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Everything posted by PWNED

  1. Unfortunately, If a movie proves to make a good amount of money then the movie studios will bleed every dollar from it, not matter the quality. It's the only way to explain the crap like Scary Movie still existing. I choose to avoid film prequels although I have no issues with prequels in video games and comics.
  2. Linked to from the [URL="http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=59965"]Audition Thread.[/URL] After receiving a PM from Kenso who politely indicated that my back story is a little bit vague in prior events in the storyline. So I am posting this to add to the back story. -Setting- Earth 616 (The mainstream Marvel universe) during the year 2004. This is done intentionally so that I didn't have to wade my way through the Cluster****s that are House of M and Civil War. As such, there has been no mass de-powering of the mutants. However, events have occured differently than in the past. Professor Xavier passed away in the late 80's, a victim of an attack by the superpowered duo known as Fenris while he attended Magnetos trial for crimes against humanity. The X-Men have since changed leadership multiple times, most recently being led by Nightcrawler and Forge. As such, this is an alternative version of Earth 616 which has shaped the world. Status of Popular Characters- Most non mutant characters are in the same position as what they generally are and probably won't be bought up that often at all. In regards to the X-Men then there have been a few losses and new additions to the roster. -Deaths & Departures- Cyclops was killed in action during the events of Operation: Zero Tolerance while fighting the Prime Sentinels. Banshee was killed by Mondo after the latter joined forces with Black Tom Cassidy. Wolverine is currently missing in action, having essentailly dissapeared while investigating the Weapon X program some more. Bishop returned to his timeline in pursuit of the fugitive Trevor Fitzroy. It is currently unknown if he will be able to return. -Additions- Mondo temporarily became a member of the X-Men for a year before allying himself with Black Tom Cassidy. Blink (The original Blink) was ressurected through the Techno-organic virus that was later purged from her system by Beast. This experimentation led to the re-creation of the Phalanx. Haxx (This guy is a new one by me to flesh things out) is a young technopath who acts as a lab assistant for Beast. Doesn't act as an active member of the X-Men but is commonly seen helping behind the scenes. There have been numerous reshufflings amongst the various X-Teams but things have generally remained the same as the original timeline. If you have any questions then PM me or ask in this thread.
  3. From the notes of Professor Charles Xavier [QUOTE][I]September 22nd, 1975 Homo sapiens superior or Mutants An individual that possesses a mutated genetic tract that is known as the X-gene. An X-gene causes the body to develop abilities that regular humans cannot. The majority of mutants develop these abilities, which vary from person to person, upon puberty, though there are some mutants who display powers and/or physical mutations from birth. Many people harbor prejudicial attitudes against mutants. They do so for a variety of reasons, including bigotry and xenophobia (particularly directed at mutants with nonstandard appearances), jealousy of their natural superpowers, and fear of being replaced or rendered extinct by the so-called next stage in human evolution. I, Professor Charles Xavier, realize that certain humans and mutants will take the chance to lash out in anger or in a desperate attempt to seize power. While there is too much for a single man to accomplish, I hope to create fair and equal relations between Human and Mutantkind so that the children of future generations can live without prejudice.[/I][/QUOTE] The professor nodded as he handed the notes out to his small class, while they shuffled out of the classroom. His name was Aeron Williams, a teacher in the employ of the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, but he was also something entirely different. He himself was a mutant although nothing more than a low level Empath but he wished to continue on with fulfilling the dream of Xavier. Humans and Mutants might never see one another as equals but he hoped to realize Xavier’s dream and at least create a better world.for the younger generations. And of course, if it was necessary then he would craft them into people who could keep the peace by any way possible. After all, it is the young who often fight the battles of the old even if we do not wish for them to do so. OOC: Check the [URL="http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=828717#post828717"]Backstage thread[/URL] for a more detailed backstory. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character Creation Sheet Name: Codename: Age: (Your character will be early teens to early twenties) Powers: (Nothing too over the top. Your character is still in the learning phase of things ) Personality: Biography: (No need for anything massively in-depth. Just a look at your characters background) Appearance: Any other notable things: My Character: Name: Masato Indohara Codename: Corpse Age: Technically 16 Powers: Masato possesses an incredibly potent healing factor that is powerful enough to quickly heal any injury. He possesses no other powers but the fibres in his muscles are constantly repairing and growing stronger, giving him extra strength. Personality: Having already died once in his lifetime, Masato possesses a cowardly streak a mile long due to him (in his own words) "Not particularly enjoying the experience". He is also overly protective of his fellow students, always acting in the role of the sheltering big brother. Biography: Masato was an average teen. He got good marks (especially by the relatively strict standards of Japanese culture), was relatively well liked by those that knew him and kept to himself. However, he was not infallible. He could be stunningly arrogant to certain people and drove a fellow student in love with his girlfriend deep into depression. This student finally struck back on the roof of the school, shoving Masato off the roof and causing fatal wounds on impact. Masato passed away within the minute but somehow something happened. Although he didn’t realize it, the blunt force trauma was sufficient enough to force the activation of his X-Gene. The rapid cell regeneration was enough to return him to life and restore the functions of his brain. When he awakened, he was treated only with hostility. Those that he had been friends with turned against him, backing away from them when he was at his most vulnerable. So Masato did what any regular teenager would do in this situation, they take refuge from the world. Masato remained like this for two years, suffering no cell degeneration thanks to his powers while also discovering that he was effectively immortal due to his body no longer requiring the basics of living. It wasn’t until he was found by a Welshman named Aeron Williams that he would again try to find his place in the world. Appearance: [IMG]http://content7.flixster.com/photo/10/39/52/10395221_gal.jpg[/IMG] Other Things: as Masato is functionally deceased, he no longer requires sustenance or oxygen to survive. However, Masato only survives through his healing factor. If he loses his powers than he has no idea how long he would exist without them.
  4. [quote name='Drizzt Do'urden']Rev Theory- Voices. Sure its a wrestler's entrance music, but I don't see why we can't share.[/QUOTE] You hear voices in your head. They comfort you. They Understand. Uh... Anyways; Mine is definetly something like The Science of Selling Yourself Short by Less Than Jake or possibly Heiwa by Rize.
  5. I'll be honest... I don't even know who Nathan is. I do know who Indi is so good luck to both of them either way.
  6. Holy Crap. A really old thread that I made has been ressurected... Neat. Anyways, Here's one that I'm really digging which is really moving in the context that I originally heard it used. [I] Lo-Tel ~ Teenager of the Year[/I] So this award goes out to you A dedication to the youth From magazines for teens that really care Care enough to want to prove That the pretty ones Have got less to lose Hey teenager of the year Win the chance to judge your peers Hey teenager of the year Your new life begins right here And you won't suffer any more Validation's your reward Plus hair and make-up tips And so much more For the luckiest of teens The shallowest of dreams This model youth Hey teenager of the year Win the chance to judge your peers Hey teenager of the year Your new life begins right here So hey, at least try Maybe qualify And that piece of mind Proves that you're alright Hey teenager of the year Win the chance to judge your peers Hey teenager of the year Your new life begins right here
  7. I do want this but I don't torrent crap either. Certainly not things that are half a gig or more in size.
  8. I am looking quite forward to this, I do hope that when released that the only way you pay is when you buy the game ala Guild Wars.
  9. TNA Impact was a decent enough first wrestling game for Midway to make. However, te game had such promise to it that when released it kinda felt like the wider public had been cheated by it. Still, live and learn eh? Midway will surely improve the engine if they make another one.
  10. I think I see their point; If your [I]teenage [/I]son (hackers seemingly can only be male) shows uncharacteristic behaviour then they are a hacker. [I] Does this mean that we are all hackers for aobut 5 or 6 years?[/I]
  11. Leon wasn't impressed with the strategy that Boris had formed; he understood why he was being positioned away from where the main conflict would be taking place (being a Sniper and all) but he couldn't figure out the reasoning behind three others being placed in the same area. "Sheep... this strategy is full of holes" Leon bravely said as the others prepared to suit up. "How so?" Boris muttered in his thick Russian accent. "You're assuming that the machines will strike directly from the east. A machine-planned strategy will always be prepared to adopt a new strategy at a moments notice. They are obviously going to flank the convoy" Leon replied as he attempted to suppress an arrogant grin. Boris scowled and shook his head and bluntly stated, "There is a difference between machine mind and human mind [I]ja[/I]?" "Well, fundamentally yes but..." "Then do not question me, I have planned in advance. A machine does not show creativity, it only acts on logic." "What the hell does that even mean?" Leon was quite confused by what Boris had said, logic would always beat anything in a battle of wits. "It means that a machine cannot anticipate something unexpected. You have your place on the battlefield Ashbaugh, I think it's best if you kept in it. Are you clear?" Boris yelled loudly as the other members of the unit turned and stared at the two. "As crystal.... sir" Leon muttered sarcastically as they both headed for their respective suits. He wasn't amused by having to follow this plan but it certainly beat any alternatives that he had in mind.
  12. This ones from a really bad fansub of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. Not technically out of context but just too far removed from what is originally said to not use. [IMG]http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t317/zodiac13serpent/11.jpg[/IMG]
  13. Seven pages and no one says Bubsy 3D or Superman 64? For those not in the know, Bubsy was originally a run of the mill 2D platformer before his jump into 3D. Terrible graphics, iffy controls, crap music and an annoying main character does not make a good game. I cannot say anything about Superman 64 that hasn't been said before.
  14. Because it's always a good time to make fun of Gore. [IMG]http://uglydemocrats.com/democrats/United-States/Al-Gore/Al-Gore-Inspirational-Poster.jpg[/IMG]
  15. Name: Leon Ashbaugh Age: 26 Appearance: [URL="http://suikosource.com/chars/list/imageviewnojs.php?img=m/mike01.jpg&char_id=374"]http://suikosource.com/chars/list/imageviewnojs.php?img=m/mike01.jpg&char_id=374[/URL] Personality: Leon can be best described as a very deliberate person. He is quite cold and calculating, constantly picking his spot while remaining silent. This is not because of an unsavory personality but just due to the fact that he has little time for other people. Suit Color: The main colours are Red and Blue; The armour is primarily blue but details such as the chest and face plate are coloured blue. Suit Power: Leons suit took on the ability to teleport which perfectly suits Leons strategies during a skirmish. Suit Primary Weapon: Leons primary weapon is a [I]very[/I] heavily modified sniper rifle, allowing maximal power with minimal offset to accuracy. Suit Secondary Weapon: Leons secondary weapon is a fairly short blade, used only when the enemy is too close to short and if teleporting is a poor option. Bio: [I]'Target, seven hundred metres. Standing due north with little wind'[/I] Leon smiled as he lined up the target in his sights, this may be only be a simulation but it would be nearly impossible to miss this shot. Lining up the sights on his rifle, he deliberately aimed at the smallest area that would register a hit. [I]'Alert, changing conditions'[/I] "What?" Leon yelled as he scrambled to find his target again, the terrain had altered itself and strong winds were whipping around from everywhere. This was something he hadn't expected. Considering his options, Leon decided it would be best to retreat instead of fighting on an unknown terrain. Once the simulation had ended, he found himself sitting in front of a pair of trainees moaning about the fact that the simulations are primarily for the training of those who do not have access to field training. Leon ignored them, punks like them meant little in the long run. They would generally be nothing more than fodder in a real fight. "Uh Sir. I was sent to find you, the higher ups have requested your presence in the main conference room." Leon was pulled back from his private thoughts by a young-ish soldier who handed him a notice before giving a hurried salute and rushing off again. Leon glanced at the note before pulling himself to his feet and made his way to the main conference room in uncharacteristic determination. This seemed like it was his big chance and he wasn't going to let it slip through his fingers. --------------------------- Just let me know if you want me to change anything.
  16. [B]Dragon Warrior or any other geeky members [/B] [IMG]http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1083/1429611605_1a8930eebb.jpg?v=0[/IMG] Unfortunatly there were not any black mage ones.
  17. I have no major issues with cleaning. It gives me something to do on my days at home and I also get paid to do so. The only real thing that I prefer not to do is ironing stuff although my parents don't really blame me for this.
  18. PWNED

    RP Idea

    Sounds interesting enough although, as Cheese Master said, It'll need a plot to catch on.
  19. You have a fairly cool collage there. I'd probably give it a 7.5 or 8 out of ten.
  20. Not trying to be a mod here but you probably should have done this in the WWE thread.
  21. Name: Anthony Lewis Watson Age: 28 Gender: Male Appearance: [URL="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l213/MasterOfManga/7106c0e8.jpg"]Click here[/URL] Talents: Anthony is a multi talented person, having had to cover the majority of his stories himself. He is a moderately good photographer and has taught himself how to shadow a person without being seen. This is all of course to follow a lead and never to do anything illegal. Character Background: Anthony's background is essentially what any other English man has... besides the fact that he would experience Paranormal phenomena on occasion. This, in addition to his studies as a Journalist, led him to becoming a paranormal journalist which he has been doing ever since. He hasn't really revealed much else about his past except that he himself had seen the Golem of Prague and one day plans to return to Prague to get what he considers a scoop of the century. Personality: Very self-centered and arrogant, Anthony lives for only one person... himself. He does have a light side though, he is willing to help others as long as he doesn't end up in any form of trouble. Equipment: Anthony carries around the standard equipment for an investigator; His regular gear include a Flash camera, various notepads and pens as well as a pair of binoculars. His final piece of equipment is a bizarre set of glasses. These allow him to see something for what it is (ie: some supernatural being disguised as a human).
  22. Have you ever laid in bed at night, unable to sleep? Do you think that you might have seen or heard something that you passed off as merely the wind? After all, believing in monsters and ghosts is something that only a child would do, am I right? What reasonable adult would believe in the supernatural? If you agree with the above statement then you would be incorrect. This world contains unexplainable Phenomena that evades the notice of the wider public. This is not due to fear but because of a secret government agency, that acts to keep the unknown in check. Well, this agency is a mere rumor from my standpoint. I'm a journalist, strictly freelance, with a specialty in the Paranormal. I make a living making scoops and passing them onto interested parties for the highest price. I suppose this makes me the equivalent of the Paparazzi but I prefer to view it as smart business. However, I know one thing about what's happening. A storm is brewing within the Supernatural world and I am going to find out what it is. OOC: So this is an idea I thought up the other day. Essentially only a handful of people will be connected with the lead character. The rest will be with the currently unnamed government agency. -------Character Generation------ Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Talents: Character Background: Personality: Equipment:
  23. [quote name='Drizzt Do'urden']Not real sure what your post had to do with anything, but I feel argumentative. What happened to Jeff Hardy? You are obviously a fan so maybe you could tell me. He was awesome back in the early 2000's with his crazy off the wall high flying moves. Then he left and came back, now he's not very impressive at all. If he would've came out the way he is now I don't think he'd be as well liked. What do you think?[/QUOTE] I'd say a couple of things. 1) He doesn't want to be known as a Spot Monkey anymore. Someone who is a spot monkey (ie: only performs big moves in order to get a crowd response) is considered a lesser wrestler because they do not really have any mastery of how to flow in the ring. 2) Going balls to the wall all the time can take a lot out on a person physically and mentally. He would probably prefer to not have to pop painkillers or have serious physical limitations for the rest of his life. 3) Perhaps he thinks he cannot deliver with his old high flying style to the same level as earlier in his career.
  24. [quote name='silpheedpilot'][COLOR="SlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Whoa, buddy. Don't deny yourself such a grand experience on account of EA. I'm telling ya; EA is about to drop the biggest and best Resident Evil killer since Darth Vader killed the Emperor. Seriously. Don't sleep on this one.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I'll live until I see Dead Space cheap second hand. Fallout 3 is a different story however, I'm buying it as soon I can afford it.
  25. Unfortunatly, I'm not feeling excited about Dead Space. Apparently it has been banned in Japan (unlikely since it is the home of Survival Horror games), China (I don't even think EA releases games there) and Germany (cannot be banned prior to launch). As such, EA have gone out of there way to court controversy and make it out like Dead Space is so big and bad that it makes Resident Evil pale in comparsion. Not to mention the fact that I'm boycotting EA until they do something about the DRM stuff.
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