms will be plunged into deeper despair than ever before. Six people shall defend his life and it is unknown if they shall fail or succeed. CHARACTER GENERATION- Name: Age: Race -Human ( More commonly accepted than others but without advantages or disadvantages) - Elf (A tall graceful race of humanoids, They are dexterious and smart but lack in power and constitution) -Dwarf ( A short stocky race of humanoids, Powerful and possessing high constitution but thick and slow) -Halflings ( Almost as widely accepted as humans, Are dexterious and possess a good constitution but are weak and not very wise) - Half elf( A mix between a human and a elf, not very accepted in society but posess most of the abilitys of the elf minus the poower problem). -Skalathii ( A race of lizard people, They are akin to dwarves in abilitys) -Kojintora ( A race of beast people, they have fur, a tail and ears. They are fast and kind of strong too but are fairly often not that bright) Class: Fighter- A basic warrior, they are strong but sometimes a bit slow. Cleric- A basic cleric, They are able to derive abilitys from the gods. They cannot use edged weapons. Barbarian- An improved fighter, They are stronger and faster but even thicker and ill-charismatic. Mage- A spell caster, They are deadly and intelligent but are physically weak and poor when it comes to constitution. Ranger- A forester, They are fighters but a bit weaker yet faster and more dexterious. Paladin- A mix between a fighter and a Cleric, They can do either with aptitude. Thief- A robber, they are weak but fast, dexterious and smart. Bard- Your basic knower of all yet master of none. THey can do nearly anything but not usually that well ( Except for thieving and a bit of fighting) Weapon(s): ( Keep fantasy) Appearence: ( Fantasy) Personality- Biography: ( Not needed but is nice to have)
  15. This is a thread about the latest Wrestling game on the PS2 titled WWE:SMACKDOWN VS RAW. It came out in Australia two weeks ago but I had the fortune to play a copied version of it a week before it came out and I must say it is quite an improvement on the last game. The folowing is taken from IGN.com The team at Yuke's Media Creations and THQ are coming off a banner year in 2003 as their collaborative effort on Here Comes the Pain was considered one of the best wrestling games yet made. A huge leap forward for the SmackDown! franchise and wrestling genre in general, the well-received title introduced a myriad of new features that the series had never seen before. From the introduction of the legends roster to the inclusion of the Bra and Panties match, the sheer number of extras last year was huge. Submission meters, more accurate character attributes, a weight detection system, and the Elimination Chamber were yet additional motives towards making Here Comes the Pain so popular with its fans. And yet, there was still one big looming question: "How was THQ going to top it?" Of course, for those of us that have been playing all the previous SmackDown! titles, the answer to that question was a rather easy one. As it seems that no matter how many refinements or changes are given to the WWE product each year, there's always a laundry list of features that players want continuously included. It's almost become a common acceptance, in fact, that the diehard crowd never gets everything they want -- as it seems that the more developers add to their wrestling titles, the more it reminds the public of how much extra they need. With that in mind, THQ has put an awful lot of effort into making as many improvements as possible for its 2004 installment, WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW. Boasting everything from the long awaited create-a-belt and PPV options to a more realistic presentation of faces and heels, the game seems to be as big an improvement as Here Comes the Pain was over Shut Your Mouth. But where Here Comes the Pain was all about making major gameplay alterations over the titles from years past, SmackDown! vs. RAW is about improving on the presentation and replayability. What really caught our attention, though, was the addition of a series of unplayable superstars that were available on the roster but were marked as "Non-Playable". Whether or not this means they'll remain unplayable or have to be unlocked in some other manner we honestly don't know; but the prospect of playing as some of these guys is definitely enticing. So which personalities are we referring to? Well that would be Eric Bischoff, Paul Heyman, Michael Cole, Earl Hebner, Jerry Lawler, Jim Ross, Vince McMahon, The Coach, Mike Chioda, and Tazz. After viewing out the roster, one of the first new features we wanted to see was the all-new match type, the Parking Lot Brawl. Still somewhat in the fine-tuning stages, this match works almost exactly like the old hardcore matches did -- except for the environment in which it takes place. Modeled after the classic John Cena/Eddie Guerrero U.S. title match from earlier in year, the mode is deceptively more entertaining than it sounds. As rather than just supply players with an abundance of weapons or other random objects to beat their opponent senseless with, it's the environment that's there to hurt them. Next up, we were off to check out pre-existing match types so we could see what kinds of changes had been made to them. Fortunately or unfortunately (depending on how you've felt about them), they're pretty much unchanged, save for a few slight alterations. The Elimination Chamber and Cage Matches, for example, seem to be pretty much the same as they were last year. While the Hell in a Cell option has added a few refinements (re: it's a lot harder to fall from the top of the cell by accident, slightly better floor animations), and the Bra and Panties match has an all-new spanking mechanic. Hardcore matches seem to have been scaled back a bit as well -- as the only section backstage that We could fight in was a long corridor with televisions, catering tables, and boxes. We didn't have the option to change rooms either. The biggest change to the existing game modes would have to be to the Royal Rumble. Instead of simply going into the ring against five other guys (yep, the maximum wrestler count onscreen at one time is still six) and throwing them out Battle Royal style like we used to, we now have to contend with an all-new ringout meter. Not as big a deal as it sounds, this simple meter is listed below the health meter for your wrestler and as he struggles with getting thrown over the top it lowers. Once the meter has been expended, you'd better try not to get thrown over the rope again -- as you'll likely fall to your doom. Taking its cue from EA Sports games, THQ has also implemented a special Challenge Mode that's running at all times. If players fulfill certain requirements and meet these challenges while playing, they'll earn bonus money to spend in the shopzone (where you can purchase Legends, additional outfits, movesets, arenas, and load screens). There are 60 different challenges in all and they're spread out across four different difficulty types (15 each). So while just about anyone will be able to meet the amateur-level requirements of winning a single match without using their finisher or defeat an opponent in under three minutes, they might not be so lucky with some of the Superstar challenges (such as performing a successful 5-star splash from the top of a ladder with RVD or defeating The Undertaker in a first blood match in less than four minutes). These types of ongoing challenges really add a lot to the single player experience even when playing exhibition matches and are definitely a step in the right direction. Speaking of steps in the right direction, Yuke's has also implemented a much more realistic account of the differences between faces and heels. Now whichever alignment you choose, that's definitely up to you (selectable between clean, neutral, and dirty before an exhibition match or dictated by your storyline actions in career mode), but whichever association you select, it can change several dynamics of a bout. Fan reactions, referee reactions, and bonuses for specific moves are all dictated by which way you swing. Using these guidelines, face wrestlers earn bonuses for their alignment meter by performing their signature moves, taunting, or performing submission counters. Once their meter is built all the way to the end it will flash. Once it does this, flicking the right analog stick makes him invulnerable for a short period of time; at which point not only can he not be hurt, but his finishing moves will do a lot more damage as well. Heel wrestlers earn their bonuses by being complete *****. Low blows, intentionally breaking your own pins, taunting from outside the ring, or ignoring a rope break can all build the heel meter all the way to its end. Once there, another flick of the right analog stick allows them to perform a devastatingly powerful dirty move without the risk of disqualification. So far we've only seen a nasty low blow, but we expect that several more of these moves can be performed under the right circumstances. Neutral players don't have to worry about either meter, though; as they will abide by the same rules and conditions they did in last year's game. Regardless of which way you go, however, It's an interesting dynamic for sure and one that really encourages gamers to play as their alter ego would in real life. Another goodie tied to the weight class system is the attribute cap for created wrestlers. If your wrestler is diva or cruiser weight, for instance, their limit for strength and durability may not be as high as a wrestler of the super heavyweight class. On that same token, however, the super heavyweight wrestler isn't going to be very fast and will have a limit on his speed and technique attributes. These slight adjustments to the creation process should help keep wrestlers of varying sizes and shapes a little more unique and should also help encourage players to try grapplers of different sizes for different results. As for the rest of the Create-A-Superstar details, though, we'll save that for another day. The much publicized stare downs and tests of strength aren't as common as we thought they'd be -- which is good. As instead of forcing each wrestler to participate in such a thing each time a match begins, the chances of it happening are totally random and seem to be tuned to a solid ratio (though the chances of these things happening are made better if there's a current feud between opponents). Chopping matches are initiated in a somewhat different manner, however. Simply trap your opponent in a corner and press up and grapple to get the series going. Once the action begins, players are treated to a golf-like timing meter that has power and timing bars you'll need to tap in order to successfully pull them off. And the reward for doing so is a seriously downed opponent. Once down, you can even sit your foe up in a sitting position by double tapping the circle button -- opening up all-new grappling possibilities. Other significant changes have been made to SmackDown! vs. RAW as well. Picking up the steel steps and ramming them into an opponent is a lot harder than it used to be, for example; and they actually feel heavier too. Not to mention the fact that you can no longer use the steps indefinitely -- after five or six hits, they'll disappear. Additionally, weapons like championship belts and chairs do more damage than they used to and high-risk maneuvers off the turnbuckles take longer and do more damage after landing. Perhaps the best new balancing choice, though, is the fact that submissions and power grapples are easier to counter and take longer to perform. While quick and signature grapples are performed faster and are harder to counter attack. This new approach makes performing old favorites like the Powerbomb and half-nelson slam a lot more risky -- and helps even the odds for smaller wrestlers when tackling the bigger guys. Gameplay tweaks aide, some of the most interesting new features we explored were the new Create-A-PPV and Create-A-Belt options. Located together within the same menu, both of these features (that the developers wanted to include last year but couldn't due to time constraints) offer its users an avenue they had never had before; as not only does it allow them to create their own belts from scratch with money they've earned elsewhere, but it also allows them to defend it. Making a championship title is pretty easy too -- as long as you have the money. Simply go into the proper menu, select what straps, faceplate, centerpiece, and accessories you want to add to it and boom: instant IGN title. Creating a pay-per-view works much in the same way. After entering the title of whatever it is they want to create, it's off to assemble a kickass lineup of matches. Unlike typical SmackDown pay-per-views, though, these events will be able to house as many as eight matches at once; with every facet of the bout -- from its rules, its contestants, and its placement in the card, all dictated by the user. The create-a-PPV mode is also the only place where players can defend the titles they created earlier; making it an essential stop for gamers looking to prove that they're king of their neighborhood. As you can probably tell by our multiple pages dedicated to the game already, there's certainly a lot to talk about in WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW and we haven't even talked about everything yet. With additional features, elements, and components that still need to be detailed, the end of our wrestling coverage is far from over. And whether it's keeping you updated on the progress of the online beta test, keeping you abreast of improvements to the latest versions of the game, or letting you know about the evolution of the character voice-overs (which admittedly are still early in our build), we'll make it our mission to be here for you. To see direct-feed videos and screenshots taken from our early build, click on the link to our media page located below. Be sure and take note, however, that because of the early nature of this version of the game, there's still a long way to go towards improving the visual quality and not all of the features have been implemented yet (re: music during matches, enemy AI, etc). Hope you enjoy the videos, and we'll see you again soon with more. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think that they have changed a fair amount though now it's being a tight-*** because double pressing O will result in putting the oponent in a sitting position, no more full nelsons straight away now. One thing that royally pisses me off is some of the roster, They have managed to include no-good Jobbos while leaving out fan-favourite characters. I mean Chuck Palumbo and A-Train over La Resistance? Don't go there. This is my two cents and I will be back sometime soon. Playable A-Train Garrison Cade Rico Batista Hardcore Holly Rob Van Dam The Big Show J.B. Layfield Sable Booker T John Cena Scotty 2 Hotty Bubba Dudley Kane Shawn Michaels Charlie Haas Kurt Angle Shelton Benjamin Chavo Guerrero Mark Jindrak Stacy Kiebler Chris Benoit Matt Hardy Tajiri Chris Jericho Molly Holly Torrie Wilson Christian Randy Orton Triple H Chuck Palumbo Rene Dupree Trish Stratus D-Von Dudley Rey Mysterio Undertaker Eddie Guerrero Rhyno Victoria Edge Ric Flair Legends Andre the Giant Hawk Mankind Animal Jimmy Snuka The Rock Bret Hart Legend Kane Roddy Piper Brutus Beefcake Legend Undertaker Non-Playable Earl Hebner Jonathan Coachman Tazz Eric Bischoff Michael Cole Vince McMahon Jerry Lawler Mike Chioda Jim Ross Paul Heyman
  16. I wouldn't mind jumping in on this RPG but I only know about the card-game, nothing about the novels. But then again it would be explained sometime right? I myself have to say that I like the second idea that you made.
  17. I myself am labled as a Geek, nerd, punk ( In spare time), Loser and most recently Smart***. I have made quite a name of myself at my school although it is not nesserceraly a good name.
  18. Probarbly the most complicated Boss Fight in a game would have to be Psycho Mantis from Metal Gear Solid. Below is an outake of a guide that details how to beat him but I must say that Konami are making themselves the creators of the best boss fights in a game. [QUOTE]Konami was really sneaky with this guy, but when you know the trick, he's incredibly simple. When Psycho Mantis "reads your mind," he's reading your controller. If you press circle, he knows that you're about to punch him, and moves out of the way 7 times out of 8. So, how do you prevent him from reading your mind? Switch the controller to port 2. That will throw him off, and every shot will hit. You still can't use Nikitas, C4, and grenades, though, because he'll explode them instantly. You can crawl under the flying chairs to get a clean shot at him when they leave. When he starts warping around the room, throwing psycho forces at you, turn on your Thermal Goggles to track where he goes. You can hit him whenever he stops, and not even let him get one shot out at you. After the phase where he does that continuously, he'll hit you with all he's got. Just be careful, and only try to hit him when you're not trying to avoid anything flying at you. When Meryl is up, throw a Stun Grenade to get her back down without harming her at all. The simple switch to port two will cut the time it takes you to beat Psycho Mantis by at least 15 minutes. So you're welcome. :-[/QUOTE]
  19. Name: Alex Purteto Codename: Mouth Gender: Male Age: 24 Occupation: Radio Personality Powers: Mouth has the ability to absorb energy from any form of noise and redirect it from his body into beams that are launched from his body towards a target. He channels the noise and can release it whenever he wants. Appearence: Street Clothes ( Preferred)-[IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/l/luc09.jpg[/IMG] Costume- See Attachment Dysfunctinality- Mouth Possesses sevear anger problems which results in tantrums that are... unhelpful to say the least with his power because he loses control of his powers. He also has a habit of cursing non-stop when he goes into a tantrum which is mixed with him rambling on in his own language. We must add a dash of insanity and paranoia to this mix otherwise it would not be him. Bio- Mouth is a bad-tempered Aussie guy who first got a job at a radio station when he signed up for a job as a SYN ( Student Youth Network) radio presenter. He was 14 and this is where he first found out about his powers. He once lost control of his powers when he was fired and...... The results were just lovely and he was forced to leave town. He eventually reached his new home and with the money that he made in Melbourne he got another radio job and a home. He learnt how to control his powers........Mostly although there are a few minor incidents from time to time.
  20. I feel that I should bring my two cents into this conversation. Two begin not all animes are[I][U][B] originally[/B][/U][/I] shows that they are just making to go along with merchandise for it. I said originally because of one reason- The longer a show lasts the less the creators care about the series and more about the merchandise. But another thing to look at is the fact that Little kids do not care about how good a show is so that when another peice of merchandise is released the kids view something like ' Buy the new Yu-Gi-Oh Cards and you'll be cool' or crap like that. It also doesn't help that the show is actually merchandise for something else eg : Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh or Duel-masters , It makes it facist-bullshwa-crap in my opinion because the guys are only watching for dollars and listening for crinkling bills. That's right, It's a conspiracy!
  21. [SIZE=4] [COLOR=DarkRed]SCHOOLIES WEEK[/COLOR]: [/SIZE] [FONT=Times New Roman][[COLOR=DarkSlateGray]SIZE=2]It's the biggest party of your life........ all you have to do is get there. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/FONT] Story- Every year more than 70,000 Australian school leavers or 'schoolies' head to the beaches of Australia's Gold Coast to celebrate their release from the secondary school system. With a wild wild mixture of Sun, sex, surf and beer, this quintessential Australian tradition is known affectionly as 'Schoolies Week'. Se strap on the beer goggles and follow a few groups of friends as they travel to the gold Coast by train, clapped out holden, Limo, by foot and anything else they can get their hands on during their search of the best time of their lives. (This was a humerous movie so try to keep it humerous, Keep your character to act like a teenager) Character Generation Name- Age- (Keep to close to 18, from 17 to 20) Nationality- Town of Origin- Appearence- Biography- Personality-
  22. This thread is about what song you believe has the strongest lyrics out there? Well now I ask the question, Are there any songs out there that make you just think " Whoah thats deep"? My song would be Broken Home by Papa Roach. It is a song about the lead singer and him dealing wiith his parents divorce and how he felt. Broken Home All alone Broken Home All Alone I can't seem to fight these feelings I'm caught in the middle of this My wounds are not healing I'm stuck in between my parents I wish i had someone to talk to Someone I could confide in I just want to know the truth I just want to know the truth Want to know the truth Broken home All alone I know my mother loves me But does my father even care If I'm sad or angry You were never ever there When I needed you I hope you regret what you did I think I know the truth Your father did the same to you Did the same to you I'm crying day and night now What is wrong with me I cannot fight now I feel like a weak link Push it back inside A weak link It feels bad to be alone Crying by yourself Living in a broken home How could i tell it So all you could feel it Depression strikes hard Just like my old earth would tell it To me , her son She told me I'm the one Pain bottled up Bout to blow like a gun Stories that I tell are nonfiction And you can take it back cuz it's already done BROKEN HOME! BROKEN HOME! Can't seem to fight these feelings Caught in the middle of this My wounds are not healing Stuck in between my parents BROKEN HOME! BROKEN HOME! Write down what other ones out there with excellent lyrics.
  23. I have decided that everyone can have two people. Just don't have the characters too alike. Name: Camus Geddoe Age: 23 Race: Human Class: Cleric of Neutrality, Cleric of Sirrion. Diety: Sirrion. Appearence: [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/f/flamechamp01.jpg[/IMG] Weapon: Camus weilds a staff tipped with Bronze as well as being enchated by him. The staff is rather anchient dating back to the kinslayer wars. Magic: Camus weilds a mixture of fire magic that is granted to him by his god and your usuall clerical magic. Biogrpahy: Camus lived in Haven for a long part of his life studying at the temple of neutrality that was dedicated to Sirrion. A little known fact about his ordeals is that he had to leap through a wall of flame to prove he was unafraid of the power of flame. (To be continued)
  24. I actually agree with chibihorsewoman on the matter of the Prince Harry camera shenanigan. The photographer should know that Harry has had problems with the paparazzi and there they are, intruding into his privacy so they deserved to get personal injuries. Another good controversy is how Aussie Tenis Player Mark Philopusis was cheating on Pop Musician Delta Goodrem with Paris Hilton. How this is a controversy is that a former co-star with Delta on Neighbours set Hilton and 'Scud' up. Even worst is that Deltas latest single, titled Out of the Blue, was written for Philopusis when they were going out but days after the releaseof it the two broke up. 'Scud' claimed that the break-up was to further their careers while Hilton claimed that they broke up cause the Scud found Goodrem boring. The aftereffects of this are the Goodrem has canceled all confrences and Signings for a week because of the fact that this song, this one song caused her much grief and pain after they broke up. Scud and Hilton are recieving a lot of negative reactions to this.A nd when i say a negative reaction, I mean being insulted in every single paper. I ask you, do you think that this is a controversy?
  25. [quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1']People who don't like Australians.[/size][/quote] I am Aussie, I'm talking about the majority of the population of Australia that are dickheads.
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